I want Yea Forums's opinion on Brie Larson. I think she's a racist bitch that ruined the whole MCU franchise...

I want Yea Forums's opinion on Brie Larson. I think she's a racist bitch that ruined the whole MCU franchise, which took 10 years to build, and she destroyed it with her feminist propaganda and bad acting. I'm not even right wing, just an average joe. I'm just mad at her. I don't want MCU to end up like Star Wars. I don't want to let the SJWs take it for themselves.

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>T.Seething marvelcuck

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fuck off fag. Alita was a crappy movie. Sure, not as bad as Captain Marvel will be, but shit nonetheless.

lots of people liked it tho

Lol at the soy boy angry nerd-cuck. Carol Danvers has literally been a big part of marvel comics since the 70’s and was meant to be a feminist figure

Marvel's been "SJW"-allied since The X-Men in the 60s
Like, I can't believe there are people so blinded by screeching incel rage that this is even an issue.
Marvel represents interests that aren't male and white sometimes.
You're a bad troll but you made me say words so fuckin' hooray for you.
get a sense of history, goddamn.

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no she hasn't because if she was, she wouldn't have been cancelled 9 times

mr larson was a bad choice put in a bad situation playing a bad marvel character, she was set up to fail

In 76 or 77 I had the very first issue of
"Ms. Marvel". She was hot then, she's hot now.
Suck it Putin's movie bashing internet fags!
It's just a fucking movie. You might piss off neckbeards who never leave their Mom's basement like you did for the last two Star Wars movies, but honestly it ain't helping spark social unrest among anybody who isn't already a fucking tool.

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>I want Yea Forums's opinion on Brie Larson.
I think she's a good reason for me to never watch a marvel movie again lmao

I think she's fine. The points she made she did clumsily, but she has a point. Most movie critics are white dudes, and having different viewpoints is never a bad thing.
Captain Marvel looks ok. I haven't seen it yet, and I sincerely doubt you have. But most critics seem to think it's... ok. Which to be honest satisfies neither the rabid critics or the uberfans. But that's reality.
Honestly, I think this whole controversy is a bunch of angry incel losers desperate to be mad at a pretty woman who got to be a superhero.
When people like Mel Gibson are still regularly making and starring in Hollywood movies without this kind of hate campaign, it's pretty obvious it's just about the fact she's an outspoken woman.

>being this triggered

you cuntservatives are worse than the libtards you hate so much

She is boring and emotionless.

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How is she a racist bitch?

if only she didn't have the face of a 40 year old trucker and feet like Shaq, would she be desirable

"this movie isn't for white men" could possibly be seen as racist but what does a nigger know amirite?

she's a great actress, cast in the most successful movie franchise in history, playing the first solo lead female superhero in 21 movies as a set up for one of the most anticipated movies of all time.
honestly, if it does fail (spoiler alert: it won't), then it's not on her. it's on Marvel.
But presales are through the roof, globally. Tracking is putting the movie at around $800million global box office, which is INSANE for a character that hasn't even starred in a Marvel movie yet.
This is just like the Black Panther hate. Once it demolished the box office, no one even mentions the fact that internet haters were even a thing.
Enjoy ranting about it while you can before the numbers destroy all your arguments.

she never said that, though. that's kind of a big flaw in your argument.

Ummm...yea sweetie she did.

You are right. Because of people like this right here >>>Its selective outrage. When people of color feel victimized, they scream and throw a tempertamtrum and burn down cars. When white men are demonized by an entire industry. Nothing but silence from these minorities.

where did you get 800mil from? and it will fail just like ocean's 8, the female brain, and ghostbusters. no one likes sjw movies because the audience you're trying to pander to are not as massive as you think, the ones you're trying to piss off won't watch it and the people who're on neither side won't support the movie if it's trash which btw you're 0/10

no she didn't.
she said she didn't want to be interview by JUST white dudes on the press junket.
not the same.

Not him buuuuut she kinda said she didn't want the premier to be mostly white or male, so...

um, I'm a white dude.
and it's different because white dudes dominate hollywood, and movie criticism.
if black folks had torn down Eminem for being a white rapper in a black dominated field like hip hop, then that would be the same. But they didn't.

again. MOSTLY. she didn't say "this movie isn't for white men". she wants it to be for everyone, not JUST white men.
how is this so hard for people to understand? talk about manufactured outrage.

i noped the fuck out of Black Panther after like 10 mins

all the hype about black power and wakanda and shit, and the movie starts with 2 niggers in the hood plotting a robbery when Micchone from the walking dead knocks on the door with a spear and some gold ass armor

i looked at my boy and he shut it down, no words needed

fucking awful

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White man here. Not offended by anything other than Putin's chef pissing on movies along lines of race and gender and thinking it really causes upheaval. Fuck off, the bitch has great tits and despite the fact that I worshipped Marvel Comics growing up, I couldn't care less about yet another fucking superhero movie. At least when I torrent this one there will be hot tits in latex to fap to. Could give less of a fuck who else loves it or loathes it.

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the only reason I liked em was because he was a great rapper who told stories and wasn't like typical niggas who rapped about bitches and hoes and money in EVERY song. that was a terrible comparison btw
switch WHITE to BLACK and see if it feels the same

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I got it from Forbes.

Honestly she did not have a chance in hell for people to give half a shut about her movie because It’s in the middle of the first and second part of infinity war

$1.3 billion global box office.
I'm sure Marvel are fine that you didn't like it.

But people did hate on Eminem...

it was garbage and I honestly can't see how anyone besides morons liked it
and you had to show the diseased feet

>switch WHITE to BLACK and see if it feels the same
AGAIN that would only makes sense if almost movie reviewers were black. BUT THEY AREN'T. THAT'S THE POINT.

Not mad, just over the whole superhero thing, and the SJW thing, and the rabid right also.
Just don't care. Nothing surprises me about how stupid Americans can be.

Yawn. You are very boring.

>she said she wanted to empower women

how does bad fiction empower anyone?

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you're an idiot.

Put down your super hero dolls and become a man. what a freak.

what defines a man? rather than that, what is your definition of a man?

a miserable pile of secrets.

it doesnt

thats why getting all booty blasted over shit like this is so retarded

this guy gets it. Let me give you the example of Kingsman. New franchise, comes from nowhere. All it takes is a bit of SJW bashing and two amazing trailers and the sales go through the roof. The movie is 100% politically incorrect, sexist jokes everywhere, the bad guy is a black environmentalist, and the good guys are white male brits. But that's what people want: a good movie. They don't care about the politics behind it. As long as the movie is good and not CONTAMINATED by SJW propaganda, it will be successful. This is why Alita, Ocean's 8, Ghostbusters 2 and Captain Marvel did (or will) tank.

jeez one womans dumbass words that nobody really cares about ruins an entire franchise for you? im sorry youre so stupid

Nothing makes me laugh more than when morons label superhero flicks or Star Wars movies as pro "SJW". As if that wasn't what they've always been.
They've simply developed from "a bunch of primarily white guys defeat the evil fascist right wing assholes" to "a bunch of primarily white guys, plus a couple of women and maybe a black dude defeat the evil fascist right wing assholes".
If that upsets you, then you're one of the bad guys. And you've learned nothing.

Bored of watching the same movies again and again so MCU can burn and I’m not even mad. Disney is cancer.

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well, seeing as though no one ever like the captain marvel series before this, I don't see how anyone will like it know

I like how Marvel skipped over the black woman Ms Marvel and the guy who was Captain Marvel and gave us Brie Larson. Top fucking kek.

There was zero wrong with Alita, and it did pretty good. Spectacular given its based on weeb shit

actually, 80% of movie reviewers are white. Guess what, 80% of the american population is white. What's wrong, then? What the hell does she want from white males? To disappear completely from the face of the earth? Also, why do you care about someone's skin colour? It shouldn't matter at all. If anything, you're the real racist. I don't give a fuck if a reviewer is white or black or man or woman as long as he does a good job at reviewing movies. So go and take your doublethink racism somewhere else and suck your own dick you pathetic piece of shit . And before you call me a "conservacuck" / "nazi", I'll have you know I'm a registered democrat.

Captain Marvel will beat The Kingman's box office in a weekend.
And I saw The Kingsman. And it was fun. But the idea that it succeeded cos it had bumsex gags in is somewhat reductive...

Why Alita sucks: ugly character, too much feminism, incomprehensible storyline. Apart from that it was OK. I didn't like it. I didn't hate it either.

That's not what I'm saying. I say it was LIKED (loved) by the public BECAUSE it didn't give two craps about politics.

"She suggested maybe she could speak to more diverse critics. She wants to wipe out all white men".
Ok, sure kid.

if you think that what people are using as an argument for SJWism in star wars, you're retarded. the problem isn't the plot (although it is really bad or at least handled poorly) so much as it is the character Rey. people want to relate to the characters they are viewing but no one can relate to a character that isn't made to be human. Rey was made to be a flawless entity and people don't like that. if she had a few flaws, she would be liked a whole lot more but because she's a perfect Mary Sue, everyone hates her

meh, it did ok. $400million. Which is strong, but not huge.

>"Captain Marvel will beat The Kingman's box office in a weekend"
possible, but I'm starting to doubt it since the immensely negative feedback the ads have, and considering the scores on Rotten Tomatoes. Most people DON'T want to see it, at least that's what can be understood from the current assessment of the situation.

critic is already diverse enough. Can't you read, nigger?

She's literally a direct parallel to Luke from the original trilogy. The dude who learned all the Jedi skills from Yoda in an afternoon and then defeated the Emperor and turned Vader all on his own.
You're just mad cos she's a girl.

We'll see how Brie Marvel does, probably not that hot given pre-screening reviews.

Sire, I should believe you, random cretin on the internet plucking out numbers from the sky, rather than an oscar winning actress who spends months out of every year attending global film junkets, talking to movie critics.

85% fresh on rotten tomatoes. $350million predicted global opening weekend.

oh you sweet precious thing.
the loudest part of the fandom isn't the biggest.
one day you'll learn that.

>he dude who learned all the Jedi skills from Yoda in an afternoon
>from Yoda in an afternoon
>in an afternoon
Kek'd, you're clueless.

if there is feminism it was written into the character by Yukito Kishiro when he penned it. Not sure if you're up on manga, but the writers are some of the most anti feminist people you will find.

If this is your culture war, then you're losing.

If she wasn't famous before she is now that you spergs won't stop hiveminding Hollywood drama.

no she's not, no he didn't, and no the fuck he didn't, and the only reason Vader changed was because it was his kid. Rey had 0 training compared to even as you say, Luke's afternoon of training, which by normal human standards is still more than what she got. she did everything perfectly without any help and has never failed at anything. like lost a fucking arm and had to retreat BECAUSE he failed to beat Vader the first time.

just stop dude

>Calls out 1/3 of the U.S. population
>People react = Hive-minding
Nice logic.

went from 800mil to 300 pretty fast, didn't it?

$350mill global opening weekend
$800mill overall global box office
the movie doesn't close after 3 days.
any more questions?

Rated 27% by the people want to watch it on Rotten Tomatoes before the poll system was removed because it was doing so badly.

not all white men are butthurt whining many babies.
some of us have successful lives, and find you guys crushingly embarrassing.

yeah, cos it was aggressively and cynically downvoted by miserable manbabies like you lot.
the same thing happened with Black Panther.
most folks who want to see the movie go and just see the movie.
they don't go and register a pre-vote on Rotten Tomatoes. Not everyone is a fucking loser.

I sincerely hope your baiting and not actually this triggered but a few inoffensive comments she made. The poll was clearly not representative of the films target demographic

got a lot of faith for something even the sjw outlet capitals hated on. kinda makes you wonder if that projected 800mil is even possible

I'm basing that on what I've read in Forbes, Hollywood Reporter and Deadline. They do box office tracking and presale analysis.
What are you basing yours on?

>not all white men are butthurt whining many babies.
Maybe when you can type a sentence in English your opinion will matter more.

Post more Brie Larson nudes

>downvoted by miserable manbabies like you lot
Yes, because I voted... Oh wait, I didn't. Seriously kill yourself.

oh shit, I made a typo? Oh man, that means what you said must automatically be true!
Did you snort when you wrote that?

>The poll was clearly not representative of the films target demographic
So, it was targeted for who? Not white males, maybe Black Females? Oh wait.. they didn't cast a Black Woman to do Ms Marvel, kek.

nah, my life is too sweet. And I'm gonna see Captain Marvel next week with my wife and kid. Wouldn't want to miss that!

This guy gets it
Only one way to get back at her, expose her meat flaps clown feet and surgically enhanced features

rotten tomatoes and every media outlet that is covering this movie

>whining many babies
Opinion discarded.

Precisely. Fucking hive mind. Media tells you cucks to be outraged so you are.

85% fresh.
Batman V Superman was 27% and still did huge numbers.

That’s if some crazy right wing commie doesn’t “dark knight” the queers clamoring for more SJW BS to suck straight from the disneys cock

oh boy, what to do with my life now some johnny clownshoes from Yea Forums doesn't value my opinion?

>Media tells you
No, Brie did that on her own. Nice try, shill.

this is my favourite post of the day.

>whining many babies
Opinion discarded.

BvS did terrible numbers for what was expected/ what it should’ve been

The MCU was already shit-tier. Way overhyped, with a few decent movies. All the crossover shit was masturbatory nerd porn with no real point. It was a money grab that worked on it's high-schooler and incel base. So now it's politicized shit-tier, not much of a loss.

>I don't want MCU to end up like Star Wars
Too late. There's very little substance, like SW, it's overhyped, like SW, and now they're shitting on the fandom, like SW. It wasn't great to begin with, and now it's over.

fair point. but $800million was pretty solid.

How about shitpost about celebrities because you can't think on your own.

you sound like an enormous amount of fun.
please, tell me more things that I shouldn't be enjoying.

ghostbusters 2016 was 83% by critics prerelease too and only made 229mil, so what's your point

Don't trust anyone who needs a butt double.

my point is that the rotten tomatoes isn't a good indicator of box office. which was the point I was originally making.
box office tracking and pre sales are a good indicator. they were very bad for GB 2016. They are looking very good for Captain Marvel.
That's it, really.

Thank you for spelling you're correctly.

However, your answer sucks.

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I just enjoy tearing up retard incel logic.

Okay. For shows, BSG and Lost are way overrated.

800 million on a 250 million budget. Throw in the massive advertising budget as well as the fact that the studio isnt getting all of the gross, it’s split between theaters and them and the actual profit it made is not great

really? even though it's been reported that people are trying to sell their tickets in droves? boy those prerelease tracking numbers sure are trustworthy

People weren't allowed to cancel their tickets. Might as well sell them then.

Yet, he can't form sentence. Naaaaice.

Nice grammar. All you previous points are that much more invalid.

Well actually she had struggling numbers for decades and the attempts at rebooting her was twice that of any other character still active in Marvels roster.

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