If you have any advice, tips or want to request something let me know

If you have any advice, tips or want to request something let me know

Attached: chastity-caged-ruined-orgasm-prostate-milking-and-wand-porn.jpg (320x240, 17K)

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Poor hot sauce on it with a timestamp.

do it you dicklet slut

no because it will hurt

how do i measure for the fitting of one of those?

You're fucking useless.

you don't you little bitch


>If you have any advice, tips or want to request something let me know
Do it faggot. You’re already a submissive beta bitch boy. Make our lives have some meaning and poor some hot sauce on your fucking cock with a timestamp.

Its my second time in chastity, so i am not really that submissive

You little slut with your tiny clitty. Pour some hot sauce on it NOW

kys nigger

My advice is the same as my request. Kill yourself.

jesus why are you all so mad at this

because they feel cucked just by looking at it. lol fucking losers

anything else though ?

do it
or fuck off you limpdick faggot

you have a chastity cage on of course you're submissive, this better be the only way you cum

Attached: 1551583612661.webm (1284x832, 1.98M)

this is so hot


Attached: 1551583402814.webm (648x364, 1.96M)

i have a dildo but i never tried this

You still have to do it faggot. So do it.

Try it

Attached: 1551681146705.webm (564x348, 554K)

timestamp, duh

is there any guide how to do this ?

Its not me

massage your prostate with a dildo. this takes patience and practice... and LOTS of lube

Reenact the "1 Guy 1 Jar" video.