
Attached: Walken_laugh_lose.jpg (685x464, 44K)

Other urls found in this thread:


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Here comes the deranged spammer to reply to his own posts all day

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Stop posting this garbage, kid. Nobody cares

Has the waste of sperm been stalking you today?

Why is this thread so weak you faggots?

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africa doesn't have "vast natural resources" compared to other continents (except australia perhaps)

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Go read a book or watch a documentary before conversing on a subject next time. Nigeria is literally the most densely resource packed nation on the planet. There's just so much jungle, war, corruption and crap to deal with on nearly the entire continent.

Check them fucking trips


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This is actually highly motivating for me. I recently lost a ton of weight dropping from obese to healthy range in about a half year. Seeing how I made excuses for myself keeps the energy where it needs to be.

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Lol, I haven't seen that waste of sperm in about 2 days, maybe he actually got a life, but I doubt it, knowing what a sad fucker he is.

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so thats how paul died

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There's always a bigger fish

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But the earth is flat tho D:

That's awesome, great stuff from you losing that weight and acknowledging where it can go wrong. Hope it all stays good for you, keep it up.

wasn't that dude in DEVO

Tetrahedron earth bruh

This man is a paedophile, his girlfriend is 13.

Attached: 31421.jpg (958x960, 179K)

fake photography by a massive conspiracy between NASA, Canada, Russia, China, South Korea, UK, France, Brazil, Japan, Denmark, India, Argentina, Australia, Egypt, Germany, Mexico, Sweden, Bolivia, Austria, Ireland, Jordan, and the Republic of the Marshall Islands.

Attached: Screenshot_20190308-155220~2.png (1073x958, 613K)


But....That can't be true, the Earth is flat.

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Good work user

fukken lost

Perfect size to me, I don't know what is talking about.


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>This triggers the waste of sperm.

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forgot the Sultanate of Oman, the Autonomous Region of the Azores, and the Navajo Nation.

>a whale is hunting a jap

justice restored

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Why isn't the ugly, acne-ridden sperg showing up and calling you a paki?

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a lot of these are not dirty in almost any way

I’d fuck that fat bitch. Bathe her and send her to me. I’m warming up for her now

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Cheelai r34 where

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He's working his usual shift at Macdonald's, his whole family work there because they're fucking failures.

Attached: F1110434-CE28-4FAD-BF1D-7FE868B47B9E.jpg (719x1024, 92K)

That's what makes it funnier. Stuff like ''best friends'' and ''I

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Heyyy!...he was behind of this

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Pt 2

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Pt 3

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Pt 4

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got me

If the Earth is round, then why are my feet flat?!


I've never said anything Iike taht now I'm slowly killing myself but I'm just fucking lazy

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This is Ray Pist's real name, he lives in Derp, Texas.

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this but
>the most densely resource packed nation
>the most densely resource packed

When will Yea Forums duff him up?


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How did you know he lived in Dirt, Hexagon?

He's from Shart, Texas ;)


We should make a kickstarter campaign for this guy. I think it would literally fry the schizo.

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He look so much better if he did this

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Same faggot

Don't mind me, just carrying the thread here...

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This is actually a really good idea

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tiles placed upside down?

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Good work. Now go red pill fatasses.

lel, what a faggot. I bet he thinks he is cool or something.

Sub-Saharan (read: nigger) Africa has gold, oil, diamonds, chocolate and massive and diverse livestock. But instead of fighting politicians and warlords, they choose to believe that sex with virgin pre teen girls will cure their aids, and that witches can steal penises.

Real bastion of progress that shithole is.

i lost right away lol

fuckin lost

fukken lost


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You’re an imbecile.

What is with you fucking faggots and this guy? Get a life.

I’d marry her.


nice feet.

>and digits

It's only one guy. He responds to his own posts because he has mental problems and thinks he's tricky.

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>africa doesn't have "vast natural resources" compared to other continents
are you african or sumthin?

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No, you wouldn’t. Check out her pictures christineschoenwaldwriter.com/

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The funny part about this one is people keep reposting this shit in a different format, it just keeps getting more cringey with every iteration.
People also seem to lose the ability to write proper English even though they're literally copying a piece of text word for word.