Ask a financially successful meth addict anything

ask a financially successful meth addict anything

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Why are you gay?

this is taking too long wheres my pookie...

because ill try anything once or 17 times just to make sure i dont like it

Are you afraid meth could become a gateway to worse stuff (marijuana in particular) for you?

>more meth pipes than ciggerettes[sic]
Wouldn't this be obvious? Cigarettes are single use.

Does it fill that hole in the center of your soul?

i will never smoke weed that shit is fucking crazy

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if you didn't smoke meth and had only taken Adderall since the beginnings of your financial success, would you be farther ahead?


That shit is funny, made me laugh hard, thanks.

dafuk? i aint got time to worry about gay shit like that i got stuff that needs to be taken apart

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Do you ever jack off for 8 hours+ and your dick gets so swollen you can't pee?

>financially successful meth addict

So you've been in Congress how long?

How do you manage your life or quit when needed?
Have a family member who stream lines meth daily. Been a drug addict for years. Last couple years picked up meth. Lost tons of weight and now is essentially a walking skeleton with no car no money no home. In and out of jail like a revolving door. Waiting for the phone call thay theyve found his body

i take adderall sometimes too, i was put om ritalin and cylert when i was 11 it helped tremedesly, im a fat bastard and even tho adderal may have helped me focus the meth is a better wieght loss tool . i havent eaten a single thing in 3 days or slept in 6

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my dick never got swollen and couldnt pee, but i have had some 8 hour fappin sessions, also if i find a chick stupid enough to fuck me, you can wreck a pussy for 5 hours like nothin till your banging her with a softee

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How many hits does it take to go through a meth pipe? Provided you don't want to smoke out of a mucked up pipe.

WTF are CIGGERettes? that what NIGGERs smoke

you gotta keep it classy and keep it a party and not fucking grimey, i always tell people do drugs like the wolf of wall street not like your living on the streets, unfortunitly i see alot of people go spiraling down fast, weak ass motherfuckers cant hang and give real tweakers a bad name, i have a pipe holder on my headboard, classy

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How long till your sucking Tyrone's dick for a fix?

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my dad was a meth addict all is life, is the high as good as good as people say??

Do you go fucking nuts when coming down off a high?

how do you get these bees out of my teeth!?

so you put crystals inside the pipe?

Kek. No problem getting the meth but he can't even manage going down to the local hed shop to buy a cracker, isi capsules, and some balloons...

And he claims he's financially well off. Don't look to good to me. Just look like another trashy addict from the Midwest to me. But what do I know where I live people flaunt their money and success. Maybe you are just a very humble totally loaded meth addict living the dream. Who cares about teeth when you can buy some new ones.... amirite? Or amirite? Also your original picture is hilarious to me because my sister used to have these gay meth head neighbors. And the one one time had a head strap light and another flashlight ducktaped to a broom and was out sweeping in front of their doors at like midnight and ripping out their carpet.

>want some carpet

He said gleefully.

Lol methheads are alright by me. Especially when they're gay. In my personal experience they're all really nice and just cook and clean all the time. Pretty productive. I even saw a tweaked out homeless dude picking up trash around this gas station and throwing it away one night. At that point I say feed their addiction. FREE METH FOR EVERYONE!!!

it depends how much you load into it, if you keep sprinkling a lil at a time shit will smoke up quick, but if you load it like a boss shit with last all day, if you got 3-4 people hittin it, for suure the dum chick is gunna burn the shit and fuck up the bowl. i buy like 10 pookies a week... there cheap like 4 bucks, new pipes make your shit last longer and nothin taste bbetter than good dope in a brand new pipe

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What's the gun?

Lol who gave this fuck a gun and his drivers license. Jesus I'm glad I don't live in Indiana anymore.

Wait holy fuck even better... is that a hipoint? Lol

How's it feel to be like everybody else that smokes meth?

do you realize it doesn't bring your shitty daddy back, asshole?

Imagine being addicted to meth lmao

Do you have a good dental plan?

>ask a financially successful meth addict anything
Why would someone own more than 2 meth pipes?

>butane torch
What are you doing!?

OP may be celebrating now but he'll be regretting his addiction eventually. No one who's smoked meth and quit looks back saying "damn, I wish I still smoked meth".

>Financially successful
>$200 handgun


like dick sucking?


Why du you need so many pipes?
And also, what as you drug carrier?

Massive fucking keks. Thank you my friends. Can you imagine being this delusional. Poor soul.

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lel'd as well

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this. many drugs are effective for supressing your natural reward system. they may make you highly productive, like meth can reportedly make you.
But it therfor also put a lot of used-up-ness on your body.
The use of meth just never stops, even when you have enough money, you probbably can't really stop working and destroying your body with the consumption of meth.

I have about two more months

how much money do you make and what do you do

Basically you've ran out of cigarettes and you can't buy anymore because you've spent all your money on meth

Financial success means that the amount of money you have and your overall wealth keeps increasing over time. Making a lot of money per hour and blowing it all on meth doesn't make you financially successful. You'll get fired eventually since the addiction will fuck with your job. And, if you're self-employed, you'll end up losing that source of income too.

Also, how dumb do you have to be to admit that you're a drug user on Yea Forums which is basically an FBI honeypot?

cocaine/adderall is way better than meth any day

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8 hour crank-down sessions are always the best

Forgot pic

Protip: Never ever EVER admit to criminal activity on Yea Forums or really any other website in general. That can can be used against you by the police. Going around bragging about illegal activity that you're doing is fucking retarded. You only brag about the illegal shit you've done if you've already been convicted for it and you're either in jail or have already served time.

Here's how stupid you are OP:
1) You've got a debilitating drug addiction.
2) You're admitting this drug addiction online on a board that tends to be very open to telling the cops about shit.
3) You indirectly told cops that you have drugs, own a gun while being addicted to meth, and obviously have a supplier or are a drug dealer yourself. That's a pretty open-and-shut case for the cops that'll bust down your door, put you in handcuffs, and haul your ass before a judge and jury.
4) Brazen bravado and ignorance don't overpower the cops. Much smarter people than yourself get taken down.

tl;dr OP will get arrested for his posts on here.

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Hello officer.

Are those the drugs you and your fellow officers confiscated recently?

cops don't go through the trouble for minor drug shit.
people say worse shit than OP, in permanent posts, on sites like bluelight all day every day.

unless it's a serious crime like murder, child molestation, or at least posting cp, police not bothering

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its bait you huge faggot
in my days i have never seen a more autistic faggot than you

Get a good addiction like Oxy

Just woke up n ripped half an 80