How fucked are we Yea Forums? I'm beginning to hear the consequences of climate change are inevitable

How fucked are we Yea Forums? I'm beginning to hear the consequences of climate change are inevitable.

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yeah it's hard to imagine that polar bear could have been sick from anything other than climate change.

learn to think for yourself
don't be brainwashed by media
do your own research

No polar bear ever starved to death before 1975, fact.

it's mostly an elaborate ruse by leftists to guilt trip you. we aren't fucked at all and the list of things that will exterminate humanity before climate change is growing with each passing day.

Is there any point going vegan, planting trees, all that crap, or should I order mad Max cosplay and prepare for America's collapse

Back to r/thedonald faggot

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we're pretty fucked built a bunker now

>even the man who owns the weather channel calls them out
>makes liberal noises

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Avoid hurricane and flood prone areas.
Countries with heavy over population like India will suffer the most.

What do you think the end goal of the climate hoax is? What purpose does it serve?

We live between ice ages you stupid fuck. As humans "today", we are living in a golden age. Guess what is coming? A fucking ice age. Fuck off with your climate change; its called weather and it is based on the Sun, the Sun's cycles and our solar system's locations on the galactic plain.

Of, and fuck you..

controlling energy. are you retarded? what do they push to kill?

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trees are good for property value and can reduce heating and cooling costs

Ocasio-Cortez said the world is gonna end in 12 years due to it.

I am just hoping she doesn't have any Mayan ancestry, maybe she will be right.

We are entering a longer period of a solar minimum so expect some cold winters for awhile.

No, there's no point. The population of North America is not increasing as fast as the more populated countries. With each day we are becoming more outnumbered. The first phase of softening up a country for exploitation or invasion is destabilization. I'd say it's possible we are in the first phase. If we are not, then we are doing the work for them right now. Who is them? Take your pick. We've got a lot of good land that many would like a chunk of. The only thing stopping them right now is our love of blowing shit up.

Like with all things the answer is simple. Money.

People have been preaching that shit for ages. Al Gore has said the world is going to end like 20 times and he's rich. Stop believing this shit, or at least that the government is the only thing that can stop it. They're not and they won't, they'll just steal tax dollars. If people really cared, they'd be doing something about it but nobody is because it either doesn't exist or it isn't nearly as bad as the propaganda-filled public school system tries to make you think it is.

>higher population = better country

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The Mayans weren’t right about 2012. They were a bunch of faggot Indians with an austitic calendar.

Tell that to China

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Or maybe, your boomer ass is in denial

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Sun spots, niggers. Google it and invest in a good jacket and some long underwear. Listen to real science, not political bullshit.

you people are worse than flat earthers

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Yeah, when climate change threatens our species, the first thought in my mind is "we gotta use this to our advantage and waste resources invading another country!"

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I'm not denying global warming exists, just that there's a good chance people are lying about it to make money. The main point is that the government isn't required to fix it, or anything for that matter.

A real tweet from the president

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Kinda have to be more in your face than those mouth-breathers, when the world is at stake

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Well then they should be made to

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It's all horse shit.

That was not implied at all. What will happen is these other shitty piss poor countries are going to run out of resources and they know it. They don't give a fuck about the environment, other nations, or even their own people. When there's enough of them, they'll use the sheer mass of their people to get what they want. It's a win-win situation. Sacrifice the poor in the name of the country to acquire better land for its businesses and leaders.

You don't understand humans very well do you?

Can you imagine, millions of worthless Indian niggers throwing themselves at death, making the world a better place?

My cock can only get so erect

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These images that climatefags post are so fucking retarded, are you really implying that the ice just suddenly melted and left the bear on that little strip of ice. If the picture wasn't so zoomed in it would show the rest of the ice and how the bear actually got to that spot.


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Polar bears hunt seals. Seals rest on Ice. The bears must swim from burg to burg to find new hunting grounds. Sometimes they get stranded.

As long as we don't let all the fuckers on the coasts move inland I say bring it on

>bears are stupid
>oh no, must be climate change

I was just explaining the picture. It's true that with less ice each year, more of them get stranded though.

Water level will go down when the ice melts, not up.

It'll be fine. Stop believing everything Hollywood says.

That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard

>old image of an old dying polar bear
What the fuck is this Chewbaca defense tier shit.

But when the ice on the land melts the oceans will rise. Greenland and Antarctica are covered by ice miles thick. if that melts the oceans will rise alarmingly.
It won't happen in our lifetimes and it may not happen completely. But we're in for Interesting Times.

You do realize that Earth's climate is in a constant state of change... Unless you really think the Caveman caused the ice-ages too.

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>Ice doesn't take up more mass than water.

Nigger, fill a glass with water and icecubes. Watch what happens as the cubes melt. KYS

Made up shit for stupid fucks like you. It's fake but you're allowed to believe it.

it's not "90% of the world's scientists"

no wonder you believe in bullshit.

Please let's not use our brains

That's fine as long as there is no other source of water. But it would be odd if only the floating ice melted and Greenland retained its miles-deep icecap.

Global warming isnt a hoax. What is a hoax is people who think US is at the heart of it all- or most other first world countries. Its countries like china, india that dont have pollution laws whatsoever- its not our fault.

Another ice age was always going to happen. we're just speeding up the process. in the next hundred years we'll get much stronger storms, flooding, etc. as another user said, third world countries are fucked. coastal areas are fucked. Most wildlife is fucked. For our generation, it doesn't matter. In the next few, they're going to get the consequences of our apathy. Scarce resources will fuel more war and more destruction.

So do you have to worry? No. if you care about the planet, wildlife, and general future of humanity, yes. anyone who says its all a hoax is literally retarded and can have information shoved down their throat and still wouldn't care- and they don't. That's why we(not US, but generations from now) are fucked. Its just going to get worse and worse, and we're feeding the fire. Humanity will finally care when its too late

Life always moves on. when we're dead and gone, life will persist as it has through the other mass extinctions

>90% of our specially selected limited pool of liberal educated scientist!
>also ignore all the proven faked records!

I did a masters degree in Earth System Science in 1988. I don’t know exactly how the shit will hit the fan because there is so much shit heading our way. Back in the 1980s and 90s we feared coastal flooding and poor crop production. Now we fear that the air we breath may be unbreathable within the lifetimes of our children. That is to say, if our children are able to live through the complete collapse of economies, money and agricultural world wide. Somehow one of the political parties in the USA decided they wanted to make this political but in every other country in the world it is now understood even by the least educated.

Here’s the thing...

No country is going to give up their standard of living. The second and third world countries want cars, electricity, running water, internet, luxury goods, IPhones, tech toys, swimming pools, Gucci handbags, etc.

I recently came back from India and that place is a fucking cesspool of feces and intermittent power outages and spotty internet. They WANT what the Western countries already have and no one will stop them. Ditto for China, the rest of Asia, Africa, Middle East and South America. Oh, and they’re still fucking and making millions of babies.

Let’s just adapt and move on from there.

that being said we'll kill ourselves before any type of catastrophic natural event resulting from pollution does. but in the case we don't, its something to keep in mind.

I live in canada, the polar bear population is booming and russia has reported the same thing, we are the 2 main countries where polar bears exist. They may actually become a problem in the future if their population stays growing at the same rate, your picture is fucking gay bro.

this is only true for ice floating in water. the arctic floats but greenland, northern canada, northern russia, and antarctica dont, this is all ice on land, and when it melts it dumps into the oceans


Antarctic levels of ice have been growing. Just a few years ago it was the largest ever recorded.

Just like I'm going to dump my nuts into your ass.

Thanks this thread is full of idiots and Russian trolls.

The climate will reset itself.
The question is will we survive?

Not necessarily, many of us think that earth may end up like Venus this time around and never return.

Russia has a legitimate stake in climate change. As ice recedes, northern shipping routes open up that they hope to control along with arctic land. Not to mention it makes their shithole country slightly more inhabitable.

>>Only one portion of the article mentions growing and its only regarding the sea portion and a portion that mentions a theroy that the interior portion should grow

You do know that the article mentions a study, that happened, suggesting that the total amount of ice in the antartica has been decreasing right? especially on the western hemesphere right?

Where is earth-chan now?

More methane gasses trapped in Siberia permafrost than have ever been released by man. That shit thaws and the whole world is fucked.

so all i want to know, when will everything be fucked enough that I can start raping anyone I see?

You think all of the ice is in the ocean already? What about the ice above sea level? You don't think it will melt into the ocean and add to the water level. Dumb ass

>not considering ice not in the cup

"Climate change" is an over 100 year old military project. Remember when Tesla was alive? Yeah since back then. What's new is that the technology is so far advanced, and IN PLACE.

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>waste resources invading another country

Why waste when you can just exploit their altruistic laws and fool the public into allowing hoards of migrant soldiers in without firing a single bullet

There is a 100% chance people are lying about it to make money. The problem is people like you eat that shit up! I've lIved in the same general location for 45 years, but in the last 20 years the number of times it has dropped below freezing has hasn't just declined, it's nosedived. Instead of frost every morning in the winter, it has frosted over, maybe, 40 times in the LAST FUCKING DECADE!!!! Please tell me how the planet isn't warming.

It makes tons of sense for climate chnage scientists to say there is climate change. If they didn’t then the government wouldn’t send any reaearch money their way and they wouldn’t have job. The european union got caught PURPOSELY fucking with thier model to fake the notion that global warming is real.

Our current BEST models can’t even accurately predict the KNOWN past. What makes you think they can predict the future with accuracy?

How much money is the government paying my thermometer?

Top kek

Your thermometer is meaningless in regards to world wide climate change you fucking retard.

We're not denying that it's happening, we're denying that it's a Bad Thing.


Climate change is fake you faggot.

Its been used as narrative pierce to distract fucking retards like you from actual change in things like social or economic policy.

I thought Cohen told you faggots to shutup?

so kill yourself and remove your carbon footprint.

>hurr durr,im a libtard who cares about climate change

go drink another bottle of soylent faggot

>do your own research
What if doing my own research has lead me to believe that humans actually are fucking up our own ecosystems to our own detriments, and find it depressing as fuck that we're more concerned with capital gain and competition than with making sure our great grandkids won't be in a situation where they have to wear designer rebreathers to school

Like holy shit. We're fucked up.

Was venus the first earth?

They're controlling the weather to make it extreme. They're using the theatre to threaten "the future" unless you "restrict commercial activities" and "pay taxes in the name of the element of life".

Shit's not happening naturally, and the only solution to stop it is for them to stop doing it.

>climate change isn't real
>it's just your climate that's changing, not the worlds.

Global temps have been going up for about 150 years coming out of the LIA, and they've been going down for about 4000. Each warm period has been cooler than the last since the Minoan., Roman, Medieval We'll be back in an ice age in 2000 years so STFU and enjoy being able to sunbathe between the tropics you fucking priveldged millenial cunts.

Hey, you. I hope you're not confused about what the words "climate" and "weather" means. We haven't been alive long enough to witness "climate change".

I've been alive long enough to see frost every morning in the winter to turn into frost six or seven days a year.

>People are actually this stupid
>Or Russian

that's the stupidest thing ive read itt.

A fraction of people care about climate change, it doesnt affect anyone of this generation& its only limited to people who care about the planet.

Everyone cares about social and economic policies, it affects everyone. Its all over facebook and the news. Whens the last time you've seen a climate change piece on your local news channel?

they've been saying this for the last 60+ years.

if we didn't irreconcilably fuck the environment over in the early 1900's during the industrial revolution when there wasn't a single environmentally friendly law on the books, then nothing we do now when we actually are being careful and giving a shit is going to affect the climate.

>he thinks because a civilization's calender ended on a specific date it wasn't because they were wiped before they could continue the calender

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Aren't they that stupid though? They're getting their asses kicked with extreme, abrupt weaponized weather, and yet they sit there, drooling, truly believing that their car and cows did it.
Frightening, really.

>My puny brain can't comprehend accumulation of effects over time so it must not be true

...cobbling up idiotic solutions based on complete fallacious information.


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>which makes more sense?

The left. Was that suppose to be a hard question? It wasn't.

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What the fuck are you raving about? You literally sound like a crazy person.

Signed, someone who understands the underlying causes of climate change (including cars and methane).

lol do you really not know what caused the dust bowl?

we're not fucked at all and can control weather how we fucking please. you just deserve to suffer so we set it to suffer mode. Its been that way for awhile now.

Whether costs from rebuilding from extreme weather destruction, property losses and paying new taxes for your energy usage, they're going to get your shekels.

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Personally I think the climate just goes through cycles. Honestly, I wish we had better and more iron clad data spanning climate change over the past 10 thousand years or so, so we could rule out any trends or whatnot.

People away from the equator will be fine. People close to the equator will be heat stroked out of existence, if famine doesn't do them in first.


>climate just goes through cycles.
It does but it's a slow process not noticeable in one human lifetime. What were seeing now is NOT natural climate change.

It used to be that the WEATHER was largely driven by solar radiation and CMEs *interacting with the Earth's ionosphere*, creating gradual high and low pressure systems. Now we have the technology to fuck the ionosphere ourselves... these are based on Teslas ideas and they've been doing it since the 1800s. The thing is today, in 2019, these weapons are set up all across the Earth and their power is unprecedented.

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I know exactly what caused it. Do you?

This is the best argument against regulations anybody has. Anybody with a thermometer can tell it's heating up, the best you can do is assign blame elsewhere.

You liars are not creating "a better world". You are making it worse.

You can't do any of that without lowering the population substantially, climate change or not.

>Anybody with a thermometer can tell it's heating up
If you only had to capacity to understand how simple you're being

Shut the fuck up Ivan

Which should be a long-term goal. But maybe we should focus on the low-hanging fruit first.

Ecological trauma is not a collective piecework of every human. The people are being blamed for disasterous decisions being made 'on their behalf'. The only responsibility the people have in this is enabling the Jews to do it, but they're truly too stupid to understand how they're feeding the beast.


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>Only Igor would get this bent out of shape over being called Ivan

have fun sucking cock in nigger ville.

>Which should be a long-term goal.

Long term excess population is essentially going to starve to death.

> But maybe we should focus on the low-hanging fruit first.
There is no low hanging fruit. If there were, we'd be picking it right now I'm afraid.

More research; less hyper-empathetic, emotional masturbation, jackass.

>2001-2002: 82 days drops below freezing
>2017-2018: 12 days drops below freezing
literaly a matter of record
>b-but who's keeping the records
I am!

the problem is not climate change

there just too many people on earth

Lowest-hanging fruit I should say. None of it's easy, but it's doable. The problem is with the feet-dragging of oil producing countries and companies that benefit from harmful emissions.

Again, I don't think we have enough data to rule out a more rapid climate change as something that has never happened.

>muh meme bait

Well there is a large scope of pollution that is natural, there always has been. I forget the exact details, but I'm pretty sure our pollution doesn't even come close to what comes off of the ocean just doing isn't thing in nature. I'm not saying we don't contribute it, but I think it's idiotic to rule out other possibilities when there is so many millions of years of data that we don't have. The data we do have is incredibly small, compared to what we would need to rule out other natural factors. I'm saying maybe panicking over it is a pointless endeavor, but you do you.

Al Gore studied climate change under Roger Revelle at Harvard. He was worried about climate change long before he ran for Governor of Tennessee. Also he took no profit on his two documentaries and you can download them for free. (hint hint, maybe you should you inbread piece of shit)

So you're not familiar with the ridge-trough-ridge-trough oscillation huh? That stat means literally nothing for as long as the oscillation remains, and they've been oscillating for decades, more extreme in recent years.

Ws hould be heating up. The 1800s were the bottoming out of the coldest peiod in about 11,000 years. Oddly enough, that time period coincides with the earlist data sets. Same with Arctic ice, satellite data started in 1980 when the ice peaked in the late 80s

> Ecological trauma is not a collective piecework of every human.
Agreed. I don't have a car, barely leave my home, don't go on vacation and live a pretty frugal life.

> The people are being blamed for disasterous decisions being made 'on their behalf'.
I think it's more like the people are being browbeat into allowing the government to get more power instead of just being individually responsible with their consumption.

> The only responsibility the people have in this is enabling the Jews to do it, but they're truly too stupid to understand how they're feeding the beast.
I don't believe in jewish conspiracy, but there is this thing called the state, which will always attempt to grow like a cancer and eventually kill its host.

>Meme bait
How about giving a real argument against those points then dipshit?

Beginning? Where the fuck you been the past 30 years, faggot?


Do you own an electric car and solar panels? Answer the fucking question. I don't know any leftist that owns them. But the hypocrites sure love bashing everyone else.

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How about you type out your position and I'll give you a serious response? Or I can just make a strawman and throw memes at it with you, I'm down for whichever really.

It really exploits our homocentric narssicism to be told that it's our little personal activities we do in our little personal lives that can cause geological instability in a matter of decades.
Many people are really able to believe that's possible... that their car driving and beef eating even holds a fucking candle to the military geoengineering operation.

>"Wait you're telling me you live in an oil-dependent world haven't fully disconnected from it????"
Sure are a lot of dipshits in here

> Lowest-hanging fruit I should say. None of it's easy, but it's doable.

Sure its doable: everyone has to give up their motor transportation and walk or ride a bike, and never take a plane. I want to see ANYONE capable of selling that. I personally already don't have a car and don't travel so I'm already there. Most people are just retarded tho.

> The problem is with the feet-dragging of oil producing countries and companies that benefit from harmful emissions.
If people stopped buying cars or traveling, oil companies would largely go out of business. There'd still be a need for power generation though. Oil companies and countries just sell what other people are buying.

>me: anybody with a thermometer can tell it's heating up
>you: no it's not your being simple
>me: the number of days it's frozen over has dropped by 85%
>you: but that doesn't mean it's heating up, it's just kind of extreme rn.

Since you refused to answer the question, I will answer it for you. You don't own an electric car or solar panels. You are just a virtue signaling faggot.

Im thinking it is definitely time to start thinking about having the conversation about whether or not to worry

There is no position to take, it's happening whether you like it or not. those points are for people that are still too brain-dead to "believe" in climate change.

Except oil is used for more than just transportation (see plastics and tons of other everday items).

Riiiight. It's not like he's become vastly more wealthy in the years since he clung to global warming/climate change.

Wanna try again buddy? I love that you're this butthurt

The thing is they're not saying we cause tectonic instability they're saying we're adding CO2 and CH3 to the atmosphere and as a matter of fact we're doing it. It's not that hard to measure these things and compare against the past.

so the rich and powerful fossil fuel industry is pushing a narrative to control energy so they can keep getting richer. gotcha

>How fucked are we Yea Forums?

Even if it actually was happening (which it isn't), if you live in a Northern climate, it would actually be an improvement. Understand OP, if it actually was happening, there will be winners as well as losers. In large regions of the planet, the climate will improve, the winters would not be as harsh, the growing seasons would be longer, you could grow new warmer weather crops, that could not grow there before, and so on.

Yes really. Controlling the jetstream will do that. It really means zippty fucking doo dah, considering the jetstream is being controlled.

You do understand the consequence of controlling the movement of the jetstream, right?

Making plastics doesn't generate a lot of CO2. Burning it for energy does. Non-biodegradable waste is pretty much a separate issue from climate change due to CO2 emissions.

The largest extinction event in Earth's history was caused by 5 degrees of warming (caused by sudden, massive carbon emissions) which triggered huge amounts of methane being emitted into the atmosphere. 97% of species died off. We are on track for 4 degrees of warming by 2100. Humans have never existed with a planet 4 degrees warmer than our current Earth. Maybe we can survive it, maybe not. My money is on not.

>of course i know i just want to see if you do!

>climate change due to CO2 emissions.
This doesn't exist. This isn't real science. This is the big red herring. This is the turd in the punchbowl.

The carbon cycle is literally the LIFE cycle on this planet.

Anyone who thinks we can have all this boundless, limitless, portable energy with no consequences is a fucking moron. They're the people who believe someone on the phone who promises something for nothing. There's no free lunch in nature. Climate change is the cost for the society we built on fossil fuels.

Yeah! So all of that extra carbon generated by humans in recent history is part of the natural cycle, DUHH

You will likely be dead by the time the shit hits the fan. Which means you will miss out on all the awesome nihilistic sex people will be having, but also on the 24/7 dread that nothing matters.

You do realize a species of Tiger, Parrot, a main breed of Bee, and one other species (totally forget right now) have gone extinct at the end of 2018 and the beginning of 2019. We have FUCKED mother earth and I used to think humans could slow it down or even reverse it... NOPE! When animals are going extinct, we are fucked because we fucked this planet without a condom with our diseased phallus.

> This doesn't exist.

Nah. You can do tests in a lab to measure the heat retention of CO2.

> The carbon cycle is literally the LIFE cycle on this planet.
True. Water is also very important. I double dare you to drink two gallons of it in less than an hour. Ok. don't do it, you'll get water poisoning. Turns out that there can be too much of a good thing.

>boundless, limitless, portable energy with no consequences is a fucking moron.
truism. (look up what a truism is before you get flattered)

While that's true, it's completely out of context.
Humanity could never consume all of earth's resources. To think so is to take this existence for granted and be a total fucking moron.

>extra carbon generated
we're making carbon now? explain what you mean...

You realize >90% of all species that have ever, EVER existed on Earth are now extinct, right? This happens. Survival of the fittest is a phrase for a reason, moron.

Here is just a taste.

We are releasing carbon that was trapped into the atmosphere. Playing the semantics card doesn't make you look smarter.

>You can do tests in a lab to measure the heat retention of CO2.
So what? You think being able to measure heat retention (There's a new, jewish invented index called the "Global warming index"), and carbon dioxide ranks pretty low, compared to other gasses like methane. See? Being able to measure it means they can't lie about how much worse methane is.
Methane is

For you;

>carbon that was trapped into the atmosphere.
You mean chemicals react??


So let's create a man-made mass extinction event because mass extinctions have happened before? That's pretty stupid logic.

You mean hunting and poaching and dumping toxic waste all over because we're shekel grabbers has to do with the climate?

Ladies and gentlemen, this is what happens when you no longer have a valid response.

i'm not sure your following what im pointing out
its a fact that it's getting warmer
then you said it's not
then I say it is again saying that I can read a fucking thermometer
then you blame the increase in temperature on something else
even though the climate has very measurably changed (by 85% I did the fucking math)

Tldr; I say yes, you say no, then you backtrack and blame something else

Animals becoming extinct isn't really a problem. That process started the moment we learned farming, thousands of years ago. And it won't stop until we reduce the population by a couple billion.

If you REALLY believe that people are bad for the world, don't have children. Ideally, commit sudoku to reduce your carbon footprint to 0 too.

>You do know that the article mentions a study, that happened, suggesting that the total amount of ice in the antartica has been decreasing right? especially on the western hemesphere right?

That's not what NASA says is happening......

>A new NASA study says that an increase in Antarctic snow accumulation that began 10,000 years ago is currently adding enough ice to the continent to outweigh the increased losses from its thinning glaciers.

The research challenges the conclusions of other studies, including the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC) 2013 report, which says that Antarctica is overall losing land ice.

According to the new analysis of satellite data, the Antarctic ice sheet showed a net gain of 112 billion tons of ice a year from 1992 to 2001. That net gain slowed to 82 billion tons of ice per year between 2003 and 2008.

Good for you for pointing out basic shit everyone knows, these extinctions were because of humans. Did other animals make these species extinct? Pretty sure nature on its own, without a catastrophic event like a gigantic object smashing into the planet, doesn't just cause extinctions. Species evolve, they don't just disappear off the face of the Earth because they didn't feel like adapting. Not going to stoop to your level, insulting a stranger on the internet, you are "brave".

To monetize pollution and make money off of cap and trade. Al Gore had Ken Lay of Enron infamy help him design cap and trade so al could make money selling carbon credits.

Hey, I'm all good with making more environmentally friendly jobs and energy, my position is just that I don't think we have enough information to completely rule out that it's at least partly a natural cycle of the planet.

The one thing I AM against however, is a carbon tax, that's just fucking stupid and funds for bettering the environment should be taken out of taxes that are already in place. It's up to the government to allocate the money they receive better and make better choices, not continue adding more taxes.

No, no. That's called a strawman, little user. I'm saying that various environmental factors change on this planet every day. If a creature cannot adapt and overcome that, they undergo extinction. There's a reason that in 4 billion years, most creatures have died. Just because the environment is changing and shit is going extinct is no indication of a scientific apocalypse. That's my argument.

>its a fact that it's getting warmer
No, it isn't. It is a fact that for over 17 years, there has been zero warming.

Love how Yea Forums has no problem believing in a global conspiracy of Jews working to control the world economy but absolutely refuses to believe energy billionaires would work together to discredit climate science - something that directly threatens their bottom line. A bunch of fucking geniuses on this web site.

>So let's create a man-made mass extinction
Who are we "let's"ing? Please understand there isn't a damn thing you can do personally to threaten humanity, unless you're the actual personel actually controlling the antenna farm, for instance

they were inevitable in like 1980 you cock, they just want to homo us up so that china wins, if china doesn't stop cheating on emissions nothing matters because they're already the biggest contributor and anything we have to stop manufacturing they will start manufacturing, increasing their future emissions

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The earth is cooling in reaction to the artificial warming of decades past

Yes. Animals went extinct without our assistance, jackass. I haven't seen any saber-toothed tigers or velociraptors lately. Have you? What about 3 foot dragonflies or dodos? Use some critical thought, user.

Why is this a problem? People believe in wildly different religions, all of them equally making baseless assertions about their gods. It's natural some people will believe some conspiracies, other people will believe others.

Well kiddo, back when I was in High School,, back in the 80's, the fearmongering asshole scientists were ranting about the planet was cooling, and that we were going to have mass deaths due to the colder weather.

When that didn't happen, they decided oh shit, let's say that it is now warming!!!

Yes! Finally!
After I’m dead I don’t have to worry about money and being alone for the rest of my life!
Bring on the end!

A carbon tax is the only thing that will get businesses to do the right thing

Except your argument is so weak that it's an actual strawman, not just a logical fallacy, tiny user. You're conflating natural events that caused mass extinctions with a human-made one and expecting animals to adapt the same way.

Then why has it only frozen over an average of 12 days the last 10 years but 30 years ago it was an average of 82? Let me guess, they're controlling the jet stream to make it hot.

Resource shortage inevitably means conflict. Wtf was your point

Imagine living in a world where you don't think science can improve in almost 30 years.

You actually think businesses will pay those taxes? They will evade them someway or another.

>just be gay and parrrrrtay
Sure thing then

I just saw a lost of the world's 100 most polluted cities and if you scroll down the list it's surprising how few aren't in either China or india.

lol so dumb

Are you seriously making the argument that we shouldn't even bother because some companies will avoid taxes?

So...You think this gradual warming/cooling is worse than, say, an ice age caused by a massive bolide strike which annihilated the dinosaurs? Creatures survived that...they'll survive some gasses, heat/cold, and water, user. Even Carboxylic acid has been around forever. (Carbon Dioxide + Water = Carboxylic Acid [Acid Rain].)

>A carbon tax is the only thing that would actually drive business away from the US

yeah, we know

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I know I did a good job when I start getting these comments.

Dude, who the fuck is "WE"?

>They will evade them someway or another.
Yeah, no kidding. They just pass the cost onto us, the end consumer. It's your tax, not theirs.

Wait, whos the stupid motherfucker that's arguing FOR carbon taxes?? lol jesus people are simple

> Arctic sea ice extent is up 40% from this date five years ago.

Doesn't sound like what you are saying is true........

See the thing you can't seem to grasp is that the warming we're experiencing isn't "gradual." Unlike you, I'm not advocating that we force a mass extinction just because they've happened in the past, even extreme ones.

Wait, just hear me out here, what if, and I know this is tough to hear, what if we created jobs surrounding more carbon-friendly energy sources? Now that's a novel idea.

>Imagine living in a world where you don't think science can improve in almost 30 years.
The problem is, the alarmist demanded massive changes, and hundreds of billions in funding for research, to prevent cooling. They then turned around and so oh fuck!!!! guess what, it has actually been warming for over a century, we are fucked!!!!! Gimme hundreds of billions to stop the warming!!!

>A carbon tax is the only thing that will get businesses to do the right thing
I wish someone would whip me. I wish someone would drive me like a slave by the tip of a whip. We must be enslaved by the whip, it's the only way to save the Universe. Do you propose we do NOTHING?

Zero substance, comment discarded

And local ice is down 85% from 20 years ago.

newsflash: the earth has been both warmer and colder in the past, and will be both warmer and colder in the future long after humans are gone, get a grip on reality.

Yet he still doesnt understand the concept that gas in the atmosphere can trap heat, and as more and more gas is produced, the earth warms.

So your argument against the current evidence is that, since we were wrong in the past and spent lots of money, we should disregard this more convincing evidence because it might cost money? Smart.

Shoo, you don't belong in this conversation

You're an astoundingly arrogant debate partner. I am not saying we should cause an extinction. That's the second time you've strawmanned me, brainlet. I personally don't know if global warming is anthropogenic or not. I AM arguing, however, that it's irrelevant. You will never get the entire world on the same page. You cannot account for outside variables like sunspots or ozone depletion. SO WHEN THE EARTH INEVITABLY CHANGES CLIMATE, creatures WILL prevail and adapt as they always have. Jesus, you're an asinine jackass.

I believe you mean Carbonic Acid. H2CO3, right?

a Carboxylic Acid is COOH-

Ahhh, my bad. You are correct. Thank you.

Businesses pay no taxes, they pass the added expense to the end user, the consumer.. you.. so if you like more expensive shit, more power to the taxes.

> Vindicated: Bureau Acknowledges Limits Set On How Cold Temperatures Can Be Recorded

Funny how the government claimed that the author happened to pick the only two weather stations that had been set up to not record colder temperatures, out of the 695 stations.........

The issue with Venus is it's lack of a magnetic field because it only turns on its axis once in 200 days. So it's environment is dominated by solar radiation. Mars spins fast enough but it doesn't have enough iron in its core to make a strong field so it's atmosphere ionized and blew away with the solar wind.

They've been fuckin talking about it for more than 20 years. Still better than global cooling I think

I didn't say that. I was wondering if you thought that. Read my fucking post.

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No, my argument is politics (read: money) determines the science, and that any theory can be supported with enough research.

Also, you're little consumer joe take on this issue is embarrassingly naive and futile.

My point clearly is, the hucksters committed fraud in the past, claiming indisputable evidence, and now the same hucksters are ranting about their new "indisputable" evidence, that directly contradicts their previous "indisputable" claims

>Just because the environment is changing and shit is going extinct is no indication of a scientific apocalypse

Except I didn't strawman you. I told you you're conflating this environmental change and current extinctions with the ones we've experienced in the past. And for some reason you're still playing it off like it's a valid reason not to be concerned

We are fine user climate change is just a boogie man used to scare people into adopting progressive policies and ideologies we have at least another 300+ years until any noticeable effects

Do you actually think that the amount of gas in the atmosphere is increasing on the planet?!?!?

>everyone blames America for climate change
china has a bigger carbon footprint than America and russia combined but not a single peep

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You're a grade A nigg

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Except that it's ABSOLUTELY a valid counterpoint, genius.

"Survival of the fittest" is a phrase that originated from Darwinian evolutionary theory as a way of describing the mechanism of natural selection. The biological concept of fitness is defined as reproductive success. Wikipedia"

A+ rebuttal, user.

diff user, but to answer you yes it is... just by burning fossil fuel we are converting solid/liquid matter into gases...


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And in other places where it never frosted over its now constantly dropped double digits below zero every year. Climate change happens, we have pretty good records of it, fuck, at one point the Sahara was a fucking rainforest, then (without any people around) it became a desert.... Funny that, its almost like cyclical weather is just how the earth do... Also we are not releasing any more carbon into the atmosphere than was already there, fossil fuels are made of carbon... that was one in the fucking atmosphere.

Seconding The Who the fuck is we?

Well it's too hard to tell when someone is asking an actual question so I max out aggression. As long as it has a net positive effect I'm not concerned with companies that try to circumvent the tax as long as we actively look for it. They should be heavily penalized for doing so.

Except it's reiterated time and time again that the money is in being anti-climate change. Disregarding the shills that claim some Jewish conspiracy, there isn't the money to be made in climate change like in industries such as oil. Go home kiddo.

this argument i retarded... obv it was there but by releasing it we are making the earth uninhabitable to us.... 6 billion years ago there was lava everywhere... we should just try to recreate that then?

Fucked with a capital F.

Yah you are retarded

sound argument ... again

Extinction is the name of the game pal, 99.999% of ALL life that has ever existed is extinct, Humans are responsible for .00001% of all extinctions. We die off, and something newer and better takes over.... OR, we dont die off, and become better as a result, win fucking win.

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Read what you said dipshit

No sane person sill believes in AGW after Climategate.

>99.999% of ALL life
of all species... not life you mongol

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>Read what you said

semantics, my point still stands.

It will happen in the future regardless of what we do.

fuck off shill

if dubs, we are fine.

And by hucksters, you mean scientists. Take a step back and fully comprehend how stupid you are to think
a) science shouldn't ever be wrong
b) we don't have improved technology from 30 years ago (see computers)
c) that scientists are in on some conspiracy to make money

Correct, NATURAL selection. This is man-made. What is so fucking difficult for you to comprehend?

Seconding "you don't belong in this thread you fucking retard"

Not him. Indeed it does. This is the argument I'm currently making against a DIFFERENT jackass in here. I wish you luck, user.

Interesting reading. This author took the trouble to analyze and repeat an experiment that the fraud al gore, and that idiot bill nye, tried showing to ***prove*** global warming.......

Per the author:
> Mr. Gore’s Climate 101 experiment is falsified, and could not work given the equipment he specified. If they actually tried to perform the experiment themselves, perhaps this is why they had to resort to stagecraft in the studio to fake the temperature rise on the split screen thermometers.

The experiment as presented by Al Gore and Bill Nye “the science guy” is a failure, and not representative of the greenhouse effect related to CO2 in our atmosphere. The video as presented, is not only faked in post production, the premise is also false and could never work with the equipment they demonstrated. Even with superior measurement equipment it doesn’t work, but more importantly, it couldn’t work as advertised.

not really, since OP is saying we are fucked... obv life on the planet will be fine, and earth will be ok too... but we shouldn;t be destroying our own habitat.

>there isn't the money to be made in climate change like in industries such as oil.
No kidding, climate scheme is Rothschilds (whom people are calling the Jews), not big oil etc...

House of Rothschild is calling the shots. They OWN governments. They own national economies (via their reserve banks). They own national militaries. They're the force behind climate terrrorism (the extreme abrupt weather) and the taxes that ensue. Carbon apolcalypse is their narrative, and not a scientific one. Forget "governments" and "big oil", first of all big oil doenst care about climate propaganda, their product is NOT going to stop moving, no matter how many civilians buy into carbon climate change.

with that rationale you should kill yourself right now, cuz you will die in the future regardless of what you do

Go away, fringe kiddie

You seem upset about something

For you to second something someone else has to say It first and then you repeat It retard

...Humans are animals. Everything we do is natural, you jackass. Even if we nyked the planet, we did it with materials from the planet using completely natural (i.e. physical, molecular, biological) means. Are you retarded? Humans ARE nature. Please go search Naturalism for me...

So close bud

Only /pol believes in the Jew stuff.


You have no control over the sun, and this shit wont last for forever, so us pretending like we can put the planet in a nice happy cacoon thatll last for ever and ever by killing the engine that has powered our easy lifestyle is the answer means you are without hope.

So ya, lets just end it all.

Most people understand that when people say nature that It means not man made, while you are right are semantics in English that’s just what natural vs man made means

>diff user, but to answer you yes it is... just by burning fossil fuel we are converting solid/liquid matter into gases...


> Given standard conditions (20°C and 1 atm). One cubic meter of O2 weights 1.331 kg. When you use that oxygen to burn fossil fuels all the molecules in it will go from a molecular weight of 32 (O2) to 44.01 (CO2), meaning you end up with 1.831 kg of CO2. Now comes the interesting part: under the same conditions, one cubic meter of CO2 weights 1.842 kg, consequently, our initial cubic meter of O2 turned into 0.994 m3 of CO2, equivalent to a volume reduction of 0.6%. Therefore, burning fossil fuels reduces the volume of the atmosphere.

The Earth's climate changes on its own. We may be speeding up the process, but it will happen no matter what we do.

Here, I'll do it for you. You're making what is known as an "Appeal to Nature" fallacy.

"An appeal to nature is an argument or rhetorical tactic in which it is proposed that "a thing is good because it is 'natural', or bad because it is 'unnatural'". ... In some philosophical frameworks where natural and good are clearly defined in a specific context, the appeal to nature might be valid and cogent."

the philosophical belief that everything arises from natural properties and causes, and supernatural or spiritual explanations are excluded or discounted.

if it happened at the natural rate, the world would slowly shift with it, instead of tailspinning into the fucking ground

Yep, retards like you

You are so fucking dumb I can't even bother with you.

Must be hard going every other sentence without conflating something. You took a phrase coined in 1864 when none of the externalities of today existed (at least not at the scale of today before you jump on my ass about the industrial revolution), and are trying to apply it to what's happening right now and claiming natural selection should behave like it always does.

Even if we stop 100% of pollution worldwide this instant, the global temp will still rise by 3°C within the next 10 years.

This is hilarious, because it could actually be applied to either side of the argument and thus is a moot point.

What are you even trying to say?

Are you denying the Ice Age Theory?

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>b) we don't have improved technology from 30 years ago (see computers)

So.... let's see what you are claiming. Scientists 30 years ago, looking at the temperature data that had been recorded for over 100 years, ran the numbers and concluded that the planet was clearly cooling.

Scientists now, look at those same historical data sets, and so oh hell no, clearly the average temperature is increasing..........

The fact that some asshole creates a "model" that shows no matter what numbers are put into it, that the planet is warming (see infamous hockey stick climate model.) does not mean that now the planet is magically heating.

Enjoy this "hot" girl.

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Next please, you guys fucking suck

I literally cited you that natural selection is immune to climate change even if it IS anthropogenic (which again, we don't know for sure.) You're the one cherry picking, man.
> >__>
Again, just because shit is going extinct is NOT PROOF OF A SCIENTIFIC APOCALYPSE. This was my ORIGINAL fucking agument, my guy.

Yeah, it's not like we have better ways to measure the atmostpher, ice cores, geological samples, agricultural trends, animal trends, .... , oh wait, we do.

Fuck people who say fallacy

And I am saying that no matter what we do, we are slated for extinction, that is our role, this is all lifes role. We can stop all carbon emissions tomorrow, and then what if any number of super volcanoes blows, or any number of space detritus hits us? The Earth is not going to keep us around forever, and I am fine with that. I am not going to worry about a future that people can even keep strait. When I was in grade school (92ish) I was told that if we did not stop global warming that California would be mostly underwater by the year 2000. When the Year 2000 came I was told that if we did not do something about Climate change that by the year 2015 California would be a desert, and the average temps would be 120F+, then 2015 rolled around and NOW we are being told that California is going to become a rainforest in the next 10 years, with rainfall in the 3-400% range... Which fucking one is it!?!?!

You're the kind of person that would swallow arsenic because it was once all stardust.

Things are the way they are now because all that carbon isn't living life or toxic gas flowing over the lithosphere. But we're putting it back into the atmosphere that was doing fine without it for the last quarter million years, let alone billion years.

99.999% of all life that had ever existed, being extinct, would mean 99.999% of every single creature alive right now being gone. There would be no human beings, because human beings are a form of life that has ever existed on Earth, and there going against 99.999% likelihood that they're all dead. And 99.999% of all life has to have been extinct. Think about each distinct form of life that has ever thrived on Earth. Humans are only one form of life to have ever existed, compared to the trillions of insect species that probably exist or have existed. Don't even consider single-celled organisms that died after the first generation.

Your point doesn't stand. It's the difference between Earth being a barren rock, and the Cambrian period, which actually happened.

It's pretty disingenuous to keep using that word and know what user meant by it. Nuclear detonations aren't natural on the surface of Earth, for example. That fits your use of the word natural, while also demonstrating that in no way should there be atomic fire on the surface of Earth during this period of time. It is not a natural geological process, or any other process, besides the product of a species that is capable of re-ordering the environment with a kind of agency unforeseen in the last... forever, of life ever being present on the planet itself.

> Fallacious rationale is totally legitimate to debate with.
You're an imbecile.

But larger and larger scale extinction is just one part of alarming trends. You must've responded to someone else regarding extinction, since I didn't bring initially, but it was worth addressing.

Now lets look at what some of these models have been predicting, and if they are remotely accurate......

> Antarctic ice floes extended further than ever recorded this southern winter, confounding the world’s most-trusted climate models.

“It’s not expected,” says Professor John Turner, a climate expert at the British Antarctic Survey. “The world’s best 50 models were run and 95% of them have Antarctic sea ice decreasing over the past 30 years.”

They don't seem that accurate to me.......

You're wrong

Why don’t you use your own words instead of sounding like someone who sucked off his philosophy professor one too many times

A solar flare is way worse than a nuke and they're completely natural. His fallacy is still a fallacy whether or not I use hyperbole. All it takes is one gamma burst right at us to make climate change our very last problem in order of importance.

did humans cause the ice age? how about ending it? you definitely can't forget about pangea that humans are responsible for. we aren't the root cause of global warming or freezing

Yes, the Earth's climate changes from time to time.

Get over it.

There will be another Ice Age in the next 50000 years.

Someone else already said it better. I never took philosophy. Way to attempt to ad hominem me by implying I'm using some fucking college debate team shit, though. Too bad it didn't pan out for you, Cotton.

>A solar flare is way worse than a nuke
But human beings don't create solar flares. Human beings, don't create solar flares. Solar flares are natural occurrences that originate from the parent star or stars. Nuclear weapons aren't delivered from stars. They are created on the surface of the planet by, say, human beings. This is not the same kind of process. Nuclear weapons are literally made by man. Man-made.

Of course his fallacy remains a fallacy. But, human beings don't create solar flares, so I have no idea why you brought that up. We're not talking about GRBs. We're talking about nuclear weapons.

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Its about composition not volume.

Hey man you don’t have to lie, we are all friends here, I was just joshing you

Ya'll niggas should know that the boomers pulled the trigger on every living person on earth. Who knows if we can restore the soil and ecosystems fast enough to prevent amplifying methane feedback loops, but old fucks in office are willing the slit the throats of the living to keep their standard of living up.

Attached: der-boomer-kriegsanstiffer-yiegsverlongerer-20583176.png (500x731, 226K)'re just missing the entire point of the appeal to nature fallacy, jackass. The environment changes. "Natural" or not. Animals either adapt and survive...or they become extinct. This effect is documented to be immune to climate change. Shit either moves or adapts to changes and the either reproduces or dies before it can.
Even if
Died. It would not be proof that climate change is happening. Jeeeeesus.

>Yeah, it's not like we have better ways to measure the atmostpher, ice cores, geological samples,


> NOAA’s own radiosonde network shows no warming. All other data — including proxy data, such as tree rings, ice cores, ocean and lake sediments — show no warming between 1977 and 1997. NOAA does analyze the atmospheric temperature data as obtained by NASA satellites, but has taken no action to explain the deficiencies of the surface record.

The author is the former head of the U.S. Weather Satellite Service....

S. Fred Singer is professor emeritus of the University of Virginia and a senior fellow with The Heartland Institute. He was among the first prominent scientists speaking out against global warming alarmism. An atmospheric and space physicist, he headed the U.S. Weather Satellite Service [now part of NOAA], founded the Science and Environmental Policy Project and the Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change.

Okay so what is this “what is worse a nuclear bomb or a solar flare?” debate about the answer It pretty obvious It depends on the severity of either a solar flare could destroy the earth outright but so could all of our nuclear weapons (plus the secret Uber nukes the military probably has up its sleeve)

Uh huh.

>polar bear in summer
>global warming

pick one faggot

>if I post an undescribed graph it will prove my point because it says cycles on it and i believe in cycles

why is the debate about climate change among the proles limited to ice mass and temperature? researchers have found plastic fibers in large qauntities in a majority of bottom feeding crustaceans in the marianas trench. read a goddamed research paper for once in your life.

Pollution is probably tied to global warming but It is not the same thing, personally I think pollution is a lot worse

>A carbon tax is the only thing that will get businesses to do the right thing

So put tax on people to force them to do what you believe is the right thing. Fucking wew lad.

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Satellites: No global warming at all for 18 years 8 months

The RSS satellite dataset shows no global warming at all for 224 months from May 1997 to December 2015 – more than half the 444-month satellite record.

There has been no warming even though one-third of all anthropogenic forcings since 1750 have occurred since 1997.

Then they decided that they needed to "adjust" the readings of the satellites, and BAM we had massive warming again.

I agree with both of you.
Also, checked.

It wasn't the boomers lmao

It began over 8,000 years ago when our ancestors started fucking farming.

The introduction of large-scale rice agriculture in Asia + extensive deforestation in Europe = more greenhouse gases. The warmer atmosphere then heats the oceans, which means they store less carbon dioxide which means global warming gets worse.

>How fucked are we Yea Forums? I'm beginning to hear the consequences of climate change are inevitable.

At the end of the day OP, the population in the third world shithole countries are exploding. With as quickly as the world population is increasing, due to the third world, the real threat is the overpopulation of the planet........

You can tell what point I'm trying to prove from a random graph with no context? Fascinating, tell me more about my point, thanks.

it's well over 90%, it's 97 % More scientists agree with global warming than with cigarettes causing cancer.

Alaskan here. This board is fucking stupid. Everyone who's saying climate change is a hoax or similar has l i t e r a l l y never in their entire life read any scientific publication on the basis of habitat, annual temperature cycles and plant/animal/microbe regime changes.
Like Jesus Fucking Christ, kissing Trump's completely ignorant ass, are we?
>inb4 "liar," "idiot," "brainwashed"


Why can't you create them now, then? Hell, my uncle installs solar and is making a ton.

Honestly what needs to happen is you people accepting nuclear power as the bridge, it's the only thing with the capacity. It's killed like 1 person for every 50,000 people killed by fossil fuels, opposing is almost entirely irrational anti-science alarmism yet you go along with it fucking constantly. And it's not like we're going to develop nukes with it, we invented them, we have most of them in existence.

See, what you don't want us to do is win, you want us to lose, everything has to be a tax or a ban or suppression. And it always has to come first before anything else is done, riding the coattails of alarmism that constantly suggests the time is nigh when really the turning point of carbon was passed probably sometime in the very early 90's. You're not going to save the arctic, it's fucked, oceans will rise either way. And if your country is impoverished when it happens you will suffer and be economically destroyed, allowing literal communists (who will conveniently be the only people to continue profitable but dirty manufacturing, to make them money!) to sweep in and put the pieces back together in their own murderously fascist image.

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won't happen for millions of years.

>researchers have found plastic fibers in large qauntities in a majority of bottom feeding crustaceans in the marianas trench. read a goddamed research paper for once in your life.

what does this have to do with the earth orbiting the sun?

Nuclear energy is the answer to global warming but the anti-nuclear leftist regimes tries to hide the truth from us all, simple equation, only one byproduct and it’s simple water vapor

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>'re just missing the entire point of the appeal to nature fallacy, jackass
I am? Can you show me how?

>The environment changes
"Natural" or not
>Animals either adapt and survive...or they become extinct
>This effect is documented to be immune to climate change
Yeah, life is still around.
>Shit either moves or adapts to changes and the either reproduces or dies before it can
I don't know why you're telling me this... I never argued anything of that nature to you. I don't even disagree. Natural selection happens and the climate changes, regardless of what caused it. I've never even said anything about whether it would be proof that the climate is changing.

What did I violate here?

>what is this “what is worse a nuclear bomb or a solar flare?” debate about the answer
I don't know. You're the one that started talking about solar flares? The severity of the solar flare isn't a factor here.

We're not talking about solar flares. We're talking about whether nuclear weapons are a natural process. Solar flares don't factor into the discussion of whether there should be nuclear detonations on the surface of Earth. Solar flares don't even detonate. Forget about solar flares. Please stop talking about solar flares.

They agree that the Earth is warming. They do not agree that humans are causing it.

Get your facts right moron.

Sorry man I wasn’t the one talking about solar flares until I tried to join the conversation but I moved onto nuclear power so I’ll stop

Two byproducts. We have to deal with nuclear waste still. We may have a means of dealing with it, but it still has to go somewhere.


This is two separate people, user. You didn't finish debating my points. Please address the end;
"Even if
Died. It would not be proof that climate change is happening."

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>but it still has to go somewhere.
yeah back to where ti comes from

>This is two separate people, user
If you mean the other user I'm talking to, I know. I can reply to multiple anons in one reply.

>You didn't finish debating my points
They're not directed at me, because I'm not that user. But even if I were supposed to, I can't, because I don't have any objections that you'd want to come from me. What do you want me to say?

Actually, I did happen to address the last part of you reply.
>Natural selection happens and the climate changes
>regardless of what caused it
>I've never even said anything about whether it would be proof that the climate is changing

I don't think that's how most fission plants operate. You can't use irradiated equipment as fuel.

If you're the user I've been debating for like 45 minutes, you literally said that were killing off species due to climate change as an opening statement. You linked to species lost in 2018. Is this not you?

I think he means just burry the waste at the same place you dug the ore up


>If you're the user I've been debating for like 45 minutes
Nope. I thought that would've been apparent due to the content of my replies. I even said as much in those replies, that I've never had whatever conversation you were having before.

Still don't know if that's a great idea. There could be more ore deposits that haven't been discovered, or deposits that weren't previously viable, but are now due to advances in technology. How will you get those new, potentially cost-reducing deposits when you've sealed up the sites with nuclear waste and concrete?

Read up on radiogenic heating and the amount of thermal energy the planet itself is emitting.

tip: it's no insignificant amount

Lets just use our names so we can recognize each other

Oh. Well, then. I'm not sure how you expected me to debate you...? I was continuing an original argument. What's your initial argument in favor of anthropogenic climate change?