Fuck vaccines and fuck reddit

fuck vaccines and fuck reddit

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stupid people often think that they are smart.

Fuck you turd

I'm not seeing trips. But this is truth.

look at all these big pharma pro-redit shills.

vaccines stopped me getting loads of deadly diseases
thx vaccines

if your child dies because of an unvaccinated kid then your kid deserved it because of natural selection prove me wrong

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Big pharma pro-Reddit shill detected.

you really think a shill for either of those would do that excessive of a mindfuck?

Good way to break that dangerous chilvalry.

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Nope, you're wrong. Science already proved it with evidence based medical scients.
Antivaxxers are criminal scum stupid dangerous religion epidemic. The scientific facts are that generally safe and effective, recognized by the pediatrics beureau of Medical Journals. We should jail antivaxxers for their irresponsible and down right lethal misinformation based on opinions, not scientific facts. The proof has already been evidences by every major institution and cancer center in the Northern Hemisphere. Antivaxxers are basically stupid and wrong. This is warfare, and we are the tribesmen. It's vaxxers vs antivaxxers world war; take no prisoners, no one survives. We need vaccines now vaccinate everything, evolution was wrong

They're not releasing the viruses by the vaccines. They're not spending billions of dollars breeding new serovars of disease and spreading them through injections. None of this. Diseases tend to hide out in the open, on trees, behind walls and develop into new types. Then they "outbreak" when the time is right, emerging from their breeding caves and infecting people like crazy. Then it hits the news and people get scared and pharmas begin to find a cure by breeding it in labs, under perfect conditions to the tune of billions. So they have enough to put in needles and inject people with, bypassing (of course) every single barrier of immuny, with a biologically engineered cocktail that you have a vague idea of, but truly trust in magic that it's certainly for your benefit.

Checks out.

Novax is just late abortion. prove me wrong.

"everything is a conspiracy against me"

the iq here is astonishing

ok, one word:

If the child dies, it's from the vaccines nigger.


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hows that brain cell holding on

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Correlation = Causation 10/10

Did you read the entire paragraph??
The evidence they're presenting for autism is parents called in saying "IT GAVE MY KID AUTISM!!" And if you read further they even clarify because it's voluntarily reported there's no way to establish rates or validity...

And let's not forget, a lot of people don't know what autism is and they're freaked the fuck out about it. So if their kid kind of sits and stares straight ahead and drools for 5 seconds they'll hop on the phone and scream autism and then based on how these reports are done, they have to note it.


Begone troll.

reddiit shill

yeah, exactly.
guy who posted the image just put a big red rectangle on AUTISM hoping we wouldn't read the rest or something though

everything is a conspiracy

incorrect usage of correlation 10/10

When I see people like you op, I kinda prefer reddit. It's infested with soyboys, but at least the remainder are intelligent people, not tinfoil hats.

I hope you fucking die. Not because antivaxx (even tho that warrants death alone) but because you used Rick Sanchez in your post as a science denier. He would fuck you up for that shit.

Yeah, all those big pharma types in Middle Ages Europe, brewing up the Black Death to wipe out a quarter of the population.

With anti vaxxers i don't think he hoped anything. I think he just didn't read it or understand it and thinks the article confirms it causes autism

Have fun bringing back childhood diseases we HAD eradicated.

Old childhood pal measles coming back to play in the 21st century

Let's not forgot polio!

Either you vaccinate or you wear a tin hat. I am on the righteous side of history. Evidence Based Medicine because someone wrote a paper about it. Literally fucking kill yourself and die in a fire. Burn in Hell, criminal scum. I used to be a great adventurer like you, but then i was sneezed on by an antivax kid and now i am quadriplegic.

There are many studies to show why vaccines are helpful, but not enough showing absence of dangers associated with vaccine use or allowing the possibility of vaccine related adverse effects. Scientists cannot say "no, this NEVER EVER happens, vaccines CANNOT cause or be related in any way to autism because they are PERFECTLY safe. So any adverse events are de facto unrelated to the vaccines that are above reproach." Neither is there reasoning behind both increasing numbers in vaccine schedule and the decreasing age at which vaccines are administered. When the people doing the studies are the people making money from the product, can you be assured of the integrity of the studies? If the scientists in the studies are caught altering results and removing undesirable results that do not prove their desired end goal, can you be assured of the integrity of the studies? Also if youre vaccinated and im not, shouldnt I be the one dying not you? How is it my unvaccinated fault if your failed immunization doesnt save you?

Definitely antivaxers who are the crazy ones...

Bringing back =/= eradicated. Either its eradicated or its not.

Anti-vaxxers tend to be held accountable for this. They're a modern twist on Typhoid Mary, yet far more dangerous.

Point is, we didn't have a problem until people began to shun vaccines.

Absolutely perfect fucking strawmans. Truly magnificent. This is exactly the things I regularly hear Antivax people say. This is the epitome of intellectual honesty.

Doesn't that mean the vaccines didn't work


Herd immunity. There is a threshold percentage of the population that needs to be vaccinated to prevent spread. So maybe the vaccine waant as effective in you? Well now all you need is the unvaccinated kid to bring measles to class and you're fucked.



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It's not fascism if the tards are the ones ruining other people's lives.
Anti-vaxxers are lucky they aren't executed.

If you're talking about the students not injected, I don't know.

If you're talking about the school's decision, it's easy, they don't want to be responsible for fucking DEAD CHILDREN. would you?

if you die from a disease you deserved it


You know I could put words in the mouths of both sides too to make one appear crazy and the other appear sane. That's a shitty cowardly way to argue.

So I'm gonna do it but instead of writing long paragraphs with choice words to try and put a picture in people's minds of what one side is like, I'll just use facts..

Unvaccinated children
Unnecessarily put at risk against some of the most deadly and life ruining diseases we have ever known.

Vaccinated kids.

See how this can work two ways?

no you don't.

What's Reddit got to do with it. Tell me.

See this fascist psychcology? Whole bunch of slippery slope FUD. Seems like they'll do anything to get the shit into your bloodstream, because by then it's too late and who cares if you find out after the fact...

It's so cute to see some people express such conviction for things they truly don't understand. It's even more adorable that they would think I'm talking about the people against the practice of handing immunological control over to private, for-profit, well-known savages like the biomedical sector.

Imagine it physically hurts to be so stupid to argue FOR vaccination.

You're beyond hope.
I hope your "superior knowledge of the real biomedical sector's intentions" never gets to harm any real children.

No I said vaccines are bad becuase they give u autism, not saying they are good. It's on purpose.

and you did it in such a rousing, coercing manner too

They obviously don't want vaccinated and non-vaccinated children to be side-by-side in an education environment, because of the risk of demonstrating how healthy non vaccinated people generally are. The non vaccinated individual is really what they're trying to make extincts, so that when everybody that gets cancer and dementia 25 years down the road from all the vaccines they took, no one will really stand out among them. It's not really a hard scheme to grasp..

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>It's so cute to see some people express such conviction for things they truly don't understand
Oh the irony. I would be willing to bet you did not study medicine or biology.

>Things they truly don't understand
What's to understand? Here I'll simplify all you need to know:

Vaccinations prevent awful fucking diseases

Your rights stop where our children's begins. Your child has a right to the best care available, my child has the right to not deal with your rubella carrying cess walker.

Anti vaccination is among the greatest of the arrogant ideas of our time. Imagine deciding you know more than doctors and betting your child's life on it?

>Vaccinations prevent awful fucking diseases
Look how easy it is to convince the common moron of something. Doesn't this scare anyone, just a little bit????

He did. University of Google.

jews dont get vaccinated

thats all u need to know

>when everybody that gets cancer and dementia 25 years down the road from all the vaccines they took, no one will really stand out among them. It's not really a hard scheme to grasp..

My fucking sides.
"I'm sure this is how biology works, right guys????"

but they do

Biological warfare. What does it look like??

Convince me vaccinations don't prevent the measles or polio. Good luck!

Oh and of course, I'm open to be convinced if you present facts and arguments that make actual sense. Again, gl.

>"I'm sure this is how biology works, right guys????"

Yes. It's science. That's how it works. A lot of biological engineering goes into disease proliferation. And gurss what, the science works. You get sick far down the road, well beyond a hope or prayer of drawing an association. I mean, even if you werent demented by then

Skepticism is important, yes.
Denying facts is not skepticism, that is the definition of ignorance. You are being ignorant, dangerously so.

Nice try.

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They were eradicated in your country and most of the western world. Now they are comming back because of religious nutbags and anti-vaxxer murderers.

Your argument is "you get sick far down the road"?
Are you trying to imply anti-vaxxers never die?

there's your mistake


how surprising, the person who's ignoring the facts tells you you don't have any facts. how could I have seen that one coming.

How about stop saying it, idiot? Keep that knowledge to yourself and let other people´s kids die.

>et other people´s kids die
by his doing and his doing alone, yes

>neurological degeneration
Plenty of it now, more to come (oficial statements of cancer institutions). They predict 50% cancer rates in less than 10 years. That's pretty extreme, but not surprising given what we've seen, even just in the past 10.

What part of highly-profitable population reduction and biological warfare don't you get? Everything youre operating on is trust in a farce, backed by abject fear. It's getting sad at this point

Do you understand you were convinced easier they don't work? I have the CDC, biologists, friends actually educated in this, WHO, FDA, history books, I have access to the national institute of health archives where I can read wealths of studies and information, and yeah, I'm convinced.

You watched a YouTube video and said "o fuck obviously how is everyone else so easily convinced it doesn't!?"

Yes. It does scare me fuck face.

That's fucking laughable mate.
Please, don't tell me you don't know what a cancer is...

I wonder, what other increasingly important modern factor that's not getting any better every year could be exposing a majority of the population to dangerous carcinogenics? Must be the vaccines right? The ones we've been getting since the fucking 19th century?

>thinks he can't be lied to
>thinks large populations can't be lied to
awwwwwww sooo kyooot look at this guy everyone give him a warm welcome!

I would have just shot em

This is what conservatives actually believe...

I'm glad to be welcomed into the tinfoil hat community, as my introductory speech I'd like to say all of you are fucking stupid

>Population reduction

Not like production and income tax are more profitable with extremely high populations and why the US is so goddamn motherfucking rich....

But yeah, let's kill off our taxpayers and work force.

Anyone saying vaccines don't work should read
From 1900 to 1977 300 million died because of it. From 1977 to 2019 0 died. Everyone knew what it was, the symptoms are very obvious. And if smallpox was the work of some elite group, that group would have to have technology to spread disease globally since year 0.

The difference is, Rick is smart.

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300 million eh?

By all means quote the strawmen I built up in order to disprove the initial point that the strawmen are the intended scapegoats of.

It just doesn't represent the majority, far from it. And even if it did, the fear is still unwarranted. And even if the fear was warranted, it still isn't justification enough to endanger the lives of your children and others.

jews in the US dont

show your sources one fucking time at least lmao

smallpox deaths decreased before the immunizations came out. That there's a correlation/causation misstep.

If vaccines protect you from pathogens, how do they fail to protect you from the pathogens from unvaccinated kids?

They don't or shouldn't at least but you're still putting others at risk. See

The government has engaged in a massive propaganda campaign to deceive the public into believing vaccines are essentially harmless. The government makes money (a lot, actually) making these vaccines and selling them to doctors. It makes them money. Further, just as in the past, the government has been exposed giving "vaccines" etc., to its people to test things on them.



Autism did not exist 50 years ago. Autism is caused by the demyelinization from vaccines. While the government funds (yes, they literally pay scientists millions to do their "research" and do NOT fund any researchers (and black ball them too) who want to investigate the harm of vaccines) researchers to come up with the conclusion they want ($'s), the studies are all based on vaccines direct interaction--not the demyelinization or any consequences indirectly from vaccination.

Interestingly, a small study was done a few years ago that showed that on average, M.D.'s and Ph.D.s in the biosciences opt out of vaccinating their own children at nearly 20x the rate of the general population. The paper was submitted to several scientific and medical journals and was privately funded by the Gates Foundation. The paper was rejected by all journals, except one (JBC, no less, given the chemical basis showing the demyelinization mechanism and net rate of increase in the reaction by 10^4 post-vaccination, and then mysteriously JBC later refused to publish it after agreeing to it when the U.S. government stepped in and blocked it. That should tell you all you need to know about what is really going on.

right it's not just statistical fluctuation, no no, there was a completely natural decreases from millions of deaths to ZERO deaths. Because that often happens in real life. lol.

Vaccines do not provide herd immunity. Naturally acquired immunity from successfully fighting off pathogens provides herd immunity.

Not to mention it's not about my child's safety... I actually give a flying fuck about yours, too. I don't want your child to due from rubella.

It's the most arrogant question they ask "well if your kids vaccinated why do you care!?!?" Of course you were too caught up in your own self centered pseudointellectualism to even think I might want other children safe.

Fuck heads.

Smallpox deaths in absolutes were on the rise. But that is due to population growth. Deaths per capita were indeed slowly falling for the past century due to immense improvement of hygiene. But no disease was ever completely eradiacted by improving hygiene. There are still cases of the black plague nowadays, but are extremely rare.
2 million died per year when vaccionations started. The last death was a bit more than a decade after the program started. I hope you're not saying that these two things are not correlated

Hmmm, the scientists aren't saying what I want them to say, must be a global government conspiracy. Also lol'd at "Autism did not exist 50 years ago". No, it existed 2000 years ago and more. It only started to be documented 50 years ago.

right, and there are also no factors outside of vaccinations that affect the decrease of mortality rate. We most certainly did not survive before we invented vaccines. In fact, vaccines were the beginning of mankind's evolution or creation or whatever direction you swing. Or pathogens just suddenly arrived one day and started killing everyone until the altruism of immunizations.

Nah, unvaccinated kids break the herd dynamic.

>Natural herd immunity

Dude nature wants you fucking dead, we don't have some magick anti world super powers. It wants you dead and it did a great fucking job before medicine.

Do you know human babies are naturally born deficient in Vitamin K for like no reason? That's for blood clotting... With low vitamin k you run an extreme risk of internal hemmhoraging and dying.

So they give you vitamin K shots. And that's why you don't know about it.

That's the root of the entire anti vaccination movement, we are so far divorced and ahead of how little nature actual gives a fuck and how weak "natural immunity" actually is because of medicine that now spoiled ass kids and soccer moms who want to know more than everyone don't have to see any of it anymore and get the priveledge to question it all.

I hope your kids get polio

>Autism did not exist 50 years ago
this is like saying cancer didn't exist for thousands of years.
Yes, it did. We just didn't have a word for it.
Your kid was just the weird kid that screeches a lot.

So you're saying we should've kept dying from Smallpox and not vaccinate because surely at some point before humanity's eradicated nature would've worked it out?

begging the question of whether someone's concern for vaccine safety implies concern only for their own children. One could say the desire for vaccine safety is a concern for your kids too, and all kids. My comment was specifically regarding someone claiming their vaccinated child got sick because of an unvaccinated child. but good red herring.

Not only are you the arrogant mob-supposed intellectual, you fail to see how the opposing argument could in fact be anything other than self-centered ideology.

hmhmmm so all deaths are caused by smallpox, very interesting continue please

You are doubting people care about the safety of children. That's how far gone you are.

You have no medical training... I've had patients who have become disabled by vaccines.

>Patient 36 M from San Francisco, vaccinated and began experiencing flu like symptoms that progressed into paralysis in his extremities. No 100% disabled due to reaction to vaccine.

That is just from 2 weeks ago.

Look at the law passed in 1986 that made pharma companies immune (no pun intended ) from prosecution for vaccinating.

You don't understand the science behind vaccines, thus without this education your opinion is equivalent to the antivac crowd.

I think it's funny that conservatives think they are cut from such a strong genetic line that THEY will be the ones to benefit from heard immunity and not ultimately kill their own kids.
Let them. And sorry kids that can't get vaccines for real reasons... your sacrifice will not be in vain.

That sounds really good to all the people that bankroll the school or just in general done want dead kids.


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>doubting people care about the safety of children
rainbows and unicorns amirite

how the fuq does a 36 y/o male get cucked from a vaccine

yes, it's wildly known that some individuals will have chronic adverse reactions to vaccines and should not get them. it's not and will never be a universal thing, much less a reason to not vaccinate yourself. you can test for whether or not you could have an adverse reaction from vaccines and inform yourself, but it mostly never happens.

sure no one cares about anyone. society is a complete fucking anarchy. love that mentality.

Nature is not concerned with us. It doesn't want us dead. Everything wants to live, if its gotta kill someone else to get there, then it will. There is a difference. I am familiar with vitamin K and its dynamics. I also know that they give it. Do we have a statistical analysis of children dying from internal hemorrhage due to lack of vitamin K? have we studied any differences in babies who are left with an intact umbilical cord until the blood that leaves the infant's body so that it has a low enough volume to be able to fit through the vaginal canal is able to return to the infant's body? Is there any possibility that it would have any effect on post-natal hemorrhaging?

Nature does not give a flying fuck about anything but itself. But we have the duty to question everything. And we should have a desire to educate everyone who wants it. And not with an attitude of "I just showed you the evidence that I had, and you still don't believe my idea, so you must not want to learn."

Of course. This sounds reasonable, and not at all what a sociopathic wartime propagandist (sympathizer) would say

Literally not implied anywhere. please, continue.

>I'm a doctor
Oh look a roleplayer.

Yes there are adverse reactions to vaccines. We know this. This is why some people don't get them and why we try to single them out and exclude them and why we depend so much more on herd immunity being in place. But we aren't going to catch every single case, there will always be the one off. Which is also why in medicine we talk about this vs. benefit"

In a country with 400,000,000 people, one daily case would be considered rare to the point of statistically unheard of.
If you were "educated" you'd know this. I'm afraid "two weeks ago" isn't going to scare me.

>Dude nature wants you fucking dead
LOL dear god, the autistic tardery..

Not implied anywhere. The desire (of a parent) to vaccinate their children as well as to not vaccinate their children both come from a desire to protect children. The desire (of an organization) is questionable.

Hey kids i played roulette with your life, you know I have here "papers" and "arguments" why you little boy will die because of fucking measles and you little girl can't get pregnant.

So and now lets sit down and accept that I was a shitlord braindead asshat and its ok if you kill me slowly with two knives in my ass.

I don't think op's post is claiming that he supports vaccines. I think you just attacked your friend there jim.


fuck niggers
fuck kikes

and FUCK vaccines

The desire of the government wanting tax payers and a healthy work force Venn diagrams when a parents desire to their child's safety.

Even if you want to take the "evil government forces route" it's in their best interest to not have massive outbreaks of disease crippling their means of production, soldiers, and tax payers.

I'm pro antivax because I want stupid people to remove themselves from the gene pool.

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I think money from globalism supporting military industrial complex has the taxpayers beat.

if my kid can survive without vaccine and your depend on it for survival it means you kid is inferior, according to natural selection

That is not how natural selection works, but ok.

The biggest problem I have with the vaccination debate is the fact that not vaccinating your kid doesn't automatically kill it. This showing that with strong enough genes is perfectly possible to live a full and healthy life without vaccines. Following this, if the kid dies it just shows that the kid and its parents are not genetically strong enough for what it takes to live on this planet. Therefor it would only be logical to loose, not only the kid, but also the genetically weak parents from taking up resources, endangering the community and very likely producing even more genetically weak kids who also will only die due to the genetically weak parents. It pisses me off to no end that we as a society are catering and showing sympathy for the weak ass parents, when they in fact are nothing more than an darwinian mistake.

I wasn't taking the 'evil govm't route' because its not necessarily the government that is heading all of these programs, its private companies like the CDC. they're not a government agency, they are a corporation that holds stocks and invests in chemical companies in order to sell drugs. its too simpleminded to say that the government is just downright evil. Even though there may be evil people and groups involved, its bigger than that.

Yep, but my kid will be allowed to folllw an education, get a good job, and fuck a nice wife. While your kid will be barred from a good education, will work at McDonald's and will only attract a antivaxxer moron wife with bad genes.

>the strong survives
>the inferior dies out
what is it you don't get?


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>We most certainly did not survive before we invented vaccines.

Very good argument hm yes

It kinda is exactly how it works, though. You make fucktarded decisions and you simply pay the price for it, even if you're to stupid to ever figure it out before you croak.

>if my kid can survive without vaccine
>implying he can

Where in that do I imply that all deaths are caused by smallpox? Allow me to quote my original post for you to read over once more.

"right, and there are also no factors outside of vaccinations that affect the decrease of mortality rate. We most certainly did not survive before we invented vaccines. In fact, vaccines were the beginning of mankind's evolution or creation or whatever direction you swing. Or pathogens just suddenly arrived one day and started killing everyone until the altruism of immunizations."

tl;dr: Once again. literally. Nowhere. am I implying all deaths are caused by smallpox.

stl:dr: You're not reading.

Eugenics, yay!!!
Fuck off.

not real education, it'll get a degree in gender studies and eventually end up as wedding photographer
>fuck a nice wife
that's made out of silicone and has the shape of a little asian girl with a penis
>work at McDonald's
not likely, since my kid, not being faggot, will get a real education instead of blowing cocks at the local college gloryhole

I've seen less fundamentalist ideology from Islam

I dont need to be a dr to understand infant mortality has plummeted since vaccination

>to believe
ftfy. Also, modern hygiene is responsible, not bioweaponry.

of course he can, since he's not an inferior human being and have a working immune system.

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friendly fire

You're implying I think all deaths come from diseases like smallpox when you say that first sentence. How the fuck else am I supposed to interpret that?

"ideology" lmao
you think I'm advocating we should kill unvaccinated kids? i was saying we wouldn't need to.

wrong take.

Right, it's well known diseases like polio and measles *can* be eradicated by the human immune system. Carry on then, best of luck to your kid.

No to understand you fucking retard.
Its not belief that less kids get or die from measles than used to.
Yes hygiene plays a part but i think just maybe the bit where we literally make ourselves immune to the thing killing us helped

The level of complete idiocy required to be an anti-vaxxer is just mind-blowing.

The level of evidence that vaccines save millions of lives is literally overwhelming. Not just years of evidence, centuries of evidence.

They'll just turn it on you, so it's useless (and already very obvious) to state that.

those are old diseases and not an issue anymore unless you have inferior genetics. everybody got those diseases as kids

>those are old diseases and not an issue anymore


Come here OP let me cough on you.

all deaths from diseases are caused by diseases. not all deaths are caused by diseases.

"right, and there are also no factors outside of vaccinations that affect the decrease of mortality rate..." the sarcastic tone of this first sentence is implying that the decrease in disease mortality rates are not limited to vaccines. that should simplify that for you.

i had polio as a kid and survived, got vaccinated for long after. Also had measles, for which i never was vaccinated. i never sad that i was anti-vaxx.

but i do argue that strong genes and immune system eliminates the need to vaccinate against every single disease that pops up and causes a panic among the soccer-mom population

>...will get a 'real' education in the school of hard knocks and fail at life while the well adjusted child of the well adjusted parents that don't think stupid shit about vaccines goes to college, builds character, thinks critically, networks and becomes a better human being


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Fun Fact: Diseases don't actually kill people, extreme immune reactions is what kills people.

well that was a weird reply. are you pro or against sheltering the parents?

Aluminum in the vaccines is a bigger threat than the organomercury, although both are cytotoxic.

Also, you don't understand science if you think your meme helps your case.

right, and you saying that would imply I think the opposite. that's the thing.

no, a real education that ends up in learning a trade and becoming a productive member of society, and not a internet sperg that nerdrage on internet because people commit wrong-think

I'm against eugenics as it's fucking retarded.

You are nerdraging at this moment, so your "real" education doesnt seem to prevent that, what it does do is chain your kid to the ground so that it will never rise to any useful potential.

Eugenics is good. We need eugenics or else the world will blow up. Support eugenics. Bring the population down to a nice manageable 2 billion, goyim

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Yes, I am saying the opposite in that I am saying vaccines are not the only thing that decreases mortality rates due to diseases. I still don't know where you're getting lost.


But eugenics are very closely tied into the anti-vaccination stand. If you go against specialist opinions the trust in your genes is pretty much your stepping stone

You are a fucking liar. You did get better from polio, there is no cure.
Ur a fag rping that you have "Good genes"

Re-read my comment. It's clear.

Did not*

That seems to be true, though why "But"? that doesn't negate what I said.

You are right in that. For what it's worth (and it's not that much) I do see your point and do admit the value in it.

The vaccine theory makes no sense.
In order to create a new serovar of a virus, it requires massive investment and highly specialized conditions. You need billions of pieces of host media, like chicken egg albumin and green monkey kidneys (facts btw) to breed any appreciable amount of virus to proliferate.

And they want you to assume, that viruses do this in the wild and proliferate themselves, RELIABLE each cold/flu season. Because if you didn't know already, you can only get "sick" one time per virulent serotype. Therefore, a new serotype (sometimes 2 or 3, and recently sometimes COMBINED) must be released each and every single cold-flu season.

Think there's any money in the cold/flu season??

no, i'm not the one that wrote and reply in all caps and no a again, learning a proper trade enables you to find work everywhere and avoid being locked into a corner because you wasted your collage years chasing unrealistic dreams.

yeah. no one in the history of man ever survived polio. except for occasional pain in my muscles and periods of sleeping bad, i'm fit as a fiddle

its not too late to abort yourself user.

i hope you are not vaccinated

nice reasonable exchange on Yea Forums. lovely :)

So you didnt get over it. You either are a liar (probably)
or you still have polio and therefore a shortened lifespan.
Also if you think so show any evidence someone has beaten polio

my idiot sister blames my niece's autism on vaccines; claims she was smart for her age (14 months) and said she was a normal baby...she was 35 when she had my niece

Maybe she's fucking right.

I do understand science, fucktard. Aluminum is not toxic in the small quantities found in vaccines. There is no link, AT ALL, showing Tiomersal causing autism. NONE. AT. ALL. Unless you believe Andrew Wakefield who had planned to launch a venture on the back of an MMR vaccination scare that would profit from new medical tests and "litigation driven testing". But, keep on thinking you're teh smarteez everie daie. It's pathetic, but at least it's coming from a russian shill, so it's easy to ignore.

We had friends lose a child 2 days after vaccinations, it's a real problem

You could just be retarded...

He deserved it


if vaccines cause autism isnt that still better than death? everyone here is fucking autistic and this site has been around for 15 years

how old were the friends? and how do you know it was due to the vaccine? do you have any evidence besides your own bias?

die of an easily preventable disease, you fucking retard

vaccines don't cause autism, having kids past your 30s is what causes it

Other than what I just stated? You could be retarded...
>officer he clearly died days after the gunshot wound, you'll need to prove I killed him

Again, love your argumentation here. Incredible.

Sounds like you've never taken an interest in the etiology of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alz....

>quantities found in vaccines
You just posted a meme making the argument of chemical compounds as being the critical point, and are now trying to make the argument of "quantity" as being the critical point instead....

If you eat a mg of elemental mercury, you'll probably survive easy. Hg is not readily absorbed by the gut and will be excreted. If you inject even 0.1mg of elemental Hg, you're going to have problems. If you HUFF 0.05mg if mercury vapour, you gone die.

Making into an organic (carbon contaning) mercurous compound, as is found in vaccines, makes it more insideously dangerous,organomercury is going to assimilate quite readily throughout your body, and get stored in fat. But forget about the Hg, it gets too much attention.

The aluminum is the first punch in the 1-2 of neurodegeneration. Al normally does not cross the blood brain barrier, but science knows how to make that happen. Secondly, aluminum flocculates and restricts blood flow through blood vessels in the brain (anoxia) which is anothe prong of the degenerative attack. Autism and other spectrum diseases caused by death of newly forming brain tissue.

So Mr. Science, your argument of "b-b-but small amounts" doesn't stand up.


It was actually my first response to you user, however I will not mince words with you further... seeing as how this isn't a "change my mind" moment

yes moron, more than just saying "hurr the kid died a couple days after a vaccination hurr" was the kid sick? was the kid deformed in any way? how old was the kid? you answered none of the other questions so of course I'm gonna think you're retarded and blaming the kid's death on a vaccine with no evidence, especially after that terrible comparison to a gunshot wound

what did he eat for lunch? what model of vehicle was he driven to hospital in??? did his mom have a nice ass? see you don't even know the answer your point is invalid vaccines dindunuffin

Lol you hurr and you durr, if there were any other problems from any other sources I wouldn't even bring it up. You may not believe it but I have no agenda, I saw an example, you dont want to acknowledge it, end game

seee?? seeeee???? we just dont know!!! we may never know!! who really knows for sure? we cant be too sure, but it's not fair to blame the vaccine we can't be sure. what is a "vaccine" anyway? do they really exist? what is existence when you really think about it???

How could this have been a change my mind moment? Are you trying to convince me I'm retarded? You really think this fell between the boundaries of a regular honest conversation?

Well it was a good day lads, I'm off for now

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Stupidity vaccine, works everytime

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nigger stole my bike

>anything posted here could be honest or even conversation

Lulz now that's the Yea Forums I know

So you're going to endanger my child because you're a bad parent?

>if they dont take a vaccine, shoot them all
This man's sheer reasonability and emotional stability has won me over to the pro-vacciners

>endanger my child
hot idiology


he could've been allergic to something that he ate for lunch, he could've died in a car accident, his mom could've sat on him with her massive ass; what you don't understand is that everything we just said is highly probable but because you have nothing besides vaccines to blame, you didn't look into it dumbass

OP gets all his information from grandpas racist facebook memes but he somehow thinks he is more informed and outsmarted everyone.

how ur chil endager?

you are retarded

You're putting my child in danger of catching dangerous communicable diseases for being negligent and not vaccinating your own child.

he could have been raped by aliens the night before and the alien cum turned into a deadly toxin right about the same time as the vaccine. you never know

reddit is a good web site. also, you're a bad troll.

>You're putting my child
Fuck right off with this sensational horseshit Jew logistic pls lol

i saw you in another thread. super surreal, bro!!!!

fuckin prove it you dumb asshole. let's see some news articles or obits

Please, don't vaccinate your kids so your bloodline ends.

TBH I am a liberal, muslim, feminist woman and I personally will never vaccinate my child. It is so progressive of me.

>liberal, muslim, feminist woman
which is the odd one out?

typical anitvaxxer, once someone brings up the lack of evidence you play (or rather expose) your retardedness for a laugh like you won the argument when you didnt

but your child is vaccinated, so how are they going to catch a communicable disease they're protected from?

I love this place, you fucking Idiots, glad you're not here deciding anything about my country. Anti vaccers are just as bad as flat-earthers.

Don't mind answering, I won't read it. Murricans

Your country probably has a different vaccine schedule.


Oh shit!
>vaccinejews btfo

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Ever wonder why Bill Gates funnels Billions of dollars to Africa vaccinations?
Bill loves the africans. His dad wasn't an actual eugenicist.

MMR vaccine is like only 85% effective

>or so I'm told because let's be honest, I'm just trusting the numbers like muslims trust allah

85 is way better than 0
that was fucking stupid on your part. numbers don't lie

cough i'm german you imbecile cough

and yes, i did break my own rule, grow up if you even thought about that

Vit K is found in breast milk. VitK shots were introduced in the 60s for mothers electing to not breast feed or unable to lactate.

Its not nature trying to kill babies.

It's honestly hilarious to read lots of this.


>personal attack, with no argument.

Seth MacFarlane did a vaccine propaganda psyop bit in that one episode of the orville, where the nice normal Xelayan neighbours who were invited to dinner turned out to be murderous "antivaxxers". Remember that? WTF is that about? Been really cranking it up with the vaccines in media lately. The orville is a terrible show btw

it's sitting at 86 on RT, is it really that bad? I'm asking cuz I'm not a fan of farlane

Well, the question would be directed at you, and the answer would be "Literally all of evolution besides those two things".

Do you think textbooks on evolution are blank, you mouthbreathing invalid?

>numbers dont lie
they don't tell the truth either. numbers are neither conscious nor sentient.

He also did a specifically anti astrology episode too. Aside from religion and race being the plot of every single episode of every single show he's done, can this guy maybe relax all the personal projection? We get it, you're a vaccine juicing atheist who misses the old days... take it easy

This is why the antivaxxer movement is doomed, thankfully.

You believe you won that argument.

I don't like him because he tells the same jokes with different packaging in every single one of his shows, it's like he doesn't know the concept of overusage cause shit to go stale

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>tfw all autoimmune conditions including allergies are programmed into you by vaccines

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fuck you dumb cunt

He is the eugenicist. whether his dad was or not.

I picked ethiopia out of a hat. I could have guessed you were german if i was being serious.

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I'm actually in favour of letting parents choose as I firmly believe intelligence is genetic. Ergo the more of the idiots offspring that die before they can reproduce the better

The only category of humans dumber than Trump Supporters is anti-vaxxers.

In the blue corner, 200 years of sound science, experimentation, breakthroughs, research, models and a revolution that eradicated several horrific diseases from the first world.

In the red corner....Karen, who read 4 blog posts and watched 2 YouTube videos about how Satan is responsible for the pharmaceutical industry.

Yeah. REALLY hard decision there.



>appeal to authority fallacy
you guys are all tropey bully tactics and fallacies, don't you get it? "well duh" is hardly an argument.

>big pharma
Yes, how terrible of them to make billions of dollars and then invest that money into the next miracle drug. Talk about some evil people. They even make vaccinations dirt cheap so everyone can afford them. Such monsters!

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If my kid dies from an unvaccinated person, I am going to kill the unvaccinated person and every member of their extended family.

I've tried googling but cant find an answer, does anyone here know if the percantage of haeophilliacs in germany is lower than elsewhere in the world

The argument there was HARD SCIENCE vs being a RETARD like you. That's not a trope. That's literally Sesame Street level shit.


Wasted, trashed, and raped, then hit by a car, followed by the coroner molesting it, and buried, then raped by bugs.

So funny, but so sad.

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But you're missing the most obvious fact of them all: if vaccinating supposedly has a detrimental effect on your brain, then why are pro-vaxxers intelligent and anti-vaxxers literal fucking imbeciles who don't know the first thing about medical biology or endocrinology?

I think there’s a collective of rich people that just find chaos all around the globe for fun or because they honestly believe overpopulation is going to harm them for not funding sciences instead of guns
