Girlfriend found pictures in my phone

Girlfriend found pictures in my phone.
THey were creepshots, and the only ones ive ever taken in my life, but she found them and is now questioning my loyalty and whatnot.

I love this woman it was just a stupid move on my part, im trying not to make any excuses about it. it was a fucked move, but what do i do Yea Forums?

>pic unrelated

Attached: Capture.png (490x654, 556K)

eat her ass

piss in her ass

traps aren't gay

Attached: 1551826179782.jpg (500x738, 75K)

Put your ass inside of her ass

That's why I never keep shit on my phone.

>I love this woman it was just a stupid move on my part, im trying not to make any excuses about it. it was a fucked move
Then tell her this if you haven't already.

It's just natural to find other pussy appealing but if you put your load exclusively in your gf where is the problem?

fill her ass then empty her ass

good old Yea Forums kek

drink your own piss and put icyhot in her ass

Keep me updated!

Got out of a 6 year relationship because of this. It was for the better, because we weren't happy towards the end.

Attached: D4A0FCA2-6604-4770-BB55-52F0711B6FA5.jpg (665x672, 44K)

Share the creep shots so we can see if it's worth her getting angry over.


please just piss in her already

this already

I feel for you user, but it’s your fault for being an idiot.
I’ve fucked my wifes best friend and her sister when they had a bit too much to drink. Never keep shit on your phone.

dud your wife find out?

No because what I have filmed and pics of I took the time to hide very very well. Don’t keep anything on your phone, it’s the first place anyone looks.

put her phone in ur ass

make her eat your ass