Why do the liberals hate Christians but love Muslims?

Why do the liberals hate Christians but love Muslims?

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self hate
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Because Muslims live in, obey, and promote an authoritarian society. And since liberals want to build a society with the same strict adherence to a central authority based around a near religious worship of their own hardline ideals, they can appreciate the radicalism of Islam versus the free thinking and interpretation allowed in Christianity.


the top of the liberal hierarchy is satanic. liberals hate everything (good) which is what Christianity represents. up is down and down is up, satan is all about deception and insanity in general, hence the religion that promotes murder is promoted as the good religion.

Because we really need 6 threads on this.

I never knew liberal Christians hate themselves?

Because Muslims hate American. Plain and simple.

because liberals are cucks aka bernie


Muslims hate America so much they want to escape persecution in the Middle East.

eat a dick

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the enemy of my enemy is my friend

Because liberals love to suck for minorities and muslims are a minority. Anyone who says otherwise is just retarded.

They need the votes. Personally liberals hate muslims,

tricked by (((them))) into hating all native institutions
now they replace the patriarchy they chased out of the west with a surrogate

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Muslims are somewhat like the jew's and use the week minded to push their agenda they are live a virus that attaches itself to a HOST and once they multiply they kill it and spread to another HOST.

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Better question - why do Christians hate the Muslims? We have basically the same metaphysical principles and pretty compatible social values.

If the Christians weren't needlessly afraid of Muslims, we wouldn't have had to side with the libcucks.

t. muzfag

discord..gg/74nfGpq (Remove the extra dot)

Autistic bullying hell shitpost server with no rules. Post whatever you want!!





Well then you must have your head up your ass.

way to "answer" your own post op, now fuck off

Because we love to piss off you candyasses and milquetoasts.


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For what the Muslims did in Constantinople

Christianity has always been just as authoritarian as Islam, Islam is just perceived better in the eyes of the left because they don't have to live with Muslims everyday

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Not true, and especially not true when you consider the weaksauce modern Christianity.


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Because the Muslims seem to hate everyone that isn’t them. So the Christ fags and Jews and Hindus and Chinese hate them back.

I don't. Fuck both religions with a rusty rake.


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Boo hoo that was one city

Libcucks are gonna ruin your whole civilization.


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They don't love Muslims. They hate all religion. But they hate treating civilians as subhuman and leaving them to die in warzones more.

You may be right. And they def are trying. But it won’t become the carebear tranny world they are dreaming of. It would lead to war first.

Oh except Buddhism n shit. Liberals focking love eastern philosophy. They don't understand any of it at all, but man oh man.

This is Allah's punishment for both of us. We chose to squabble with jihads and crusades and we didn't stop to realize that we were meant to be allies against degeneracy. And now the liberal cancer is going to eat us both.
Serves us right tbh

Because Islam is a totalitarian political ideology. The "religious" aspects of it are not the issue.

No liberal but the meditation(mindfulness) part of Buddhism is pretty cool tbh. If you can master it it’s like living life on easy mode. You can handle anything.

So was Christianity until the Reformation

Before 9/11 Muslims were pretty evenly split between the parties. Then republicans, who had previously blamed everything on the liberals, suddenly had a new enemy to focus on. Muslims naturally moved away from the GOP after that.

I don't think liberals care much about Christians, Muslims, or any religion that gets into politics. But they do like to stick up for minorities who are having a rough time.

because they're brown and the underlying goal of control over those outside their beliefs lines up.

In a perfect world we would be..

not hating people =/= loving people

user we love the US Constitution. The Constitution even protects religions we hate.

Your dumb President doesn't respect that.

Because they talk in a funny language and come from shit hole countries mostly.

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Soo...he was behind that?

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I don't hate or love any group of people any more or less than any other. All sand religions are shit tier, but their followers deserve the same rights and respect as anyone else. American evangelicals are the main agitators against Muslims, gays, etc so that puts us at odds.

But Christianity didn't start as such but on the contrary jesus reformed Judaism by taking might from the priests, the Catholic Church came later
Islam was started by Muhammad to gain and hold political power over middle eastern tribes, he always made up and changed rules on the fly like he needed them, this is why in Koran always the newer texts on an issue count

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I was on a Christian private school
I don't believe in religion and am not baptised
I had to attend religion class but we always passed automatically as long as we didn't disturbe the class, there were no "wrong" opinions tho
We also had to attend 2 or 3 church messes or so per half year, I always cut it and never got into trouble for it tho
All in all pretty tolerant if you ask me

actually we don't want that

you're the one who elected the most authoritarian President in modern history

because they're faggots

actually no
Christianity represents fear, superstition and genocide. History backs me up on this.

Thankfully we live in a country where you can't legislate those things like you used to.

If it triggers you, it's awesome

And I never knew Christians who were liberals or of any liberals who were Christians

Go outside sometime.

Fuck you

You ever read the Bible? I don’t remember reading about Jesus telling us to be fearful, superstitious or that genocide was an alright thing to do.

I can't. My mom won't let me take my phone out there.

you don't listen to Jesus tho
you're Old Testament fire and brimstone faggots

FDR was a Democrat dumbass, and how can Trump be authoritarian when half of the GOP runs against him? Fuck liberals are the most up their own ass people with their own propaganda...

You must have us confused with Jews my man.

I don't care what you remember. Keep your stupid faggot religion to yourself.

>yeah but durr FD Dumbocrat
Keep defending the fascist you elected in 2016 trumpshit

that means shut up

because Muslims hate Christians. Simple as that.

I see. Your superior logic can’t possibly be undermined so you must resort to ad hominems. May god bless you and keep you, and may his face always shine upon you.

If you are Christian and don't believe "insert here" you either switch Christian sect or just stop practicing.

In Islam they stone you to death. Same as they have been doing for hundreds of years.

Authoritarians love Islam because Islam is authoritarian, and that's why leftists love it.

No other political group today is more authoritarian than a globalist leftists who is also an apologist for Islam. Get under their boot or they will put you there.

Yea Forums has gotten real fucking shitty over the years.

user, fuck your stupid sky god fucking bullshit, ok? There is no logical discussion here.
I've got a mind, it doesn't follow your stupid shit, ok?
You're still protected by our government. Revel in the fact we can co-exist by law.
Just don't try any fucking shit like making me believe the retarded shit you talk about.

since you showed up actually

It's the destiny of all great things

Just shut the fuck up.

Keep not giving evidence for Trump being a fascist while I keep naming off Democrats who we have massive amounts of evidence for their authoritarianism:

Obama, LBJ, Jackson, and so on...

Leftists are authoritarians, and their projections on to others is frankly becoming pathetic.

I haven’t asked you to do anything user. If you feel so much vitriol towards something you don’t believe in then you must not truly have disbelief. Maybe your projection is a cry for help? God loves you man and so do I.

Why? Does the truth make you nervous when so blatantly shoved in your face. Leftists are authoritarians, and they project hard into others what they hold inside. A shame most are too intellectually incapable of the critical thinking needed for such a realization. But then again, when you are taught to repeat the party line instead of research actual facts...

I like you

>As a Christian, I accept faggots like you as equal
Yeah there are liberal Christians out there.

No faggot it's a cry to SHUT THE FUCK UP

It would be nice if this were true. But really it’s . Liberals love to hate on whites. Because most of them ARE white they do it by disavowing traditionally white things.
