This is the scariest (and sexiest) thing you can show a Conservative.
This is the scariest (and sexiest) thing you can show a Conservative
Other urls found in this thread:
B8 is stale. Fuck off or come up with something new and interesting, you lazy fuck
Madame President
>inb4 triggered by this image in this post.
Op is the gayest Russian bot on 4chins.
Do the free-shit rain dance with me Yea Forums
I am so hard right now
not really
IMO she’s just another step to the left giving the 2020 election to conservatives
This look wayyy better
this looks wayyy better
That look so funny lol. The right dont have any decent artist, they are even bad at photoshop
Im betting your ass Ben Sharpio is jerking off to AOC rightnow. He is literally obsessed.
I mean rightwing guys are never popular anyway, that's why some whore pretend to be rightwing to take all the money from view and donations. You guy are really the ultimate cuck.
Fucker got bitch slapped again.
Since the birth of communism, we have been bitch slap nazi as a part of our traditions, today another nazi run back into his basement,sobbing and holding his waifu pillow
lol stay mad cucks
weak and predictable
scariest thing you can show to an educated member of society.
this bitch is dumb as fuck and costed so many people jobs because she doesnt understand what a PUBLIC SERVANT is supposed to do
she will be gone but the embarrassment to the democrats will resonate
Anyone saying they wouldnt eat her ass is a liar
Oh god you are so fucking adorable, I cant stay mad at you. You guy think trolling some stupid centrist give you the right to shit talk? You are so incompetent to the point that you can make a coherent insult.
The peak of rightwing is trump, a fat fucker who is so lucky with massive fortune from daddy that completely blow off everything. Spend his day mumbling on twitters and chewing trashy fast food. This is the peak of rightwing.
You probably gonna watch some whore sporting shits to get views, probably you have already donate to them. Oh god what a sad existence, now I feel kinda bad for picking up people like you.
>this looks so funny
that's the point
I hope your dick work better than your insult. But that would be asking too much
You should wank to actual whore, like Melania.
But... But I'm gay. So it's just scary. Maybe a little sad to see that the only opposition party is jumping the shark this bad.
She's not even proposing anything new or groundbreaking. Just things that have already worked in places like Canada, Denmark and Sweden. It's just common sense.
I don't know why all the conservatives are crying so hard over her.
Most of it's manufactured concern, almost satan.
Why would you care how his dick works? What a weird comment. You sound like a lib cuck fag
>$90 trillion debt surge
>Common sense
Pick one
>oH GoD YoU ArE So fUcKiNg aDoRaBlE, i cAnT StAy mAd aT YoU. yOu gUy tHiNk tRoLlInG SoMe sTuPiD CeNtRiSt gIvE YoU ThE RiGhT To sHiT TaLk? YoU ArE So iNcOmPeTeNt tO ThE PoInT ThAt yOu cAn mAkE A CoHeReNt iNsUlT.
>tHe pEaK Of rIgHtWiNg iS TrUmP, a fAt fUcKeR WhO Is sO LuCkY WiTh mAsSiVe fOrTuNe fRoM DaDdY ThAt cOmPlEtElY BlOw oFf eVeRyThInG. sPeNd hIs dAy mUmBlInG On tWiTtErS AnD ChEwInG TrAsHy fAsT FoOd. ThIs iS ThE PeAk oF RiGhTwInG.
>yOu pRoBaBlY GoNnA WaTcH SoMe wHoRe sPoRtInG ShItS To gEt vIeWs, PrObAbLy yOu hAvE AlReAdY DoNaTe tO ThEm. Oh gOd wHaT A SaD ExIsTeNcE, nOw i fEeL KiNdA BaD FoR PiCkInG Up pEoPlE LiKe yOu.
stop writing novels about me
im blushing
They have no new pretty women to obsessed over, so they jump to her, a somewhat attractive women.
Unlike that whore is FLOTUS, she knows shit.
Please think of something new
Me sorry, me write hard, me clear for you. FLOTUS whore, Trump pay, still not get sex
brown women worship white dick
Pic related now applies to Yea Forums as well
You seem to be wrong about that, retard. Look at the image in this post.
I'm laughing my ass off because you're so mad at one little kid.
Stay mad autistic gadfly!
sure kid
learn to read.
>Sure kid
here we go again
I’m slightly obsessed because it’s truly remarkable to see so many lemming following someone this dumb. If anyone is scared, it’s the Democrats because she’s driving a huge wedge between moderates and progressives. Republicans are loving it.
b/Pretending American people ain't stuck with this communist whore for the next 40+ years
Unless old aunty-Pelosi arranges a tragic car accident
Wow she even wears fake glasses just to look smarter. (Notice no distortion of cheek through glasses).
Never trust people who use props to appear smarter.
>costed so many people jobs
< Green Tea Party
no, what scares Trumptards is the truth. Common facts. Every meme they post about AOC is filled with lies and made-up "quotes". Just once, I'd like to see a Trumptard meme with facts. Just once.
I want her to dom me. What a goddess.
choose one
Trump is passe.
"Give a man fire and he's warm for a day. Light a man on fire and he's warm for the rest of his life." -- AOC
The problem is, I can’t even tell which Quotes are legit and which are made up. That’s says something. If this gun control quote was attributed to Bernie, it wouldn’t even be funny. But, I look at this AOC meme, and I have to go to google... Did she actually say that???
>794154579 #
Nah this one
It’s truly remarkable how lemmings like you keep posting memes of shit she never said (like this one). Makes me wonder why you’re so afraid of what she *Actually* says, and why a majority of people agree with her (your fantasy of a ‘wedge’ is just that... a fantasy).
Doesn’t really matter, of course... this constant Trumpanzee AOC hateposting is just another example of the Streisand effect. The more you dipshits post, the more popular— and powerful— she becomes.
AOC shows more GUM then the bottom of a school desk. Horse looking ass.
I thought it was a legit quote... let me find a real one that’s equally stupid. Hold on.
Here you go. Feel better now? She’s a doorknob
lol stay mad kid
if your theory is right, then Trump will become stronger
for example:
we heard this before
Why the fuck does trump always have that retarded ass smile
just send a link to her office.
he'll stop after they come to his house
Being so triggered that they had to resort to fake quotes.
just Yea Forums baiting
still waiting for proof
Because that's his expression after drinking Russian whore whiskey filled pungent piss.
believes cartoons depict actual events
this retarded
That one isn’t fake, so you can see how the fake ones get confused with the real ones. She’s a gem. Republicans love her; they don’t fear her.
sure kid
this retarded
so bitter
so funny
sure kid
this retarded
don't bump your own thread op
but its not real debt
just like his college debt mommy and daddy pay
you seem upset
Ah the context is omitted for obvious reason.
>We can put so many people to work,” Ocasio-Cortez told an audience at a televised town hall Monday night. “We need to refit so many pipes. We need to re-lay roads. We need to rebuild schools. We need to invent technology that’s never even been invented yet.
sure kid
fap fap fap
she has the brains of a bluefish
this retarded
sure kid
facts scare me. the truth enslaves me.
but yet your reply is childish
sure kid
BACK TO POL whatever the vote you don't change anything lobbies fund both
too little too late.
threr are no second place winners IRL sweetie
just repeating others
talk about retarded or are you new?
What scares me is that that picture is probably very accurate.
sounds like trump
Meh, Bezos is my man.
thats because you are weak
He looks like a jew
too little too late
All countries should test their leaders for mental disorders.
And possibly disqualify them.
weak and predictable
sure kid
..cant argue with the trips
Wow you republican snowflakes are so triggered right now
I understand if you can't do it for guns I am thinking a few steps too far ahead for your little brain. I am sorry.
Also checked
god this is so weak
sure kid
stay retarded
The context does nothing to make that quote any more intelligent. Haha
Wasn’t even a troll attempt, just funny when the people who point the finger at others calling them snowflakes when they get butthurt are the biggest snowflakes whenever trump is attacked
if trump said this they would call him retarded
sure kid
Brain-dead broad.
>Although the sentence seems awkwardly worded when considered alone, its meaning in the context of discussing the creation of jobs through the pioneering of new, environmentally-friendly technologies was reasonably clear.
Trump gets a pass for many of his retarded comments.
Banned from /pol/ huh?
Any dick approaching that monstrosity better have a dozen condoms upon it to fend off dangers.
cucks cucking the cucks, who cucked the cockiest? Are Americans all just a bunch of cucking cucks?
I think he’s retarded. Dems fighting retard with retard. Schultz is going to fuck it all up too
when did this happen?
Wench has those crazy eyes.
I jerk off to her pic every day while reciting the Pledge of Allegiance
Every day.
actually you're wrong.
take the kid who was picked on the most in your class.
now make him president
you can't tell from the tears cried here constantly
I doubt it, I wouldn't take anything said here seriously. It's just a thread for people to argue and pretend they are American.
this board is a shell of its former self.
funny some people believe there are spies here
what is cock blocking amazon for 500, alex?
Not the crank yankers dude (that show is fucking ancient, who references that shit anymore?)
Amazon wanted 3 billion from tax payer money but saved 11 billion on taxes this year. CAPITALISM, TOO BIG TO FAIL! HUUUUUR. Very few people in NYC actually wanted those jobs to come in because they would have raised rent and cause a homeless spike, rent in NYC is stupid expensive as it.
Just trolls.
we wouldn't have AOC then either
This was Trumps 5th attempt at Presidency.
TBH I thought he was gonna pull out and only used the runs as easy book and merch selling things on suckers.
He was referring to his retarded spelling.
"Costed"? What the fuck is that?
scared ? not even a little bit. this crazy bitch is the best thing that could have ever happened to trump. shes gonna single handedly get him re-elected.
seems like the kind of person that would own slaves for no payment if he could.
some user handed your ass to you last night.
you couldn't even retort.
just screamed "this is a trump thread now"
and then went to bed
twas fucking kek
It’s the qualification, “that’s never even been invented yet” that is awkward and dumb, and this has nothing to do with context. A new Invention has obviously not been invented yet, by definition. She’s an imbecile
Amazon wanted 3 billion in tax credits, not 3 billion in subsidies or grants. Polls showed that NYC residents were mostly split on Amazon with approval having a lead. Amazon would have still been a net boost to state and local tax revenue, with some estimates putting the total tax revenue from Amazon to be over $20 billion.
Fuck off virgin !
you're not worth replying to
so you have no idea what my post was about but you answered anyway.
they do this every time. we lost a good local employer this way.
So basically it's redundant? People say redundant shit all the time.
She stole $6000 from campaign fund
like this thread every 15 minutes?
you just replied tho...
And yet when trump proclaims how wet water is you retards cheer
She's definitely the sexiest thing conservatives can think of. She will single handedly re elect trump and if she stays crazy long enough, we can look forward to Crenshaw in 2024
and you yell when people take AOC's comments out of context? jesus christ.
also, water isnt wet, fucktard. it makes things wet.
Dayjum could she have found a taller, paler soyboyfriend
i bet he secretly voted for trump
If you keep posting AOC is sexy we will keep saying she's not.
add: because thats the face of a frogposter
>no retort
>attacks grammar
usually a sign of you have no argument
Conservatives unironically support, endorse, and celebrate the "genius" of a President on record claiming vaccines cause autism and that the oceans are actually "very tiny".
I have no dog in this fight, I just hate retards.
She is so fucking stupid the only people afraid of her are democrats because of how scared she makes them look
Donald J. Trump has frequently stated that he believes that vaccines can cause autism, as in the Tweets shown here. In one of the primary debates, he dialed back his criticism a bit, stating, “I am totally in favor of vaccines, but I want smaller doses over a longer period of time.” - DJT
see that..CAN. not DOES.
again there you are, supporting your own hypocrisy of anti AOC taking things out of context.
wy pepo
what it like to be self loathing?
Thinking that smaller does over a longer period of time to minimize the "risk" of causing autism is STILL claiming that vaccines lead to autism.
No matter how tiny the oceans are.
>Water isn't wet
I can see why trump loves the poorly educated
again, taking "oceans are very small" out of context. why don't you post what comes before and after that statement? or does it kill your narrative?
tell me why water is wet?
that wouldbe the inner city blacks chump
It's pretty shitty, I'm about to try to off myself again.
nah dude its the pill thats doing it
The crazy Muslim chick is hotter.
sure kid
the bitterness still shows
>How is water wet???
"One of the problems that a lot of people like myself — we have very high levels of intelligence, but we’re not necessarily such believers. You look at our air and our water, and it’s right now at a record clean. But when you look at China and you look at parts of Asia and when you look at South America, and when you look at many other places in this world, including Russia, including — just many other places — the air is incredibly dirty. And when you’re talking about an atmosphere, oceans are very small. And it blows over and it sails over. I mean, we take thousands of tons of garbage off our beaches all the time that comes over from Asia. It just flows right down the Pacific, it flows, and we say where does this come from. And it takes many people to start off with."
Yep, still just retarded nonsense.
the bitterness still shows
argentina is white
sure kid
blow enough smoke up your own ass?
Go fuck yourself.
I know your bitterness is showing
I mean, yeah lol, I *am* bitter that the president can say something so demonstrably retarded and still get his cock worshipped by half the country.
They don't cause autism. They do cause this.
I don't know how to respond to this lol. Are you vaccinated? Because you sound autistic. How do you "sure kid" a direct quote and simultaneous accuse me of lying to myself lol
That's really shitty, but that persons terrible tragedy doesn't somehow simultaneously alter what Trump has said or mean that it's not shameful for the active President to make such bluntly ignorant statements.
lmao isnt an answer. nor an explanation.
so heres the definition of wet:
covered or saturated with water or another liquid.
water doesn't cover itself. it is itself
wow you really are retarded. do you know any english by chance?
same thing is applied to what comes out of AOC's mouth
why did you bother to reply
you're irrelevant
this is an AOC thread. not a trump thread.
>la la la la la la i cant hear you
But not as often as the diseases kill if we don’t do it
is it depressing knowing you sank below a log poster?
log poster actually comes up with something new once in a while, unlike yourself.
Leftists are great at sucking white dick
- Leftist
the weakest there is
thats why I like the logposter
lol ok good troll, you got me. no one this retarded can use a computer.
Except she isn't President, and the fact that she's demonstrably ignorant of some issues doesn't mean that we should ignore or endorse when the President himself is.
lol, right again, we're all just user
the weakest there is
This is, so far, the only response that I can (begrudgingly) accept as both correct and relevant. This is an AOC thread for criticizing AOC and me bringing Trump into it is exactly the same whataboutism bullshit I see from conservatives whenever Trump is criticized.
Thanks for pointing out my hypocrisy, user. I'll drop my case.
>Except she isn't President
and will never be because we all learned to pay attention to stupid shit outta peoples mouths
its not to criticize her, you're putting the pussy on a pedestal. so defend it
I'm not putting her on a pedestal and I'm not prepared to defend her (or most any other senator or rep, really). I have some (I think) valid criticisms about our current President, though, like I said, this thread isn't to criticize Trump so if I were to try and change the subject I would be hypocritically engaging in whataboutism.
The one thing I'll thank Trump for.
You forgot when she wore her hair in a bun to look like Ruth Bader Ginsberg at the event where she claimed Jewish ancestry. That was hilarious.
Wow, I thought after my sleep you would be gone. But apparently your existence is just really sad.
You and trump should hire a hooker(dm melania for rate) to suck dick and get some reality together.
Rich and powerful as trump is now, the people sucking his dick are Romey,Hanity,Tucker and some stupid pundit at fox.
But you bet your ass those actual rightwing whore wont suck his dick anytime soon.
Infact Lauren are sucking some BBC rightnow.
that seems overly optimistic. I'd argue we haven't learned a fucking thing.
It's incredible how much money that cunt has paid to have these threads made constantly on here, despite there being absolutely no market for her BS here apart from ironically.
We gotta help Sandy fight the white male patriarchy Yea Forums
She's got 12 years left to suck my cock before the world ends.
She can fight for air with my cock rammed down her throat.
I would consensualy hate fuck the socialism out of her. Gotta be consensual though. Might wanna be a Supreme Court justice.