Take two swigs of vodka

>Take two swigs of vodka
>take two klonopin
>post edit on /Alita/ general
>walk to kino plex cause mom took my keys
>walk to ticket whore
>"one for captain marvel please"
>"sorry I can't sell you that"
>sounded weird so i ask "is it sold out?"
>"no let me get my manager"
>56 year 300 pound burger with a tie waddles over
>"sorry you cant see that movie"
>me; "it's sold out?"
>no its a twitter thing we cant sell tickets to single white guys its bullshit but i have to follow it
>"oh ok"
>look at moive board
>Alita in 3d imax in 20 min
>back to ticket whore
>one for Alita?
>sorry it's sold out

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Other urls found in this thread:


woah.is this real?

made me kek desu

Who is this Skeet Treat?


>stop looking at my eyes

I wish I had the balls to go see it on my own.

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>reverse image search on google “khazar milkers”
These kikes are onto me now.

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