The way the pedophile's mind works

The way the pedophile's mind works

Attached: PedoPolls.png (1887x498, 24K)

graph to small didn't read

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Where was that poll taken? That's pretty disturbing.

2nd this
How many people were polled? Are there any demographics? Are 12yo boys polling too?

I'm not clicking on that link. Can you tell me what kind of site it is and why the poll is being taken?

Attached: PedoAge.png (1880x432, 20K)

Look up virtuous pedo on google, it's a community for pedos that are trying to avoid offending

This is a very interesting. Post more if you got them.

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They should have done one on the correlation between pedophilia and homosexuality.

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>Pedophiles like children WOW
>I desperately need more fake proof so I can hate gays

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>Negative Three is an option.

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Very interesting, so pedos like girls that are willing?

Despite popular belief there is a difference between closet pedophile and CHILD MOLESTER/RAPIST

>lowkey pedo defender

what do you mean you don't like negative three year olds

i think it means 0-3 lmao

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like who could possible be attracted a fucking baby? Babies are ugly af

a pedo

yeah but I thought pedo were attracted to like 6-12

That sad moment when someone in the world is so fucked up they wake up and say:

Ah yes I'll put my dick in this today

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Pedophile is generally used as a blanket term it really only refers to attraction to kids 6-11
For reference
infantophile 0-5
pedophile 6-11
hebephile 12-14
ephebophile 15-19

too old

>ephebophile 15-19
Are you fucking retarded?

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