Is that a 10/10 face?

Is that a 10/10 face?

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that's a canadian face

kek. canadians have certain faces?

she looks like Erica Durance

No, butt chin and jaw is too square

quite manly

>jaw is too square
only subhumans have round jaws

Its a trap

This is

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Beautiful, 10/10

No eyebrows/10

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No, that's a 7/10 make-up. Cheers

It's pretty good. Like Jurassic Park good.

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That's a 4

The faggot thread is that way -------->>>>


ruby ?

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10 out of 10 signs of fetal alcohol syndrome

If you want it to be it is,
It's your opinion that counts, you might think a big fat nigga that is in all intent and purposes a fucking silver back, if that's your thing just go for it. Whatever you do though don't touch kids or be attracted to them it's just wrong. It's also not big or clever, that's for those vermin peado people who run our countries or are members of Royal families

which are?

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8/10 before looking at her boobs, 9/10 after

I do like me an Emily.

It's a shame she turned into a drugged out whore. She was beautiful in Lemony Snicket

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So pretty

No 7


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Go fuck Steve from Minecraft so


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10 yes

obvious newfag is obvious

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