What are some health benefits of spinage?

what are some health benefits of spinage?

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Spinach is delicious


Idk do a Google search

its green

whats spinage?

you become superstronk

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spinach and tuna is literally a superfood combo that gives you all the nutrition you need

It’s only delicious fresh, canned or cooked are nasty

it gives you poopoo gas. those naughty jews have it coming

Have you ever watched Popeye?

Frozen one can also Taste pretty good

Nah, fresh baby spinach sauteed is good as hell especially with a pinch of salt.

It has iron

i prefer this guys

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I only really eat it fresh in salads or on sandwiches

based and womanpilled

HAHAHAHA i just pizzed and shiddied myself

Its very nutrient dense.

Soo...nice one Elon.

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danger zone

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that dudes pretty cool, what's cringe about it

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Your body can convert the leaves into energy.
If you eat spinach instead of eating nothing for 100 days, you will live instead of die.

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Make you able to spell "spinach" correctly