How to quit smoking?

How to quit smoking?

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I wish I knew

ibogaine if you're prepared to go hardcore at it

ive been smoking since i was 13 currently 26. i cant speak on behalf of other people beyond what they've reported to me. seems its just not possible for some people will power wise. the ones who've made it always say the same shit to me. "you have to care about it more than living". sounds crazy to me but more power to them i guess

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Just stop smoking.
It's an exercise in mental-strength.


Willie Nelson said to fill a pack with prerolled joints.

Sounds like it could work, but I don't want to spend my day high af

Just stop smoking you faggot it cant be that hard

There are only two options that work:
A. Cold turkey
B. Vaping

Find a purpose in life other than Yea Forums and nicotine

What worked for me was mixing ammonia and bleach. Its acts as like a reset to the brain when you inhale. I did that and my cravings went away instantly. It was nuts how well it worked. I got it from a friend that got it from dr oz Himself! Good luck man hope it helps!

Stop breathing in smoke duh

lock yourself inside for a week and just tough it out. or start vaping

Smoked moderately for about over a year. Knew I started a habit and needed to find a way to stop. Got the flu one day and missed 3 days of work in bed sick af. Couldn't even smoke or drink if I wanted to. Pretty much just quit cold turkey and combined the withdrawals with the flu. It all felt the same. After I got better just straight up quit was the best shit ever. Considered quitting drinking also but here I am drunk posting lol.

Idk about all that cringey gay shit. I quit because I wanted to. Simple as that.

Vaping isn't exactly quitting either and it's 100% more gay

just stop.

Start running 5-10km in the morning

I find adding a bit of copper to the mix makes for smoother breathing

you smokers act like you'll die if all the tabaco in the world suddenly shriveled up and died. guess what, your'e dealing with life now, without stimulants.

Take 150 ug of LSD.

3 hours after dropping try to have a cigarette. It'll feel like the longest cigarette of all time. With every drag you will feel the smoke poisoning every individual cell in your body and you'll put it out. If you already want to stop this idea is already in there. You really feel cigarettes for the poison that they are when youre on acid.

Then you've gotta just not be a cuck and smoke after the trip.

Lsd in italy? Quite impossible

You need to find something you desire that’s stronger than your desire to smoke and in direct conflict with it

Having a child is an obvious example, sports that require measured breathing is another example such as scuba diving or running marathons

Another option is health in regards to immediate negative affects, such as having a wisdom tooth pulled out - it would leave a gaping bloody hole in your mouth that would absolutely cause cancer if you smoked, therefore strengthening your resolve not to. Removing one tooth every two weeks would help you quit for two months and get you past the habit phase

Also, you don’t have to quit cold turkey and tell yourself you’ll never have a smoke again. Doing that leads to a feeling that you’re depriving yourself of something and that’ll drive you crazy

Just know that smoking is always available to you but you’re choosing not to, and every once in a while go ahead and have a cigarette to reinforce that it’s an option, but it’s your conscious choice that you don’t - in time you’ll smoke less and less, and the one you allow yourself from time to time starts tasting gross