Best Cyberpunk films thread

Best Cyberpunk films thread


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Last Jedi

there aren't any except in anime
matrix isn't cyberpunk, it just tries to adopt some of the feel of it

Ghost in the shell (1995 version obviously)

13th floor


Hackers. Has a fantastic soundtrack too.

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You got me to reply .. really?
Fucking really?
OP said "Best" not "ANY"
(It belongs in an Any Thread though. Should be seen to know how to fail to be amazing but look like you tried)

he was asking for good movies

No. He was asking for "Best Cyberpunk" not "Good Movies"

I don't watch a lot of these types of movies, sorry im not into faggy ass gay shit anime

Real Steel

you posted neither

Classic No-U.
You didn't post anything with your condemnation.
So I'll post for both of us.
Strange Days (mine)
Freejack (From you)


You feeling anal devastation because I didn't feel your movie was as clever as it wanted to be?
Rub some aloe vera on your rim and watch
Johnny Mnemonic. We can laugh at the silly parts and wonder what is better than cold mexican beer.

Not to be confused with Judge Dredd 1995 :3
2012 > 1995

better to read the short story, it's actually good

(Dave Reubin Voice) I Agree.

your opinion is irrelevant as you are a nobody and your obsession over men's asses is obvious

Goodtime with robert Pattinson had that feeling to it, movie was alright.

Enter the void too.

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Blade Runner 2049