Should I text her back?

Should I text her back?

It’s been a week since she wrote that and I’m missing her a lot. We met maybe 7 times and had sex everytime, she’d be all over me and just shower me with compliments. She even told her parents about me.

I don’t want a relationship either with her, just want to fuck her again. I thought she’d text me more since I did not reply to pic related but nothing so far...

I’ve been on other dates and fucked 2 girls after her but none were close to what she was

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Yes. She's trying to make you understand. Stick around dummy.

You're fucked dude, this is next level

Not worth it. “Wanna be friends”= not interested at all.

Women and men can't be friends. You didn't fuck her properly. Move on. And learn how to screw better.

Do not reply, if you reply the relationship is completely fucked. Theres still a chance to salvage it if you just blow her off, she might get curious as to why you stopped texting her. Its fucked anyways regardless if she doesn't text you back so might as well try the final option.

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get the fuck out man. she doesn't have what you want.

ask her for FWB, if no, move on man.

Move on dude

No problem, see you around. Just this, fuck her, find someone new.

if i were you id be upfront, say, dtf still? no strings attached

or in whatever way you find most tactful, and then if she says no you can still be friends i suppose but its up to you

She's an idiot who makes excuses instead of taking risks. Find somebody else.

OP here. I really feel like texting this “I don’t want a relationship either, but I don’t think I can continue our relationship if there isn’t going to be physical intimacy. I had some wonderful and memorable times with you though.”

Would this be totally ruining it? It’s what I feel and I really think.

Pic related is what she wrote before meeting last time, when we hung out(after she wrote this text), we had sex again. She was the one intiating, completely opposite to what she wrote

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youre on the right track as long as you communicate that clearly, maybe you dont have to stop talking to her entirely (or you can up to you) but if you two arent fucking itll be a lot less interaction.

test the waters when she gets there, see if she is just talking or actually gonna do something about it. just start going cold, she will think that she is the issue and will throw her self at you, if not leave her ass and never be friends with a girl unless your fucking her

Do you user. I see you really liked her and it sucks. I had a similar experience. Settle for someone who wants you, not that fucks with your mind sending big written shits.
You'll do fine either way. Fuck her, find someone else is my advice.

friends-with-benefitszone her

She means she's uncomfortable with you and she needs a Chad that makes her feel comfortable for the next 10 years, then if she's single in 10 years as a single mother she'll come crying back to you about how she made mistakes and wants another chance and wants you to support her new kid that you aren't the father of.

The text was prior to last time they met... can’t you read?

dont care to faggot, take my advice or remain a faggot either way i can say i tried.

no, thats just your experience incel

Ugh, I get what you're saying user, but this literally doesn't happen with average looking/handsome people. Only ugly faggots go for the 1kid+woman.
But hey, people make choices either out of love +hormones either financially, nothing to frown upon.

she overthinks and in her head she thinks she has everything figured out, which is why she is tries to be so articulate.

Whatever you are doing or saying she enjoys, regardless of what shes writing when shes not face to face. don't ask Yea Forums. do whatever you think will work to obtain whatever you are trying to obtain, because it has worked thus far.

It's got a reverse user. Trust me, bitches are crazy.
U.S culture is full of sluts anyways, which don't value monogamy.

Sounds like she realizes she doesn't want a "proper" relationship, but isn't comfortable admitting that she just wants to fuck. So she does this "Just Friends" thing so that when she cones over to your place to fuck she can tell herself that wasn't her plan at all.

You can continue this way indefinitely provided you never call attention to it and pretend she's coming over to Not Fuck and it's a surprise every time

Sounds just like her shit isn't in order and she's self conscious. Do man stuff and see if you can help out naturally. She's testing to see if you are capable and willing.

If things aren't working out after some time just move on though. The time it takes for you to try it out is up to you.

OP here. So should I text this ““I don’t want a relationship either, but I don’t think I can continue our relationship if there isn’t going to be physical intimacy. I had some wonderful and memorable times with you though.“?

Do it. Either way, it'll be a learning experience.

Yes. Mature response, concise, straight forward.
Make her take the decision, as it won't fall on your shoulders anymore.

cut the memorable part.

well, we don't know how you felt so we can't tell you. do what feels right

but what about this response

STD and if you're gona develop feelings, just sadomasochism.

No. She's not ready to accept that she enjoys being fuckmeat. If you explicitly state that you'd like to maintain the status quo, she'll balk.
Let her keep saying that she just wants to be friends because she's not ready for a relationship and coming over to fuck.

>mfw people just love their pasta

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Well, it’s been me going to her place to fuck. She’s 25 and I’m 23

at 25, she should be more mature already. I know broads that have several kids at her age. She's burning fuel at this point, just find someone else.

A relationship isn’t a good idea, but that being said, don’t ghost her. Treat her like an adult, and tell her yes or no. Only faggots ghost people.

I don’t want a relationship either, but I don’t think I can continue our relationship if there isn’t going to be physical intimacy. I had some wonderful times with you though.

So this would be a good text?

Shes testing you to see if you love her and are willing to fight and earn the right to get physcal again. She feels bad that she gave it up too soon, she likes you and is 25 and wants a serious relationship or nothing.

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Ask yourself this: if any of your male friends sent you that mess of tl:dr feelings diarrhea, would you still be friends with them? Remember: they're male, so there is no investment into the possibility of future pussy.


Why cant either of you fucking type correctly? This looks like texts between kindergartners.

Well I’ve only been living in the US for 2 years. I’m from Sweden, she’s American though.

What’s wrong with our English? Her’s especially

That's normal; they're just zoomers, man. iT's JuSt DeY cUlCha!

I sent her this. I don’t think she will reply though...

Makes me really sad to think I won’t be close to her again. Just her smell was something to fall for

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OP she wants to be friends, offer to make it sex friends and there you got what you wanted.

this is the mature thing to say, well done

hope it works out

Have you ever even fucked a girl?

Stop posting this shit over and over and again