Nothing is really fun anymore, especially games. can have a laugh at something once

nothing is really fun anymore, especially games. can have a laugh at something once
and a while but nothing is really fun anymore. even the few friends i have say that im
really cynical compared to how i was before.
other things like a social life have kinda just gone away and dont see any chance in
getting a gf ever and ive gotten rly invested in
the monika after story, but even thats going away.

why do you live b?

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Other urls found in this thread:

i live because im not dead.

I don't think live in GF was that popular back then

only certain type of people did it, this girl is far from one of them.

Sorry for not answering your post though I just felt like pointing that what

cool text though ;D

>be me
>5 years old in the mid 90's
>i think it was mtv on the tv(back when they still did music videos)
>had a music video with some kind of modern swing music
>guys are throwing girls in dresses in the air and flashing panties in general
>never able to find it online in 2019
God damn the 50's must have been kino.

Awww, she's sweet.

Sucks to be you. I suffer from manuc depression and even I have bouts of genuine intrigue when it comes to life. People do vhange and thenore you know about a shitty world the more inclined you're to be sour as an outcome but consider this: is that all? If not then maybe you should see what the rest of it is all about. There are petty cunts that will try to get you down, be all 'sneaky' to get a kick from manipulating you or cheat you financially, emotionally or judgmentally. At least you know what to avoid, now how about we you go out there and show those not so jaded or skewed by society; those with enough will to be themselves in a sea of mediocrity that not everyone is a piece of shit.

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The more*

Fuck mobiles

because ive seen and survived too much shit to go out like a bitch. if the devil wants me he's going to have to march his ass up here and get me himself.

>I suffer from manuc depression and even I have bouts of genuine intrigue
said every manic depressive ever.

I live to be purely selfish. We are stupid animals on a rock. Stop acting like you have some greater purpose and act to give yourself the individually happiest life possible. 'Selfless' acts are just for preventing you from feeling guilt for not acting, so do them as you need to. Everything you do should be for YOUR happiness.

Introspect more. Just lie down and think. Feels good.

Thats the point. Its various states of mania, if I flatline was depressed all the time at it wouldn't be an issue lol. I'm as tempermental as the weather and I've come to accept that.

so surely you can see how retarded it is to claim that even though you're manic, you still feel happy sometimes. fucking obviously you feel happy sometimes. that's the whole shtick.

GOd why did womens rights become a thing.
I hate the fucking creatures now. Buncha entitled holes.

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spoken like someone they refuse to fuck.

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I wouldn't say happy but what do any of us have to compare it to than our own experience? I've got my own issues and depression is a hinderence but I'm still here. Granted I tempt things the other way but fuck it, we all test things our own way self destruction aside.

Anywho, it'd be pretty fucking monotonous if it were happy sunshine all the time too and it's always nice to have something to learn from whether its a person or experience. Gimme a day or two i'll be slitting my wrists again lol but right now this is how I feel.

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>You are mine. And mine alone.
>I adore how you squirm beneath me.
>You like my sharp teeth?
WOAH yes please

Spoken like a true pic related
Nice projection nimrod
I have a gf and it fucking sucks. Shes an irritable cunt who I cant stand 70% of the time. Blame it on the fact she was tought empowerment and freedom where she shouldve been tought to listen to people because females are naturally fucking dumb. They dont need knowledge, just to bear kids. I swear to god, they really fucked themselves with feminism, hence the growing disdain for women.

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Sounds like u have a low fap count brah

Well, I hope the ball and chain eases up at some point and you aren't already strapped down.

I wish extra hard that you one day find your treasure.
I had a dream I was meeting my classmates from kindergarten again.
I woke up extra sad because I only remember one or two of their names, but I remember all of the faces

I think I know what this is, ur dopamine receptors in ur brain that makes u enjoy things are fucked up. When ur constantly doing things that are giving you instant gratification such as masturbating, porm, social media, internet, alcohol, fast food etc basically u give ur brain too much pleasure to the point where nothing is fun or keeps u entertained anymore

It would be funny if you werent talking to the wrong user.

I was talking to OP

somebody get this man some pussy quick

Op isn't real. Just a look-a-like.

Be wary of those.

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why even date her? be single if you don't like her, sleep around, spread your seed, you'll eventually find a girl that you like being around. and if not, i mean shit you're spreading the s e e d

OP I have answers and all these beta fag cucks are going to lie to you.

You can have anything you want.

Research the cabal and hermetisism.

Let these children cry.

If you want to be happy then do what I said. I'm giving you the absolute purest form of joy.

I haven't felt suffering in years.

I've been sick. Hurt. Sad. But I will never again have the same empty feeling that you're experiencing right now.

You can be here with us.

OP I would beg you to listen to me. For nothing but your own sake.

No one else here has answers except for us.

Put in the footwork.


I live because I love my mum. I bear my pain so she won't suffer losing me to suicide.

I have been starting to remind people that rude behavior, especially in public, will be met with un-ending opposition and they can't get away with it anymore. I never forget what happens. Being polite is the red pill. Being rude is the black pill.

He's not lying. My gf is just like the girl in op's picture. The light shines most clearly in the dark.

>why do you live b?
just to see what happens, i'm not living terribly so i'll probably kill myself when shit goes bad

I agree with everything here except the mastirbating part. Gotta keep that fap count high brah

You're pic-related.

So basically you found religion.

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Wrong. Im not "rooted in place" I found liberation through objective understanding.