She's not going to jail! LOL
She's not going to jail! LOL
How much do you get paid to do this?
is right, she's low hanging fruit
She had her ten minutes of fame, now she can pay for it, in prison.
maskirovka in my Yea Forums? Go back to /pol/ you bait-chumming fuck
Why does this cunt make American righties seethe so much?
I don't even know who she is and I live in the states lol
Is this your first minute on Yea Forums? They've been hate masturbating to her for months now...
Anyone else think Garrison made her look hot in this?
Because the only argument they have is to dog pile on the very few anecdotal examples they can find that they think means liberals might be stupid...
I normally go past these threads cause most I know is it's about politics, something I really don't care to follow. I just figure now since i see her so much i should at least learn who she is
For real. At this point she's basically the queen of Yea Forums. I swear, I see her picture Everytime I'm here, more consistently than anything else. Any other old fags remember when the only politics on Yea Forums was spamming? Now this stupid shit. Fuck all of you fuck who do this fucking fuck shit. Happy Tuesday!
American politics is a really fascinating thing. It's childish, convoluted and ruthless but also genius because it has the people fighting each other instead of trying to fix the problems in their country, most of which are caused by the people in charge.
Are people posting political stuff here for serious discussions or are they trolling like the andy sixx logs? If theyre not trolling, why the hell do people care so much about politics!!? My day to day life has not changed ever from politics, so why spend free time bitching about it?
Fair. She's a US representative. She ran in an election where the incumbent wasn't well liked and the area was so liberal the republicans didn't stand a chance there anyway and she won.
She has a BA in economics and political science from the university of Boston, but, you know, Fox news needs to attack her every breathe and scream how unprofessional she is and stupid and naive and so on and so on.
They literally dug up a video of her dancing in highschool and aired it basically screaming she's a witch...
Incels on this site don't like her because she's a woman doing better at life than they are.
I have no opinions on her, just the backlash and butthurt is fucking hilarious.
Would fuck AOC tbh
A lot of insecurity. You'll notice the most politically vehement people are the biggest rejects with the most issues.
They feel inadequate. But if liberals/republicans are all retards now you can claim mental superiority over literally half the country.
It is very, very important to their ego.
what a shitty comic. I would never laugh at it but apparently "muh"-riccans do this on a daily basis lmao.
Don’t have to go to jail to get the rope heeb
I'll try a marxarita. Shit doesn't look half bad.
So these weirdo rejects are claiming superiority even tho they did not help their leaders or whatever the fuck in any way?
Every person i've met whos way too into politics is tin foil hat level crazy, and they dont shut the fuck up about dumb ass politics, imagine dedicating that much of your life caring about another humans job, its fucking pathetic
I think garrison needs to do something better with his time aside from drawing shitty images of other humans and focus on himself
Correct. Actually really on point, too. There are some that like to notice their skin colour matches historical figures and then they think they invented planes n shit. It's really, really deep, this rabbit hole of self delusion.
After President Trump gets impeached and Cortez goes to jail looks like Bernie is going to be pregnant
That is very sad and I am glad myself and others are self aware and smart enough to not have that train of thought. Another thing I find sad despite not knowing anything about politics is that the USA is pretty much going after the USA it seems. Every news story i see about politics is HE SAID THIS, SHE SAID THIS, BACK IN 1900'S THIS HAPPENED SO LETS SLANDER HIM!!
Imagine if everyone in the USA was on the same page and all working together instead of these middle school drama sessions they're internally having. We are having more problems with ourselves than with others
why are all MuHrrriCanS So StUpId?
LOL Ben Garrison is still churning out shit drawings with even shittier commentary. Big surprise there the guys a fucking loser.
lmao hes just in his basement jerking off to the mt rushmore statue while drawing his shitty images
Fell for it
Fell for it
Fell for it
Fell for it
Thinks he is troll, but got trolled and fell for it
влюбилcя в этo
Using it to try and piggyback to extra (you)s.
Doesn't think he fell for it, but he did. Excellent use of the misspell though, 'pregnant' 7/10 made me kek
Yeah it's insane. I follow it a lot but I did political science in University so it actually I kind of relevant for me. And yeah people have gone fucking bonkers.
What's happening is the systems kind of falling apart at the seams, radical change is needed immediately or else. There are people who stand to lose everything if change doesn't happen and people who stand to lose everything if it does. So there is a tonne of money flying in every direction desperately trying to get everyone at each other's throats to maintain power.
Yeah, underrated post..try living here and hearing about this shit 24/7 despite not giving a single fuck about it. Then having to agree with either side when they complain so they shut the fuck up sooner
why would she let this get photographed?!