Imagine if she won...what would the world look like tofay?

Imagine if she won...what would the world look like tofay?

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This thread died. Imagine to stfu.

she won the vote

Repubs bashing everything she does.

Status quo continues.

Nothing majorly different.

A large proxy war with Russia and rampant identity politics/PC speech laws.

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Sobbing faggot detected

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Better international relations, better trade deficit, government departments with sufficient staff, EPA not run by big oil, no border wall/shutdown/emergency clusterfuck
General disappointment over a lackluster presidency. She would not have been an impressive president, she was not fit to lead a nation any more than trump was. She had experience in government, yes, but still would have been a poor president.

Trump will end up functioning as a vaccination booster shot against authoritarianism. He reminds us why we have the safegaurds in place that we do, and why separation of powers is a good thing. He reminds us by being a dangerous fuckup, but that's the reminder we needed. We needed a reminder of what's at stake.

She would definitely beat Trump you fuckin redneck

Be a better president? Sure. But be a *good* president? No.

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Because you just need a white guy raising your taxes to feel in control right?

Like any gender aside from male and female, you are making shit up no one said that word faggot

> beat Trump

that was a good one haven't laughed that hard in ages thinks

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Let me guess, you work on cars

>knows science
>thinks there are more than 2 genders despite the evidence we've had for decades.

Dude, I voted Clinton. Would have preferred she won. But would MUCH have preferred Sanders as the Dem candidate. Trump's presidency is a trainwreck dumpster fire. A hampster elected president would have been better. But "better than a dumpster fire" does not equal "a good president." Clinton would have been better than a dumpster fire, but would not, by any stretch of the imagination, have been a good president. Not saying I wouldn't have preferred her as pres, just saying it wouldn't have been the negative of what we have; it would have been a zero.

Thinking gender means you have anpenis or a vagina. I’ll bet do roofing for a living.

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She'd be pretty much the same. Trump is nothing special, the only difference is that the media hate him and he talks too much shit so his stupidity is public.

>Not saying I wouldn't have preferred her as pres
>I voted Clinton. Would have preferred she won

Trump actually stands for America first, not Haiti or any other 3rd world country leeching off America.

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That is what gender means you piece of confused shit.

>stands for america first
you deluded trumpanzees actually believe this holy fuck

Our planets surface would be glass and from space we would look like venus

The Democrats balls were cut off. Now it’s just gay sex and dog fucking socialism. Democrats have been playing politics since LBJ. Yes we get it, you wanna live for free and work as little as possible for your little slice of heaven on earth. Other normal people get up off their ass and actually work for a living. Obama is gone you fags, get over it lmao

Would we even still have one?

Wasn't even a YLYL... And I fucking lost... Just like that dumb cunt... And my respect for the Democratic party...

A lot more of pic related

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faggot lib shill detected. go cry in your safe space

thikning chromosomal evidence we force on the ENTIRE animal kingdom doesnt apply to us because then you cant identify as a y little pony urinal cake


You can still promote socialism by giving me your money so I can fap to anime traps all day for free.

Swing states would have been packed by refugees/immigrants to ensure there was never another Republican in the White House and the whole country would have been like Minnisota is now. Dems would have swept the elections and have a super-majority in our new one party system. The newbies like AOC wouldnt have been allowed to get in office over party regulars but their ideas would be at the forefront and slowly implemented over he years. The economy tanks but dont worry now you have free healthcare and a government stipend to exist just remember who gave you the hand out and vote accordingly. The government ensures you get some nothing part time minimum wage job with a state run program with no room for advancement but hey we are in a post-industrial age and nobody needs anymore than that for a living wage. Times are tough and climate change has limited economic growth at least outside of the bright new field of Green tech which requires massive government handouts before they declare bankruptcy. Get used to criminalized speech for offending someone on the totem pole of oppression you racist cracker After a few Democrat Presidencies in a row most people just figure its always roughly been like this but its better than before the 2nd [or maybe 5th] President Democrat Abe Lincoln set the slaves and when the Nazi Republicans existed.If only you could get one of those government jobs and be part of the elite though but they are a superior breed of people and as they have said the only ones capable of handling the rights privileges and responsibilities they have earned and commoners lack

Good post but he’s not the reminder we needed. We don’t need him at all. Fox News is poisoning morons brains. Some might say the same about MSNBC but we’re not chanting for people to be thrown in person at rallies, calling the media the enemy and wearing stupid hats.

Are you Queen of the Faggots, King of the Faggots or Mayonnaise of the Faggots? What gender feels right to you?

imagine taking the time to write this, i literally didn't even take the time to read past the first 5 words

get a life

My job literally pays me to do that bruh.

Hard to imagine not existing.

But you have a job.give that to some poor broke nigger who needs it more than you so he can manage to stay out of jail for a while .

Israel would still get billions.

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>1984 intensifies

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Another for the filter. Time to update.

it would look exactly the same except we'd be shiposting about some ugly woman rather than some ugly fat guy.

Imagine not just writing "TLDR" because you got so triggered you are literally shaking right now


Let me guess, you don't work at all.
Mfw you make less than an automotive technician at Brakes Plus.

can confirm

Nicee one Elon...

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yeah and some australian faggot won felching world championships, point being, winning something irrelevant is irrelevant

>the whole country would have been like Minnisota is now.

I'm out of the loop. Is something bad happening in Minnesota?

fuck me, if that's true i would have voted for her

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probably be the same i think the president has very little control and most decision is done by the senetros or other people

>believing America would actually be different depending on who gets elected POTUS

LOL you retarded westerners still believe this "voting" and "fair/freedom" horseshit? wow. how long is this going to go on for? people actually think voting matters and that there's ever been/will be a candidate who isnt a rich scumbag looking to take advantage of the position of power. just wow, Americans are fucking stupid.

Minn. has the highest Somalia population in America is the top terrorist recruiting ground now and just elected a female Muslim to the House who immediately began talking about Americans Jew problem and how we need genital mutilation. Its hilariously off the rails when Nancy Pelosi has to ask her to calm it down and gets called a racist

The electoral college says different.

Democrats dont bash anyone huh?

Nuclear winter.

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Not to mention if you factor in California voting fraud she goes from winning the popular vote by 2 million to losing it by 6

Alot of War. And the beginnings of an actual Civil War.

Holy fuck the intelligence level on this site is in freefall mode. Your teachers must have been drooling morons.

not much different then donald trump,only difference between hillary clinton and donald trump is that hillary's honest about her political views.bump stock ban donny tries to pretend he's a republican

>no border wall/shtudown/emergency clusterfuck

yeah,but how is open borders any better? both republicans and democrats are clueless when it comes to immigration.which is pretty sad,since trump supporters cant go a sentance without bringing up mexicans or immigration

but the news is telling me that Trump and the republicans like jews now.
Does that mean that I have to now as well??

>Repubs bashing everything she does.
You're right. They have no prouf that eating baby flesh gonna make you sick.

So what you’re saying is the Dems get shit done whilst Trump has been in office 2 years and done fuckall but serenade his inbred supporters with Internet tough guy tweets.

You end up dead in the same ditch with me in their world useful idiot so it really doesnt matter at that point does it?

Pretty much the exact same... just change the pink hats for red ones.

no she didn't you morphadite

You suck at Fortnite

There are only two genders and 256 mental disorders.

Like shit, as always


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Bill Nye? Is that you?

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In other words: continuing failing economy