Who wants more??

Who wants more??

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Still interest?

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Keep it comin

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Any requests?

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Adorable face. I want to fuck her

Body and face?

Show pussy


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Keep the requests coming

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A nice pic of you spreading your pretty ass please

Any pussy from the front?

You sucking on a dildo or something

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Also these

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Your face is beautiful, have more?


Laying on your back spreading

Is her nam samantha?

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Thoughts so far?

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OP why the dump of photos of her? did you two breakup?

She's sexy, and sexy things need sharing

Ah I see, A man of culture, I thank you

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Still interest?

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Yes, keep going

That nipple pinching!

you got one of you squeezing her tits or of her doing it?

Lace the Metropolis water supply with red and green Kryptonite first, it'll weaken him and also make him careless.
With careful observation in his vulnerable state, he will shortly reveal his secret identity, Clark Kent. Arrange an ally to have a meeting with the journalist, and while his guard is down and back is turned, your ally will fire a silenced pistol of kryptonite bullets into his back.
As Clark Kent, he will initially be taken into the back of an ambulance, but the ambulance is fake and you're the fake paramedic. As soon as the doors close, you take a kryptonite-edged axe and chop off his fucking head. Drive the ambulance to a disused quarry. Take the body into an abandoned mineshaft deep underground where there is no sunlight, and seal the body away with some blocks of kryptonite and a family of starving rats. Let nature take it's course.
Take the head into a seperate mine, deep underground, and systematically deconstruct his head with a kryptonite blade. Once every element of his former head is a fine paste, pour it into a lead box lined with kryptonite and bury it deep underground.
Finally, immediately kill yourself so no psychics can learn from you what happened.

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More of her giving head?

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Keep the requests coming

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got a vid of her riding on top of you?

What about her getting it in her asshole?