What is Yea Forums's opinion on the swedish letter Ö ?

What is Yea Forums's opinion on the swedish letter Ö ?

Attached: Ö.png (500x500, 11K)

my reaction: ö

Typographically I prefer the o

Wait, this is not the character I have type in, another try: O

fucken sexy

have you ever had sex with a hot Swedish girl? when she's moaning ohh ohh ohh, you can't help but think the Swedish ö is sexy

I think it's being raped by refugees just like everything else in sweden

not, swedish german you retard

Ugh, slashed o doesn't work. Is this the secret ö-conspiracy?

that it is not Swedish

wiki says that Sweden also shares this ö

Attached: Screenshot_20190306-161854.png (1080x1920, 253K)

I guess I'd fuck it, why not?

Attached: shrug.png (560x407, 12K)

It's two eyes, with a huge wide-open mouth.

It's actually a german letter.

Ö gay

Just because OP mentioned Sweden, you have to be an instant inbred and start the hate.

As far as Unicode characters go my favorite is still 卐

It's dumb and makes a stupid sound.


My take on it

It made the Moth meme so much funnier for sweds. Meme long gone and dead, but it still lives with me, because I can walk around like a retard yelling HEY BRÖTHER DÖ YÖU HÄVE ÄNY MÖTHS

Oh, ök I guess.

All diacritical marks and noun gender be damned.