Daily reminder that there is an afterlife :D

Daily reminder that there is an afterlife :D


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what if every dream we wake up from is a life ending, and the last time you snapped back from zoning out was the beginning of this life?

I don't like the idea of that image.
Imagine you live a complete and full life, falling in love, getting kids, watching the grow up, work hard to reach your goals, die in piece feeling you had a good life, only to wake up and realize that it was all just an illusion.
The past 90 years all happened in the span of a 8 hours of sleep, everybody you knew and loved, never existed and nothing you did ever really happened.
That shit scares me.

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if you felt it, it was real. just not part of the reality you occupy now. and this reality won't be part of the reality you occupy next. its all interconnective tissue.

Just because your life sucks because you made the wrong choices does not mean you have to raise your children to make the same wrong choices as you did. It is your responsibility to raise them and inspire them to learn, and teach them that there is consequences for their actions, also give them the knowledge so they do not fuck up like you did. In other words because you are a fuck up, does not mean you should take it upon yourself to be a miserable parent and teach your kids to be miserable fuck ups too.

It's pretty obvious to me that there isn't an afterlife.

whether or not there is an after life is irrelevant. cant know till we die so why live your life on a gamble?

Only if you are delusional.

What makes it so obvious to you?

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>cant know till we die

This is the agnostic dogma that the article in the OP explicitly refutes.

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OP is correct.

You should just commit suicide.

the fact that there is no evidence of one

>Tens of millions of people have had NDEs
>Countless studies thereof convincing virtually all the researchers in the field that there is something to it
>ADCs, reincarnation cases, DBVs, etc

There is about as much evidence for an afterlife as there is for the existence of dinosaurs. Unironically.

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Honestly if I wake up and have to deal with life twice. I'm fucking killing myself.

you die you decompose

team god gtfo

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Daily reminder that daily reminder threads are posted by child raping faggots.

Thousand of people think they were analmprobed by aliens.
There are hours and hours of documentaries about ancient aliens on tv.
Millions believe aliens abduct people.

Soo aliens crash like retards all over the place and anal probe people?
Good logic retard.

Who would have thought that people who experience brain damage halucinate shit? Im dying so brain produces shit, im believer in pink unicorns so i halucinate pink unicorn. MY NDE IS PROOOF OF PINK UNICORNS REEEEEE

no shit kid

>aliens are a silly idea, therefore it is false
>NDEs share some characteristics with aliens
>therefore NDEs are equally solid
>PhD-tier logic, amirite?

The average Yea Forums poster in a nutshell.

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First was demonstration why ad populum is retarded, second was that even without NDE is retarded. But its too advanced for you right? NDE believers are type that would believe that lsd halucination was sign from god provided they werent aware they were drugged

And what if the opposite is true?

That this is the only life, and after you die, there is nothingness?

Make the most of the time you have, whatever circumstances you're in.