

Attached: greatest_hits.webm (220x400, 1.43M)

Attached: chest_pains.webm (352x640, 486K)

Attached: SLAVE_SPIC_SUPERMUTTS.webm (200x410, 1.96M)

Attached: 1534441354586.webm (236x426, 1.9M)

Attached: one bar.webm (640x480, 1.46M)

Attached: 9693.webm (320x240, 211K)

Attached: knife_eye_attack.gif (300x200, 1.99M)

Attached: 1545405660031.webm (220x400, 1.32M)

Attached: 1538811853174.webm (224x400, 1.96M)

OP posted a 17 year old. Go wild.

yall are fucked in the head. get help

Attached: equal_rights.webm (720x480, 1000K)


Attached: 1526345224088.webm (202x360, 736K)

Attached: LiveLeak_Vicious_dog_mauling.gif (300x437, 1.72M)

Oh god that form

Attached: 1514853776769.webm (400x400, 873K)

Attached: 1551900239998.webm (400x240, 429K)

Attached: red_jelly.webm (202x360, 370K)

Attached: decap.webm (270x360, 1.94M)

Attached: set_to_vibrate.webm (220x400, 1.35M)

Attached: opressors.webm (264x480, 1.96M)

Why are niggers and jungle spics like this? I could kill someone too if they were a woman and i had multiple people with me and a weapon

This is actually the goriest thread I've seen in a while. Good job guys


Story please

Mexico or Colombian cartels?

Reported this thread to admins and the Police
Enjoy jail

Ive seen every single one in this thread except this one

That's a lot of fucking rage

Attached: Instagram_mama.margwa_43085352_720937021639912_1310815524138914469_n.jpg (744x741, 47K)

Stabbed the one bitch 54 times in just the video jeeeeez

wtf did he do

lol thats a new one

2013 beijing nerve gas mass terrorist taliban muslim execution attack disaster train explotion
6 billion died every cigraererets
you can save urself
say no to druges dude
69 get nude

Attached: 1551240172436.jpg (1080x1324, 485K)

Nice trips pce

Fuck man

Think the backstory was the guy fucked his wife.

hello can i catse magicspel for you?

Attached: aw9xne-Do_NOT_trust_the_PHAT_-94o4pfyrrkj21.png (852x480, 557K)

Holy fuck
They fucking sharpened there knife for once

Attached: Lavapit.webm (400x230, 1.49M)

You sick fuck.

The only thing that makes sense is she's faking domestic abuse, that's why she's willingly taking the abuse.

jfc that is rough

this is just too far...


cuckeroni and cheese

Attached: a955pd-Happy_Hedrons_and_Time_Units-pb2dvq3ce8621.png (1030x904, 1.73M)