Name one succesful socialist country

Name one succesful socialist country

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>Russia, China, USA
>the three superpowers
>two of these achieved their power through communism
>the third is a failing state
When did you realize you're not as smart as normal people?

Not socialist

>implying socialism and communism are the same
Another uninformed redneck? On Yea Forums? I don’t believe it.


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Sweden, Denmark and the Netherlands are quite socialist. Socialism isn't communism ya twat

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Ireland, USA, Canada

Marx would disagree.


>Name one succesful socialist country
The United States

Norway was but theyre a monarchy. Google is your friend.

You have to define what you mean by socialist.
USA has a welfare state and taxation to fund public services, so it has many socialist aspects.

None of those are Norway ya twat those are monarchys just like Norway.

People are using two definitions of 'socialism'. Norway is not an example of a Marxist socialist country, but is a good example of a socialist country, if by socialist you mean a social democracy.

Socialism is meant to be bridge between capitalism and communism.

>socialist thread
>posts a picture of HC

true socialism is like true marxism, is like true christianity, true anarchy and true USB. it has never been tried, because everyone has their own definition. if you try to implement socialism there will always be one asshole who says "that's not true socialism".

He said successful

socialism is meant to be a bridge between fantasy land and everyone doing what i tell them to.

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Norway isn;t governed by a Monarchy you retarded cock monkey, it's a Democratic country.
Jesus fuck, you can spot a yank a mile off. Thick as pig shit.

so why are we even talking about socialism?

Agreed, but there are still two significantly different definitions being thrown around in this thread.
Socialism 1: a market economy with strong social spending and a welfare state through high taxes
Socialism 2: state-owned means of production, dictatorship of the proletariat, à la Marx.

They're totally different things and we're using the same word to describe them.

Russia and China have convinced you to not follow the path to success. Weak minded idiots.

Not OP
The problem here is miscommunication. Dems and progressives say "lets make some essential services free so the population is healthier and more educated" And all that Reps and conservatives hear is "TURN THE ENTIRE ECONOMY INTO SOCIALISM!!!"

It's kinda hard to have basic conversations on the subject when that's going on.


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For fuck sake's, Social Democratic reforms on top of a capitalist mode of production is not fucking socialism. Welfare states are not socialist.
If the fucking state has class structures and privately owned means of production it's not fucking socialist by definition

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These guys get it

Because Americans think Socialism is communism. They're completely blind to the fact that their New Deal, and Social Security Act from the 30's is the USA's introduction to socialism.
Find a yank that screams about socialism, yet fails to see it in his own've found the idiot that the world laughs at America over.

>He said successful
Well, we were do Ok for a quite while at least. but aggressive greed is really starting to fuck it up.

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I agree. True communism and socialism can only work in a post scarcity society/economy.

Nicee one Elon...

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This guy gets it

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You obviously are overlooking the horrendous amount of human rights that citizens of those countries face BECAUSE of socialism, user. In China, the government owns EVERYTHING. Russia has a long history of human rights violations, and its still keeping up that tradition to this day.

Also: in the 21st century, no country other than the United States holds enough economic, military, and political power to be considered a superpower. China and Russia are simply powers now.

Don't insult America when you can't even name the superpowers, Yea Forumstard

Another for the filter

I'd go further than that, much much further and say that True communism can only happen with a monumental leap in human evolution. No selfishness, no greed, no corruption, and an overriding concern for the greater good.
AKA: Star Trek Federation
Until then, not a chance in hell

Even worse. People who cry about needing socialism think it means "you work and I get free stuff" rather than "everybody works"

Capitalism is inherently unethical and favors those who are already rich. Socialist policy can act to correct income disparity, which slows down economic growth. A small percentage of people owning the vast majority of wealth in a country is bad for any economy, at least according to the OECD and IMF. Kuznet's hypothesis was wrong, the shape of income inequality is not an inverted U but a U. The disparity causes the poor to not spend money or afford health care, which turns into a drain on social programs. The middle class buys less because they can't afford luxury items. The only plus is that the income of the rich grows, allowing them to invest that money back into the economy. However, their investments are not enough to offset the negative economic effects of poorer lower and Middle classes.

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I don’t want to work. Fuck you. You work. I got shit to do. Force me? That’s slavery.

Is there even a successful country? of any kind? the US is supposedly the best and most powerful and even we are in massive debt to China. Then is China? everyone dies everytime they try and go into a building or elevator or walk down the street, their air isnt breathable, and there's lead in everything. Plus they have small dicks... so even the country that the most powerful country is in debt to isnt successful.

The world is shit and we are all just delaying our demise by furthering our demise by destroying the planet and so forth. Humans are not successful.


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Are they "quite socialist" or are they "socialist"? Are you fucking retarded? They are capitalist countries with some socialist programs. They also spend very little on military (the USA protects them) which allows them to expand social programs.

Just because one person gets rich does not mean other people get poorer. Its none of your fucking business how much money your neighbor has. Communist motherfucker.

notice that there's no conservatard response to that yet. shocking. They do like to pretend uncomfortable truths don't exist after all.

china is essentially really authoritarian capitalism at this point

>Just because one person gets rich does not mean other people get poorer
That's actually exactly what it means, given that capital is only produced from the surplus value created by workers that is stolen by their boss.

walton family, 6 people have as much as 45% of americans, and they all inherited it, 60% of wealth is inherited in this country so these people didnt even work for it, but we cant take a little tiny sliver of their money and use it to help the rest of us, that's muh ebil communism, so that's why china has high speed rail and we don't and wont for a long time

pro tip:
I can't

The fucking workers don't accrue any risk. Their boss carries the burden of the risk of the business. If the company goes out of business the workers are out of a job, but the boss has to pay back his debt to all his creditors. This is why the boss gets paid more than his workers. You are fucking brain dead.

Who deserves to get paid more? A guy who can stamp a license plate or put together a guitar, or a guy who created the company, put together a team of investors, applied for an LLC, spent millions of dollars on equipment, took out loans he owes to multiple banks, hires teams of lawyers to make sure he wont get sued, etc etc etc. Fucking idiot.

>capital is only produced from the surplus value created by workers that is stolen by their boss.
>stolen by their boss

oh god, it's retarded

>mfw an American tries to lecture me on human rights abuses
Don't pretend to care about this, user. It comes off as false.

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The workers have very little value because without their boss stepping up to put together the entire company all they are is someone standing outside the gates with their thumbs up their asses.


Give your money to black people

>points out systemic issue
>You, the individual, should take care of it
some things need to be handled on a systemic level, im in about as bad of a situation as your average black person because half of maericans only make 30,000 or less and 80% live paycheck to paycheck, after a certain point it stops being an individual problem and becomes a systemic problem

>to put together the entire company
Who built the warehouse?
Who transports the product's raw materials?
Who refines those materials into the actual commodity?
Whose labor is the base value from which all further abstractions are born?
The workers do.

All the boss does is abstract the commodity into capital, giving his workers as little profit as possible to maximize his own. It's always an unfair trade


How the fuck can anyone defend Capitalism in the wake of climate change and gilded age income inequality?

Komrad how far do you live from Norway? many long miles over the north pole like me right? I am Amerikan like you.

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I'm looking for the part where I said one person, but I can't because I didn't. The wealthy class is not one person. What I said is that wealth inequality, and I should have specified that I'm talking about extreme inequality (1% owning 90% of wealth) not all inequality, hurts economic growth because middle and lower income families can't spend as much on goods and services. This leads to stagnation and a GDP that can't keep up with inflation. Tax cuts do nothing to boost economic growth when the rates are already under 50%, which is why Reaganomics doesn't/wouldn't work today. But yeah, stick to your ad hominem since you clearly lack an argument to counter mine.

Climate change is a scam to tax you and sell you batteries. wake the fuck up.

Libtard here and even I can see this is b8

Not socialist. I’m Norwegian.

>don't contribute to building your country by living paycheck to paycheck, go homeless, starve & die
>go to work, everybody is paid the same, no room for advancement, only hope to god the gubment gives you a better place to care for your family, you may get hurt, you & your family is thrown out on the street, scavenge for the rest of your days

hows that for a systemic problem, dumbshit?

>Climate change is a myth used to promote capitalism
>Climate change is by all measures exasperated and accelerated due to capitalism, and any cognizant person knows that destroying capitalism is the only way to save the earth

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Serious ???

Grant, sweden, Finland.

Every single one. The one reason they failed was embargo and sanctions from outside

>systemic problem
Yeah, all these people having 15 kids while working a minimum wage job should be addressed.

Ah ha hahahaha

You believe wholeheartedly what a group of people are saying and they have never once in their entire life predicted a single fucking thing correctly ever. They are 0 for a thousand but this time, this time they got it right.

None are socialist


>implying russia doesn’t support socialism
Libs are losing their fucking minds, this is delightful

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North Korea, they got the nukes and Trump wants to be all chummy with them

Yes it is. Here let me prove it

"Then why dont we implement the policies of Norway in america"


"Thags socialism, name one socialist country that has done well"
And so the cycle repeats.

just add a little here change this around a little we can make it work better

Oh, I know this bullshit.

>If someone brings up a successful socialist country, you say "They're not socialist, they're just capitalist with some socialist policies!"
>If someone says that's what Dems want for America, you say, "No, they want socialism and that doesn't work!"

Take your moving target and fuck off.

Yes they are.


It doesnt, modern russia is capitalist to a fault, their government has decided that global warming will be good for their economy as it will impact other countries more than them in negative ways while opening up shipping routes.

I'm a combat vet with a fucked up back still waiting for the VA to accept my claim, which so far has taken six months and it'll probably take another 9 to 12 before I get actual treatment or surgery. They aren't giving me health insurance in the meantime. Doctors visits related to my claim are covered, but if I were to get into a car accident I'd be shit out of luck. I live off my MHA for my GI Bill (full-time student) because I can't find a job that would cover my health expenses without having a degree, and I can't work a trade job with benefits because of debilitating pain. I get about two or three hours of sleep at night because it hurts so bad. I'm not alone. This is happening everywhere in this country. This is not sustainable.

You have no idea what socialism is do you? It just sounds good so you want that free stuff.

>reality: wages go up slightly
>your fantasy: everyone gets paid the same and society collapses

Bernie sanders sez so


Their obvious socialist policy. Bam.

Fucking /thread


you are correct sir,

how can wages go up if the quality is shit and the government is giving most to the army ?

>Yeah, all these people having 15 kids while working a minimum wage job should be addressed.
more like the vast majority of the population who have to live paycheck to paycheck, including goverment workers

>they have never once in their entire life predicted a single fucking thing correctly ever

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Scandinavia goes by something called the nordic model. It is not socialism at all, it's closer to a social democracy. They have quite a free market, something that doesn't exist under socialism. They are able to have high taxes to support social programs. And since they have mostly a static population, the social programs work effectively there because they don't have to support so many people.

Yeah your right! Socialism works if you suppress your citizens and police them into obedience.

Which is terrible and why our VA needs to be massively reformed and become VA single payer instead of VA single/pre-approved provider.

There is a reason why people are happy with medicare and the VA is a crapshoot.

I'm sorry you're going through that, it sounds awful and you shouldnt be treated like that after fighting for our country, even if I disagree with many of the reasons our country fights. Thanks.

>boss carries all the risk
>implying that the heads of Goldman-Sachs, Merrill Lynch, or Behr Stearns were held accountable in anyway
>implying they didn't pay themselves millions to step down
>implying any of them had it worse than their employees that were laid off

So, the same way capitalism works?

Every western country that uses the capitalist system with social policy Investment into it's citizens which generates a return. Also that's every western country. Including the US


take some of that money out from the army and back into ourselves, the money it cost to do the military budget increase last year (80billion) could have been used to do free tuition to public colleges for all americans but we prioritize our budget for the military industrial complex

Al Gore. all the polar bears will die and florida will be underwater. They had to change it from global warming to climate change back at the turn of the century when the temps leveled out. They leave data out (dust bowl) to get the numbers they want. Its a scam the US has clean air, clean water, Its China and India that make this world a shit hole. Sri Lanka dumps more garbage in the ocean then the entire US. You are being sold.

holy fuck shit stain......wait in line for shit paper....
wait in line for any thing you might want food water etc.... see how fucking fun that becomes

That’s the kind of logic that elected Trump.

This is the kinda counter argument trump supporters use

Many examples...Nazi Germany, West
Virginia, Margaritaville and Detroit to name a few.

The social workers republic of euthanasia

Nazis I get becuase they called themselves socialists but they also said that their socialism was as far from the values of Marx as it the values of the jew" but the rest seem to be "places I think have done poorly"

How are they socialist?

Thank you. I don't normally buy into the whole "thank you for your service" bs, man. I didn't join because I thought the stated cause was legit or anything. I joined because people shouldn't be killed for going to school (Afghanistan) and because Saddam was a genocidal maniac. I thought I could do my part to help people over there, and use the GI Bill to get a degree and a good job. My family was poor, my parents never went to college. My mom had to drop out of high school at 16 to take care of my grandma who had pretty severe MS. It's been hard, and I guess I need to hear that.

Thank you.

>these other countries do bad things to the environment therefore the US isn't responsible
>spokesperson who isn't a scientist uses wrong term to name phenomenon therefore it isn't happening
Okay, you fucking dunce

>wait in line for any thing you might want food water etc.... see how fucking fun that becomes
You mean like federal workers had to just a couple months ago?
You mean like most americans had to during the great depression?

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>take some of that money out from the army and back into ourselves
obama tried that
>free tuition to public colleges for all americans
even the dumb as brick ones whom can't even at a 6th grade level
>we prioritize our budget for the military industrial complex
every country does that retard, it's called deterrence

The leftist idiots here clearly don´t even know what socialism is.
The Nordic countries are wealthy because of capitalism but have a re-distributive socialist system.
So in no way do the Nordics count as a successful socialist country just because they have socialist programs. but i don't expect this basic common knowledge to get through to the socialist idiots here in this threat or anywhere for that matter.

>implying nobody should be accountable for their own personal choices
Give me your money so I can pay my fines for vandalizing Starbucks' property.

The amount of retard pouring out of this fucking guy is baffling. You are the dumbest person on /b right now and theres a guy on here thinking about cutting off his own dick. you are dumber than him.

I'm not sure what your talking about. In America you can talk shit about the government all day and they wont do shit. In China you get locked up. Russia is making it so you get a $1500 dollar fine or some shit like that. China is becoming more capitalist and is seeing massive growth. Back in the day they literally rode around in the street with tanks

every fucking .gov worker got payed.....

the great depression was a totally different argument in its self

What level of education have you received to use that as a argument?

Except even if you're budgeting smartly you'll barely have enough to live, and are forced to live paycheck to paycheck

fuckin fight me then lad

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>every fucking .gov worker got payed.....
Yeah, like months afterwards.
Want a different example? Let's look at the still unclean water in Flint

>the great depression was a totally different argument in its self
How so? It was the collapse of capitalism due to the logic of the stock market.

My dad used to bitch about the VA. Until he got off his ass and actually took advantage of the benefits. Now he gets all kinds of money from them.

All the Scandinavian countries were doing well until the SJWs started letting literally anyone in who wants to turn their countries into shitholes.
Socialist not necessarily SJW.

>forced to live paycheck to paycheck
All the more reason why you should give me money since I dropped out of high school because I knocked up my hoe.

Fucking welfare queen

wastes of dubs, wastes of dubs everywhere

>obama tried that
obama continued the war machine he didn't do shit to the military, and he cowtowed and went for a shitty health care plan for the country instead of medicare for all when he needed a supermajority to pass it anyway.
>even the dumb as brick ones whom can't even at a 6th grade level
yes. everyone
>every country does that retard, it's called deterrence
not to the level we do, we spend more than the next 8 countries combined, most our allies. if we cut our budget in half we'd still by far and away have the biggest budget

sweden is a complete fucking mess of a country. i should know since i live there. not a good example of successful socialism

unclean water in flint?

How fucking stupid are you ?
The water became fucked up by the fuckhead .gov cutting costs so retards like you and get your services...... the tax payers are now paying for.

The . Gov fucked the water

Collapse of capitalism?

seems to be go just fine last time i investments in capitalism made me a shit ton last year

They were never really socialist.

>Crashes every decade
>crashes so hard that fascism gets invented to enforce a semblance of order
>creates immense income inequality
>turns the world into commodities
>breeds class and international conflict
>has no empathy
>apparently is the most efficient mode of production but necessitates waste, the destruction of crops to keep price stable, and useless products that pollute the environment (not to mention our minds)
>turns all of life into endless competition with no actual end goal
>destroys community, tradition, and cultural meaning
>even those at the very top aren't happy
>everything in the world is sacrificed for "the good of the economy"
>people still defend it to the death because . . . jobs or something?
the amount of pure ideology in this thread gave me cancer

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Socialism and communism are exactly the same thing. Communism is totalitarianism by force, socialism is totalitarianism by vote. Wouldn't it be amazing if you woke up one morning and realized JUST HOW MUCH you've been brainwashed just before you KILLED YOURSELF because of that realization.

sorry about your cancer....

3rd world commie shitholes have great medical care and hospitals

Now if only we could get conservatives to understand half of those words, we might get somewhere.

And somehow illegals.get better treatment than you do.

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>3rd world commie shitholes have great medical care and hospitals
It's true. So true that now the average Cuban has a longer life span than the average American.

The irony of this post is hilarious.
>Believing what the ruling class tells you about an ideology that could benefit you and hurt them

oh sorry you didn't get my check?

for sitting on your ass

Perhaps NONE Of you have noticed this but NO supposedly Socialist or Communist country has ever GIVEN control of the means of production to the workers! Russia didn't, China didn't, Cuba didn't, North Korea didn't, NO Communist country EVER did! Just like in all Capitalist countries a small, controlling elite KEPT THE CONTROL TO THEMSELVES.

good then get on that plane and get the fuck out of this country

You are promised all these things when you sign up. It's not like he's driving a Bugatti. They just give him what he needs to live and vouchers to lower his bills.

If your that guy who was bitching, well it's pretty much what you were doing.

>Believing what the ruling class tells you about an ideology that could benefit you and hurt them
Believing what your Leftist tard wranglers tell you to believe. The stupidity of your post is beyond retarded and why is your tard wrangler letting you use the computer anyway?

Lol, u mad? Frankly if I spoke spanish I'd really consider it.

It happened in Anarchist Catalonia, as well as currently in Rojava

according to official state controlled reports

i never made any money from a poor person

> he cowtowed and went for a shitty health care plan for the country
obama diverted military funds FOR the shitty health care plan for the country
>instead of medicare for all when he needed a supermajority to pass it
because congress knew that shit was retarded & a fucking money sink

>even the dumb as brick ones whom can't even read at a 6th grade level
>yes. everyone
nice job dipshit, you've lowered the test scoring even more

>not to the level we do, we spend more than the next 8 countries combined, most our allies
if it works, don't knock it
>if we cut our budget in half we'd still by far and away have the biggest budget
and spend it on what, lazy shits like you? fuck outta here

And let me guess. You see Trump as a beacon of freedom and liberty.


Fuck you. I served with plenty of immigrants. They just want a better life. What have you done? What have you done for your country? Your community? Your family? Nothing. You contribute nothing to society. You just recycle reactionary bullshit about immigrants who work harder than you ever will. You make me sick.

Better dead than red you fucking commies

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don't consider it

do it

It's no problem, I find most soldiers are like you, they got dealt a really hard hand to play and tried to make the best of it even at the cost of their life or health, I'm sorry that you went through that, really

No they dont, you're fucked in the head and retarded.

name one purely socialist country first

PROTIP: there isnt one

Nah, according to the World Health Organization and CIA World Factbook

Tell me something, why are you so angry that the Cuban people have a longer life span, higher education and literacy rate, and lower homelessness rate than the US?

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Literal retardation.
China is a capitalist oligarchy
Russia is a capitalist Federation
US is a capitalist oligarchy of sorts (not as bad as Russia.)

It takes like two minutes of research to see how wrong you are, and still, here you are.

Socialism is a form of government where people own most (if not all) businesses through the gov't. It's like communism-lite.

And of course I want free shit! But that's not what people are talking about these days. It's a question of where to spend tax dollars.

We could take the $15 billion spent for one fucking aircraft carrier and spend it on people's needs for healthcare and education. Did we get the US Armed Forces for free? No. So shit like college tuition isn't free, it's from *our* taxes. Gods, people like you are so dumb, I cannot tell if you are willfully ignorant or just have a disability. Either way, I feel pity for you.

Be mad all you want, I was referring to illegals, not all immigrants.

I bet you understand Tool on a level none of us “normies” ever will...

They're not socialist any more than The People's Republic of China is a republic.

When Hitler was planning his bullshit, many people liked the idea of socialism. So he took the name and added "Nationalist" in front of it. The hope was to appeal to both conservatives and liberals of the time.

The US is nowhere near a failing state, dipshit.

In 2 minutes a lib can invent 500 reasons to be offended, create a new gender, start a shilled movement on Twitter and eat 2400 calories. That’s valuable time to them.

China is a communist nation that acts as a capitalist nation on the world stage

Russia is a capitalist semo-dictatorship that has only come to exist as a result of the downfall of a communist regime.

USA is a capitalist democratic republic that acts closer to an oligarchy and is on the decline in terms of economics and soft power on the world stage.

It takes like ten minutes of research to see how wrong you are, and still, here you are, not willing to spend 8 minutes more of your time to avoid being a reatard.

All capitalist countries, dipshit. Their lavish social safety net relies on capitalism to fund it.

We are so far in debt Ethiopia can rightfully make fun of us. We are maxxing out credit cards pretending we’re rich. It’s pathetic.

sure kid

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None are socialist. Don’t get your pronouns in an uproar.

No services are ever free, moron. All socialist policies rely on capitalism to find them. True socialism can never exist without a capitalist economy to fund it.

I totally agree which is why I quoted nazi maty socialists explaining that their "socialism" wasnt at all like what socialism was thought of as typically.

Is this supposed to be a fucking counter argument? Can you read?

Not a failed state. You don’t know the definition. In debt, yes. Failed, nowhere near it. China has massive debt. Are they also failed?

China is a communist nation that acts as a capitalist nation on the world stage

Russia is a capitalist semo-dictatorship that has only come to exist as a result of the downfall of a communist regime.

USA is a capitalist democratic republic that acts closer to an oligarchy and is on the decline in terms of economics and soft power on the world stage.

Ukraine is a country.

It takes like ten minutes of research to see how wrong you are, and still, here you are, not willing to spend 10 minutes more of your time to avoid being a fucking absolute reatard.

That's simply a failure of imagination, there are other political and economic systems, the link you're trying to establish as necessary doesnt even exist.

I dont know how to feel that you copied my statement like this, I hope it means you have done your research and agree?

Imagination...the only place true socialism can exist.


What the fuck does a monarchy have to do with a capitalist society. Technically if an absolute monarch would have wanted a socialist country, it would be one. The one doesn't exclude the other.

how fucking old are all of you

Go back to redddit you pitiful elderly queer

Norwegian here, we're one of the countries with most corporate freedom in the entire world. Our country's economy was built on private trade and economic growth.

Yes, we have welfare services, but that doesn't make us socialist, that's just common sense so people have somewhere to go if they're ever broke or get injured and find themselves unable to work. Parties like rodt want to take away the very things that allow us to sustain such a lucrative service, something we're already losing due to the increasing demand from non-working immigrants and increasingly needy elders.

It's unfortunate that socialism and communism had almost 150 years of political development to go through then.

No im just being an asshole, who cares about politics when you can literally not be effected by it in day to day life. And theres an entire board called /pol/ for a reason. You morons should take this garbage there.

Oow, scary counter argument there, well, ur a big dumb doodoo head.

Denying the big bang becuase "I just done see how that could possibly happen" is just as much a failure of imagination as your statement, both commit the "personal incredulity fallay"

Have fun.

It's is socialist. I'm super Norwegian

whats the problem?

simple question how old are you

Uh oh, it’s upset. Everyone back the fuck up. I repeat, everyone be careful the uneducated lib is angry.

Name one reason it matters?

Simple question, does your family know what you keep on a USB drive

Most people in this thread were born after 9/11

They literally have no concept of what politics has looked like on the world stage for the past 100 years and still think they understand politics better than most people. Dunning Kruger chan.

Only Americunts do that.

The word Social Democracy is perfectly acceptable, and the fact it isn't just a different word from socialism, but two different words that combine to create a complex meaning, seems to be impossible to understand for them.

>usb drive
Not using the cloud in 2019

All of them?
We live in a society
Don't forget, businesses are declared People now. Check mate capitalists, means of production are owned by the people.

>& a fucking money sink
medicare for all saves 5 trillion

name one successful country

Nazi Germany.

It does effect your daily life. Literally every single day in major ways. You can choose not to get involved but "it doesnt matter anyway" is a lazy argument usually made by those that are happy with their personal lot in life and who dont care much beyond that.

Go weep about it on redddit you fucking tranny

Yeah sure, i own all the money i earn to pay for taxes so the govt can use it to pay for public projects to pay people who pay taxes for working on tax funded projects. Good thing we own all that.

I don’t need to be taxed 50% on every dollar I make over $50,000. That’s basically what all these social democracies do. I def know the difference. I don’t want either. It used to work in the Scandinavian countries because you had a homogenous population that shared the same values, was highly educated and had either high technology or oil. Why are all of them cutting back on social programs?

Oh no, it cant defend it's own positions, stand back for the show of baseless insults, let's take bets on how long it takes to bring up "the jews"

Wow, counter argument of the century there. Dont forget to stay mad ya little cunt.

>believing you are free
>not being able to criticize certain people.
pick one niggerlover

what is on my usb drive is my business.

you need to realy try to understand how your arguments affect the uneducated....

I do apologize for insulting your incredible mind and youthful youth

Let me voted for democrat or republican but have no idea that there are 530 legible candidates for the next and previous elections. Dont tell me i dont know politics because i do, but my vote will never count as long as you idiots are cucked by the media and make up the majority. So no it really doesnt fucking matter.

True socialism has never existed and will never exist. No people want to be completely run by the state. Literally every single quasi-socialist state has to rely on capitalism to fund it. The Soviets, the Chicoms, Venezuelans, Vietnamese and so on, all relied on capitalist dollars to survive. The closer the Soviets got to true socialism, the more bankrupt they became. Same for Venezuela.

You sound old. In 20 years your world is mine. I’m patient.

Oh, can you source that claim or maybe provide an argument as to why those things were the prime cuase and or strong contributing factors and can no longer work?

I see the "homogenous population that shared the same values" argument all the time and it seems to more often than not lead back to Stephan molyneux and his lot. IS that your source?

Well yeah. And welfare is actually the most efficient use of tax dollars. Food stamps being byfar the best economic stimulation.

Hahaha. Not one program the government has run has ever come in at a lower cost. It also mandates rationing of healthcare services and guarantees lower pay for doctors.

Autism speaks

So wait, you went from mocking people that care about politics to "I care about politics but the system makes it so my votes are not represented"

How the fuck does that make sense?

Or employment...that tends to work also.

>No people want to be completely run by the state
Under socialism there is no meaningful difference between the people and the state, given that hierarchical class-structure has been destroyed and that the means of production are cooperatively shared among all.
>The Soviets, the Chicoms, Venezuelans, Vietnamese and so on, all relied on capitalist dollars to survive
Because necessary for Socialism is that Capitalist infrastructure has been built. Soviets, Chinese, etc. all attempted to skip the step of capitalism, which led to autocratic rule. This is literally Marx 101.

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Was this meant to be some sort of come back?

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i think so

Im mocking you idiots because you all harp on the republican democrat garbage but have no clue what the judge party or any other party is, you people are media babies.

Huh, could a filled me, came off more like "I'm 13 and fuck you adults"

Jews control your opinions.

well yeah. Thats the point, all government programs lead to either direct contracted labor, or indirect jobs. Example: Food stamps have been a huge boon to the farming/grocer industry. A very important industry in all nations.

oh please explain to us media babies how much better you are then us

and who it was the anointed you


Socialism requires the government to decide the needs of the people. When you have a society that has the same religious beliefs, the same shared history, the same ideas on government, etc.; it’s much easier to institute any type of socialist society because the needs and desires of the population are so similar. A diverse population with differing views on almost everything make it much harder for a government to make blanket choices for the population. You see the influx of Mudslimes in Sweden is really fucking the place up. I don’t want 50%, plus VAT plus other taxes, of my income to be spent by some moron in the capital city. Explain why all the Scandinavian countries are cutting back on their socialist policies.

i dont know what to tell you.
it saves money.
if we used the french system where everyone had public insurance but the doctors and hospitals were still private would you be content?

i wonder myself why i just don't turn everyone off

East Empire Company is a thing, definently capitalist or a veriation of something similar. Besides, currency doesn't make sense in a socialst system where there is essentially no economic flow.

I would, however, hesitate with labelling an entire continent as conforming to an ideology, especially when there is a frickn' war going on between two super powers (3rd Almeri Dominion and the Mede (4th era) Empire). I guess we'll have to wait until the next Elder Scrolls, which Kirkbride has alreay confirmed will be the end of the Empire, somthing which wouldn't really suprise as the Emperor died in Skyrim with his closest known heir also being killed off, essentially meaning that

A. TES4 Oblivion will repeat itself


B. Skyrim actually takes place betweed the 4th and 5th era after Mede II dies.

Not socialist. Capitalist with a strong social safety net.
The US bankrupted the USSR when it was a communist state, through simple market competition. Their corruption and lack of productivity could never keep up.
Was a complete shithole until they re-adopted a capitalist economy (state run, to a large degree, but still capitalist on a world level)
>Sweden, Denmark and the Netherlands
All capitalist, by their own assessment. Welfare != socialism.
>Ireland, USA, Canada
>The United States
You're all retarded.
>Norway was but theyre a monarchy
Government != economy. Norway is not socialist. You could have a socialist monarchy, as confusing as the mechanics might be.

I actually research candidates before casting my vote to some underservinf fuckhole like clinton or trump, Alexander would have been a great candidate but americans are so brainwashed and stupid they cant even think for through personal interest i actually look into options instead of choosing just a or b...if you get all your info from the media ypure just ignorant and shouldnt be allowed to vote. Here inform yourself,

There has to be someone leading the state unless you have anarchy. Whoever leads that state has immense power, which always leads to corruption. Marx was a dumbass. He completely forgets about human nature and differing opinions or desires. History is not a story of class struggle.
You basically proved my point that socialism can’t exist without a capitalist economy. What happens when the capitalist built infrastructure fails? Look at Venezuela

holy shit a smart guy..... thank you

Two wrongs don't make a right

Just because the people you debate are equally retarded does not stand as proof that you're right.


Casting a worthless vote means nothing.

when was the last time you went outside?


England. And you are a dumb-ass.



still didn't answer the question

who anointed you?


Good defense, dont get butthurt cus you didnt know republicans and democrats only make up 30%.

Capitalist. Keep trying dumbass

Northern Ireland

I know quite a bit about many third party candidates, the fact that the conversation isnt about them doesnt at all imply that o dont k ow or care about them.

What would you like to say about third parties?

Knowledge faggot, stop being butthurt cus you cant support your argument with facts. Again, get informed

You still cast a worthless vote. I don’t like the two party system but voting for a third party doesn’t make sense. Might as well not vote.

Share the info, stop letting baby boomers decide who gets the spotlight.

wasn't meant to be a defense


It would if less people where sheep like you and actually voted for someone who wants to make a change as oppossed to just being another figurehead

The Sanders residence

Coca cola

So smart and well educated....

Still have to show your true intellect by calling me a faggot.

>You see the influx of Mudslimes in Sweden
Got it, you're a racist and you cant accept simple premises like "the pursuit of hapliness" or "the value of well being" as universal. Sit with the slow children.

Which youtubers informed your opinion here? Stephan molyneux, black pigeon, the golden one?

>the needs and desires of the population are so similar
The needs and desires of a population are in pure relation to class. Under socialism as articulated by Marx, there is no government that stands above the people: the government IS the people, mediated via "archiac" direct democracy. Scandinavian countries don't have "socialist policies", they have social democratic reforms that institute a welfare state held up by foreign oil stocks.

Marx *is* essentially an anarchist: no government, only collective cooperation organized by direct democracy.
>muh human nature
>History is not a story of class struggle.
You're right: it's also the material conditions of a society that produce class structures and its accompanying ideology
>You basically proved my point that socialism can’t exist without a capitalist economy
Socialism is a dialectical progression from capitalism.
>Look at Venezuela
Look at pic related

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So what's your stance then , Oh enlightened one?


North Korea


This is Yea Forums faggot, it goes without saying.


most of them

The Gambia

Republicans and Democrats or "none's" make up the vast majority of both registered voters and cast ballots.

30% of candidates running is hardly representative of the population.

what ever you call me bounces off of me and sticks to you .....

smart guy


The problem is that you seem to imply we should have a poly- party system rather than a two-party system and I fundementally disagree with both, we should have a no-party system where you have to stand on the merits of your policy positions and not your team

I don't even want to know your fucked up definition of "successful".

looks like everyone forgot. they'll apologize for the socialism and we can all move on.

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the 60% are sitting on they ass

not bothering to even give a shit

30% is a round about for the candidates, not population, 271 of 581 possible candidates are repub or demo.

Yea but that’s only 37% of registries ballots

Ok...just do me a before voting.


Have you ever opened a book? Ireland has one of the lowest corperate tax rates in Europe4 and fuck all social services, nearly as bad as the us

I invited your mom to my party

>2010 + 9
>ppl still think the problem in Venezuela is politics

Cuba is likely the closest. I've been there a few times, those fuckers are happy.

>social democracy
Social democracy is a political, social and economic ideology that supports economic and social interventions to promote social justice within the framework of a liberal democratic polity and a capitalist economy.

Not to be confused with democratic socialism, which is certainly based on a socialist economy.

Social democracy is capitalism, not socialism. It is basically describing, somewhat poorly, the basic function of a modern democratic government in a capitalist economy. It too broad of a term to have any real meaning, as it can encompass literally every Western democracy that has ever existed. But Western democracies are all capitalist, as far as their economies are concerned. The government then takes the role of regulating that capitalism and creating a social safety net to prevent the evils of pure capitalism.

The proper term for this is a welfare state. The welfare state is not an economic model, it is a governmental model. Socialism and capitalism are mutually exclusive-- one is the state/public ownership of production/commodities, the other is private ownership of production/commodities. Welfare is not socialism.

Anons get confused by this distinction constantly. But it's really simple in the end: does the state/public own the means production? No? Then it's not socialism.

The other thing that seems to confuse anons is the distinction between commodities and public goods. Proponents of socialism like to scream, "But public roads, military, etc., you're socialist already." These things have always existed through governments. They are generally non-exclusionary, and not part of the normal economy. Therefore, a public good is not part of the economic model, and would never be considered to be socialist.

Which you and every person in the u.s. are able to do by getting informed. You are allowed to vote for whomever you like, do you not understand how voting works? Theres no legal script saying you have to vote for any particular party, the partisan politics you are brainwashed into loving is just a media franchise.
Get informed before you spew more garbage, thanks. Heres that link again.

>People that don't understand socialism try to explain socialsm to people that don't understand socialism
Wowie this truly is the thread of the decade

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>Socialism is meant to be bridge between capitalism and communism.
let me fix this for you:
>Socialism is meant to create a violent revolution in the working class against the wealthy, replace capitalism, and eventually lead to the communist utopia.


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there are actually lot of mixed economies, you can’t be 100% socialist or 100% capitalist, etc

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zero point zero

going thru life fat drunk and stupid

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little late to the party

think it died

>because everyone has their own definition
That's the problem. Socialism is a technical term. there is only one definition and it's really simple: state/public ownership of the means of production. it and capitalism are mutually exclusive. The "other definition" is literally a capitalist economy with a welfare state, which is the only form of capitalism that has ever existed.

>They're totally different things and we're using the same word to describe them.
So let's start using the correct terms:
Capitalism: private ownership of production, market economy
Socialism: state-owned means of production, public economy
Welfare state: regulation of a capitalist society, through taxation, for the creation of a social safety net

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nicely explained

Anyone else feel this exact thread and half the replies already happened? Like tit for tat some of the replies to replies have word for word been copy/pasted from before

East Empire Co. seems more mercantile to me tbh

So many fucking idiots in here who don't know that "socialist" doesn't mean communist. Jesus fucking Christ.

>They're completely blind to the fact that their New Deal, and Social Security Act from the 30's is the USA's introduction to socialism.
Welfare != socialism

no way far out man Bernie never told us that

lol Marx himself uses the two interchangeably in the 1844 manuscripts. In academia Communism is \often just referred to as Marxian Socialism. Marx uses the term Communism in the Manifesto really only to distance himself from earlier, primarily French, utopian Socialists.

Hey can you maybe take a fucking second to get off your high horse and appreciate the fact that you're sitting here calling me brainwashed despite the fact that I'm mostly agreeing with you?

There are strictly pragmatic reasons to vote for one party over another in an election even if it's not my prefered candidate becuase the policy they set effects me.

JIDF thinks Yea Forums is still relevant

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>all socialism is Marx right?

they're not that incorrect, because there's a definition of communism in which socialist state run by communist party is communist. this is what is commonly understood as communism. no other form, meaning the correct form, ever existed.

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>because there's a definition of communism in which socialist state run by communist party is communist
That's really just the legacy of Stalnism.
Even Lenin himself doesn't say he's doing communism, just created a socialist state that will create capitalist infrastructure before it "withers away" into communism.

still better than another wwyd to thot you shouldn't share on ig/fb thread

trap thread?

>That's really just the legacy of Stalnism.
This being true doesn't mean the use is incorrect. Even in Poland the day after the regime ended the news anchor said "Today communism ended in Poland".

>This being true doesn't mean the use is incorrect
Most academics would disagree. Hell, even Marcuse called the Soviet Union a state capitalist system back in 1964 in "One-Dimensional Man: Studies in the Ideology of Advanced Industrial Society "

Cuz a communist party dont work

>actual liberal logic

It works very well, but not for the benefit of whom it should benefit. Just as state power in general.

Murrican burgerhead here.

Social Democracy is not describing socialism at all. The "social" potion of the term is referring to a social safety net, i.e. welfare. Social Democracies have capitalist economies, and democratic governments which provide welfare. The term Social Democracy is complex, like you said, but also murky. Because of this, and the broad reach of its implications, it is a poor term to describe anything very well. The more proper term for what is trying to be described is a Welfare State.

Human rights violations
US police force murders more of its own
Citizens than rest of world combined. Mass murders in schools or anywhere really, sure those qualify as human rights violations. Getting told complete and utter bullshit about other nations and fabrications about your own nation. All by every main stream media channel that is an Americunt corporations mouthpiece. Then turns round every single time Russia or China produces something in advance of the US, points finger and starts saying its all bullshit propaganda. The only people who can get anywhere near being president are the ones given multimillion from corporations to get them there. Soon as the puppet is in power its payback time to these corps. Fuck what the citizens want or say. The US the guiding light of free speech yet if its citizens protest a fifth as much as the French are the citizens own law enforcement officers will start making a body count. Can't protest in big numbers, don't have a say in anything whatsoever that's Important. Fucking delusional americunts every fucking time.

Anarchism is the way forward when people become as civilised as what you've said

Except for the corrupt lying paedophile multimillion and billionaires. The world's fantastic whichever country they're in

I don't get how mutualism or other anarchist systems are supposed to work. INB4 human nature is greed and other bullshit.

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