I'm black and bored does anyone wanna AMA?

i'm black and bored does anyone wanna AMA?

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How old are you and do you know your father

first, provide evidence that you're black.

i'm 19 and i know my dad but my parents are divorced.
it's blurry but you get the idea

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this is acceptable proof.

how are you, what's going on in your life?

niggers will nig

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Go watch dragon ball z and eat some watermelon

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i'm alright, just stressed out because of college. i've been getting sleep paralysis a lot which is why i'm awake now.
it seems like you choose the wrong picture

i don't like watermelon i think it's too watery and messy to eat. watermelon flavored candy/gum is okay i guess but it usually doesn't taste like i remember watermelon tasting.

what are you studying in college?

i'm in college for mechanical engineering, a 2nd year

nice. what sort of career you looking to get out of that? sounds pretty math intensive which means I'd hate it

yeah, around 4 of the class i'm taking this semester has math involved. and honestly i don't know. i just knew i wanted to work with robots and my college has classes/a club around that sort of stuff

that's pretty sweet. too much math for me but working with robots sounds pretty kickass. good luck with the degree OP. i don't really have anything else to ask lol

no problem, thanks, good luck with your endeavors.

When was the last time you saw your mothers pussy?

i don't remember so it was probably when i was a baby

I'll bump this since I'm still awake, but only once

How bout some black dick for us gay anons?

i don't wanna post it here.
it's 7 inches though

When did you first steal?

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How are you

I'm good, just don't feel like going back to sleep. What's going on with you.
I know this is a thread to ask me stuff but it seems messed up not to ask back

I took a bag of chips from my elementary school snack stand.
That's about it

serious question.... if you walk into a room that a bunch of your friends are in.... do YOU smell it?

every time i have walked into a room with a few black people in it... the smell stands out just as much as if i got in a taxi that smelled like curry.

Do you guys notice that you smell funky as hell.... or is it like working in a papermill and you stop detecting it after a while?

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You need to empty your mind and focus on your breath without thinking of anything that helps me alot.Question is who is your idol in mechanical engineering?

i can't, i woke up from having sleep paralysis and i don't feel tired. in the pass when i went to sleep right after being paralyzed i just wake up in an hour and get sleep paralysis again so i don't wanna deal with it.
i don't really have an idol, i think the head of engineering in my college is cool but that's kinda it for role models.
no i don't smell anything. you could just be focusing on the negative where whenever you smell something bad and there's a black person around you think it's them and where if you smell something bad and there's only white people round you think it's something outside or whatever.

as someone who is white and isn't an american
how do you put with this kind of shit all the time
i assume since its Yea Forums they're more likely to be edgy and talk shit to you but do you suffer this kind of thing irl

Are you going to be scientist some day,or you have different life goals?

considered that as a possibility.... but it is the same or very similar smell every time.

it is especially noticable if it is a home or bedroom....

closest thing i can compare it to is that shitty old musk cologne old dudes used to rock.

also... i have a few black family members and its not a matter of negative presupposition. I suspect it is a normal thing , just you guys get used to it.

its kinda like if you smoke weed in a room and stay in the room... the smell goes away..... but if you leave for an hour and come back it reeks.

Hey man. Has it ever crossed your mind to take a trip back to Africa and such to check out the homeland? I've often thought that a well educated black guy with some money and somewhat prepared could move there and basically live like a king vs just being a faceless gear in the machine here

Check em

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that's just it. it's Yea Forums so i don't take anything here seriously or as a personal attack.
irl no one does anything as drastic as hold their nose when they're around me or anything.
i'm gonna work on building machine/robots. i'm not quite sure how yet but i was planning on talking to the career services department sooner or later.
i kinda know of a cologne smell but that probably isn't what you're talking about. can't say i've ever noticed a smell specifically to black people the same way i specifically know a smell that, say, homeless people tend to have.

no, i've live along the east coast all my life and i'm not really interested in living anywhere else

Are you with my tought that every robot should work for peoples so that every male and female would have much time to spend with own familly?

not seeking to be racist or anything.... I am seriously curious as to what is up with that.

Anyone have the balls to confirm what I am talking about? lmao

I been kicking around a theory that racism in general is actually a biological function. Perhaps we detect the pheramones of an outside group and our lizard brain goes into defense mode?

As a biological imperative it kinda makes sense.... historically speaking, the presence of an outsider was not generally a friendly visit for tea.

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Cool thanks for answering.
I own my own machine shop and have a home built cnc mill. If your interested in getting into robotics and such maybe start playing with building a 3d printer or some other simple robotic device to get your feet wet. There are u-build kits available that are really cheap now you may get a kick out of

i mean if a job is better and safer done by robots then I don't see a problem with people getting replaced, but "spend time with their family" sounds like getting laid off to me.
hopefully those people can transition to operating and maintaining the robots though
i'll write that down and look into it, thanks. my college has a room of 3d printers that usually the seniors use but i'm pretty sure anyone can use them if you ask the right people. plus i've been learning catia and solidwork so i can 3d model.

People can smell others immune systems and a lot of personal attraction is very influenced by that. I would highly suspect it ties into that, when there is too much genetic difference between peoples you smell it and basically identify that when choosing mates. I'd personally guess you are just picking that up and able to identify it

What do you think of the BBC spam on Yea Forums?

Dude you shold watch on you tube Jacques Fresco The choice is ours and maybe you will have some great god speed inspiration.By the way this is my 75-80% of my life i would like to hear your opinion on this old school rap youtube.com/watch?v=6mjtjrA4jtQ

Ya that a good start. There are lots of free open source operating systems for cnc machines and really neat code generators that work off a cad file or 3d model if you have programs that work together. If i remember correctly this one called fusion 360 is really good. its free to people unless you have a business and make over 150k a year or something like that. This guy on youtube with a Chanel called NYC CNC uses it and its really slick. I need to upgrade to a new computer with more graphics hp before i can start using it so i haven't switched to it yet. If your bored check it out, you may like it.

i don't get it. maybe they're made by people who are gay or guys who have a cuck fetish, or guys who want to post a bbc so that other guys can post bbc myth and "white guys are bigger" or something i dunno. it's probably not black guys who post them though.
this is really good, it's the type of stuff my older sister would listen to when i was younger.
and the venus project doc? i'll check it out on the subway and maybe watch the rest when i get to campus.
i will, thanks.

God luck with your life goals OP i hope that you will offer some extreamly good stuff to the humankind after that doc if you find inspiration. Good bye and nice to chatting with you gotta go to my granddad to do some work in the garden PEACE

yeah, thanks for the vid

How old were you?
Have you stolen anything since?

I dunno, the age that 2nd graders are. And i've probably taken stuff from family like snacks but nothing big.
Although i have skipped fare on the subway because the machine wasn't taking money and the guy wasn't at the booth so there was no other way for me to get on

OP what do you think of this?

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doesn't bother me. some black guys are into that

Why do you people have such a high rate of sex crimes.

Here's my question
1. In your point of view, can other people say the n-word, if not why do you still feel offended by it when you people say it casually among others?
2. Can I get the n-word pass please?
3. Let's say I'm saying the n-word in a hood area, will I get shot, stabbed or beaten to death? What will happen to me?

Reason why I ask on question #1 is because I have a female black friend where she sometimes say the n-word to me jokingly and I'll do the same because she know I didn't mean to be rude y'know?

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What’s with the fetish for white women?

i can't pretend I know why
1. It's not that other people can't say it, because they will. I'm in a club where I'm the only black person and they still say nigga to each other. Personally, I don't want anyone to say it but I think it's a thing of respect where you let black people have this word to themselves since they "reclaimed" it, instead of taking it like other slang that began/was popular with black people. I don't get offended I just get a bit nervous when people use it around me.
2. You don't need one. I can't stop you from saying it.
3. Are you just randomly screaming it or stopping someone on the corner and then dropping the n word to them? You could get assaulted. Someone might give you a talking to. It depends on who's around.
Man, I dunno. My parents are divorced and my dad has had a white girlfriend most recently. I think some black men look down on black women but then look for those same black traits, like big ass and stuff, except on a white woman instead.

What’s your view on reparations and/or affirmative action? I’m assuming you’re a yankee

I think it sucks to get to a position of power and then get accused of affirmative action making it that way so I'm not all that for it. It needed in the past though I know that.
I'm not for reparations

Even black men know black women are gross as hell

how many kids have you abandoned?

an entire school's worth, because i used to do homework help at an afterschool program and then I stopped when summer break was over

You are a good, intelligent and sensible individual, Very mature indeed! All the best in your studying and life.

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