So I say "go kill yourself" hundreds of times to you and you go and kill yourself...

So I say "go kill yourself" hundreds of times to you and you go and kill yourself. Now I'm going to prison just because you killed yourself, tough shit, is this kid that was being told to kill himself so autistic that he just does anything anyone tells him to do. Or is he a fucking loser and he would've killed himself regards. Either way this is a clear infringement on this girls freedom of speech. I should be able to tell other people to kill themselves, and you should be able to tell me to kill myself, that's what makes this country beautiful and now you're destroying that beauty just because some kid was a fucking loser and actually killed himself LOL.

Attached: suicidecase.jpg (1280x720, 79K)

Kill yourself.

Attached: autism.jpg (640x480, 66K)

I actually agree, OP. I've always thought that if some chick tells you to kill yourself a bunch and you for it, you're probably just an idiot.

You should actually look into the things you form opinions about. She was fucked up. Some kind of Munchausen's syndrome. She deliberately sought out someone she could convince into suicide and dated him for a while. She wanted sympathy.

That chick is sexy af

Actually telling someone to kill themselves would not be protected under freedom of speech. That's like screaming fire in a theater, then claiming, "muh 1st amendment". It's not protected, so you can get fucked over. While I understand that it is not technically protected, the girl did not force him to do it therefore I don't understand why she should be in prison. Just make her pay a fine or something.

Love you, user

screaming fire in a theater shouldn't be illegal anyways.
What, should the American people be thought of as just a horde of idiots, willing to trample over people to save their own skin? That is /NOT/ what the founding fathers intended. It is the wrong way to organize this country.

So harassment should be legal?

Hmm I keep forgetting that /b is the absolute worst example of degeneracy in existence. OP is dumb as shit.

Now, I'm gonna do the honors. Kill yourself.

yes, absolutely

You idiot, maybe you should read up on what happened, she is 100% responsible and should spend life in prison if not hanged!

this bitch literally coerced him into killing himself so hard, she specifically told him what to do and told him it'd make everything better for a really long time, she deserves everything coming to her

Let's say she wanted this dude dead, so she manipulated this kid into killing himself. That should still be legal!

Give me a million dollars.
Hey give me a million dollars.
Give me a million dollars please.
Give me a million dollars now.
Give me a million dollars dude.
Bro give me a million dollars.
Give me a million dollars now please.
You should give me a million dollars.
Give a million dollars to me.
Toss your boy a million dollars.
Give me 2 million dollars and i'll give you a million back..
Give me 1000000 dollars.
Give me a million bucks.
>Get given a million dollars.
>Get thrown in jail for life for "stealing".

she was literally on the phone with him as he killed himself

I genuinely think you should kill yourself and it'd make everything better for a really long time. Prove me wrong?

more to my point that I think this girl had very little influence on his suicide. Let's say this girl was never present in this dudes life, he would have very likely killed himself within that year. The problem I have with this dude is the main thing for me personally is that when you commit suicide, most people do it for control. But with this dude, he defies common human behavior by having this girl control him into killing himself. If I'm going to kill myself, I'm sure as hell not going to do it because someone else told me to do it.

Honestly if you kill yourself its your own decision. Its a hard one though because it was his girlfriend who is someobe he trusted and she was convincing him to do it instead of strangers. Ive had suicidal thoughts before and had randoms treat ke like shit for most of my life and ive never done it. Ive also never had a girlfriend but if i had one that was telling me to kill myself when i was suicidal i would be sceptical

>Should we assume that human nature is very likely to cause an incident, and legislate based on this foreknowledge?
Yes. If you don't think so you're an idiot.
>It is NOT what the founding intended.
The founding fathers intended that everyone should have life (for which not getting trampled is important) thus its inclusion of the word in the constitution.

Not comparable to what she did. She manipulated him. If you manipulate someone into heading over your money and turn someone catches you out in the manipulation, you committed fraud and can be punished.

She isn't going to fuck you

He didn't have to kill himself. You don't have to give me a million dollars. He chose to kill himself. You chose to give me a million dollars.

I don't think you understand the meaning of the term "fraud". I didn't lie or deceive you to get the money. She didn't lie or deceive the mentally disturbed suicidal brainlet.