War...war never changes, let me tell you a tale of political lulz and how a riot insued between two groups; and how that war is still burning hotter than Jennifer Lawrence's tits during a dry spell. How an ideoligy against free speech ironically ended up fighting for free speech, and how two tibes united as one for such an occasion.
Let me tell you about...The Fascist.
Chapter 1: Book and Musket - perfect fascist!
>Be me >Be late 2000s/early 2010s, social justice was barely becoming a thing in universities and had yet to poison the rest of society
Now first, we need a little background. This shit is shit but it'll give you context.
>Be in third world country of a school, everything from drugs openly snorted in class, to kids slitting each other's throats, shit's so wide-spread kids get killed more often than not. Superintendent, principal, vice principal and any other adult covers it up, knows higher ups in every news station and has the Sheriff in their pockets (we're in southern Arizona; basically Mexico). >Spics mostly run the school, along with 4 - 5 white kids and like 2 niggers. School was meant for 300 kids, motherfuckers have 800 of us crammed into campus. Thanks, Obama. >Be guinea; white kids swear I'm a negroid due to Italy's proximity to aidsfrica, everyone else swears I'm white. Where that puts me, who the cunt knows. >School uniform, blue polo and khakis, faggots were afraid of gang warfare in the 90s, uniform did fuck all to prevent that. Just gave teachers another reason to shit on us students (they'd send you home/suspend you JUST for not having your shirt tucked in. Faggots.) Got that bullshit? Back to the story
Benjamin Taylor
>Start hanging out in school library, and detention a lot (teacher was cool AF); start researching boring papers for history class. >Click on "Kingdom of Italy" page on Wikipedia (teachers hate that shit, but changing wording around is the key). >Fascism under Mussolini >WhatTheFuck.bitmap >Start reading, learns about The Blackshirts, The Arditi, and how Mussolini switched from socialism to fascism, D'Annunzio, all that crap. >Arditi >These motherfuckers threw grenades in trenches and ran in with knives to finish the jobs during WW1, most of the time didn't even use their pistols >TheseNiggasBadass.txt >Spend a few months turning fascist, having pride in the glorious fatherland. Buy fascist medals off of ebay and a few other sites (mom's credit card's never tasted so good). Start pinning fascist medals to school uniform >Start learning proper fascist salutes and marches, war cries, even some spaghetti-speak to shout commands at normies. >Go as far as to buy a pair of jackboots and a black fez with the fasces on it, another one with Mussolini's eagle-design thing. >Start referring to myself as "Il Duce-Dui" or The Second Duce...or Il Douchebag, they all worked. >Libtard administration and teachers literally let me slip under the radar, due to having little to no knowledge of Italian Fascism beyond "Mussolini bad man". Fucking libtards, amIright?
Ryder Taylor
>Start recruiting other kids, since the school is 99 percent spic, rascism unfortunately isn't an option. >Since we have to wear cuck uniforms, I decorate each of my glorious soldiers with medals, fezs and helmuts. >We are Il Arditi D'Combattimento, modern Blackshirts of the school. >Spaghetti and Spic are so close together, we relatively understand each other when I bark commands. >Every passing period, glorious soldiers march with your's truly leading them. >We beat the shit out of Che Guevarra loving spics, libtard socialists, beta faggots, Chads, and most of all, furfags. >Anyone who dares stand in the way of the Fatherland is met with severe beatings, pencil-shanked, and fascist baptisms (a pint or two of castor oil down the throat in the bathroom. It was glorious.) >Other kids start to romanticize us, and openly volunteer to join us. >Some music-fag in band offers to join us (he'll become important later). Motherfucker pays the trumpet like Louis Armstrong on steroids. >"If you wish to truly join Il Arditi D'Combattimento; then you must learn the anthems of the homeland"
Jack Flores
>He agrees, I give him a few websites that have the songs. Shit was on Youtube easy, remember this is before the adpocolypse happened, Papa Franku wasn't even around yet, Youtube was great. >The next week goes by, one of my comradi was injured in gym. Well call him Al. >Al was undressing in the changing room, getting ready for track practice. >Motherfucking jocks wanted one of his medals. >Jocks were biggest assholes in the school after cuck-administration. Type of motherfuckers who beat the shit out of anyone for the sake of bragging about it, they even gang raped some spic broad once, turns out she liked it lol >Jock asks Al for his medal >Al tells them to fuck off >Jock and co. waits, grab Al when he's taking his shirt off >Al has the shit beat out of him, broken leg and permanent eye-damage. Motherfuckers even gave him a Mr. Swirley, in the public shit toilets, needless to say, Al was down. >To his credit, Al kicked one jock in the balls so hard during the assualt, his right testical popped. >SpanishHitler.Mp3 >Al is sent to the hospital, the news gets back to the rest of us blackshirts during lunch. >I am PISSED. I order top recon to be done on all suspected jocks involved. >I go to the hospital to visit Al, his parents were those Mexican parents who "work at home" and are so strict that they could give a shit about their kid.
Owen Phillips
>Al is injured badly, gives a weak fascist salute as he sees me enter, weakly cries "Salute Il Duce!" (our Heil Hitler, basically) >StillAFuckingSoldier.PDF >In awe I give him my salute of ease back. >I award him with Croce Al Merito di Guerra (Purple Heart for you English-fags) >I vow to him that the Fatherland will have revenge. >Time to start planning >Recon team provides us with information, apparently these faggots hang out behind the gym, skipping periods and such. >I want to get these bastards all at once. We all agree to skip third period, next week (where they were all there and school monitors were at a minimum in presence, plus by a week the faggots will have forgotten about it) >Some friends of Al agree to join us in alliance for his death. >We meet up after school for the next week and begin long training exercises, in uniform in the desert. We march, spar, even practice Roman Knife Fighting.
Dylan Kelly
Chapter II: Believe, Obey, Fight: The Revengeance!
>Thursday, the one after Last Thursday. >Intel on the administration suggests; 2 of the 3 guards are sick, something about valley fever or some shit. >There's only 3 guards total on a 10 mile wide campus (counting the desert) with 800 + kids, they have them ride bikes. Shit looks rediculous. >Now is the time to strike; with Al still in the hospital for another few weeks, we must strike whilst the iron is hot. >High noon, back of the gym, nothing but a basketball court, a dirt-track field and bleechers between the two >Jocks are hanging out on bleechers, their leader just sitting there, we'll call him Gary. Veiny motherfucker, spic, fucking sharpee tattoos. Yes, really. >Jocks are rumored to have knives, one of our spic-comradi gets us all brass knuckles. Shit's on, bruh >We all march towards the jocks. Gary's face drops as he sees at least 100 of us marching in blackshirted-school uniforms. All in formations, all marching towards us, slong with Al's gang banger friends on either sides of us. >MussoliniWouldBeProud.Jpeg >Gary tries to bluff at us, we outnumber them some ~22 to 16 (30 when counting Al's banger friends). Still a worthy fight. >Gary starts talking shit, trying not to reveal how scared he is from being so impossibly fucked. >Our suspicions are confirmed, the jocks take out their knives, ranging from shanks to butterflies. >Some of our men getting tense, but keep themselves standing for the fatherland. >Suddenly from behind the jocks, we hear a glorious trumpet like angels singing to us from the glorious heavens! >It's Trumpet-fag! Motherfucker learned Passo Di Corsa Dei Bersaglieri (why the fuck is every word in Italian long AF?) >It's on, I raise my brass knuckle and let out a war scream! Other party members do the same, and we charge the jocks with full morale.
Owen Jones
>The jocks get a few hits in, but our Black Brigade and cholo-alliance beat them down. We all scream, reeee, shout party mottos, war cries, you name it. >The jock partisans have been dealt with! Gary himself my men had beaten so hard, teeth came out.
>We all flee the spot, the one monitor came biking faster than CJ in the first mission. We all head back to HQ, the abandoned facilities closet behind the cafeteria stage. Trumpet-fag is rewarded with the Order of the Roman Eagle, one of our highest honors. >By this time, the staff just suspects the jock incident as another gangland beatdown. Rumours circulate, Il Arditi D'Combattimento are hailed as heroes and a new respected entity of the school. Our name shortened to ADI since Blackshirts would have been too obvious. >Membership reaches an alltime high of around 40 kids, mostly from colorguard, pouring in to join our ranks. >I train my men with absolute discipline, honor, and mercilessness. I am the Second Duce of Fascism. School staff pass us off as a branch of colorguard (colorguard teacher was conservative AF, so he barely spoke to libtard staff, and likewise they kept him distanced, allowing for this all to happen) >Trumpet-fag learns a few more key marching songs and victory anthems. Teachers pass off Italian as Spanish since the languages are so close. Just another reason we slipped under the radar. >We commondeer two tables in the back of the cafeteria, near an exit door, overlooking everyone. Everything in the State, nothing outside the State, nothing against the State. >Shit rides out smoothly for the end of 7th grade. On the last day of school, as a treat from our benefactors (more like cuck-factors), we're allowed free dress for one day, and every period is pretty much a free day, most teachers are so aggravated or screaming libtards they don't care if we ditch, some actually encourage it. >We all show up in black shirts, khaki slacks and black jackboots, all decorated with our medals, we claim the desert-section of the field where we all train, smoke and chill. One comrade even snuck in vodka and baccanora (Mexican moonhine). Shit was lit.
Jose Gray
Chapter III: Every Anarchist is a Baffled Dictator: Bolshivism in our presence.
>8th Grade has started now, over the summer our men met up, had to stay loyal to my soldiers as their leader. >Announcements are given first day of school as ever, a new cuck principal is announced, along with a new cuck-ministration. No surprise, the school was so fucking bad that the principal changed every year or so, sometimes lasting just months. And with them, they bought in other cucks to give the whole "things are gonna change 'round here!" speech, shit went nowhere as always. >But this new cuckministration would not be like the last. Of all the Cucks and proto-SJWs that would come and go in administration, of all the socialist pigs, backwards tax-soaking libtard fucks, of all the filthy partisans entering this God forsaken school. Of all the cuckiest cuckholds in the name of cuck-kind. This one would prove to be: The Cuckiest. >Enter: Her. >She was a graduate from the U of A (University of Arizona, for my non-baking friends). Her majors? Gender studies, minority rights and human rights. Her PhD? Social Justice. >She tried to pull the whole "I'm a keeeeeewl and whaaaaacky person!~" act, wearing hippy clothes and changing her hair color more often than niggers getting foodstamps >We'll call her: The Twat.
>Within her first few days, she worked closely with those partisans in Student Consul to diminish our rights, one by one. >First came the tards, previously they were kept by tard wranglers who, while miserable imbeciles, did an adequite job of handling them. Enough to keep them from our presence. >She had every single member of staff fired, and replaced with her own administration of handpicked libtard graduates. >Motherfuckers didn't even bother to round up the tards, and would let them run around campus freely. >Within days, stories broke out about incidents with the tards: One in particular of a fat goonie looking tard smashing into the science lab, and smearing shit all over the computers, science equipment and one of the kids. Teacher was injured trying to hold a spic off of the tard, tard wranglers were called but never came. Security ended up responding, as the shit-smeared kid ended up changing schools. >When asked why the tard wranglers weren't watching the tard, new libtard wranglers gave a long-winded speech about them being questioned for being wahmen, and explained that the tards were responsible and free thinkes. Now normally, this wouldn't mean shit to the School District's higher ups, but since The Twat ended up fully backing the arguement in the name of "progressivism", the whole thing was swept under the rug. Shit-kid's family was paid 10 grand not to go to the press. >FreeMoney.gdp >And this was only the beginning of The Twat's reign of terror. >With 2010-2011 came the rise of bronyism, The Twat openly embraced the feminicity and boarderline pedophilia. Even playing MLP's theme over the loud speaker and forcing staff to hand out masks and stickers of MLP characters during lunch. We would later find out that student council was behind this attack on masculinity. >Brony-fags marched down the halls, all singing in unison Winter Fap Up
Austin Miller
>The Fatherland does not tolerate this level of naysaying, much less from undesirables. >During one of their marches, we hid in the bathrooms and corridors, surprising the brony menace and surpressing such degeneracy with extreme violance. >To this day, I still don't know if that was the right call to make... >Our men held up against the bronies, and while a great deal of them fell, some of them managed to take down our men. Casualties became apparent. >News came to The Twat, once she heard that we wore medals, she immediately banned every medal. Forcefully stripping each one of my men of their hard-earned ranks...declaring Italian a "language of misogyny!" though this law was scarcely enforced since everyone else thought it was Spanish. >She began to strip language classes too, any white European language (French and German was all we had) was defunded and banned, whilst Spanish and Chinese was highly encouraged. >She declared any groups seen giving any sort of fascist gestures would be immediately suspended and would be arrested for insighting hate speech (yes, really). >My men were baffled, their ranks violated, all of our training for naught. If we met in the desert, they would call the deputies on us for "tresspassing". These were our darkest days.
Jacob Miller
>In their eyes, Il Arditi D'Combattimento was disbanded, the ADI gone. Nothing more than another memory that had passed within this God forsaken hellhole. >The following months, more retarded laws ensued. Red shoelaces were banned, earrings were banned, necklaces were banned, certain brands of polo shirts were banned (something to do with Ralph Lauren ensighting sexism), certain colors of glasses were banned (you weren't allowed to wear gold-rimmed glasses, perscriptions or not. Because, as she said: It would make other kids feel poorer). Our three monitors were forced to stand at our three bathrooms at all times (yes, only three on a 10 mile campus. Faggots), we were forced to endure long speeches about how the white man is the enemy, how bronyism is glorious, and how masculinity is bad (like you need to lecture minorities to hate whites). >It was an utter hellhole, they even got some fake-ass rapper to come to the autotorium and rap to us about why littering is bad, and how cops were good and disgusting shit like that. >It all seemed hopeless...eventually the soda and candy cartels started to be affected too, with candy being comfiscated and thrown out, same with soda and anything that wasn't considered "a healthy meal" >MichelleObama.sai >Everyone started to get pissed, tard attacks became more common, though random. >But The Twat forgot one fundamental principal, the very foundation for revolution that has founded and ended so many countries throughout history. When you treat everyone like shit, indiscriminately, eventually they set their differences aside to fight you.
Nolan Jackson
Chapter IV: If I Advance, Follow Me, If I Retreat, Kill Me, If I Die, Avenge Me.
>Within 4 months of the new school year, every group in the school aside from student consul was significantly impacted. The communists were no longer allowed to fly their hammer and sickle (though ironically Che Guevarra shirts were sold in a fundraiser for the school's yearly bullshit charity event) >Gangbangers were stripped of their titles, and forcibly seperated from their friends via detention, anything white was trashed, the socialists were purged from Student Consul and replaced with leftist brony fags, and 2 trannies. One kid was even arrested by school safety for having the American flag on his wallet (The Twat tried calling the deputies, deputies weren't even that socialist, hence School Safety). >They even came for the tards, banning Thomas the tank engine from their infinite list of crappy 90s kids movies, if one listened closely, they could hear a near infinite reeeeeeing from the tard-wing. >The Twat and Student counsil began to post more propaganda all around the school, openly calling for diversity and an end to "hatespeech", most spics ignored it, the few whites who asked questions were punished. >Then...it came. The yearly AiMS test, for those who don't know: The AiMS test was baasically this long as packet-bubble sheet based test that each school in the district was given, in order to measure how good and how bad each school was doing, which in turn would affect their funding. Funding that would be put into the pockets of The Twat and anyone else under her wing. A relic from the Bush era was about to become our greatest weapon against them. >The Twat and Student Council openly announced that is AiMS test scores were higher this year, than during the last day before Spring Break, we would all be treated to a theatrical showing of seasons 1 - 2 of MLP:FIM in the cafeteria.
>THAT. Was the final. Fucking. Straw. Me, my men, our opposing forces, we all knew something had to be done. >I offered a meeting with the Kremlin of the school's communist faction. My only terms were that we had as many school factions in the meeting-place as possible and that every faction bring a maximum of 3 men, one leader 2 bodyguards. The place of meeting? The abandoned facilities closet. >The Kremlin agreed. >The Fascist Grand Council, The Communists, The Socialists, The Hackers, The Nigger's Union, The Cholos, The Weeaboos, The Candy-Soda Cartels The Furfags, The Skinheads, Normies even, and so many other distinguished factions met in that shitty, crowded and fucking hot facilities closet. >I led the meeting, knowing how to make speeches thanks to copying Mussolini's body language to a T. >"Gentlemen! All of us today gather in harmony. And yet, we all have our differences. But now...now is not the time to dwell on the past, nor the eventual future. Now is the time for us all to act, not as seperate factions of people, all pulling in different directions under a Roman sun, no! Now...Now is the time for us to push aside our differences. For you all to look at the man beside you and see not your enemy, but an ally. For if we do not look beyond each other, than surely a future there will not be to fight in!" >Everyone listened in agreement as I began to spout my glorious plan. >"We have all attempted to reconcile, fight, and push into the open battlegrounds of The Twat and her administration! All roads have led to the same dead end. This is because we have hit her in the side where she can still fight, not in the balls where she will fall in pain!"
Luke Butler
>I propose for us to have a mass-student protest regarding the AiMS tests, a few of the kids had connections with the local media, if we could get not only publicity surrounding this, but also outright refuse to take the AiMS test? The state would step into the School District and forcible remove the principal's administration and replace it with another one. The idea was to provoke a new administration to step in and to cooporate with it completely, thus not only hurting The Twat's collection of sweet sweet taxpayer dollars, but tarnishing her reputation and making it apparent and clear that she and her administration was in fact an issue. >Everyone that day signed a treaty typed up by my men. Our own Pact of Steel. Keeping all sides acting as allies at least until the war was over. >Previous enemy factions became friends, knowing it would be our only chance ever to revolt against The Twat's administration and brony-fuckery.
Samuel Fisher
>As March began to approach, we went to work, each faction having an inside man within staff, an inside man with keys. Keys to the drawers, keys to the teacher's lounge, keys to anywhere pretty much. Our main connection, a Normie named Alverez borrowed the keys from his connection during passing period. I had my men take the key to the local hardware store and had 6 copies of each key made, as I gave it to the heads of each ,ajor faction. >With the keys copied and a set schedule for each supply-truck found. All we had to do was wait, watch, and use each opportunity to our fullest advantage. >Hackers clocked the first truck coming in from the District's print-works, and shadowed the rooms they were delivered too, as well as general traffic. >We all spent a week studying afterschool, studying what adults went home and when. This was before cameras were a thing in our district, so it would be fairly easy to slip in and out. >It was 7 PM, as the last janitor left for the evening. >AllSystemsGo.mov >Each faction took a wing, there were 3 wings, one for each grade 6 - 8. The tards didn't get the test for obvious reasons. >Each faction stole as many test booklets as possible, all carrying them to a designated spot far out in the desert to burn them. >Locking up after and wiping prints from every door handle just to be safe. Same with the gate. >As we all met in the desert, one cholo supplied the gasoline. >We burned every test booklet and shitty cardboard box they came in. God have I never seen such a beautiful sight since. >The next few days went by with little to no notice from the staff, they get the tests in March, it isn't until April that the test is distributed for students. >March approached...phase two begins.
John Hill
>Phase two composed of us openly protesting against The Twat's administration and calling the news, the school bribed major news corporations like Fox and CNN to stay away, local newstations however were scarcely even aware such a system existed. >The first week of April approached, some of our allies began to use their connections to the local media. As we all came with crudley made picket signs and showed up out of school uniform, dressed in t shirts with our school's logo on them. The idea was to make it as obvious as possible that we were standing together as students concerned for our school. >One newstation agreed to show, that fateful morning as we all arrived, picket signs in all. Chaos broke loose. >The cuck-administration had seen the protest taking place, keep in mind: Protest and freedom of speech in school is a bad word, as any faggot will know. >The newstation was under the Fox umbrella, right leaning. So naturally they ate it up, according to plan. >Our protest continued. As we peacefully shouted "Don't patronize us!" and "my education is not your game!" and shit like that ti stir up controversy. >Just as I predicted...the school administration cut their own throats. >The Vice Principal was trying to talk the main reporter out of filming the school, explaining how kids don't know shit about their rights and so on. Just as they did that, school safety arrived with patty wagons, and backing them up was the Sheriff's department >Bingo.
Brody Gomez
>The newscaster almost immediately ordered his cameras filming as several of us were arrested and beaten by the pigs and their school-allies. >The Twat came out shouting that we were sexist racist homophobes >ItWasn'tVeryEffective.exe >That night, thanks to the magic of sensationalism and fake news, the story went from a typical protest gone wrong to a case of extreme police brutality on hispanic minors. >LadiesAndGentlemenWeGotEm.txt >Within a week, the state stepped in to further investigate the incident and The Twat's administration >Me and several others were in the hospital at the time, our families all opened up cases against the School District for calling the cops and voiding our freedom of speech rights. >Dr. TwatThot was fired for gross endangerment of children, mishandling of school funds, and wouldn't you know? Discrimination against tards, and niggers since she didn't once offer any special clubs to the 3 niggers in our schools. lol. >Student council was disbanded and a new council took its place. As the former members of brony-council were beaten, taunted, and given Mr Swirleys for the rest of their time in Middle School.
Luis Wilson
>All of The Twat's rules fell and were scarcely enforced once her entire administration and hand picked teachers were all either fired or replaced. >Every faction went back to our normal business, my Blackshirts marched on right until graduation.
I'm in my 20s now and have largely grown up, left the fascist shit behind for obvious reasons as social justice started to come into power. I drove by the school the other night, along the walls, someone wrote "Viva Il Duce!" with a spray can. I couldn't help but smile :)
Zachary Mitchell
checked, but source or it didn't happen
Michael Jackson
Too long dude, are you writing a fucking novel? It can’t be this detailed otherswise
Anthony Howard
The jock beat down part was better. This sounds like the fruitiest school of all time.