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How tf do I stop being such a psycho when it comes to trusting a girl I'm dating

If it's like 10pm and she says she's going to sleep I'm always wondering for the next two hours what the fuck she's actually doing. When in reality she's probably just sleeping

Anyone have trust issues like this? This never used to be a problem for me, but it's been about 5 years since I've dated someone

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Get your mind off the bullshit, keep yourself busy. Over thinking can turn yourself toxic.


Same here it’s the fact u don’t trust her, it has to be earned where she does something and u think if she was cheating she wouldn’t do all this for me, your a man and should be treated like a king she a women and should be a queen one slip from either of u breaks the kingdom or ur a cuck. So just be happy your fucking and if she cheats bounce out and move on, go into a relashionship for the first 2 years thinking she just some booty I fuck, if you pass 2 years u got a possible keeper . No point making your self upset over something that might not work out. There are no fairytale love for non rich people

I know man, I'm going to ruin the relationship if I keep acting like this. Sometimes I just want to ask her where she is at the moment and what she's doing. It's really bad

Hey op its a problem for me or it was the best way i can say is just trust her yeah it slund shard but if u place trust thay sjes doing what she says then youre trust for your partner will grow so just place your trust blindly and the more you see shes loyal and trustworthy the happier youll be as well as if you go do something or go somewhere tell her so you can establish a way to communicate what you both are doing thus building more trust. Thays how i dealt with it and now im in a happy 2 year relationship
Keep in mond if u pressure too mucb or let the trust issue get tje worst of you the relstionship becones toxic and you push ur partner away

Hopefully that helps

If you can't trust her then break up with her. If your mind is always on her then you need a job or a hobby because you're sure as hell not busy with your own problems. What are 12?

Don't be such a fag steve
You think you're the center of your world, ego-based thinking. Drop that shit in the dumpster behind the local high school.

Imagine how annoying it was/would be to tell your mom that you are going to bed and every 10-15 minutes she would come knocking on your door wondering what you were doing or knowing she was constantly wondering. That's how fucking annoying you are. Just realize she's a human and is probably masturbating or eating ice cream and probably will be going to sleep.

Let go of your insecurities and ignore her more. Stop being a mushy bitch nigga she wants a man. Don't get jealous or paranoid because she's the one who's lucky for being with you. Worse comes to worse if she cheats on you, drop her and don't look back.

You guys are right idk. I guess I just really have to practice self control here

Yes. But I'm old (41) & still don't trust. I have a wife & kids....

What do you think she is doing?


Or years go by while she is cheating....

Sounds like someone isn't ready for dating yet or your dating a hoe

See here us the thing about trust issues. It WILL ruin it. Best thing to do is sit down with her and tell her how you feel and why you feel like that. Whatever reason it is let her know, and hopefully she's understandable. Love is nothing hard to come by nowadays. 2 needs to act as one to make things work.

You don't trust her because you don't trust yourself to be faithful if that opportunity presented itself. Look within yourself to find answers, because you project your insecurity onto others

Dude when ever your down and feel the world on your shoulders( I’m the first poster btw) just go to a wrecked thread and u will forget how insignificant ur problems are, I’m 24 and still get that way with serious relationships. Just relax maybe she is maybe she isn’t ( intuitions are usually right sometimes noticing little things that makes u not trust her) and move forward

We've only been dating for a month so it's way too early to do that

Honestly I don't know. She's being normal in every way pretty much, I just never know what she's doing most of the day

If you think she is up to no good-she is.

Not about trust... It's common sense-what is she doing that makes you think she is hiding something.

It always comes out in the end.... Always

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I've never cheated and never will

My last relationship ended with me breaking up with her for lying to me

A month? Fuck let her be. I thought it was a real relationship

Ya... not sure what's wrong with me. This will be my fourth relationship so shouldn't be anything new

I have it in my current relationship though never did before. It actually more or less destroyed my relationship.

One of my exes was like this and then wasnt jealous in future relationships. Your feeling could come from multiple sources.

I know you haven't dated in a long time. How's your self esteem been since then? Do you feel you'd be ok without her? Sometimes the cause is you identify with her too much and don't have your own life to fall back on so the fear of losing her is overpowering.

2. Has she broken your trust or lied to you in anyway? If she destroyed your trust then that's the source.

3. Have you been lied to or betrayed before or experienced something negative? Sometimes this comes from a traumatic event. You'll need to see a doctor if that's the case..

My ex hung herself on the phone with me. I heard her scream and choke and it was terribly inhuman sound. She actually survived, her noose wasn't so good. She basically tied a knot in a cheap bathrobe belt and it ripped.

But while listening I was 100% sure she was going to die. I have had a wealth of issues since including being very untrusting and jealous.

For the record I see crushes in relationships as natural and in that relationship in particular when she had one I'd laugh at her make fun of her and tease her about it because I knew she'd never do anything.

Damn man that is crazy lol

I’m like this too. My ex cheated on me with at least 15-20 guys (that she admitted to) and it seriously fucked up my ability to trust women.

But in retrospect, I shouldn’t have been surprised. There are “risk factors” for cheating to beware of, and signs of current cheating, that were very obvious, and that I should have picked up.

I told this to my current girlfriend after we’d been dating for about 8 months. I told her I had a paranoia I was working on. She actually took it really well, and said that if it made me feel better, she’d let me check in on her any way I wanted, gave me all her phone info, etc. Not that I asked for it. She seemed to think the only girls who’d have a problem with it are girls with something to hide. So either she’s a great manipulator or genuinely innocent. I still don’t trust any women for shit but I’m starting to believe it might be the latter.

Trust is not an issue of yes or no. It’s not a matter of “whether” you trust someone or not. It’s a matter of “how much” you trust someone. Trust is like a bank account. When you do loyal shit, it’s a deposit. When she does sketchy shit or gets herself into high-probability cheating situations, it’s a withdrawal.

You’re only one month in. You need to play it cool. You absolutely cannot show your paranoia this early in the game. You need to appear chill and confident in her loyalty. If you guys do really well together for a few months, then you can have a discussion with her.

This honestly, I've been with my girl for a year and I'm paranoid, but only cause I would probably screw some random bitch if I had the chance. So that projects onto her. I try to jerk it to keep it at bay, but honestly I would probably cheat atleast once due to the sheer thrill. However bitches being bitches and STD's keep me at bay.

This hit close to home thanks man

Hoping I can keep myself from saying dumb shit now

Which part. Im drunk and rambly tonight.

Although to be honest, when I was dating “casually” I was keeping an eye out for girls with risk factors for cheating. I’d fuck them but I sure as hell won’t date them. If she has the risk factors, I’m just not gonna get emotionally involved because IMO she’s too high-risk. These are things I think are big risk factors.

-comes from a shitty family or has bad relationship with family/daddy issues
-“all my friends are guys”
-a high number of sex partners IS a risk factor for cheating, in both men and women (my personal number is >10 or so by the end of college, but there’s no single “right number” here).
-regularly goes to clubs/bars
-is very physically attractive, especially if she’s much more attractive than I am.
-unintelligent, and/or hasn’t gone to a 4 year college
-isn’t good at anything/has no real talent or passions, hobbies
-needs people to pay attention to her, needs external validation
-very insecure
-little self-control
-has ANY mental illness aside from garden-variety depression or anxiety/panic disorder (bipolar is risky, and ANY personality disorders are virtual guarantees of cheating)

Lol. I said that once, too. Got some advice kid.
You're human, it's in you to do:

Communicate and ensure your partner is filling your needs.
Don't hang out with new women while in a relationship.