Where is the gameplay?
Where is the gameplay?
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it's called a visual novel for a reason user, that's all the gameplay you're gonna get
How is this allowed on Steam?
Also...is it any good?
Ok so where is this "Visual Novel" Gameplay at?
Im sorry, Where?
you click, text appears, you read text, click again and text changes. i think it may be a bit too advanced for you if you can't see that
Ok so where's the gameplay at?
A whorish U.K women's foundation wanted this banned and such related on steam, while shit-tier nobody cunt journalist's complain to all hell about it, for it to get removed.
So I should download it before it gets banned?
So you are complaining about a women's foundation because they complained about abusive content?
It's not a game its a training video for incels to graduate to rapists.
No one with any chance of getting laid would want this in their steam inventory. There is nothing cool or fun about abusing women.
I know women who are into this kind of thing you utter moron. Rape fantasies exist
I wouldn't mind having it.
I am married and have children and an active sex life.
It is just fantasy that was created in game form.
I have no desire to rape anyone or abuse anyone.
Does he have a website where we can buy/download it?
I wonder why there aren't any male groups that are protesting the existence of ball busting porn.
Can you imagine protests being held over sounding videos? Lmao
you mean "the talkies"
Betting that this was created by some liberal "ally" in an attempt to push the anti speech agenda. Not out of the realm of possibility.
Wow dude.. you're a creepy ass husband and father.
Your wife could use this game against you in a divorce. It's on your account probably linked to your name or at least your credit card. Judges usually side with women, and now you have a documented rape fantasy, and now you are just an angry 911 call away from being on a sex offender list.
this is called projection.
> I know women
> bought this game
pick one
not really I'm nothing like you just calling out a creeper
again, projecting.
Does steam let you keep banned games?
Where did I say I bought this game or find it appealing? I'm just saying there is a market for it. Also, consider that there are some extreme cases of female incels who are just as degenerate as their Male counterparts.
Idk, I've never tried.
That's not an argument, and you don't understand what projecting is.
go die
Have you heard of the concept of "free speech".
uh boi, lets see how thin the veil can get.
you have no knowledge of me other than one thing I alluded to, everything you assign about my personality or being is a projection of your own issues.
You are so insecure that you believe your own response to seeing this game would be the response of everyone who sees it.
Projecting says more about you than it does about me. So keep going.
And also known as faggotry.
>downloads a VN
>"wheres the gameplay?"
nope. you're just sick and need help
that answers nothing you dumb faggot
free speech doesnt exist on a privately owned plattform mate.
Advocacy of illegal action is not protected speech
Well besides the personal attack he's right. The court system is notoriously biased in these types of cases, and if his wife had any issue with him they could bring him to court, do discovery on all his accounts, and then pin him as a rape fantasist and degenerate to the judge/jury. He'd probably lose custody of his kids, half his money, etc. Not a good look. I wouldn't touch this shit on any account directly linked to real information. There's no plausible deniability
Better ban every movie and TV show with a rape scene then.
it is already court precedent that things in artistic works are not construed as advocacy.
This is why movies are free to portray people saying and doing anything as one example
>thinks it's illegal to have a rape fantasy
Is this a European thing? Are there actually thought police?
You are the one making assumptions that I'm just like you?
I based what I said entirely off you admitting you are a husband and father who wants to buy this game, which most would agree is creepy as fuck.
??? This is in the US. You can be put on a sex offender list for virtually anything. In marriage, you can lose custody of your kids and your resources to your spouse if they even claim you once raped them even if you were having consensual sex (WHILE MARRIED). The US has thought police. I'd be less worried about Europe unless it involves discussion of WW2.
if this game is a training video for rapists, is COD a training game for gun violence?
>pojector projection
You don’t get labeled a sex offender if you watch or read simulated taboos. Unless it’s cartoons depicting children in adult situations and even then comedy shows like Rick and Morty/ South Park got away with it because it’s a obvious joke. The problem with this game is it’s way too far past the joke stage into straight crazy violent fantasy, that’s why people feel uncomfortable with it.
I don’t think anyone is going to play this and think “this is how to interact with real women” unless they’re teen boys going through hormones, too young and stupid to know what morality is. Sex to them is a goal and sexual content in media is instant gratification.
Actually in art and media it is
so fuck off
Yes because it lowers your objection to it
Who will save our children from these violent video games?
Oh how I wish free speech never existed so we could all be safe
There is no gameplay because its no game its a novel kinda like moby dick but with more rape
Basically unless a person is actively pushing boundaries to live out a violent urge, there’s no worry as to what this content will do. The funny part is this game could be so shitty that even it’s offensive stuff isn’t that compelling, or even funnier it’s a solid game with a very anti-politically correct roots.
You can get labeled a sex offender for peeing behind a dumpster in an alley with no toilet for miles.
If your wife ever turned on you... Owning this game would fuck you big time.
Nothing you have said disproves my point. Go ahead download it. Play it with your family. See what happens.
This is game of the year in the UK.
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not sure if underageb& or out of touch grandpafag.
easliy 7/10
Even a totally innocent person could end up a suspect in a murder.. When they investigate would you want a book "How to do a Murder" on your coffee table?
Could someone please shoot this guy
You're an idiot.
If you whip your dick out in public, even if it’s away from sight a cop can make life a nightmare. That’s not a secret, also I’m not getting this weeb shit so I don’t know who you’re upset at
No matter what women have more rights in court, because they know how to convince the world of their victimhood for simply having a pussy. “I bleed once a month so you can enjoy your freedom”
I’m joking but that’s the kind of shit you’d expect to hear from femnazis.
If people got listed as sex offenders for reading a book, everyone who read the novel “IT” would be guilty.
yo, anyone have any download links to this game ?