Go vegan Yea Forums

Go vegan Yea Forums

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I'm with u OP, I stopped eating meat a month ago and now I look like pic related, a big thanks to all the vegans and all the animals I've saved

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No, faggot

No I don't hate vegans. I just refuse to stop eating animals and would sooner eat vegans than give up meat.

No. There is literally nothing wrong with exploiting animals.

Go fuck yourself, vegan.

OP is a faggot

I don't want to.
I love meat.
I love milk.
I love cheese.
Fuck right off.

I don't hate vegans, I hate annoying people

This. And I mean it quite literally. If I had to eat human meat in addition to my diet, or give up meat completely, I'd eat human.

I like vegans: I just can't eat a whole one.

But humans are omnivores, we need to eat meat and vegetables

get bacteria blooms in my lower intestines
go neurologically out of whack
suffer mood swings
suffer osteoporosis
have my kidneys shut down
sounds like fun, thanks for the invite

I hate anyone that self-righteously virtue signals as a way of life. sjws, progressives, the alt-right. And vegans fit that category, so yeah, I hate most vegans.

I like exploit animals and make animals suffer

Or we could endorse sustainable farming and wildlife management instead of going to the extreme.

This is bait anyway.

ITT: 30 something year olds clinging to their last dying bit of masculinity by eating food.

Sorry, but animals and animal products are delicious and the best possible source of protein.

Run your tongue along your teeth, user.
Do you feel those, starting four back with your canine teeth. You should have three very sharp teeth there, per side--three left, three right, three top, three bottom.
Those teeth are for ripping and tearing meat.
Humans are omnivores. We eat everything in our path, if we get hungry enough. Trying to tell a person they shouldn't eat meat is like trying to teach a lion not to eat meat.

Sorry but I like being healthy and not sick 24/7

>four back
Sorry, I derped.
Meant two back.

I ate your mother last night.

I ate your dads ass after battin' him up in a fist fight ya cunt

naw... i dont hate vegans in general, just the ones who go around exsposing the virtues of it constantly

The hatred on vegans is growing, what is happening. Why are pretty much always the meat fanatics the angry ones. What is really happening here?

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long term vegans eat themselves aka not vegan

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i only drink blood now because i got too weak to digest a few potatoes

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I want to go vegetarian because I am autistic and seeing the suffering of other living beings makes me sad. Unfortunately, I like steak and chicken wraps way too much. I am genuinely looking forward to the day when lab grown meat is cheap enough to grow for mass consumption. Factory farming is truly horrific and one of the worst things in the history of the human race.

"I literally can't stop posting faggot bait threads and sucking AIDS-infected nigger cocks." - OP.

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I have an idea. We will stop eating animals, but vegans have to sacrifice their meat to feed us.
They’d do it too, too bad half of them have aids and it would be considered tainted meat.

Your lack of empathy tells me you are degenerate.

bacteria is benefitial for lower intestines, and reduces cancer risk

Factory farming is horrible but going vegetarian isn't gonna stop it and is also unhealthy. But I don't have access to enough money to start my own farm so fuck it. I hunt and fish when I can, but there's really no way around it

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M8 you have no idea how much empathy I have. Sometimes I think that I have too much. When I was a kid I was walking home from school and I saw a small kitten outside and it looked lonely so I got on my bike one day and brought it food. I want to cry everytime I walk by a homeless person ;_;

But I like chicken wraps too much. No willpower.

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once again an ugly generalization. vegans have very different gut bacteria colonies that are good for health, vs meat eaters that spawn toxins. check How to Reduce Your TMAO Levels on youtube.

>Factory farming is horrible but going vegetarian isn't gonna stop it
I know and I'm not pretending that it will. It's a personal choice to not participate in it. I'm not there yet though.

Hmm, no. Pretty sure I really do hate vegans.
Might have something to do with the holier then thou attitude, or how they belittle anyone who doesn't follow their stupid choice.
Veganism, like all Leftist new age bullshit thought, has all the baggage of a religion without any of the redeeming qualities. It's only positive is that at least most of its practitioners die off from poor nutrition before too long.

Jesus Christ died for your goats.
You cannot call yourself a Christian and still eat meat.

They are better people than you though.

Your oppotunistic need to tell someone else about themself tells me that you're a degenerate

Gary Smith sounds like a fucking idiot. Vegans are worse than cancer. I'm going to go eat a fucking steak in spite of this shit thread.

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When have you ever heard of a meat eater even bringing the subject up on their own.
It's always the Vegans the feel the need to preach their belief. Eating meat is natural. A meat eater no more feels the need to brag about it or chastise those who don't, then they argue about breathing oxygen.

I get it bro. I'm like you. I stop to shoo snakes off the road (I live in the deep south) because I know assholes will run over them just because they're snakes. But chicken wraps though

fuck veganism eat meat everyday

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Might have to do with soyboy faggots trying to force other people to change how they live.

no u

Since when did we start letting the weak dictate the direction of society?

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You sound fat



>"Ha, I'm going to tell everyone I meet that I'm a Vegan"

And Jesus said "if a human sacrifice is worth 100 dead goats, then the sacrifice of a half God is worth infinity goats! Claim my death as your sacrifice to God and stop killing your animals every month!"
Then the meat industry slapped Jesus in the head with their dick and said "fuck you!"
Eating meat is telling Jesus Christ to go fuck himself.

And the angel of the lord came unto me, snatching me up from my place of slumber. And took me on high, and higher still until we moved to the spaces betwixt the air itself. And he brought me into a vast farmlands of our own Midwest. And as we descended, cries of impending doom rose from the soil. One thousand, nay a million voices full of fear. And terror possessed me then

And I begged, "Angel of the Lord, what are these tortured screams?"

And the angel said unto me, "These are the cries of the carrots, the cries of the carrots! You see, Reverend Maynard, tomorrow is harvest day and to them it is the holocaust."

And I sprang from my slumber drenched in sweat like the tears of one million terrified brothers and roared, "Hear me now, I have seen the light! They have a consciousness, they have a life, they have a soul! Damn you! Let the rabbits wear glasses! Save our brothers!"

Can I get an amen? Can I get a hallelujah? Thank you Jesus


Jesus Christ Cares.

Vegans lost this argument the minute we figured out how to make meat delicious. Doesn't matter if it's good for us, bad for us, or terrible for animals, humans are animals of pleasure.

if they were meant for ripping and tearing meat why dont we eat animals raw? people are the only ones who cook meat because we cant digest it raw and it still gives heart disease and bullshit, if we were meant to eat meat we could eat it raw constantly

Nope, sorry but they are not. Because I honestly wouldn't have cared about their choice if the hadn't have felt the need to try and force everyone else to follow them. And yes, that's what they are doing every time they try to guilt people for eating meat.
Vegans are scum, not because they are vegan but because they were scum to begin with.

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were weren't meant to live as long as we do either so whats your point.

Heart disease and that epigeneticshit is caused by letting people over 13 reproduce.
It is the price we pay for morality.

i thought people were capable of living longer?

Someone has taste

The same reason why 90%+ of all planets on Earth are toxic for humans to consume. The same reason why humans only have one stomach instead of seven. Humans CAN consume raw meat just fine, but we get MORE nutrition out of cooked meat. Cooked meat is also safer to consume as good cooking generally kills off harmful bacteria.

Even my fucking parrot loves eating meat (especially chicken, which is funny). Where is your God now?

This human is an animal. Can we keep it in a cage?

My green-cheeked conure loves chicken.

All humans are animals.

We are omnivores, but no, we don't HAVE to eat both or else there wouldn't be vegans in the first place.

Vegans have to take supplements dummy

My grey also likes human flesh.

That wasn't the stupidest twist of logic I've ever seen on /b, but good effort nonetheless.

when you stop eating meat you go psychic and can talk to animals. they ignore you until you stop being a dick, then you become a god

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Fuck off asshat. I love eating meat.

Man plants are just as alive as animals man.


What does that have to do with meat being delicious? It's a very simple argument. Humans want pleasure. Healthy or unhealthy, we will go get it. Eating meat is pleasurable, vegans have lost out of the gate.

No I hate vegans because they are smug assholes who think they are morally superior


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How do you know if someone's a vegan?

Don't worry. They'll tell you.

Quads speak truth

So sayeth my dubs

yawn. old and boring. come up with a new one.

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>my dubs

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I don’t hate vegans. I hate people who won’t shut the fuck up about being bicyclists, gluten free, Harvard grads, or vegan.

Hey guys. He believes in global warming.

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Yep. That's why normalfags don't like vegans. The boastfulness of it.

When you revolve your personal identity and moral superiority around what you don't eat, you're an asshole.

I don't eat people or pets. That's as far as I'm willing to push my morals against my savage nature. I'd prefer if animals didn't suffer unduly in the process of feeding me, and I'm willing to pay an extra $1.50 on my burger to make that happen, but I LIKE eating flesh. I like hunting and killing and butchering wild game. If I had the money to go on a pure carnivore diet, I probably would.

>Go vegan Yea Forums

Fuck off, shill

global warming is a lie, vaccines cause autism, earth it flat, the moon landing is a hoax etc. etc.

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Vegans are fucking retards
>hurr durr animals are sentient don't kill them it's bad juju
>kills and eats plants, which are conscious and can distinguish between mozart & metallica
>eats algae, living beings who are helpless against the onslaught and are considered food just because they can't communicate directly with humans
>consumes bacteria cultures, not unlike entire human cultures but with smaller chewier humans

When vegan faggots admit they commit fucking genocide against grains, fruits, vegetables, and bacteria, and swear off eating anything that was ever living, I'll swear off eating animal meat

Confirmed shill.

What are your thoughts on abortion?

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>ITT: 30 something year olds clinging to their last dying bit of masculinity by eating food.
This anons right. You should completely give up on masculinity and just go vegan

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>being this insecure about your own masculinity

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It's actually true to a degree that vaccines cause autism, but it's not the injection itself. Autism is caused by an imbalance of gut flora, and certain vaccines kill off a great deal of gut flora. Especially influenza vaccines.

Just pointing out a cognitive dissonance. You'll fight for the existence of male meat byproducts that are wasted and killed, but abortion is an expression of female rights, right? You'll defend male chickens, but not unborn humans.

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>have absolutely zero masculinity
>enjoy your soy, faggot.

I didn't know plants had feelings. Thanks for letting me know.

...you monster!

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Make vegan food that doesn't taste like shit and then we'll talk.

Ah, the mistake therein is believing I give a flying fuck about plants.
>protip: I don't.

I love dissecting the innards of once-living animals. Vegan faggots love plants.
The only real way to stop hurting living beings is to only consume non-living materials. But vegans aren't ready to eat fried dirt, so I'm not ready to give up animals.

I'm not sure the accuracy of that.

Children that contract the flu or pneumonia in the first 2 years of life are much more likely to be autistic. The correlation there is the immune response. Large immune responses can mess with development in numerous ways, and autism is one of the possible outcomes.

So autism could be caused by vaccines, but only tangentially. Vaccines can be perfectly safe in moderation.

what is false equivalence?

HURRRR DURRRR SO FUNNY fuck off you savage murdering bastard

>actually believes youtube conspiracy theory videos
>doesn't believe scientists who actually study biology and develop vaccines

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>trying to shame, guilt trip, and immasculate men because you're too much of a pansy to fund scientific research that real men might pay attention to

I'm in no way alt-right, but how can you say they virtue signal? Its the far left that are the whiniest virtue signalers out there.
They get off on identifying themselves as victims and then going out to "fix" the world in the only way they see fit.

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>please stop
If only that were all you faggots did or said.
If you want to be taken seriously, at least be honest in your depiction of things.
Maybe have the vegan guy go on to make a bunch of memes and shitpost on Yea Forums for years on end; that'd be way more accurate and honest than "please stop."
Have fun trying to win people over with lies and poorly thought out propaganda.

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If you're not sure, you have this wonderful tool called the internet. You clearly used it to post here, so you should be competent enough to be sure of damn near anything.

Funny how veganism, despite being "inherently better", constantly requires shilling, shaming and downright bullying. A meat eater will call a vegan a faggot soyboy at worst and leave it at that, but a vegan will spare no effort to make a meat eater feel bad, calling them a walking mass genocide and going to great lengths to detail how wrong their way of life is.

Why is that, I wonder?

>never been to jewtube
Well that went down in flames quickly.

Vegans are just annoying twats that won't leave us alone. I really don't give a damn if you don't eat meat, go live your own life but don't fucking try to push your views on me. It's a lot like religion, I don't mind christians for example, they can believe in their god all they want, so long as they don't go around screeching that my gods are false and that I have to conform to them.

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>again, a candyass with a smarmy plebbit response

I eat animals, unapologetically. I will continue to eat them and there's nothing you can do about it.

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ITT, as per usual, OP is a faggot.


>entering and posting in a vegan thread
>expecting OP not to be a faggot

user, I...

>faking being vegan to create a strawman others can attack

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not the guy, but i gotta say:
go do something else, user.
you're wasting a good brain arguing with that dipshit. pointing out his moral inconsistencies will only inspire him to consult his little vegansidekick site for more shit-tier memes.
this is beneath you.
go read a book or workout
don't waste it

pigs go feral and become violent hogs, quickly.

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Who the fuck is Gary Smith and why the fuck should i care what he says?

lol. i love how fucking butthurt you all got. all i did was post a few comics. seriously, only two of them had a comment, and very benign comments as well. you're too sensitive and fragile. anyway, this is the last one. predator out.

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Nah I dont hate vegans and frankly im okay with eating meat, yes its murder, sweet delicious murder.

No, I am pretty sure I hate vegans.

Vegan = retarded.

Be true to your nature, we are a predatory species, we even hunt each other, grow up and accept that veganism is simply a first world privilege.

good. then maybe they'll eat you. after all, if you're not meant to be eaten, why are you made of food?

Nice trips

You are aware that it isn't the fact that the meat is raw that fucks up your digestion right? Because you absolutely can eat some kinds of meat raw. Right off the animal if you feel so inclined. Based in this I have to guess that you are either a creationist or have no ubderstanding of human evolution. If neither of those are true, then why would you attempt such a weak gotcha question?

We already do in some cases. Animals aren't people. We can do with them what we please. Thats the benefit of being on top of the food chain.

Why does ever faggot vegan have to display to the world that they are a vegan? Like it's a defining personality trait. I tried it for a while to help lose weight and it worked. I actually lost weight at an unhealthy rate. That's why I know that it's not good for you. I can't imagine doing it for years. You'd destroy your body

You're obviously either trolling or legitimately ignorant.

Pigs have hooves.
Dogs are useful.

I only eat the animals I have sex with

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No thanks, I like my burgers and chicken thank you.

Ever notice there’s lots of vegan food designed to taste like meat ... but no meat dish designed to taste like vegetables? I wonder why that is?

People are animals. Animals aren't people.

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You can always tell a vegan, but he'll tell you first.

*sound of shotgun cocking*

>implying I give a fuck about the exploitation of animals

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>go vegan Yea Forums

no,eat a dick you vegan faggot

>using pedo code word

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Life feeds on life
This is necessary
Life feeds on

Given a situation of survival vegans would hesitate to the point of actually considering dying instead of feeding off animals. No mere coincidence 99% of vegans are turbopussies.
Natural selection, friends. Only the strong survive.

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Vegans are normally just attention seeking little shit bags, who love having a `thing` where they can get the attention focused on there special requirements that expect pandered to while they hold up and annoy everyone else while expecting the admiration of everyone around them due to there noble sacrifice......they will also make sure anyone they ever meet will be informed of there veganism with the first 2 sentences of an introduction.....get fucked, you make NO difference... And everybody is tired of your bollocks.

ITP: zoomer fuckboi who can't lift a gallon of milk or offer up a real argument goes with the predictable "muh masculinity tho guise" argument.
srsly hang yourself, cunt

>check How to Reduce Your TMAO Levels on youtube

YouTube -- the prestigious peer-reviewed medical journal?

I don't hate vegans. They just make meat cheaper for me to eat.

I dont hate vegans i hate the cult of veganism