I need some recommendations of videos / music to watch / listen to during my acid trip, help me out Yea Forums

I need some recommendations of videos / music to watch / listen to during my acid trip, help me out Yea Forums

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go outside faggot. real things look wayyyy better than shit on a screen while tripping.

as for music, "Tales from Topographic Oceans" by Yes

Anything from the band tera melos should be interesting

Id recommend their recent album

Season 2 episode 3 glass animals

Here's an entire playlist

2001 a space odyssey.
It's slow and quiet, better for a solo trip

Pink Floyd - The Wall
Pink Floyd - Dark Side of the Moon
Nine Inch Nails - Downward Spiral
KMFDM - Symbols
Anything Electric Light Orchestra
Anything Jimi Hendrix
The Backyardigans Theme Song


THe Dead.


Attached: index.png (225x225, 9K)

Staple Tapeworms - Passenger of shit

Dude! Try carpenter brut or lazer hawk

Literally all of electronic gems YouTube channel. Best of synthwave

Earl Sweatshirt - Mirror, the song is really good and the music video is trippy

Lazerhawk makes my wee wee hard


I, pet goat II


Crumb - Locket
Or really any song by them but the video for this one is hella trippy along with the tune. Enjoy babe.

Damn Whore - Non-stop
my fav


If your on acid all you want to do is go for a l8l walk not to far and then j7st chill in a room or tent please d9nt take my advice in like jesus but watever

Dancin' - Rcardo Milos Edition