

Attached: 1548883233745.jpg (1000x1000, 478K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: 1548626485486.png (1024x768, 795K)

Attached: o6rd9m.jpg (512x512, 35K)

Post tod please

Attached: 1551292166377.jpg (840x840, 337K)


Attached: DzpZadiU8AA3hW1.jpg_large.jpg (1448x2048, 196K)



Attached: Ballet_Training.png (1240x1754, 946K)

Attached: Lalo14.png (1000x1000, 1001K)

Attached: 1552071599274.png (600x842, 127K)

Attached: 4d57a451959144b67ef15afaa48bf4c33-40880c12eaf06fc762870fe7452756b5398a8153932f8098ccf8777-e1ce322af9 (2480x3507, 1.58M)

Attached: 013.png (1200x1600, 1.53M)

Attached: DuaAuVpUcAANzoF.png (1200x1113, 623K)

get the fuck out of this thread hater

I had a loli gf when I was 8. Now I fap almost exclusively to gay shota. What happened?

Attached: lolibooru_183682_brown_background_cleft_of_ven.jpg (1200x900, 462K)

Attached: Lali6.jpg (666x1000, 101K)

any more?

message me on wickr @aznlove love to chat about lolis and other stuff :p

Attached: 69892740_p1_master1200.png (816x1200, 1.06M)

Attached: 28 (4).jpg (800x470, 226K)

no shota x loli?

Attached: sample_7e7171664c1927af21d92cae251eda7d.jpg (850x651, 82K)

added you, i'm [email protected]

How do you add people on wickr?

any shotas eating or stuffing their face in loli butt? brings back nice memories

Attached: 9ffbcf77658087e52f9904445bac8ca1c98dd2fd484e313519e0ddbdc2b8a463.jpg (962x1339, 115K)

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Attached: 1506918085639.jpg (1159x1640, 240K)

anyone want this pic without her clothes?

Attached: f10af407923762dbc1cf0890e1f3e534.jpg (962x1339, 752K)


Attached: 17f02158-0c4b-4213-81da-bd33b7799f7e.png (1043x1600, 1.51M)

Attached: 38f3edd493d12c6154f473d9fce4e3b4.jpg (962x1339, 708K)

any legit discords

nah, just trash, they either post non loli discords or that one bullshit one that wants a pic of your loli folder

Thanks friend.

Attached: received_230563597832105.jpg (874x1224, 132K)

no problem

artist is here

Attached: 447892345.jpg (1600x1200, 316K)

Where in the fuck were all the pedobabes when I was a shota qt?

Attached: C467C3DE-5EEA-47C7-8366-9BE34BCBBB3C.jpg (1024x958, 104K)

anybody ever had any good experiences with a loli?

When I was 15 I had a 10 year old give me a handjob

Attached: 1552032660863.jpg (698x1328, 414K)

Attached: lolibooru 178838 blue_background eyebrows_visible_through_hair i-26_(azur_lane) looking_at_viewer po (710x1002, 415K)

Never done anything with a real Loli. Never will.

Attached: 1548345529038.png (845x650, 515K)

Any shota/loli kik groups?

2D > 3D and type loli into search

that simple

Or the nigga could just stuck around Yea Forums. That’s how I’ve made my collection.

Attached: EAA35964-15BA-4DBA-A6DF-9B7CC15AA507.jpg (714x1024, 110K)

ehh idk. shit's usually low quality and thee isn't always a thread up. imo searching though gelbooru works best

Attached: 1537128108114.jpg (767x1000, 124K)

Attached: 1546462448337.png (1178x1253, 1.01M)

Attached: 1527464986749.jpg (1000x1000, 744K)

>6 year old boy with adult sized penis
I hate this shit

Isn't there a doujinshi of this on nhentai? I've been looking for this one for ages!

now I never will.
but when I was 14-16 I was only attracted to 10-11 year old girls

youll get mostly low quality regardless of where you go, its just a case of sifting through, even here i dont care for 9/10 of what gets posted generally (but thats down to personal preference)

Attached: 1551535104785.png (931x977, 976K)

Attached: 1534397136147.jpg (680x984, 102K)

just makes it that much better when he pounds ur butt

That's an adult sized penis to you?

where my /ss/ at

Attached: bf4b95cc4fdc6df569daf81f5707f0cc.jpg (900x1100, 301K)

Attached: 1529360990316.jpg (561x600, 198K)

Can't someone just make a loli thread? You can't just fuse loli and shota threads, they're two completely different fanbases

there can be crossover ;)

Attached: 129a94a5a26d4a8db8dab274d53cdbaf.jpg (1000x1100, 353K)

here is a more realistic version

Attached: 1552073401115.jpg (2480x3507, 1.61M)

Not really because shota posters won't really know when they post loli and when they don't, like here you didn't even post a loli

Attached: 1545522124587.png (650x922, 274K)


Attached: 1552083907586.jpg (900x1100, 461K)

nice job alerting everyone to your micropenis

fuck off

damn, you got me, second attempt!

Attached: sample_7664b61fa27567ffe1c9d2b80013b947.jpg (850x675, 451K)

Attached: 1551955355186.jpg (1024x895, 156K)

anyone got the comic strip at the beach

Loli (adult male with Loli)
shota (adult male with shota or shota x shota)
straight shota (adult female with shota or loli x shota)
Yuri Loli (adult female with loli or loli x loli)

but lolis on their own is loli and shotas on their own is shota... so like... no?

i guess mixed threads are ok then!

Attached: 1552084650574.jpg (1024x895, 492K)

Not nearly enough toddler itt

you leave these oppai lolis alone!

They are actually extremely common; you were just to ugly

Attached: breastfeeding.jpg (1240x1754, 1.03M)

still mad at my 11-year old self for not letting a group of late-teens girls feel me up on the bus, and they tried hard too

Attached: sample_41692ac9154a1f403b843ccef82891ea.jpg (850x1205, 280K)


Attached: 0a3f451b44a37fa493563cb45ab3bb2c.jpg (707x1000, 90K)

pfft fag

Sure, I love todds.

Attached: 1533344552291.png (678x971, 488K)

Are these threads on the FBIs radar? I know that drawings like these are illegal in quite a few US states

unless youre actually fucking little kids youre probably safe

Attached: 1529998255492.jpg (1024x768, 169K)

How does that make you gay?

Attached: 1552086006337.gif (499x281, 375K)

I'm not from the US and i'm from one of the countries with lowest English proficiency country in europe, so should I really give a shit?

forgot pic

Attached: 1447342092470.jpg (852x1242, 196K)

False. They're not illegal in the U.S.

They are illegal in Canada and other cuck countries.

Fuck yes please

the toddler shit is CANCER

Attached: 1546144716662.jpg (556x400, 76K)

more realistic 3d?

Is daddy angry he has no tod to nurse his milk?

Attached: 0fa82499fa9cb5293b63eac29bcf17fa.jpg (600x788, 128K)

Same lol, which country?



France of course.

Attached: 1470714842481.jpg (787x1200, 216K)

God I love extra little ones

People go to prison for having cp on their hard drive who never even consider actually fucking kids. I think, I've never actually checked

Attached: Yo-Robaka-Lolicon-Shotacon-Images-12.jpg (2332x2800, 613K)

Slovakia here.

Even lower EN proficiency + police enforcement is like you might guess...

Well, eastern countries in general are worse at both, so you're basically safe no matter whatever you do, especially on english speaking website, even more than me.

Attached: 1525377793054.png (800x1126, 691K)

sure, if youre caught with it, but they dont come looking for you specifically, way too many people theyd have to go after

Attached: 1529998977996.jpg (436x768, 200K)

this is not illegal in the US in canada and the anglo land yes they are at least canada that country is cucked beyond limit

source pls

Somebody post the gif from A Serbian Film. You know the one.

dont have source im afraid, got them from a discord group which im not in anymore and i only have these 3 pics, enjoy though!

Attached: 1529999217176.jpg (611x768, 257K)

Attached: 1551490153305.jpg (1200x1958, 922K)

Attached: 1551811123644m.jpg (964x1024, 141K)

Attached: 1551722846451.jpg (2500x1718, 944K)

More pls

You fuck off, he's doing God's work

more shadman

Attached: 1551471893694.jpg (1131x1438, 1009K)

>hey im new in town lets hang out

Attached: iujyhtgrfedwsqa.png (1039x780, 1.41M)

gross 3dpd

Attached: 1551975065877.jpg (972x1200, 194K)

what a cute

you can fuck it unlike your drawings

Any good discords ?

Attached: 1551385701487m.jpg (1024x964, 71K)

uh, no thanks

Attached: 1552058314731.jpg (936x936, 104K)

Milf x Loli?

Attached: 1526093677473.png (640x480, 421K)

Attached: 1526094184924.jpg (1000x1414, 726K)


Attached: 006.jpg (1000x1000, 126K)

send me lolis or tods or other similar stuff on wickr, my id is araara4

Attached: 1441480168674-3.jpg (800x800, 59K)

Also acceptable.

Attached: 1468488788260.jpg (963x1400, 653K)

Attached: 1422167427231.jpg (800x600, 200K)

Lol hi fbi I'm new too

This is actually more realistic than you think

lmao. fucking manlet needs to stand on his tippy toes

Attached: 40468059_p1.png (900x700, 398K)

Watcha Boayin

here i thought huge black men were gangraping lolis left and right

Attached: sample_1d3ecbb6ff63076135c56c699084acfc.jpg (850x1202, 565K)

Attached: 6082fd2f85c181ff526aac867d0b20d3.jpg (600x800, 113K)

Not the guy who posted the others, but if you're looking for 3d loli then I might have a few.

Attached: 1468033462227.png (762x577, 474K)

anything in proper resolution, new, and good quality?

Attached: 1471275136227.jpg (2000x1500, 383K)

this thread is so slow and dead

Attached: 1539535319260.jpg (697x697, 36K)

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u strokin out mah dude?

Attached: 1549899998400.jpg (1200x824, 754K)

Attached: 37E6D82C-5272-499E-B8A5-7FD78EB187D2.jpg (734x1024, 135K)

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Attached: 2113444_-_Kanna_Kamui_Miss_Kobayashis_Dragon_Maid_Riko_Saikawa.png (707x1000, 1.22M)

Attached: 22279603_728648507325844_452001219783409384_n.jpg (960x627, 56K)

nice posts user, good taste!

Attached: 1491990436511.png (940x697, 553K)

Attached: 1502571013458.jpg (1200x578, 562K)

Attached: 1504274039638.png (707x1000, 619K)

Damn my upload speed is slow. These fews kbs are taking forever

Attached: 1507311847275.png (1200x1200, 1.24M)

>03/09/19(Sat)02:20:18 No.794487304

Attached: 1507555173145.jpg (1200x1333, 100K)

Attached: 1507560564013.jpg (1633x1097, 257K)

Don't have much "hardcore" stuff left, I'm more of a soft type for still images. My more hard styff is in the form of full comics

Attached: 1514330761763.gif (450x338, 253K)

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can u dont

Attached: nkvd8mzx9bf21.jpg (720x729, 57K)

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can u dont?

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Attached: 71DFDD2A-73DC-4F0E-924A-1C8C57D5FA81.jpg (905x1280, 176K)


Attached: lolibooru 163392 sample.jpg (1200x1200, 231K)

Attached: DFB24B1D-A312-4C1C-AD87-38AC2A403AF0.png (420x680, 354K)


Attached: 6AA91FED-63A8-4129-929D-0EA03FF71124.jpg (684x1024, 91K)

Wtf is Yea Forums doing to my ups

Attached: lolibooru 166541 sample.jpg (1200x1200, 110K)

Attached: lolibooru 166542 sample.jpg (1200x1200, 114K)

Attached: 1405708364838.gif (300x225, 1.92M)

Welp i'm officialy out of very good stuff that isn't just softcore. Hope you liked a few, I'm going back to my game

Attached: lolibooru 162724 sample.jpg (1106x1074, 1.43M)

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Attached: 1428245557032.jpg (1680x1188, 163K)

I would really want to fap. but erectile disfunction is in the way

Attached: 1456201958491.jpg (2000x1548, 635K)


I am now officially disturbed.

Attached: D34F2C53-A7EA-4D66-B9CF-CAC66FFDBED6.jpg (744x1000, 161K)

Fam, I went to that booru, I looked this guy up, I read the comments, and I think this *might* actually be illegal. I can't prove anything, but I'd delete everything regarding this guy you have if I were you.

Attached: 1551351722777m.jpg (723x1024, 77K)

Do you think he traced it or something?

Some commenters seemed to think so, which is a good enough reason for me to stay far far away. I don't need confirmation.

which pic are we talking about? cos this looks like a photo to me (maybe im blind tho idk)

How the HELL did you get this picture of me!!

Yikes. Found the post for myself, and that seems to be the case. Nothing confirmed, but it's definitely plausible...

Not messing with that shit.

>Babysitting irl loli for two more hours
>Loli threads will probably vanish when I get the chance to enjoy them

Attached: 2ded0c1d98dbd7b1ae2b200882032e91.jpg (705x1000, 371K)

which booru did you use I found like 20 of them.

Attached: 60c19ea72c353562a50abc034d5ece33.jpg (600x900, 155K)

Wholesome Chadman

Attached: 99ed3203eb190173c39525e00c0381bd.png (551x659, 88K)

Read the filename, genius.

Attached: ac18052f27329f5dc7d7a3a7436e409a.png (1648x2337, 1.31M)

Attached: f4087d0a8274d023314452ce2b2ed953.jpg (1240x1748, 824K)

I think what he does is use photoshop to clip out body parts of real people, and then assembles them into images like that. All the parts of it could be plausibly made of 100% legal stuff, then again, it could plausibly not be legal. That uncertainty is why I'm NOPEing as hard as I can on this one. I'd report the post. But I can't know if its actually illegal, and filing a false report results in a ban. So all I can say is the guy should probably delete it and anything else he has of his.

I think tattoos like these are actually illegal in most US states

aye, gotcha. if that is the case and nothing of the original girl is showing, does it stop being illegal or is it still no go cos of its origin?

Attached: 2a82ca1cb1bd2ef68fa071045795772c.jpg (1346x1582, 767K)

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Attached: 1653fd9cc1841cb4ccdcd3156d22ebb3.jpg (448x957, 47K)

Tattoos inspired by actual cp or childhood sexual experiences are illegal in all of the USA.

Attached: a4f745d19577089c54ac6592e2165789.png (960x640, 541K)

Attached: cb9ac7d0c4bdbea596f46bd4dfccc7aa.jpg (1350x1900, 1.28M)

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Attached: e48f7183c3d4dcc53c7b82982ebdb7f0.jpg (779x500, 204K)

Attached: f54e569086bb9dfa15bd988e14003eb4.png (1260x2340, 1.42M)

What will you do when they decide to make this shit illegal?


go to prison and get beat the fuck up probably

Attached: 1550947752825.png (1600x900, 1.66M)

I have no idea. All I know is I want nothing to do with it.

already is

How will they make tattoos illegal?
How will they confiscate them?
How long will you go to prison for having one?

Attached: 0b0616d8d39a9d5437d2930971c8c748.jpg (1575x2013, 842K)

Attached: 9f5ab46a6646b9302fe61677ae7b203d.jpg (1080x1920, 1.36M)

are you saying youll get lolis tattooed on your body?

Attached: 90af4f9774292a4a744856a27f601e87.jpg (3541x5016, 1.01M)

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Attached: e473ecc69f60c288a23f0a204e298042.png (1670x2211, 1.04M)

tattoo removal is a thing, theyll most likely jail and/or fine you AND the tattoo artist too, no idea for how much or for how long

Attached: lolibooru 16825 sample.jpg (1000x1500, 316K)

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Do you think they will outlaw all tattoos that encourage criminal behavior, or just lolicon tats?

Attached: f584c02de933e354d739c501eb85534f.jpg (700x980, 382K)

Your thinking is fucking retarded.
fake pictures on fictional characters are not illegal you dumbass.
Stop trying to push the liberal agenda of freedom of speech shouldn't be free anymore and become another North korean/Chinese dystopian society.

Looks like threads dead, but before you move on...
Autistic Paradise - A discord server where you can act retarded and feel like you belong - invite: nqHmngb
>No moderation, spam all you want and post shitty memes and call the mods cucks, anything flys
>Gambling/betting system with Nadeko flowers
>XP levels to rank up
>Spend flowers to buy waifus, special roles, and more
>18+ only

We are new and looking for fresh shitposters and upstanding citizens to become janitors/mods. Join today! invite: nqHmngb

>adult size

Nigga nani?

You lot should probably kill yourselves

If they can pass a law that porn is more dangerous than cigarettes, or that abortions cause cancer, or that a buttstock is a gun, or that pot is more addictive than crack, they can easily pass a law saying a tattoo is rape.
Laws are made for the rich to profit from the poor. They have nothing to do with reality or truth or guilt or innocence.

Btw the average American now accidentally commits 3 felonies per day young thug.
And we already know thug lives don't matter...

missed it, whats the dudes name? or was it that hermione pic

>You lot
ya nonce mate, ya fokin wot m8

anyone have stories involving shotas where you drained their recently pubescent balls?

requesting more kanna

more dark loli

is there lolwith big tits???

Image limit's been reached. We'll need a new thread for anything more.