This is the scariest (and sexiest) thing you can show a Conservative

This is the scariest (and sexiest) thing you can show a Conservative.

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Other urls found in this thread:

sexy yes, scary fuck off tard

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Fuck comunists, they suck our dick.

Truth to boob power, you speaketh

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haha, shucks she's goofy

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For me, it's the McChicken. The best fast food sandwich. I even ask for extra McChicken sauce packets and the staff is so friendly and more than willing to oblige.

One time I asked for McChicken sauce packets and they gave me three. I said, "Wow, three for free!" and the nice friendly McDonald's worker laughed and said, "I'm going to call you 3-for-free!".

Now the staff greets me with "hey it's 3-for-free!" and ALWAYS give me three packets. It's such a fun and cool atmosphere at my local McDonald's restaurant, I go there at least 3 times a week for lunch and a large iced coffee with milk instead of cream, 1-2 times for breakfast on the weekend, and maybe once for dinner when I'm in a rush but want a great meal that is affordable, fast, and can match my daily nutritional needs.

I even dip my fries in McChicken sauce, it's delicious! What a great restaurant.

I want her to step on me
Add me to your discord so I can hornypost about AOC

For me, it's the McChicken. The best fast food sandwich. I even ask for extra McChicken sauce packets and the staff is so friendly and more than willing to oblige.

One time I asked for McChicken sauce packets and they gave me three. I said, "Wow, three for free!" and the nice friendly McDonald's worker laughed and said, "I'm going to call you 3-for-free!".

Now the staff greets me with "hey it's 3-for-free!" and ALWAYS give me three packets. It's such a fun and cool atmosphere at my local McDonald's restaurant, I go there at least 3 times a week for lunch and a large iced coffee with milk instead of cream, 1-2 times for breakfast on the weekend, and maybe once for dinner when I'm in a rush but want a great meal that is affordable, fast, and can match my daily nutritional needs.

I even dip my fries in McChicken sauce, it's delicious! What a great restaurant.

How many times a day do we have this thread?

Yea Forums's obsession with AOC is very bad

Absolutely. This thread is already losing its shit.

OK this is actually spam. OP is following the rules.
You are a coward who can't debate political ideas you disagree with.

Dont see either in that picture. Is this like the gold and blue dress thing.

She wants to rid America of its Jewish problem

Attached: 3F47B74D-DC64-4434-B8F5-4173D09B8212.jpg (1024x1024, 56K)

Actually her policies will weed out idiots like you
Jewish people are valuable to society.

Jewish people are destructive to society tbh

How much shekels do you get per thread you post?

If you were honest, you'd admit what a nazi dogfucker you are for thinking that.

she's neither scary or sexy. she's not white so no sexy.

>she's not white
ok adolf

I have a literal fascist card.
Your race negatively influences both our foreign and domestic policy. You are a net negative on American civil society, no matter how many discounts you give at your bagel shop to cousin Schmuli's goy friends.

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>I'm literally a fascist idiot

When do you plan on getting a job and moving out of your mom's?

by all means, keep putting her out there OP. she's simply the best. Palin Power!

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Smarter and better educated than you, don't worry.
Low effort. When do you plan on making aliyah?

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if that was true this forum would be all over supporting her instead of bashing her like the fearful of pretty girls incels most of you are.

I unironically support her.
Not for that reason, that poster is being dumb, but for her potential to either drive the Democratic Party to the left or to force the Judeo-liberal wing to show its fangs by crushing her. Chaos should be the watchword politically.

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>subsidize morons who don’t work with expansive Welfare
>weed out idiots

You what?

you were dumb enough to embrace fascism tho

>OK this is actually following the rules. OP is spam. You are an apologist who wants to pretend that this is actual political discourse and not b8.
I actually agree with the political ideas of Cortez, but holy fuck soon are you seriously suggesting a thread which has no less than 3 concurrent instances on Yea Forums at all hours of the day for the last two days at least is a 'debate' about political ideals rather than copypasta spamming?

are you trying to get a better job because fast food is "beneath" you, or is it because they'd punch your nazi mouth sheepfucker?

so everybody who doesn't work is a "moron?"
Hey now your President comes to mind.

You really should let the mods decide that. Or apply to be one.

nothing scary about a freshman congresstard thats only going to serve one term anyway. even the democrats are talking about gerrymandering her district out of existence
that's if she, her boyfriend, and her chief of staff dont go to jail first for fraud and money laundering

I said morons who don’t work, not “all people who don’t work are morons.”

Reading comprehension isn’t your strength is it?

there is no such thing as terrorism. they are still at war with isreal. terrorvtactics are always used in war. because war. but keep spinning the media you seem to think people have ever bought the lie that case closed its a country over there. it isnt according to palestinians.

Your President is a moron who doesn't work though.

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Toвapищ, ты ни кoгo нe yбeдишь, и этo дoлжнo пpидти caмo. Пoнимaeшь этoт мoмeнт? И пoмни, cyкa, мы вceгo дoбилиcь caми!

She's got big tits and a nice body, so she's fun to look at.
Her policy positions make normal people move further right.
She's actively contributing to the fracturing and weakening of the Democratic party.

She's fucking great and I hope she stays around for years.

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A little over 2.000.000 rubles a year :(

>OP is not spam and McChicken posters retaliating to it by flooding bullshit threads with bullshit are spam
>OP is not spam? OP, the person who posted the days 35th thread with exactly the same text, which was posted while several other identical threads were extant, is not spam? I think you need a reality check.
>Let the Mods decide that!
You first triple nigger.

Yes, yes, I get it, you're trying to flex on me even though I'm a law clerk and you get mad at Nazis on the internet.
Says something about your level of intelligence, huh?

>stupid people don't bother to research issues that would benefit them
we've noticed

user you really aren't a mod and you just sound like a sputtering whining faggot doubling down on shit you were told to shut the fuck up about

as a republican we are truly BTFO sorry for fucking with you guys. Hope there's no bad blood

Yeah not being fascist just brings up the IQ points quite a bit, Heinrich lol

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>even though I'm a law clerk
hey everyone on Yea Forums is

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>Nothing scary about a freshman congresswoman who has increasing support in her district and nationally, including among her party to whom nothing is going to be done and none of what you said is being talked about, seriously you making shit up about gerrymandering doesn't make it true, republicans have always been and will always be the kings of gerrymandering.
>That's if she, her boyfriend and her chief of staff don't suffer too much from the miniscule fine they will face if the baseless accusations against them are found to be true

So what's your IQ, then?
Keep trying to flex, it doesn't really work on an anonymous site.

That's about as scary and attractive like a cockroach.

Did you enjoy proving OP's point that hard as much as I did, user?

Literally nothing she has said or proposed would help her constituents. Her benefit comes from exposing some Democrats for being collectivist statist pukes (the gibsmedat crowd), and others for being collectivist statist pukes who still will do anything to protect their donors (Feinstein, Pelosi, Schumer, etc.).

Her divisiveness is wonderful: the more energy the Democrats spend on damage control from the likes of her and the anti-Semites, the less time and energy they spend on raising our taxes, increasing spending, and eroding our civil rights. Also, Sandy (as she was known) not only exclusively dates cishet white men, she's currently fucking a ginger. Diversity!

user the only way you'd have a high IQ is if you're this mentally deranged autist savant, which I'd be happy to treat you as such if that's your role in this thread.

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And you still sound like a hypocrite calling shit spam but whining like a little bitch that the people calling you out for pretending OP ISN'T spam aren't mods.

You need to shut up about the McChicken, or apply to be a mod, faggot. Or are double standards the only standards your broke ass can afford?

Cool, so what's yours? Maybe mine's not so high.

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>coming from someone who can’t exhibit even third grade reading comprehension abilities

She lost okay?

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Yeah living wages. Wouldn't help anyone. Free tuition. Health care. Clean air and water for our future generations. Totally bad idea.
fucking trumpshit
>her divisiveness
triggering flat earther ideological dinosaurs like you isn't being "divisive." It's calling your shit out hard.

she's going after large industrial complex is that serve no purpose in our economy, lobbyists, and pay for play politics. how is Trump doing any of those things? She's not perfect but she's far better morally than Trump.

>raising our taxes, increasing spending, and eroding our civil rights.
except your dumb President raised the deficit, spending and much of his policy centers on eroding our rights.
Good job trumpshit.

Look,. stop arguing with me. OP is following the rules. You're the one spamming if try to derail the thread. I didn't make the rules. I'm just trying to help a Yea Forumsrother out. You can't fight this website.


God, I am so glad the German Monarch stopped existing before Cultural Marxism took hold.

At leas the Kaiser died with dignity, rather than his whole house be infected with Marxism

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>And here we see the first mention of 'her', brought up as usual by a Trumpanzee Republicunt.
Get over her, guys, it's getting really sad. You're consummate sore winners.

Neat, so kind of in the aspirational-midwit range. It's entirely unremarkable that you have the opinions you have.

you fags are fucking retarded no Iq test

>durr hillery
user you literally can't criticize the moron you elected.

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Actually my opinions trigger you pretty hard, so I'd say that's pretty good.

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>fucking retarded

Attached: 011.jpg (650x490, 34K)

Bold of you to come out

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>I'm not mad, you're mad!
user please.
Anyway, mine's 137. Not a genius by any means, but out of the midwit class. That's the difference.

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You were comparing iq tests both of your opinions are nullified as you have outed yourselves are brain dead monkeys

>OP is following the rules
OP appears (due to being one of 30+ threads with identical text today, and I've of 3 concurrent threads right now) to be an automated spam bot. So does the McChicken guy. Either both are spam or neither are. You can keep having double standards all you like but it only makes YOU look like the nigger here.

Either become a mod and deal with spam, let the mods deal with spam, or stop bitching about the McChicken guy. YOUR suggestion. Practice what you preach.

Jews are awesome user. There are some mad peeps on the boards you frequent, that's what I'm saying here.

>brain dead monkey

Attached: Your President-.jpg (980x551, 78K)

>the McChicken guy.
is spam and against the rules here

Living wages? You mean the kind that actually result in less employment because artificially high minimum wage punishes the least skilled workers?

Free tuition and healthcare are pipedreams spread by the stupid and those who wish to manipulate them. The green new deal has the scientific rigor of something a 13 year old girl who loves ponies and glitter would write.

She doesn't actually trigger conservatives, moron. She's God's gift to us and you're too stupid to see it. The more you go on this way, the more normal people you drive to the right, and it's fucking great.

>artificially high minimum wage

Attached: Girls.jpg (600x536, 81K)

>128 is midwit
>128 is smarter than 96% of the population
Based on your assessment of what 128 IQ means, there is not a chance on hell someone with such a poor grasp on relative position in the bell curve actually have 137 IQ. Nice try though, LARPing retard.

Trump is ending wars. Trump is cutting spending — how did his decision to radically cut costs from the new Air Force One help the military industrial complex, again — while also increasing our ability to deal with near-peer aggressors like the Chinks Obama sucked up to.

I don't care about morals. I really, honestly don't (and neither did you guys when Clinton was in office).

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>Free tuition and healthcare are pipedreams

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>durr it benefits her constituents but it's stupid
user you moved the goalposts.

Are you a mod? No? Then let them decide that, or apply to become one. Your own suggestion.

>Trump is cutting spending
but raising the deficit you fucking fool

user you just proved my point again. You could simply ignore me. But you can't.
You don't have an IQ that high, do you?

Jesus fucking christ I will rape you

Yeah! Boycott girl scouts cookies!! AOC was a girl scout so if we stop donating to fundraising efforts of little girls it'll .. show her... Or something...

Lol fucking snowflake ass conservatives.

She lost any kind of sex appeal once she became a crusty corrupt politician

mustaches are not attractive when it comes to females

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When is the last time you directly paid down the deficit? Can you point to a single thing that Trump has done that has eroded your rights as an individual?

Tell me again: who was the first president to enter office supporting same-sex marriage? Hint: it wasn't Obama (PBUH).

Attached: hokuto_no_trump_by_ayeexeye-db2v4gz.png (639x632, 655K)

Yeah proposing and doing cool stuff=corrupt

sure faggot

137 is genius. Even if you were actually 137, claiming 'its not genius' is a level of humble bragging faggotry never before seen on Yea Forums.

Yes, 128 is midwit. You're above the illiterate masses, and think you're Very Intelligent and seek to identify with the cognitive elite. The intellectual version of the aspirational middle class. You're unremarkable, and your opinions match it (as exemplified by trying to flex on Nazis by calling them low-status).
Well, we're having a conversation. I'd LIKE to talk ideology, but I'm happy to just continuously flex on each other.
>You don't have an IQ that high, do you?
Here ya go.

Attached: graph.php.png (634x412, 9K)

>slush fund
>steal more money from people for the gay knew deal
I know you think destroying America is cool and all but get your head out of your ass

I was under the impression that 145, +3 SD, was the "official" genius threshold.

That's not from a real IQ test.

Yep. $15 minimum wage is too much to pay nearly zero-skilled labor, and that's why you see layoffs when these schemes are implemented.

As someone who works in technology & automation, keep it up.

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Shitting on the Constitution comes to mind. Funny how it never bothers you trumptards that he is the only President in memorable history who considered taking away guns without due process.
And Trump raised the fucking deficit two trillion dollars to give billionaires tax cuts.
Fuck. Off.

>The class with the highest tendency to be NEETs
>Depressed. Anti social. Night owls. Isolated. Jobless or shitty jobbed.
>Cognitive elite

Haha snort haha

Trump shits on gays too user. Please.
Adults are talking here.

Like I said, if you do have a high IQ, you're an autist with a Hitler fetish. You need to be spanked.

nice chart, but how *that* makes you feel?

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I love cum tributing her

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I am intelligent, user. I didn't vote for your dumb stupid President like you did. Or was it your mom and you can't vote?

I'm actually bored and this convo is taking me away from needed porn.

But he hasn't taken anything away. And he gave me a tax cut (and probably you too, unless you're a worthless nigger who doesn't pay taxes), and I'm not a billionaire.

I'll fuck off right after you do. Canada is to the left, Mexico to the right. Take your pick (funny that liberals never threaten to move to Mexico — too much diversity?).

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wow what dumb right wing blogs did you read that shit at?

He shits on gays — that's why he named a faggot to be the ambassador to the most powerful country in Europe.

Try again, shitlib. Your ignorance is showing.

More like "yep," you're a water carrier who doesn't want people wages to go up because your masters might not be able to buy another boat.

The Democrats are more afraid of her than conservatives. Her and people like her are driving normal people further to the right.

It's from the one that everyone on the Internet takes. I took it a while ago with Yea Forums.
The last real one I took was in elementary school. Want me to go dig through my papers to dickmeasure on the Internet, user?
Highest tendency to be NEETs, but also Very Smart Opinion Makers. You want to have Good Opinions.
Are you gonna vote for Yang this cycle?
Feel free to go jerk off then.
Made me grin actually. Bad meme, but funny for being so bad.

I'm glad you brought that up.
If most jobs do become automated, then companies will be expected to subsidize the population in return for profitmaking. It's only fair.






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Actually Trump's taking away kids from their parents at the border. You literally support shit-tier social behavior, user. Stop defending this shit.

I don't have to move anywhere. I'm going to do my part to bring this country to the center, and then politically left. I'd adapt if I were you.

I actually don't hold Hitler in the highest regard, although I do appreciate him. I consider Codreanu and Primo de Rivera to be superior figures.

user, fuck off. Trump/Pence is not gay-friendly. Pence in particular is homophobic as fuck.

Agreed. Only leftists and SJW’s like moustached women

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Maybe their parents shouldn't bring them to the border.

Nice flex internet nobody. So you understand now that you are a hypocrite with a double standard posting in a spam thread (1 of 3) about how a counter-attack is spam but claiming that OP is in fact following the rules with their totally original not spammy post?

Not sure. Sanders in the Primary unless one of the other Dems excite my political peepee :^)

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Maybe you should make some more excuses for Trump's wannabe fascism.

Damn. If I were a Jew, I'd let her gas me

I will thrust my cock up your quivering ass

Do you print that out and stick your dick through the center of that dude's mouth?

>voting for Bernie when he's running to the center
For shame, my dude. Vote for Tulsi or something.
If Trump were actually a fascist I might actually support him.

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>Yes 128 is midwit
>Posts a bell curve proving that 128 is way above the middle in order to claim that the internet IQ test he took once after 20 practise rounds proves he is the smartest boy in the thread rather than letting his actions speak for him
You are betraying your intelligence in your actions.

Not either of those things.

If you don't want your kids in a cage, don't break the fucking law. It's not hard to get in line and wait your turn to apply for asylum (which you probably won't get because living in a shithole with a lousy economy doesn't constitute oppression).

Legal immigration is great. To repeat Trump's SOTU: "Legal immigrants enrich our Nation and strengthen our society in countless ways. I want people to come into our country, but they have to come in legally."

You know that policy was started by Bill Clinton and continued to be enforced by Bush and O'Bama? Right?

That is a Wehrmacht uniform user, not SS.

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Tulsi screwed the pooch with her "I hate gays wait I don't hate gays I hate Muslims no wait" crap. She's better off in the House.

>Trump isn't "really" a fascist
He really wants to be Mussolini, though. Not much difference from where I stand.

You learn something new. Whats the difference?

People who are midwits in the literal sense of the term don't get in internet arguments. You're a midwit in the sense that it's actually used, someone of moderate intelligence who thinks they're super smart because they agree with high-status tastemakers.

Fair enough. Yang's the best candidate on the Democratic side so far imo but Bernie would be acceptable.

Not the point, actually. It's the fascist brutality we're seeing from Trump's immigration policies. We don't want that shit in the US, user.
You're outnumbered.

Trump only wants WHITE legal immigrants. He's made that clear.

>Smart opinion makers
Ok now I know you're a troll but in case you aren't...
Opinions are entirely subjective and based on the perception of the individual and their source and interpretation of events.
There is nothing factual about opinions.
All higher intelligence does is make opinions more complex and extrapolated from greater distances.

As in your narratives will make more sense and tie together better but if literally all your information is false your opinion will too be shit.

>durr hurr Clinton Obama durr
your President is the fascist with his fascist ICE squads separating kids and putting them in cages. Fuck off trumpshit.

Cool, so you give up trying to sound like you make any sense, and have resorted to random profanity and internet flexing. Pretty sure I'm more than 3 inches away from you, so you might struggle to get your cock to my ass from mommy's basement.

Oh you meant Andrew Yang. Yes, he is cool as fuck. Not this time around. He has zero name recognition, but maybe in 2024 if he's serious.


>He really wants to be Mussolini, though.
I would give you even odds that Trump does not know who Mussolini is. Trump is a liberal through and through. If you want a real fascist in the mainstream political scene, I could maybe give you Tucker, but no one else.
Your opinion isn't based on facts.

>Trump is a liberal
so what flavor of paint chips ARE we indulging in tonight?

>Look at this butthurt Trumpanzee
>Every time I do I see it reeeee
Get over it guys, you won. I've never seen a group of people so upset about their victory. Holy shit. It's like you expected to lose and you don't know what to do with yourself, so you still argue in the same way you would have if you had lost: by whining.

actually Trump has gone on record bragging that he kept a book of Hitler speeches by his bed Mussolini is just the asshole next door to all that.

Wehrmacht is German for “make defence” it was quite literally just the German defence force, they had nothing to do with the operation of the concentration camps or killing Jews.

The SS was a paramilitary organisation of the Nazi party, directly answering to Hitler.

Uh, none of them. Trump is a liberal in the only important sense of the word- he believes in the rule of law, in the American system, and so forth. More specifically, he believes that those structures still exist. If Trump were a fascist he would have executed a self-coup, or done any number of other things to get his campaign promises done. Trump is not a fascist, or even an autocrat in the style of Franco. Resistance delusions are not the same thing as reality.

Hitler was a great orator, user. Everyone loves a Hitler speech. I studied Hitler in public speaking class in school, for Christ's sake.

>I made up a new definition for the term midwit so I can sound smart and called it 'the sense that it's actually used' hehe
t. IQ

>Trump is a liberal
user all of Trump's policies are from the far right
what faggotry is this?

lol, the minimum wage was relatively way higher in the previous decades, the 15 hike is to come close to the relative value of the previous decades.

>pro-LGBT rights
>pro federal legalization of Marijuana

If you want to acknowledge these ideals as conservative and not liberal, go for your life.

The others presidents did the same, so. Your turn to fuck off lib manlet faggot.

I know you read somewhere that Napoleon was a conqueror and that he was short, but that's a myth, so I don't think your dick is going to do much conquering.

>You're outnumbered.
Been like that in California for some time now. Many Californians of latin descent are actually based Americans and own businesses, contribute to the economy, etc. Some work incredibly hard and I am honored know them. Others, well others are guttersucking parasites who cost our state billions of dollars a year.

Guess which ones vote Democrat? How do you say GIBSMEDAT in Mexican Spanish, anyway? You should know, they're Your People.

Attached: gibs.jpg (475x356, 68K)

fuck off trumpshit

The thread that will never die, until she gets put in prison and Trump is on his second term.


>they're Your People.
>everyone is a spic who isn't a fascist twat like me

IQ tests are one of the least accurate measures of intelligence.

You've got that backward trumpshit
I don't think so. You're that obsessed. More obsessed than with Clinton.


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So not fascist? But that's an ideological rabbit hole that doesn't really matter. Why don't you tell me something that Trump does that you consider to be fascistic. Fascism is a specific ideology that Trump does not adhere to, but I concede that he may do things, like drink water, that fascists have also done.

user Trump kicked transgendered people out of the military. Shut the holy living fuck up before I beat you with my penis.

Kys at the next possible moment

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Republicans dont want to hold a primary because they're afraid he'll lose his own fucking party and you think he'll go into a second term?

Banning Muslims, ICE, choosing industry over people, the environment, etc.
Fascism. Whether it matches your perfect definition or not doesn't matter.

So it’s a bad thing he doesn’t want transgender people to die for oil corporations is it?

That bitch is fucking retarded and not attractive in the least. I've seen Downies with more brains and sex appeal.

Trump isn't going to legalize marijuana you lying twunt.

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More like die for Putin.

Shes dumb tho...

You know nothing if you believe this.

yet it's the most obvious reason
Nobody wants to vote for that shithead except dumb inbreds like you

People with mental illness, shouldn't be in the military.

Kek. You fucking what?

Is that why you never signed up?

you said that same shit in 2016

So, will Pence be elected in 2020?

Stay mad

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That doesn't change the underlying economics of why purchasing power has shifted. Hand-waving and cranking up the minimum wage simply fucks over unskilled labor who, instead of making $12 an hour, now make nothing.

I'm reminded of the deluded idea that health care is a right and therefore economic scarcity no longer applies. Where is all of this money going to come from, the mythical Rich People and Corporations that you think exist behind every business? News flash: small businesses often operate on thin margins, business owners don't all have G4s at the local airport, and even big companies aren't just going to fuck over their investors by overpaying Kamala the barely-literate McDonald's cashier, or hire Consuela, the girl just out of high school with no skills or experience but wants to find work.

High minimum wage policies, like illegal immigration, hurt the low-skilled laborer the most.

Syria is a proxy war between the US and Russia.

DD-214 says otherwise. Retired after 22 years.

Trump's core demographic in the Electoral College is dumb inbreds user.

Complete bullshit

user, they're a far right administration. You're literally a gullible fool.

I don't think you're a spic. I think you're one of the gibsmedat crowd who believes the world owes them handouts.

You probably also think that brown people need the government's help because they lack agency, intelligence, and resourcefulness. I've seen your type before, and your soft racism of lowered expectations is every bit as "toxic" and "problematic" as those yahoos who burn crosses.

Too bad you didn't stick around to see the end of DADT and then watch Trump act like a total homophobic fascist hellbent on reversing Obama's legacy.

lol where are you from

Actually it's true. Republicans can't win unless they cheat and here they're figuring out there are wide swaths of America who won't even vote for them anymore.

I'll bet you think this is a clever and novel way to distract from your water-carrying user.
Trump gonna make you rich 4 years from now?

That's why we elected him. To overturn the magic nigger's policies.

The coast.

Are you referring to Obama’s fascist legacy? The one he passed by executive orders and one-party rule?

So how would killing Russians or Russian-backed Syrians help Putin? You're actually retarded, aren't you?

You might have had something if you argued that pulling out of Syria was Putin's idea, but you libshits can't go there because that would mean acknowledging Trump is getting us out of the hole past administrations dug.

You're a racist dipshit. This kind of honesty is refreshing.

>Banning Muslims
This is not fascistic. The 20th century fascists actually were rather favorable to Islam. But if you think that's somewhat particularist, fair enough, we can call the Muslims today's communists and Jews. In that case I ask you whether or not Muslims are actually banned.
Probably the fairest thing on the list thanks to the tent cities, although fascist states generally did not have immigration problems and liberal and communist states also control their borders.
>choosing industry over people
In the early 20th century industry and the national interest were considered synonymous. I would still consider that to be the case.
Fascists were the first environmentalists. I don't understand that point.
>Whether it matches your perfect definition or not doesn't matter.
It completely fails to meet any reasonable definition of the phenomenon. I can drag out Payne's or Paxton's definitions of fascism for you to look at, or show you a variety of fascist platforms. Trump is not a fascist, and I say that derogatorily. I would be happier if he were.

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The Republicans were the majority party, so yes, they did push their fascist bullshit on everyone. Obama actually managed to pass some liberal policies despite this.

Dying in some stupid war against Putin. Dying for Putin. And Trump.
That's what you want.

You're splitting hairs, user. Trump treats Muslims like Hitler treated Jews.

>I didn't invent a definition and back it up with a few forum posts and then claim it as an important distinction between 96th percentile and 98th percentile all whole claiming to be super intelligent based on those articles and a test I took on the internet. Trust me I'm smart. Even though there are countless humans who have been and are smarter than me, I'm 'out of the midwit' class because of a number, just ignore that my actions actually paint me into that same corner.
From an article you JUST linked:
>Someone who is not as smart as the truly intelligent, but is of above-average intelligence, who wants other people to think they are actually more intelligent than they are
That's you

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>In the early 20th century industry and the national interest were considered synonymous.
Yes. 100 years ago. Not now.

She's very average looking I think the left is just excited to have 6/10 woman on their side to compete with Melania

lol triggered

What this guy said

Water-carrying? That doesn't seem to describe what I do on a daily basis (software consulting).

I don't need Trump to make me rich in 4 years. Depending on your definition, I was "rich" under Obama (in spite of his shit governance).

Melania is a weird looking lady. Body is too skinny.

>in spite of his being a NIGGER
just say it

No way you're a fucking billionaire user
you have masters you cherish their laws
and carry their water

But he *was* a magic nigger. He was elected because he was half-black, and he could do no wrong because criticism meant going against the First Black President, Savior of America.

If a white president had done the exact same things Obama did, he'd be rightfully looked down upon by even you.

But you are a racist dipshit. How does it feel knowing most do not respect you?

So, putting aside the question of whether scapegoat theory is accurate, ask yourself whether there are labor camps for Muslims.
You can say Trump is bad without saying he's a fascist. The two words are not synonymous.

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No, I want us out of unnecessary wars. Trump is undoing the shit King Obama left us with.

You can't seem to understand that the narrative of Trump getting us into wars is wholly unsupported by fact.

Of course it's accurate. Trump, like all Islamophobes, blames the entire culture for the acts of terrorists. It's literally mental midgetry.

Fuckin Trumps Russian trolls are working overtime this month.

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Trump isn't doing shit. He just said we're not leaving Syria. You literally bought into him playing good cop/bad cop with himself.

Actually they're talking about invading Venezuela. That's stupid as fuck.

Have you ever been on Yea Forums?

>Shit governance
You mean the governance that within two terms brought the economy out of recession with direct policy decisions, still managed to leave us with MORE jobs at the end than it started with in spite of that, set a record for job growth that has not been beaten yet, and grew GDP by >3% (something Trumpanzees like to lie never happened) more quarters than Trump's governance has, all at the cost of a national debt growth that means fuck all until and unless less it's interest outpaces GDP growth, which it never did, and has been outdone by the debt and deficit growth of Trump?

I said depending upon how you define it. I'm not a billionaire by a looooong shot.

What masters control my company? I sign the fronts of the checks, not the backs.

Meh Putin buy me Big Mac when I'm finished here

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Oh I agree 100% she's not very attractive either

I'm not interested in attacking or defending Islam. Islamic and European culture are separate and distinct, and that's all there is to it. Fighting between the two serves Zionism. So let's put that aside, and ask yourself two questions:
>Do Muslims control significant socioeconomic and political power within the United States?
>Is Trump taking action to strip citizenship from and deport Muslims from the country?

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I am a realist. The first black president will forever occupy a hallowed place in many people's hearts regardless of the quality of his administration.

I thank God every day he wasn't assassinated —if some idiot had blown his head off, it would have been like the stupid JFK cult x 100. There would have been a canonization, and Saint Obama would have a statue in every city. Christ, it's bad as it is.

BTW, how do you explain the fact that 13% of the population commits over half the violent crime in America? Could it be because Democrats encouraged the mass exodus of fathers from black families? Could it be generational dependence on handouts from Democrat masters? Could it be an urban culture that reinforces tropes of violence and juvenile posturing? Naaaaaah. Must be muh racism.

No it didn't. That's delusional propaganda. According to O'Bammy, everything bad was Bush's fault, then trying to take credit for the current admin's gains. You're funny.

>I'm reminded of the deluded idea that health care

And again strikes the chorus of the Right, a total lack of empathy. If you truly believe that Health Care is not a right, then ask yourself why nearly every other country on the planet believes so. You're a despicable person if you don't think Health Care is included in Life, Liberty and Security of the person.

>No it didn't
Your objectively incorrect. The economy took a hit globally in 2007 just before his presidency. It was fully recovered and improved over its pre Obama state when he left.

You're*, so correct

Meanwhile in reality

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I want to see her in a full on forced gangbang with a bunch of illegal immigrant rapists and climate change supporter basement dwellers

Scariest? No, shes just cringe.
Sexiest? kek, fuck that beaner and her massive bug eyes.

Different fag here and yknow,
Always wondered why political talking fags never consider the global economy... Because you're absolutely right, the late 00's saw an international recession. Everyone was fucked. Up here in Canada we damn near had our version of what i guess youd call an impeachment in 2009 over our government saying "the economy is fine!!!" When it wasn't.

But Americans have this funny way of just assuming every little economic matter is the president's fault (and his alone) when there's a thousand and a half more factors. Outside of America..


I have empathy. That doesn't mean I think your shit dream of fucking up our health care system will actually result in positive changes. There's a reason why anyone who has two shillings to rub together in the UK buys private insurance to supplement the joke that is NHS.

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I think its funny how she tells Americans to stop having babies and at the same time want there to be open borders.
Shes literally telling Americans to let the white population die out and turn the country brown, and retards on the left support this commie bitch.

>Stop having babies
When did she say this?
>Open borders
or this

Heres a video of someone commentating on AOC live stream

And she has said hundreds of times she wants to abolish ICE and let anyone into the country.

She didn’t tell Americans to stop having kids. Also, Americans already =\= white people, so your statement is nonsense.

That's not what she said, dude... She addressed the fact there are millennials out there who are not having children solely because of climate change fears.

Let's forget the bi partisan issue and pretend for a second you yourself were 100% convinced there would be a total global catastrophe creating absolute shit quality of life for everyone within 20 years. If I were totally convinced, which I'm, I'd probably not have kids myself.

People are jittery and that's all she was addressing. You're really stretching when you.say "she told.white people to stop breeding!!!".

White Americans are the only people in the world who don't believe in climate change. Even whites in other countries do it's just your shit ass conservatives who think it's not a thing.


>Totally convinced Which I'm
Which I'm not*

who is this? never seen her on /b

I'm white and i never said climate change isn't real. But theres no way the planets going to die in 12 years like this crazy bitch says.
And I didn't say she told white people to stop having babies, she basically said she doesn't think anyone should unless the world changes overnight, which is literally impossible.

didn't even take a second look before you hit post, huh?

>Here's a comment someone else made about it
Show me her saying it, writing it or suggesting it.
>Hundreds of times
Then it wouldn't be hard to find me a source that isn't taken out of context.

>Here's a comment someone else made about it
I didn't say it was a comment. I literally posted a video of AOC saying it.
Here it is again

Attached: 1551997371496.png (512x512, 562K)

Start watching around the 3:40 mark.

She isn't saying it's going to die in 12 years though. shes reflecting climate scientist claims that's how long we have before we hit an irreversible runaway effect if we don't curb our actions.

I agree her wording was way off the mark.
And she didn't say no one should have babies. Here's the quote:
"And it does lead, I think, young people to have a legitimate question, you know, 'Is it okay to still have children?'"

It was a rhetorical paraphrase conservative groups leapt on. She was merely.addressing the concerns of individuals as to whether or not they should have children, and the fact people aren't having kids is, in itself, a global crisis, regardless of the reasoning.

>Cut cut cut cut
This was definitely not edited to remove context and make it sound like Cortez was saying "don't have kids" rather than "people aren't having kids and this is why" which is what she actually was saying.

Try again with source material not a doctored video.

The most accurate versions of those pictures.

Attached: president mcfucktard gets his finger caught again.jpg (654x500, 97K)

Nice try, Sasha. But you'll never be able to write like a real muriKKKan.

Everyone wants that, honey.

Steel spaghetti!
Don't forget the steel spaghetti!

Пpивeтcтвyю вceх cтopoнникoв aмepикaнcкoгo пpeзидeнтa Tpaмпa!
Cпacибo из Poccии!

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She will be institutionalized after Trump destroys her. Caught up in her idealistic delusion. Overconfident that she will thrive. Yeah, I almost feel bad for her. Like a child lost in the scary woods full of wolves that don’t care.

The fucking broads on FOX news are more atttactive than her. To each his own of course, but this chicks whole face is so objectively masculine.

Makes sense that fags on the left can’t stop beating off to her

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Really, where are the Muslim ghettos? Where are the armed guards that keep them from leaving said ghettos? Admit it, you're just a partisan faggot.

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Lying niggerfaggot is lying and a nigger.

Some ignorant Repubs got tricked into waving some flags. I bet they won't fall for that again. That's okay, at least they didn't get tricked into electing the likes of AOC, Pelosi, (((Feinstein))), or (((Schumer))) — and you Democraps are too stupid to break the cycle of dependence upon your betters.

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lmao no fuck that spic commie and fuck you JDIF shills

Either way the people lose depending on blue red or any other colored party. When are you gonna realize our votes dont do shit because the jews own the banking system the world is attached to. Too much dependency on government is awful for citizens. We are fucked. More fucked if democrats take over.

So now were to blame for burning fossil fuels. Government embraced these advances and now want to destroy it. No its about stripping people of their natural born rights. Its the left that is blind to see they support communism. JFK changed his stances and woke up. Then he got murdered by the CIA. Its entertainment for them to see these circus shows continue. It doesnt help that people cant think for themselves. Trump isnt clean. No politician is. But its incredibly absurd how Trump is attacked everyday. Every talk show does it. Its not a fucking joke. Its not funny. The left has lost it.

God she's such an ugly fucking cunt


Oh look, another trap thread.