Would you marry a black girl?

Would you marry a black girl?

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Yep I'm dating one. White dude here

It's racist for a white dude to date a black girl though because of the power relationship.

What a nice pussy !

Black girl pussy was the best tasting pussy I've ever had.

I couldn't bring her home to my racist mom though.

No because I can't get turned on to black girls.



NO because bestiality is fucking disgusting.

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yeah sure

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For sure fuck all the racists who think otherwise

Laura Harrier holy shit

Why is it racist to have a preference ?

Maybe alicia keys. But the others, shit looks fucking dirty.

Fuck, OP, I wouldn't marry any girl on this planet.
Would fuck one again, though.

I almost did. Dated her for years, and even got engaged, but then we broke up. The racial difference barely affected our relationship. It just wasn't an issue.

She would have been a great wife too. She was sweet, funny, and loyal. And we liked all the same things (movies, food, politics, music, etc). But I fucked it up. Biggest regret of my life.

>implying user has actually had sex before

why d'you fuck it up?

Black girls are full of attitude

this one maybe

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Shit, my little edgelord; fucking is easy. Relationships are unfathomably difficult for me. Way easier to be a Libertine than a happily married man.
Don't assume everyone in here is a kissless 29-year-old incel like you.

Some people like attitude. Not everyone wants a Stepford Wife.

Can't say. Never met one attractive enough.


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I mean my crippling fear of commitment is much more of a barrier than race.

>would you marry

I cheated on her. I have no excuse, I just did it because I could and I thought I'd get away with it. She found out and broke up with me. Tried to make it work and get back together but I'd lost her trust and that just killed it.

easy, friendo. was just teasing you. i'm 32 and have never had problems to find girls, tbh

i'd marry a black girl but not if she's a nigga

sorry to hear that, but, yeah. been there.
and nice dubs, btw

Nah man, I like to think that I aint a racist. But I definitely dont want colored kids, sorry not sorry?

Why not look at this body

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That aint black, more like milk chocolate.

No. Half black I would depending.
Just don't find them attractive in any way at all.

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more of her

if she was attractive and enjoyed cooking and wasn't a passive aggressive bitch then 100% yeah

THAT would be incredible if that pic was Laura Harrier!


No, I'm not attracted to them. Not even to the likes of let's say a Beyonce. I have seen one mixed black girl ever which I thought was good looking but I see so many good looking white girls all the time.

would eat for days

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now this is a black wet pussy thread

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Also not turned on

I wouldn’t marry anyone. So no

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Would you marry an indian boy? Everyone is obsessed with brown girls these days...

>dude she sent the girl to you it was a test
they do this to make sure that you are the right man 4 life
>some times they send there hot sisters

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But only if we adopt 10 white blonde hair blue eyed children

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Thanks. Nobody to blame but myself and I haven't found a woman that I'm even half as compatible with as I was with her. It's getting depressing. You don't know what you got til it's gone.

1000% as a white guy I find them incredibly hot!

Yes if I loved her for who she was.

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If he's a doctor, maybe.


I’d rather be alone than be with a black

No. Impossible to live with that smell. Disgusting.

Oh Yes, I love Black Girls, but only with hairy armpits and when she have a wonderful bush...... like this girl

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Africans, nope.
Latinas/desi, yes.

That pussy seems like a horse pussy


beautiful, any name?


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Yea, but, prenup would be a REQUIREMENT. Srry, if that upsets anybody but...them's the breaks. Also, must be a Candy Raver.

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Never, I wouldn't date one either. They have too many weird issues and I don't that nigger shit in my life.

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Robots going to robot.
Beep boop bing "racist bad" beep beep

Nope, cant stand the smell and want my kids to look like me

not even niggers want to fuck other niggers so why should we?

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Stop speaking for white people.

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I d sure fuck one



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weird tits/10

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If you weren't such a permanent virgin, you'd know that nigger pussy smells like corn chips.
If you're big enough of a faggot to marry a fucking corn chip cooch bitch, then fuck you. Send all your shit genes into that nigger gene pool.


Yeah but my grandmother would probably kill me. She stopped talking to my cousin for a few months when he got a black grill knocked up.

Damn that's a nice pussy though.

Would never marry any girl, marriage is for dumb asses

Lol sure, as if anyone would marry you

Ok jew

Unreal how dark she is

then it's ok to be racist

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I'd probably marry one, sure. I dunno if I could have kids with one though, the idea if having mixed-race kids kind of freaks me out for some reason.

>Trying to act low-key racist


What the fuck is "low-key racist?"

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>Plays stupid

if she has a bit of class about her and i wasnt already with someone sure. theres something fucking amazing about that sharp colour contrast.

these are all fucking amazing.

I did a search and found a Vice article with this hilarious picture at the top. So you're one of "them" huh? Did I dog whistle you, user? Am I a crypto-fascist?

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>Speaks non sense to further stupid "act"

Id ask her to wear that to the wedding, and I'd consummate with her In front of my whole family.

>continues to feverishly suck cock

Good one!

Even some of the more "beat" bodies of black girls feel amazing. Brown skinned ladies are the fucking bomb.

And white people wonder why black men are animals.

Look at their women.

I’d do a drive by for this

Let me be specific here. I'd let that girl take a shit on my face and rub in in until I'm a nigger myself in order to marry that fine chocolate goddess an have that juicy pussy rubbed over my face every single day.

Haha! I agree with the funnier comment.
This user is a faggot.

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Goddess of fertility in her human form. Fuck me.

>Same fagging this hard

Just like a fucking snowflake to think cellulite is deity worthy

Being this much of a bitch. Accept your faggitude dude.

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>Thinks posting from phone and computer is clever

Stop sucking your own dick faggot, get more bent about marriage being the sham of human existence and be controlled more by the churches and government who profit off of you

holy shit you sick fuck ..

>reaches greedily for his eighth cock in less than an hour, stale semen dribbling from his mouth and anus

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maybe if we're in africa and she's like 12

>Samefagging as hard as he can because he is stuck in a sexless cuck marriage and is dead inside

so you can be sure she's HIV-free?

>wonders briefly if he should stop embarrassing himself but is too cock-addled to process the thought properly. Uses his psychic powers to deduce that his mom gay af. Cocksucking continues

I'd rather not lower my childs IQ.

Your denial is hilarious.

I experience this with East Asians. Can get aroused by basically any other ethnicity or mix of enthnicities, but the Chinese and the Japanese just don’t do it for me.

>Still obseesse with impressing Jew friends with brain washing people about marriage

>the cock torrent flows unfettered. In fact is increasing exponentially in volume, rapidly approaching a cock singularly. He tries to smile, though he is more Semen now than Man. A single word burbles from his dripping mouth;

Bitch please, no one fucking cares about cellulite. Ask your daddy.

>Jewwing it up to the maximum jewness
>If I post more angrily, surely they'll believe marriage is legit

Soo...nice one Elon

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Kek same

Railing against an argument literally no one is making is a good sign it's time for a break. Take 10, cash in some of those Good Boy Points and grab yourself some tendies.

Then who am I arguing with, sure isn't myself

No. I don't want dumb, aggressive kids.

Not sure myself anymore. Whatever. Bored now, bye

>It's racist for a white dude to date a black girl though because of the power relationship.

Yes, the black girl has all the power here in Kenya.
I'm sure that's what you mean.


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I'll be honest. I lol'd at this one. But it is obvious you're samefagging

Can you niggers stop derailing. Trying to jerk off here.

I seriously don’t understand this, but I’ve had yellow fever hardcore since I was a teenager (30 now). How do you not find them at least a little attractive?

But how can they prove to everyone how fucking edgy they are if they aren't being anonymously racist on Yea Forums

Niggers should only be used as sexbots. You never want to reproduce with them.


You're either 65yo, from some eastern european hellhole, or both.

Yes. But if she didn't want to tie the knot I would be fine with just fucking her and hanging out.

That's great, since I thought my jungle fever was not consistent with my otherwise racist views towards other races.

Did. Pic related

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Wanted to pop the question to this one. Shes a bit of an oreo. Quirky, funny, into nerd shit. But a bit bipolar and very emotionally manipulative when angry. After breakup she went through a lesbo phase.

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I don't believe in marriage but some black girls are sexy as hell

Yes, I'm not much of a superficial.
In fact my current crush is an African American.

Probably not. But maybe. Odds of finding a hot black gf who puts up with my sexist and racist comments are probably pretty low. But i am funny and damm sexy.

married to a thick as shit black girl, we were discussing having a baby soon last night, I can't wait to get that bitch pregnant. AMA

she looks a little crazy behind the eyes my dude lol

>But a bit bipolar and very emotionally manipulative

So... She is a female?

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Don't want my son to have 85 IQ

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Already did.

Female fighter pilot in africa, nice little thing too.

Yes! I plan on marrying my black gf who just had our baby. Can’t wait to get her pregnant again.

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As long as she is hoit an decent yes!

As I would with any other ethnicity/race/color woman!

Had a couple of black girlfriends over the years.


I will fuck that pussy

>as long as she is hoit

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I think I would love marrying a black chick if she was genetically inclined to ve skinny (like, her mother is skinny even after having several kids), and if she is somewhat educated [at least technical college or something] and very submissive.

Yes, my girlfriend is black, I'm caucasian. I love her to death.


No. But they make decent fuck-toys.

Your preferences are usually seen as cop outs for not living your life to the fullest and meeting people dud..... er I mean stud!

so in other words, you want a house nigger - not a black woman to be your wife. Go back to the 1800s

the victorian era was the peak of human political sophistication, prove me wrong

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Well, if thats what I want, I was just answering a question. So what? Go eat a nigger dick and be a sanctimonious asshole with your googaloo nigger friends.

Niggers are disgusting

I 100% disagree

Inbred ignorance detected. Opinion disregarded

Inbred ignorance detected. Opinion disregarded

I love it when people say prove me wrong. Prove yourself right. If you can.

Inbred ignorance detected. Opinion disregarded

Inbred ignorance detected. Opinion disregarded

Inbred ignorance detected. Opinion disregarded

Not inbred. Just fucked by the holy spirit, dumbass.

victorian london was the peak of individual liberty anywhere in the world. capitalism is built on individual liberty, and is the greatest engine of prosperity known to man. anti-capitalism is a kind of ludditism, and people who do not place liberty as the highest value are more animal than human and therefore bear no moral consideration beyond that which we would grant to a domestic animal and for the purpose of our own social graces.

No, but i would sure eat that horse out

How is this thread still alive?

i dont care what colour they are, but i cant stand nigger smell

>capitalism is built on individual liberty
who paid you to say that goyim

Black girls are fucking hot!

This. Currently dating a beautiful black girl who isn’t at all loud, ghetto, or sassy. We’ve been together for 4 years now, I still feel for her the same way I did when we first confessed our love to each other. I’m more lucky to have her and will ask for her hand in marriage in a year or so.

commies are just aristotles natural slaves tbh

>Victorian London
>life expectancy around 25-30
>food contaminated with adulterants to undercut competition
>men and women work 14 hour shifts 6 days a week, 12 on sundays
>children get fingers ripped off from cleaning and repairing the machines on their 12 hour shifts
>some industries, due to sub high demand and lack of any industrial regulation, have workers work upwards of nearly 24 hours
>social cohesion of England destroyed due to the destruction of the commons and forcing small individual farmers off their land for large pasture land so the nobility can get even richer
>wages are below subsistence, forcing men, women and their children all to work 14+ hours a day, thus breaking down the family unit
>drugs and bootleg abortions are record highs
>the streets of London are filled with shit, scum, aborted fetuses, and the low life scum of prostitues, swindlers and the dead.
>Working conditions are so atrocious, that illegal wild cat labor unions are able to become powerful enough to limit the working day to 10 hours.
>Factory owners scream and reeee that their profits will go down, how you can’t take muh child labor
>10 hour workday passes, and Britain gets a boom in exports and productivity cause not overworking your workers like slaves surprise surprise makes them do better work, and thus have more discretionary income
Honestly you’re the one who wants your fellow countrymen to become animals for your own selfishness. So you should go neck yourself cause you’re probably a worthless loser anyway.

put your dickens novel down, he made it all up.

the industrial revolution wasnt all sunshine and roses, but starving in your peasant village because the crop yield wasnt high enough or living til your 50s as a malnourished peasant is far worse.

In what way was it the best tasting, user? Need more info for research

Yes, 100%

Underrated post.

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Marry? Fuck no I wouldn't marry a white girl. Marriage is rigged against the man from the start.
Fuck? Hell yea, all races are welcome on me except desi indians, hygiene doesn't exist for most of those.

Not a name but I know where is more...

I would marry any girl if she was the right age (below 16)