Dropping acid alone soon, what are some albums/movies I should check out?

dropping acid alone soon, what are some albums/movies I should check out?

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Spinal Tap

Mad Max Fury Road is the best movie I ever tripped to.
Monty Python's The Meaning of Life is a close second.

Wish You Were Here by Pink Floyd
The Mollusk by Ween
Baduizm by Erykah Badu

don't do acid alone. seriously. you could get hurt. have a sober friend with you or something


I once made the mistake of watching a YouTube video Shrek, but it doubles in speed every time a character blinks. Was bugging after that

If your serious and not just being a douche then I fully suggest watching multiple horror movies in a row. I used to trip all the time alone and watching The Wall or listening to music etc is cool but nothing compares to the captive intensity of watching horror movies. It pulls you in and keeps you there. Its a killer ride (No pun intended). You know how you go on mini missions whilst tripping? When watching these films you actually go on the missions with the characters. Its amazing and intense.

Shpongle if you are into psybient.
had my first acid trip to a live set by him will never forget.
Have fun user

Also Samsara and Baraka (Documentaries)
and Fantastic Planet

I watched Baby Driver on acid a few times. First time was insane. Never felt emotions like that from a movie. Was such a roller coaster. Second time I got sucked in and the trip turned real sour. But god damn that movie will have you on the edge of your seat if you're tripping.

Shpongle, Radiohead, tame Impala, the Beatles. That's all the music you'll need

Shpongle, Radiohead, tame Impala, and the Beatles

KYUSS Space Cadet

Bat 21
Pink Floyd the Wall

I watched both tripped out, recommended

The soundcity soundtrack is also amazing especially Mantra Reznor, Grohl and Homme fuckin masterpiece

Fat Freddy's drop - based on a true story.

>Waking Life

>Tool - Lateralus

Into the void, Waking life, the congress, fuck it watch avatar

Are you me?


Any music by Porcupine Tree or Tool, watch some Off The Air from adult swim and if you get bored of that try fucking w an instrument