This is the scariest (and sexiest) thing you can show a Conservative.
This is the scariest (and sexiest) thing you can show a Conservative
Other urls found in this thread:
I fucked her
They're scared because they are afraid of attractive non-whites.
They're also scared of differing opinions like the mongoloids they are .
Honestly if she could run for president In 2020 I'd vote for her, mostly cause then wed have a hot president. For the first year then the stress would make her look like Hillary
This thread is cancelled. This a gay ass poser thread
She's tearing the Dems apart from the inside. It's the best thing ever.
Oh boy, it's this thread again
Every time I see her face, this bitch comes to my mind
Tired of your shit leftypol
Stop objectifying her. You're as bad as them
This is
Proud Aryan racists support this Jew hating spic!
She should quit politics and become a prostitute, at least then she'd be doing something useful.
She’s pretty fucking hot
Hmmm...So he was behind that
How many concurrent versions of this thread are there right now? Give it a rest spambot. I actually agree with much of Cortez' proposals, but this thread is boring and takes up too much of Yea Forums.
New rapidly growing Yea Forums server, join if you can't fit in anywhere else:
scarier than this?