Tumblr was better when nudes were allowed

Tumblr was better when nudes were allowed

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It was the only thing it was good for

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Found Tumblr about a year and a half ago when looking for ideas for my girlfriend and I when we were looking to spice it up. I was pissed it took me that long to find it and I was devastated they destroyed it when they did...

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It was and still is a heaping pile of garbage.

Cool story bro


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Any interest in her?

Yes, can we get a name please?

I dont know her full, first is Natalie. Went by yourfavbooty and exceptionallylame on Tumblr. Nattlepuff on Snap. Has deleted everything as far as I can tell though. Cant track her down anymore.

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And yet since 2011 half the shit you loved on here came from there.

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All the great things in life in one place...

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That doesn't change the fact that the service was horribly optimized, buggy, crash ridden trash.

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