This is why Yea Forums shouldn't breed

This is why Yea Forums shouldn't breed

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that boy is a revolutionary

Literally a mental illness

isnt that the kid that was stripping onstage at a gay bar for money?

trap faggot here and even I'm embaressed by this cringy pedo shit

Where do we sign up? Swiggity swooty.

10 yr olds shouldnt date, trans or not.

Trans shouldnt even go into the debate, 10 yr olds should not have a dating site/app.

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Why not? Adults have them. It's better than them meeting other 10yr Olds on the bus

How is that better?

He a Jew, He will make Millions from the Lib wed site. He will have the riches when he is in his twenty's married and expecting children. he will make fools of all. stumped american infidel fag

The amount of faggot pedos that would use that app would be off the charts, those little shits would get rapped, serves the little faggots right I guess.

Shoot it

This kid looks like he already has AIDS

This shit is why I don’t care about the coming climate catastrophe. We deserve it.

What chromosomes does he have?

This user is a mega ultra faggot ass nigger
\/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/

why the fuck would children need a dating site?

Kill it with fire

Obviously an extra one

what coming climate catastrophe, oh that political bulshit about human caused global warming? Right, learn about feedback loops and suppression loops.

time to get reactionary

Why the fuck? To date the pedos who want to fuck them?

That isn't Yea Forums, thats the jews m8

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that's a problem?

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Nice Post Comrade!

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Animals are trans now too

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its possible but LOL
>it will understand


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Those kinds of people are the ones who are offended that Yea Forums even exists.

>still gets a shitty woman's studies degree

>Because most women find science fields interesting
Oh wait..

Yea Forums didn't make that. Liberals did.


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>did I just create more work for a wagecuck that now has to put these back in the correct section? Yes, yes I did.

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Ylyl thread?

Just the freaks. 99 times out of 100 lefties will go "WTF."

Either that, or a cringe thread

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The one that happened 2 years ago that Al Gore predicted. Oh wait, it didnt happen? Who knew that a political hack shouldn't make climate predictions.

That slippery slope was much more aggressive than expected.

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I will concede centrist libs but the far left supports this shit.

>Either that, or a cringe thread
I was going for cringe

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>ftfy m8

It'll get overran by pedo faggots and get shut down....hopefully. Goddamn I hate faggots

Probably has blue hair



I’d like to hear them explain how an obese woman would be athletic enough to parkour and scale multistory victorian buildings

Found the NPC

If it was funny maybe

Wow, the cliche (you remember cliches, right kids, those things that became memes?) about 'person acting like a dipshit in a dignified or at least regulated setting' is really running out of settings to act out in, isn't it?

Saw a TV ad showing someone at a classical opera concert and his phone rings and (lole lole ecks dee) his ringtone is a fart sound!!!

Except hardly anyone goes to opera or classical music anywhere, anymore. What's left, funerals?

And then one girl btfo’d the shit out of him with his own sexism. Dropped the mic and left. Then everyone started clapping and her crush asked her out to homecoming

Absolutely degenerate

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there are feminist chickens too

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Don't want any kids to get rapped

Literally demons.

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You tards made this thread already yesterday.
Didn't get enough attention?

I mean theoretically they could share the same underlying phenomenon though obviously couldn't communicate it or conceive of transition.
We already knew that hormone surges at key points in early development can cause lasting behavioral changes in everything from caste-based ants on up to mammals like mice.
Pets can't understand pronouns though.

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Ok, not really a response to anything I said though.

for once in a while i don't want to commit suicide.
but i literally don't want to live in this world.
what to do?

And youtube had the hide to call us pedo's, yet they promote this sickery/ban people that speak out about pizzagate.

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Make a better world? Be the change you want to see.

I read #7 and thought it said "They don't check their baggage." and I was like...that's kind of an oddly occasional thing to hate about someone.

Go shoot up some random restaurant, you retard. SURELY you'll find the secret pizza tunnels and not just make a fool of yourself and get arrested like the last moron who took /pol/ memes too seriously.

clean your room

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No worries JOHN PODESTA, don't you have a lolita express to catch ??

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Wish more fags looked like the freak on the right. At least he makes a pretty girl.

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Wanna fuck it.

Kinda smart actually.
It's nice to know there will be a safe place for adults and kids to hookup.

ummmm sweetie the author of that article actually walks 5kms every 3 days and her blood sugar and cholesterol are all normal.
you can't accurately assess someone's health just by looking at them you misogynist pig
