Any car salesman on Yea Forums? Is it worth it to get into? I want to make a lot of money within a year...

Any car salesman on Yea Forums? Is it worth it to get into? I want to make a lot of money within a year. Anyone there to give me some advice?

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Im a car dealer. I sold for places before. You have to be motivated and able to talk to people. The money is pretty good. It is kind of a high to sell a car

Its a fuckin’ racket. I worked at a privately owned dealership (nissan) so idk how my experiece differs. Lot of hours, lot of dealing with morons who always think you’re going to fuck them. (Even when they’re getting a good deal) lot of dealing with people who have zero business walking into a dealer because they have shit credit, no money, a shit box trade or combinations of those three. If you grind, are a people person, and dont have issues putting people Into debt then you’ll be fine. I knew a dude at the one I worked at that had been doing it for longer than I had been alive. He literately never called anyone. He had so many repeat customers that he made his own hours, took his appointments and left. Dude was easily doing over 20 cars a month.

50-60k is that a lot of money to you? But if you live in a hiring cost of living it will be more.

>Is it worth it to get into? I want to make a lot of money within a year. Anyone there to give me some advice?

You're a fucking idiot. The profit margin on mass market cars is tiny. You aren't going to earn shit.

Dont listen to this guy. He doesnt know anything. I like selling used cars at a franchise store

Yeah you’re an idiot.
Maybe if you cant sell for shit, or dont push used cars. When I sold i’d walk the used side of the lot first every single time. My get on a new car was 250 flat. No more no less. On the used side there we cars that could snag me thousands

>Dont listen to this guy. He doesnt know anything. I like selling used cars at a franchise store

It's a fact you dildo. There is massive competition on the market for everyday cars like Toyota, VW, Ford, Nissan, Kia, Hyundai, Chevrolet etc. Now premium brand cars like Mercedes-Benz, BMW or Audi are something different. They actually earn money with their cars. But they don't need to hire any bimbo of the corner.

let's see your dick OP, that'll tell us all we need to know.

We would get 30% after pack on used and new. Some new heavy trucks were marked up over 5k. We would also make money on accessories. Undercoating was an easy way to make yourself an extra 100

Clearly you’ve never worked in a high volume store selling “everyday cars” it doesnt matter that these cars dont have a huge price like a high end car. A car is still the second biggest purchase your every day person is going to make. And again, unless you’re pushing new cars only, you can make a damn good living selling normal shit

Ive been in the car business since 02. Some shitboxes have less then 1000 markup, but that is only on 1 or 2 models from each automaker. The more expensive and used have good markup

I didnt stick around long enough but I really wanted to get into the finance side. Those fuckers were SAVAGE at upselling shit and making dumb money on ridiculous extras

F and I products are great. You make money with literally 0 investment

True shit. I sat in with one dude once. My customer needed like a 150/month bump for the bank to touch the loan. Motherfucker made it look like childs play

JUST LEFT IT. DON'T DO IT. "Don't worry, user. It's just the slow season." FOR 4 MONTHS. Have they explained draw to you yet!?

Just to elaborate, last month I made 200+ calls, had 20 showroom visits, 5 appointments...1 sell. That's literally like 6 cars from making my draw. And I'm not shit at it. These people were infuriating. Even the sales managers couldn't get them.


Used car salesmen lying their asses off.

Also, the new cars salesman is being replaced by the online configurator.

And at the end of the day, businesses that earn a lot of money aren't easy to get into.

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I'm telling the truth. I told him it's horrible and not to do it. Out of 20 salesmen, only 1-3 will make 50k+. Everyone else will end up around 20k-30k. Most of that business will be from summer sales.

>Just to elaborate, last month I made 200+ calls, had 20 showroom visits, 5 appointments...1 sell.

What brand?

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New Ford, Chevy, Buick, GMC, Nissan. Pretty much every brand used. It was a motor group. I was mainly Ford, but I could sell anything from the neighboring GM lot.

Those are some terrible numbers. No offense but you should sell about 1/3 of the ups you take on the lot

Fucking YIKES. I had slumps but god damn dude. You say you aren’t shit but idk. Those numbers are horrible

There’s definitely something to be said about the online shit, also most used only lots are trash.
Its already been said that its a fucking shit job unless you’re ok with insane hours and dealing with morons day in and day out

We're in the south. Everyone buys from dinky lots or buy here pay here shitholes here. They told me that if you make 100 calls, you should set about 10 appointments. Out of 10 appointments, you should have 1 -2 sales. This is in a town with like 50,000 people.

Well you have to be not autistic enough to fucking conversate with people, OP. Can you handle that?


So basically rebadged Opels?

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Sure, user.

>Sure, user.

Most current Buick models are rebranded versions of General Motors' former European subsidiary Opel.

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Buick, gm, chevy and cadillac share models. Like traverse, acadia, enclave are all the same base car

God damn yeah that might be your problem right there. Small town numbers

Only thing I didn't like about selling cars was all the add on shit you have to force on people. $1500 vehicle prep charge on a 2 year old car with 24000 miles. Paint protection $499. Doc Prep $499. Dealer fee $499. Those are the ones we couldn't negotiate. It all depends on the dealer, it can be shit or pretty good.

OP here. So many mixed opinions ITT. It seems like it is mostly a shit field to get into but can be choice if I play the game right?

Im the guy that has been in the business since 02. It is some long hours and it does get boring, but it is fun. Car salesman tend to be funny fuckers too. Try it for a while. Its easy to quit.