As a white man, I feel it's about time white men are put in their place...

As a white man, I feel it's about time white men are put in their place. I mean we've basically held minorities back for ages, so, I feel it's only right that it's now happening to us. I mean, c'mon guys, we had a really good run.

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Shut up nigger

And that's why we're in this situation. Hell, even our own women can't help, but to be repulsed by our insecurities. I don't like it as much as the next white man, but that's why every good looking white woman prefers black penis, nowadays.

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You're a massive virgin

Have your significant other asked to experiment with a black man, user?

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Whoo!...think was him!?

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Go back to /pol/ faggot.

>it's about time white men are put in their place
Correction, American and Western European white men only.

Kys. Your nigger loving white girls meme is bullshit and we all know it is.

You act like anyone reading this board has a fucking thing to do with any of that. You are a massive self hating pussy.

We all deal with oppression to some degree, unless you are born a rich, white, landowner, which most of us aren’t.

Go suck a huge cock, faggot.

>red skins get run over by eurofags
>"now we is muricans hurr durr"
>fck your own ancestors and liberate from your motherlands
>we are americans
>we americans
At the same time, in a different place...
>asia lets themselve get cucked by eurofags
>they adapt, long to be white
>decades later, trying to follow their ancestor's roots
>openly be disgusted about white men = eurofags that brought them all industrialism, not "freedom", thus enjoying economical power
>regardless hate those that introduced you to it

Well shet, white men bed

white people are the most wanted among every other race, other than the race equal to the one of the wanter.

That is, to say, white women want white men more than black men. Black men like white woman more than they like any other kind of women, other than black women. Etc, etc.
We are the most attractive race, but no. You can't have us.

I'm a white Indian man and I find women here so fat ugly. I really wanna plant me seed into one of 'em Scandinavian chicks and cash in on that white guilt before it fades away.

It’s not a race issue it was just a national issue. Hitler killed a shit ton of Slavs which were white. It’s just that Western Europe had a shit more revolutionary technologies so they took over the world so what did they do they obviously shat on them because they had more power. China had a shit ton of power and that’s why they didn’t get shat on as hard. But minorities now didn’t make something to shit on white people they just fucking sucked the media’s dick

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You stupid nigger!!!
Whites are 8 to 10% of the worlds population. WEARE THE MINORITY to be protected here. And only because whites have countries where they are a majority, it doesn't mean we have to share them with darkskinlers and shit.

Why is this always posted? Who cares

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I dont love man holes

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>I feel it's about time white men are put in their place
Agreed. We need to push niggers and women out of universities and government.

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i hope you slept well.

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Let's do a meet up. Nigger dick posters, discord trannys and the regulars that want to fuck you all up. Middle of nowhere is fine. Name it.

You're right OP, you should start by donating everything you have as repurashuns and going to be an indentured servant for some nigger. We're all right behind you trust me.

Sleep is for the weak, faggot. Take your retard '''art''' elsewhere.

No, this is actually creepy and will only further racist thought in the long run. You can claim everything is an insecurity, you can do this with anyone and anything. A bunch of baby academics spewing easily reprogrammed word salads might be a disappointing development, but a needed one, good that academia is purged now rather than before you actually accomplish anything. Same with the media, you're losing so much trust so soon than it will all go our way. The imperial system, the great beast, is healing itself as any beast does. Just as Vergil said; imperium sine fine. It will be America who ends history, and it will write itself the victor.

Regnum perpetuum, Rome is eternal.

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nicha trylito faggisko

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Im non white. Everybody knows white people have committed atrocities in the past. But blaming this generation for things that happened hundreds of years ago is folly. Colored people who say shit like this are retarded. Their answer to racism is being racist? How does that add up? They should break the circle instead of perpetuating it. Stop playing the victim and make something of yourself.

U know there all Jews, Right!

>white men are put in their place
at the top


What happened to hate crimes?

Jews these days.

Fucking idiot should have never touched slavs


It's ok to say fuck you nigger buddy. They have citizenship they are not Cubans Brazilians or Africans they are bitchass niggers worthless than their slave price.


But nobody gives a fuck and you're still barking up that tree trying to fuck white women

We should be put in our place. At the top passing judgment upon all the other mud races.

Blacks hold blacks back. Whites tried to advance them and found they have no mental capacity for doing so. Fuck Minorities, Fuck White Guilt and fuck you

White black what’s the difference

25 IQ points

You're not your poor protestant European ancestor. I figure you're a chicano as they are to the few mexicans.

This shit is Argentina, Argentina is so damn white they only have their worthless race going for them.

That's why the humble poor people are called trash.

One is sick and far detached from European culture and the other is a talking monkey.

I knew this bitch her last save was some pathetic pseudo nazi German speaking. It was embarrassing

get bent, my wife is black and she is the first female pilot in her country. she actually put work into out doing people, and if other minorities qould quit being lazy they can get up for themselves and not expect a hand out.

Goodbye old Europe

Fuck Germany and britain. They ruined Europe the niggers of Europe

Fuck you. And your nigger bitch.

Get lost, pussy-ass NPC loser


Oh man, I just sat on the toilet and took a massive minority. Always nice to get that much minority out of me.

That is just silly. Whites didn't hold back all the black people of Africa until after the 1500s. Same with "Native Americans" in North, South, and Central Americas. Same with Asia (South, North, and East). It was a mixed bag in the Mid-East and North Africa where the populations dominated each other over time (whites were on top during some periods, and dominated by Persians, Turks, and others during other periods).

So, in the history of mankind, the dominated by whites has been limited and inconsistent. Not a matter of course "for ages". Add in the fact that Western white technology, economics, and government has been a net boon to "minorities", trying to suggest some negative outcome from limited white intrusion into those ethnic population is poorly argued.