Why do people like her? When I saw the "green new deal" i thought it was satire

Why do people like her? When I saw the "green new deal" i thought it was satire.

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Other urls found in this thread:

dhs.gov/sites/default/files/publications/Apprehensions by USBorderPatrol 2005 to 2010.pdf

Which particular points did you find amusing

This could be your president, America

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Stupid bitches are easy to pump & dump. Its called bait.

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We're all so very proud

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I don't think that many liberals like her compared to conservatives. FOX is always talking about her and you faggots are always jacking off to her

If she's no big deal why are you clowns shitting yourself? haha fags

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*yawn* booooring

He looks like he's having fun

>marketable to the young voters
seriously OP?

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I just asked what you like about her

maybe drinking your own piss has something to do with it

She fucked up. Had she ran as a conservative, pro trump, pro gun, pro life. She would be untouchable. There would be an army of betas that would encapsulate her. She would be the darling of the republican party.

Climate change
Save the whales
Fags have never wanted to convert you.
What are bullshit narratives

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>clowns shitting

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anyone have a link to her dance vid? it's surprisingly hard to find, even on youtube

So our education system is outcome based for minorities. And?....

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She’s got that sexy psycho look other than that your guess is as good as mine

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because progression is generally the route most people want to aim for. one man's satire is a pledge to try to help protect the world. what are you doing to better the world, besides shitposting on Yea Forums?

>crazy fuck?

Who told you that, the Staten Island Fairy?

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I bet a large number of Alexandria's online fans are actually Russian Bots hired by Putin to help destroy the American economy.

>because progression
to a sanitairium is no longer an option for these people.

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>to a sanitairium
say what? like the hospitals for tb?

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what the fuck does that have to do with a sanitarium though?

Only clueless lemmings follow her. She’s an idiot. The GND is the intellectual equivalent of trying to solve world hunger by forcing American to fast on weekends.

Wow a lot of republicunts bitches in this thread. What racists pos you guys are to set your narrative of how bad the green new deal is. Read the fucking deal, it actually benefits humans as a whole and we gotta start somewhere. Fucking morons. If you want the entire planet to look like venus in 15yrs be my guest.

>new green deal

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So you're saying everything she has achieved, and the recognition she has earned, are all down to her ethnicity and not aptitude or intelligence?

Its liberal fantasy.

I'm saying that is our system.

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She has achieved nothing. The vast majority of dems don’t even side with her. She is universally recognized as unintelligent

shes hot

Being that trannies most likely are mentally ill, but that they cut their dicks off to try and be what they think they are, rather than to prove something to someone else, I'm curious why people keep strawmanning tf out of it saying "they did it to prove someone else wrong" Gross misrepresentation of the facts, inability to research anything or understand what is actually going on. What way do your politics lean? I'd like to generalize that all people from that side are unthinking, uncritical NPCs that get there political views from unverified memes.

Liberals are mentally children. Yes, the green new deal would be great in a video game, unfortunately we are not in one.

sure kid

>gotta start somewhere
Starts in lala land, and gets laughed at by the world

How so?

Stay retarded user

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Dude, you picked the worst photo of her. She's actually really cute.

I know you're baiting, but here's a real answer.
Personally, I like her because she's honest. Maybe that will change as she gets jaded with tenure, but she's a refreshing change from the corrupt and self-destructive policies of the GOP.

It pisses me off that the right is setting her up as the next bogeyman to throw shade on.

>has a clown pic ready, this'll show em!
nice job dicklicker

I just answered your question

Said she grew up poor but was quite wealthy. She’s a liar just like the rest of them. She panders to her dumb constituents who like the idea of financial justice, aka free stuff

No, she's portrayed as unintelligent by the Republicans. The degree they do it to shows how scared of her they really are. You don't smear someone like that if they aren't a threat

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Its not satire?

So that's a yes. How critical of you.
You were just given a list of achievements, including interning for a senator, winning a prize from a prestigious fair, having an award winning understanding of microbiology, having an education, from a reputable university, in economics and international relations and getting 78% support from her district and you claim that's all "nothing"?? You're entitled to your opinion but that's clearly not a very intelligent one. "She's universally recognised as unintelligent" and yet the actual evidence, that isn't opinion based, proves otherwise. But you're gonna base your opinion on what other people think, rather than the facts? I see where the NPC meme comes from. Very, very smart of you.

>Liberals are mentally children
Meanwhile the right keeps bombarding Yea Forums with photoshopped images of this girl to make her look extra goofy, because they don't like her politics.


The new green deal is satire. Only fucking morons would believe it, aka Republicans.

The new green deal was intentionally overkill. They want something in between what we have now and the green deal. It was solely exaggerated to make the point of how important it is to start our progress.

Solar powered trains to Hawaii for starters.
Liberals dream, and then cry, blame, and throw tantrums when conservatives break reality to them.
Levitating transatlantic trains kek

she's got my vote

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>prize at fair
>support from libs

I think you’ve set the lowest standard for intelligence that I’ve ever seen. Every time she opens her mouth, pure idiocy flows

>that's a yes. How critical of you
How observant of you

>we intentionally wanted to be the laughing stalk of the entire world
Ooooookay, user

No they aren't basing their opinion on what other people think, they're basing it on what the people on Fox News tell them to think. They aren't even intelligent enough to mimic; they are the "zombie schoolkids" that they insist the "liberal left" is creating today by teaching science, history, and arts in school. They grew up in a generation where no one spoke up about forced indoctrination by forced recitation of the pledge, the pledge's modification to include "under god", or even when teachers were leading prayer in school! They miss their indoctrination and now get it from Fox News. They were raised in a religious system where you accept what your heart/soul/the holy spirit tells you, even if "facts" contradict. It's an article of faith, that they believe what they are told to believe, because their heaven is an eternity of being directed around as productive elements of the state. just like the cold war wasn't about capitalism vs communism, it was about religion-centered states (the west) vs post-religion humanist states (the east), when we learned that the greedy will seek their position to feed off the masses, and that religion was a pretty good way to get them out of politics, where their policies can do real harm. but after the cold war concluded, the "religious right" sought to infiltrate government, and the conservative/right Republicans were all to ready to accept them. Trump simply shows that it's not a true belief in God that powers their base, but a true need to be told what to think, and further to feel persecuted that they think that way! To be "the one true sect" within a larger world that is "doing it wrong" and they need to be saved, and that we need to Crusade and save them! So now, the midwest must come to the aid of the border states and build a wall, because the border states do not know the right things! Only then will you understand the actual ideological battle.

>being this scared of a woman
Futher proof repubcucks are pussies kek

Enjoy that electric train to Europe

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Most of the world has their own green initiatives.

And they’re also laughing their ass off at Trump

>being this blind and retarded

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You say conservatives don’t rely on facts when AOC has said she’s motivated by morality, not facts. You’re a lemming and a fool.

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the error of the Soviet Bloc was turning government itself into religion, that the state was the source of all. By making the only position of greed that of government, all the bad elements infiltrated government and corrupted it. socialism and communism, themselves, are not the evil - this is why "democratic socialist" policies work while you keep religious fervor out of government. It it why Russia failed, and why China is walking a tightrope. Religion will always be greedy and will seek the charlatans, like the televangelists. And that's Trump - a televangelist, doing his revival tour to charge up the believers! There will be so much Winning you will get tired of Winning!

>being a cuck

See anyone can do it too

Quote was never said.

Thank you for proving his point.

No, you got offended. Being offended is not an opinion.

Winning a prize for your work on microbiology
>Any idiot can do that
Getting work for a senator that involves actively working on policies and not just fetching coffee
>Any idiot can do that
Getting in to Boston University and graduating in economics and international relations
>Any idiot can do that
Getting as much as 78% support from voted
>Any idiot can do that
I'm not setting a standard, these are all objectively things that require a person have some level of intelligence. Certainly these aren't things your average person can do.

Um, I saw the interview user. Someone is going to shove the link up your ass in a few minutes.

Conservatives are equally driven by their own moral superiority. There are no facts to support supply-side or trickle-down economic theory, but the right continues to advance these as the only reasonable action forward, because of their moral objection to all taxation. When driven my moralistic, religious fervor, EVERY political ideology will ignore the facts. What separated 1970's and earlier America from today was that this type of moralistic, religious fervor was reserved for the churches and had no place in our governments.

Strong case you make there, peewee. Moderate Dems are the ones who are scared because she has fractured the party. Republicans love her.

I’ll wait.

>“I will kill all non white males” - Trump, trust me, I saw the interview.

Opinions different than mine are wrong

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m.youtube.com/watch?v=ra2rVTuiov4 I think it’s because she’s the only person who knows the truth about the UK bombing and is willing to publicly challenge the official narrative. Americans need to know what really happened

Green initiatives I’m all for, the GND joke, not so much. The vast difference between the two is exactly why she’s the target of endless jokes across the globe

Not an exact quote but she did put emphasize on the importance of being "morally correct" than being factually precise.

You can't be morally correct without being factually precise first

You didn't explain why your opinion is different, you're just getting offended

Wrong. Here’s exactly what she said to Cooper

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>quite wealthy
No she wasn't. That's the right's narrative to discredit her and sow discord.

as they should be, morals are subjective
what she said is stupid and wrong, and it seems like you're also stupid and wrong.

The “it’s okay because some else did it too” defense. Weak af.

So in a nutshell she says "feelings are more important than facts", she's the opposite of Shapiro. I'd like to see them debate.

>won a prize

Lmao that does mean shit, she could a been last place and they would give her a "prize"

Let's go back to the context instant replay to put this all in a better view. Let's also slow it down and put some notations on everything for the viewers at home...

In the original interview, AOC was asked about her errors with background facts in some of her presentations. Her first item was to comment that people were focusing more on getting facts correct than acting with a moral compass. AOC quote: "Whenever I make a mistake. I say, ‘Okay, this was clumsy,’ and then I restate what my point was. But it’s … it’s not the same thing as, as the president lying about immigrants. It’s not the same thing, at all."

The quote here isn't about actions in general, but was a critique of the media in how they were reporting on her proposals. As a media critique, it cannot be taken to suggest the AOC ignores facts that contradict her morality -- whereas conservative regularly do so.

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>She is universally recognized as unintelligent
No... just no. You've got naysayers in this very thread belying the "universally" nonsense.

You're either easily duped or trolling.

ah, I see Russian Trollbot #858 has joined the party.

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1. I’m 100% correct, those quotes are not even close to the same.

2. Unsourced, plain white background with text. Lul.

3. Her point here is valid. Example: it is factually correct to say an illegal immigrant has murdered a US citizen. But her argument is, does that justify the raping of children that has occurred during detainment by ICE, along with the handful of deaths of children? Why is one murder by the illegal somehow more important than the hundreds of crimes committed in retaliation? Republicans only use one fact which makes them semantically right, and ignore the rest to brainwash their side.

I like her because she triggers you

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lol stay mad cuck how do i know you're not Russian?

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Lol. What? Please elaborate on your position here with regard to morality vs facts.


Republican life goal: be technically correct

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Future cat ladies trigger me. Kek

Shapiro is legit autistic. I agree with much of his points but that notion of completely discrediting peoples feelings is retarded. They're as tangible a part of being human as anything else, and making policies that are factually grounded but upset half the tax paying workforce isn't conducive to a healthy and productive society.

>quote with white background
Quit looking for handouts you lib fuck. Google a few key words and you’ll see that’s an exact quote

no u

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that's an odd trigger.. but hey, you do you.

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No you

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Yes, being laughed at is compelling, which is exactly why the GND was quickly rolled back after the world started laughing.

>Her first item was to comment that people were focusing more on getting facts correct than acting with a moral compass

If by people she means the media, than yeah journalist should always strive to present the facts correct. Their pursuit should be in the truth not their subjective morals

>Whenever I make a mistake. I say, ‘Okay, this was clumsy,’ and then I restate what my point was. But it’s … it’s not the same thing as, as the president lying about immigrants. It’s not the same thing, at all."

Deflecting. "What about trump? He's WAY worse"

>As a media critique, it cannot be taken to suggest the AOC ignores facts that contradict her morality

What if I find what she does as immoral. Am I allow to disagree without automatically be labels as a immoral person? She isnt the golden standard

holy shit user, at least post something with a hint of being a credible quote. AOC never said that and never would say that.

Understanding is why I come here :)

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Hardcore liberals adore her. Anyone to the right of Alinsky sees her as a gift to the Republican party.

yikes imagine actually caring about the politics of this dumpster fire nation


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here you go, faggot

She triggers centrist democrats, I think she's joke and increases Trump's chances of winning in 2020.

>My feelings.
>My version of morality
>Facts aren’t important
God damn, user. Could you be a bigger snowflake? Public policy can’t be based on feelings.

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A russian would shill for AOC because she would destroy America's economy. Say hi to Putin for me, Ivan.

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Here you go, retard Pull your head out of the sand and take a look

>being laughed at is compelling
No. Generally it just makes people think you've lost the debate and can't construct any kind of rebuttal to the points put to you.

Pretending not to take someone seriously, so you don't have to answer difficult questions, is not how an intelligent person behaves.

>I think she's joke and increases Trump's chances of winning in 2020
that's what they said about Trump back in 2016, you know. Against him, Hillary would win in a landslide and so on.

Republicans see her as a blessing from above. She might be the smartest being to ever exist, she still sounds like a retard almost every time she talks. Nobody is intimidated. Democrats should be worried though. She is one of the forces making them look like insane communist nutjobs.

>What if I find what she does as immoral. Am I allow to disagree without automatically be labels as a immoral person? She isnt the golden standard

Ahhh, and back to my point from Morality is part of religion, it's beliefs and opinions that often cannot have a factual basis. When we start trying to push morality in government, things get screwed up like they did in Russia, Venezuela, and other "socialist" or "communist" countries. In the 80's, the "religious right" started to take over the Republicans, and AOC is now a Democratic response to bring a "progressive religion" to compete in congress.

we should be able to debate morality in hypothetical and fact-free forms, and it should be kept separate from the government. And it needs to be called out on both sides. We need more debate on the morals... but should accept that the government shouldn't necessarily enforce them, be it abortion restrictions or gasoline/cattle/greenhouse gas restrictions.

Gotcha user.
I come here to shit post!

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>difficult questions
Are you fucking kidding me? What difficult question did you ask?
>an award
Like a blue ribbon? Was it a science fair project?
>78% percent voted for her
Didn’t Trump get votes too? Is he smart?

I laugh at you because it’s the only reasonable response

Didn't she run unopposed?

>Facts aren't important.
Can you stop being so stupid. I neither said nor implied this. Facts are important, more important than feelings. Feelings are still important though. Ben Shapiro is an autist that doesn't understand empathy or how peoples feelings affect productivity. Most all people have emotions, and they govern much of their lives. Suggesting I'm a snowflake for acknowledging this just makes you look dumb or also autistic. In an ideal world, feelings wouldn't matter, in the real world, they do.

This question doesn't reflect my position, but I'd like to see your answer anyway: Why can't policy take into account how people feel about the relevant issues?

Coonman checks in

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>we should be able to debate morality in hypothetical and fact-free forms, and it should be kept separate from the government

I'd agree.
One problem.
AOC is a member of the government trying to push her "morality" as if it's THE correct way to do things in the form of her policies

Go engage in ops on /pol/ where it belongs propagandafag

It’s what AOC said, fag. You’re just defending her ridiculous statement or trying to walk it back.
>what she mean was...
Blah blah. What she said, in a nutshell, is that morality outweighs facts. So, yes, I’m that context, facts don’t matter. However, any reasonable argument (moral or otherwise) can’t be formed unless the facts are accurately accounted for FIRST.

>Why can't policy take into account how people feel about the relevant issues?

Just because some people feel something should be prohibited doesn't mean the government should do it. The government should ensure that everyone has the freedom to choose for themselves, as long as those freedoms don't infringe on others.

If you want to talk about changing the design of money, you can totally include people's feelings! Want to change the denominations, or change some bills to coins? Those do impact everyone, but are some necessary group choices.

You want to say same-sex couples can't marry? Well, no, the government maybe shouldn't do that, but we're gonna let everyone decide who they want to marry. You want to marry a 14 year old? Well I dunno that at 14 you can understand what marriage actually means.

You want to ban cattle? Well I dunno. They're animals, and we should have a right to use nature as we always have. I don't know that I'll say we can ban eating meat or raising cattle...

Guns? Ugh, the Second Amendment is poorly written and no high school english teacher could diagram it! Guns aren't the only thing that kill people, but they are one of the easiest tools. I want a rewrite that says a gun can be banned only if the government is not using it. Whatever handgun a police officer can have, any legal resident or permitted visitor may have. Want to ban the AR-15? Then get rid of everything like it in the military & police... and let us buy M16's, or whatever the standard military rifle is today. "A well organized militia", after all.

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>Why do people like her
Because she makes decent points
>When I saw the green new deal I thought it was satire
You never read it. You read talking points from your echo chamber she decided that they must be accurate because a person on the left said them and you hated them, and that is what qualifies for facts and logic in your brain.

But by all means, which points did you think were satirical and why? Allow me to illustrate how you fucking didn't read it or did and misunderstood the points in the faq.

Apparently liberals like her because she is an empowered Latina congresswoman.
Umm... pic very related.

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>Why can't policy take into account how people feel about the relevant issues?

They did when blacks were separated from whites decades ago.

I don't say this to troll you. Just pointing out an example on why the current "how the majority feels" isn't a good indicator for good policies.

I lol'd

Why is there mention on gender equality, immigration, social welfare on a proposal called the New GREEN deal.

You can like the proposal if you want that's up to you. I find it as a trojan horse for her Socialist platform.

Yup, AOC, McConnell, Feinstein, King, Pelosi, Trump.... both sides, in various ways. Obama, Bush 43, Clinton, Reagan. The oscillations are just getting more significant.

I'm so looking forward to the next tea party on the right, to see how that side gets even more fanatical.... @.# . (Which, of course, will lead to a new progressive voice even further left than AOC, ad nauseam.)


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Yes but there aren't that many hardcore liberals or hardcore conservatives. Most people don't even vote. Right now the alt right is making her popular because they like to hatefully masturbate to her

How did this go from Tumblr to Yea Forums between 2016-2020?

She's a classic example of the Dunning Kruger effect.


Jack Nicolson Joker: "And now, folks, it's time for "Who do you trust!" Hubba, hubba, hubba! Money, money, money Me? I'm giving away free money."

True, but when they also amended the segregation laws it was because the majority of people felt it was an injustice to treat black people as a second class citizen. The original laws didn't take into considerations how black people felt, only whites, and as a result you had unjust laws.

>upset biological organisms use feelings with emotions to navigate social groups
>is upset
That's a feeling retard btfo


But she's ugly

I wonder about the harshest oscillations yet to come

Roll for waifu

Sexy and freaky as hell! Would party with Alexandria any time!

>mad people have feelings
>tells us he's mad
Ok? Lawmakers use feelings all the time. When something seem unfair they correct it. We're not gunning down veteran homeless to solve their homelessness problem spergo because it would piss off/disgust the majority of people

Ironically so is Yea Forums, Tumblr, Reddit, Stormfront, the Republican party, the Democratic party, etc

Goddamnit Brazil and Chile look hot. Mexico and bottom left for sloppy blowjobs.

I don’t think anyone is saying that morality can’t come into play when defining public policy, but facts have to have a primary role. If the entire matter is subjective, then morality would take a greater role in that particular policy, like it does with abortion. As far as the GND is concerned, morality shouldn’t trump facts because the economic implications are immense.

Everyone is at some point. Or else the said psychological effect wouldn't even exist in the first place. Problem is, she is a policy maker, elected, and represents her minority group.

>Why is there mention on gender equality, immigration, social welfare on a proposal for a sweeping attempt to fundamentally change our society so that dealing with climate change is even a possibility?
I wonder.

Define socialism. She doesn't have a socialist platform.

That's saying, amount other things, we shouldn't cutail green house gas emissions because it would be economically painful even though curtailing those emissions are necessary

AOC looks so out of place and offputting next to her equals from Latin America.

She's HOT! Nuff said

A moral argument isn’t valid without evaluating and accounting for the facts and circumstances first. At least to the degree that there are facts surrounding the argument. I don’t even know how any right-minded person could argue this point...

No, it doesn’t say that we should unequivocally not curtail emissions. It just says we can’t ignore the fact (economics) when making a proposal designed to deal with said emissions. It’s not rocket science, user.

Hi, I'm here for the autism.

How can AOC even compete with Brazil. Fuck, now this is hot!

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texas is the best

It's not Texas you moron, is Chile. Pic related.

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>b- b-but she's Latina and fights for socialism

No. Pic related. Latina, Communist Party congresswoman. Way hotter than what you, paid bots, want us to believe.

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I'd grab her by the method of production.

hey do you have the full video? I cant find it anywhere

That's the spirit!

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Those commie earrings though.

people sorta like it when their government builds roads, electricity systems, schools, replants forests, gives you decent jobs and wins a world war

who knew?
it must mean that republicans will be most happy working a dead end job at mcdonalds with no healthcare, retirement, or savings

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the music gets flagged, but heres one with another track

she looks like samatha bee with a meth problem.

thank you! this was a bitch to find

Damn even when these women get triggered they look hot. Not like AOC.

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she looks kinda drunk in that one


well shes an intellegent, attractive, young congresswoman who won by a landslide vote. she's advocating actually trying to do something to reverse climate change rather than the pragmatic statements and non-solution-solutions as the world inches closer and closer to being turbofucked. the ironic part is in 15-20 years when stuff really starts going to shit people are gonna come crawling back to her green new deal thing and be begging the government to spend massive sums of money to do something because their cities will be underwater. and the government will. it will be a new deal sized program to get electric cars, trains and start massively cutting greenhouse gas emissions. alongside that a bunch of "don't tax me!" republicans down in butt-fuck-egypt places like Alabama and Louisiana will be absolutely giddy the government is spending billions so build levies around their shit-hole cities and towns that are at or below sea level

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Idc how hot your politician is, there are plenty of other hot women to look at if that's what you're into. Personally I want my politicians to be good at their job, not attractive. I wonder what percentage of people actually vote for a candidate just because they think she is hot. Probably more than you'd expect.

OP doing putin's job

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>It's what AOC said
Nope. It isn't.

>Why do people like her?
cause she had the balls to this

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>in 15-20 years.

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Repeat that to my face, user.

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Millennials are insane and identify with her?

There’s a YouTube link above, doorknob

That was a damn good presentation.

Can someone edit this with a fag falling off the roof, maybe Tom petty free fallin"

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can, or will?

it's pretty established science, contrary to what fox would have you believe.

every time there's a crisis (real or imagined like the boarder wall) you republican chucklefucks come running to the capitol to get the people's money. it'll be no different when cities in south start to flood. Im sure all the east coast liberal cities will have already built walls and levies...but some backwards "aint no climate change, it snowed in Washington" is gonna be bawling when their trailers get washed away

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Balls to feign intelligence and come off like a bumbling idiot. That is brave


>Why do people like her?
america enjoys politicians that arecompletely polarizing and cause alot of people to be triggered. it's essentially the same thing that got trump elected, but for lefties.

I didn't hear any part that was incorrect

>cities will be underwater in 15yrs
>pretty established
Thanks for trying


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>What racists pos you guys are to set your narrative of how bad the green new deal is
Classic misuse and over use of the word racist.
How the fuck can you be racist towards suggested legislation?
>everything I don’t like is racist


don't take it from me, take it from NASA

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You should tell that same argument to yourself. Who told you there isn't a border crisis? Have you gone there? Have you actually seen what's happening in Arizona, McAllen, Laredo, Tijuana? Or are you just going to take for granted what others (CNN) tells you to think. It is the EXACT argument as Climate Change, since the other side don't believe eventhough there is science data. Same with border crisis, there are Mexican journalist and UN reports. Just as you don't have to visit the North Pole to see shit is happening same is with border crisis. But your ideologically deaf. Both sides. Fuck both sides.

Yeah, just like Hillary and Bernie and Ron Paul could've been.
Not a chance idiot.


Sharks are gonna get you from your toilet

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You can try and misrepresent what she actually said all you like. She never said facts aren't important, nor that feelings are more important than facts. She explicitly said that being factually correct is important, and that when she realises mistakes she owns them, and then rephrased the point.

But it would be too much for you to actually pay attention to context.

>It is the EXACT argument as Climate Change
except, science.

Global hysteria

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There’s plenty she won’t own up to as well.

It's about facts.
It could be a scientific paper on Climate Change or UN reports on Border Crisis. It's facts. And facts are scientifically classified, proven, and so on. You racist Liberals will deny what's happening in the Mexican border just because it's not happening with Canada. And you follow CNN, MSNBC and Univision as gospel. Now that's your new science.

name 7

Complains about campaign finance after directing her PAC to make payments to her boyfriend, a “marketing consultant”. Hahaha

That picture is fucking stupid. The car and society are both things that can be improved by the user in the example. The iPhone owner is just a consumer whore contributing to the problem as cited - it is indeed hypocritical.

iPhone users and people who go to Starbucks should all be rounded up and put in a hole tbh.

Perhaps if you showed data, and had numbers?

Let’s start with in December she stated “I think lawmakers should go without pay if there is a shutdown”
She didn’t do that voluntarily like the other 100 congresspeople. She still to a paycheck
She still won’t comment on it

>Fuck both sides.

you're advocating for parody. sure, liberals get some stuff wrong but we didn't go fucking down to kinkos and print out a sign that says "liar liar pants on fire" and un-ironically put the fucking thing in congress. Republican leaders are childish idealouges who have begun a mindless march to the right since the bush years whereas the left has stayed the left and is mostly consistent with where it was 20 years ago. It's common knowledge the drug crisis won't be solved by a wall, ladders, shovels, airplanes, boats, trains, and trucks all exist. Cartels smuggle stuff through ports of entry. You're gonna take the burden of proof route and play descartes fine, but this shit is known

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>There is science behind the border crisis.
Please, I'm all ears.

Wasn't that like 3 grand for work he actually did?

I believe she was taking out loans just to stay in DC at the time.

I read 3mm increase per year. That’s 45mm in 15 years, or less than 2 inches. How are those fear tactics working for you, faggot? OMG cities under water!!!! The data is dubious anyway, but even if NASA is right, you’re still a fuck head

Sign me the fuck up

dhs.gov/sites/default/files/publications/Apprehensions by USBorderPatrol 2005 to 2010.pdf

here you go fucker

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So? A. It hypocritical of her to go against her own wordsd
Many other furloughed employees has to start taking loans out. Now they are stuck with this extra payment

And every last one of those green initiatives in AOC's plan would do fuck all due to most of the problems are from China and India.

go back to pol

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>Why do people like her? When I saw the "green new deal" i thought it was satire.

That's cool, when Trump ran for president talking about Mexico paying for a giant useless wall I thought it was satire. But we were both wrong.

see that's not a linear thing. the current concern is when we hit that tipping point, when we get runaway warming and ice sheets start sliding off Antarctica. it's already starting to happen.


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Why does that graph drop off at the end? Is it because the problem is getting better, and isn't some sort of emergency?

I think the jury is out. It’s just sketchy and she’s a hypocrite. She won’t last long, there is a growing distaste for her in the Dem party. She’s great for the asshole Trump though.

Ain't it da truth

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it would almost appear that less immigrants are being apprehended at the boarder since less people are crossing

I like that she triggers everyone. Thats really the hallmark of politicians nowadays, isn't it?

>smart people don't typically vote democrat

sure thing buddy

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Ha ha. You guys.

Beautiful. You just proved that the border crisis is not a crisis...

Dems are trying to fight fire with fire as a counter to a trump. They’ll all shift as far left as possible and let someone like Schultz come in and take a good chunk of moderate dem votes, only to get trump elected again. It’s genius.

You keep acting like this is right vs left. its not. I'm in it for the lulz.


Not OP, but there were 2 main things that struck me as odd.

1. The over-ambitiousness of the deal. Phasing out 90% of cars? Income to those unwilling to work? Not only building stronger buildings, but FORTIFYING every building we currently have in the US? Phasing out airplanes and opting for hyperrails connecting the continents?

Now, some will say "That was on her FAQ on her website and not in the actual deal itself!". Or atleast I hope they would say that, because that segways into my second point.

2. The sheer amount of dishonesty shown in how she and her group handled the FAQ controversy was a mistaken disaster at best and complete intellectual dishonesty at worst.
Her method to counteracting the controversy was the following:

>Deny and blame it on trolls
>Claim that it's an old and incorrect draft, they don't know how it got there on the site
>Immediately deletes FAQ from her website
>Backpedal once people point out it was uploaded to her own website and simultaneously was sent to news outlets along with The Green New Deal on the same day from her party
>Backpedal further and claims that one of her group members accidentally sent the false draft, repeating it was an OLD draft
>She is found to be lying when someone checks the date on the deleted FAQ thanks to the WayBackMachine Internet Archiver and discovers that the "old" draft was updated and written days before being sent out and updated

Even then, I've heard people claim "Well that's STILL not in the actual thing, it's only in the FAQ". No details of ANY sort are included in the actual writing because it is simply a proposition, it contains no specific legislative pathways. That's why she did a FAQ on it for it's intrinsic vagueness. Regardless, when she answered questions on her own proposition, she made those statements about payment for those unwilling to work.

AOC seems like a sweet girl, but she's a fool. Watch videos of her interacting with Congress, she is repeatedly made a fool of

>haha remember the time something stupid and awful happened? Yeah let's make another stupid and awful thing happen.

This is about the level of intelligence I'd expect from AOC herself, let alone her crowd of 12 year old followers.

Goddam shes so ugly

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Nice work of fiction

Imagine aponant is retarded.
Act even more retarded than you imagine.
Get paid

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>Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Ahhh. The old tipping point. Sticking with that “the sky is falling” routine, eh. I’m sure more retards will join you. Gore predicted the same emergency in 2008.

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If allegations make her guilty of this then Trump is well overdue being kicked out of the Whitehouse.

Or did you want a different standard for people who you don't disagree with?

Or if allegations don't mean anything, then this is a moot point, there is no evidence she has done anything untoward with campaign finances and this is a null point for you.

Meanwhile, people will continue making up things she didn't say and idiots will keep believing that she said things like "being morally right is more important than being factually correct". This version of the wording can actually be attributed to basically nobody but news headlines, as Cortez never uttered them. Her words, which everyone thinks is her saying the above, were
>If people want to really blow up one figure here or one word there, I would argue that they’re missing the forest for the trees. I think that there’s a lot of people more concerned about being precisely, factually and semantically correct than about being morally right.
And the people who keep misquoting her and claiming she doesn't care about facts are the same ones who bitch about people picking apart the stream of verbal/twitter diarrhoea Trump sprays, often laced top to bottom with completely and PROVABLY false statements.

It's fucking hilarious.

I'd smash.

and the uptick in hurricanes suggests he was correct.

And you faggots posting her picture daily are making it more likely. The more people who know who she is the more people will pay attention to her. She is too far left for me, but I am not going to be so obsessed in hatred I post her picture daily to Yea Forums, and everyone doing it is helping her more than hurting her.

only if you're deep fried.

No, you've got it wrong. All this is concern trolling.

>more concerned about being precisely, factually and semantically correct than about being morally right.
>more concerned about being correct than morally right
>more concerned about facts than morality
Morality is more important than facts. The deduction is logical and you’re an idiot.

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How is morality more important than facts? IT seems like you're comparing apples and books.

so that cavity in the ice shelf just got there all by itself?

I'm glad to see you brought up all gore. I mean you might as well bring up that stale talking point

science isn't convenient for you:
>but muh Al Gore

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IRL because people are complete morons, on Yea Forums because "duuur tits"

Aren't they supposed to have red hats?

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heres one with the good parts

cancerous phone meme


>suggests he was correct.
No, user. Just no

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care to elaborate?

Dude, I’m refuting anons assertion that AOC never suggested that morality is more important than accuracy/facts. She said essentially just that. My post, read out of context of his post, is misleading.

left can't meme

What does that cavity have to do with your prediction of entire city under water in 15 years? In that same article you referenced, it suggests that sea levels would rise by 2ft if the ENTIRE shelf melted. Your chicken little routine is stale af.

>possibly could melt
>agressive estimates

see ya'll them ice caps didn't melt all the way yet and since one guy was wrong all climate change must be a myth!

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>Wrong about the origin of NPC
>Gives no citations
>But quotes Fox news

The ice caps are melting though. You really gonna bust a guys balls because the ice caps haven't completely melt.

I don't believe in climate change for the same reason I believe flat earth

Did she ever say it was more important? Or did she say that nitpicking small details is ignoring the larger implications of a consult, which should be considered with the wholeness of the information available?

You're trying so hard to reduce what she said, remove context, and make it mean what you want it to. That does not make it so.

You're absolutely right! Let's give a bunch of failed green energy policies all our money and self-serving bureaucrats electoral power from now until the end of time! While we're at What could possibly go wrong?

1.oil isn't renewable resources
2. nuclear energy is clean
3. Automation is coming.
The new green deal isn't bad at all.

as opposed to making more bombs to kill muslims?

you know how many solar panels one JDAM could pay for?


>nuclear energy is clean
Is this satire?


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The "green new deal" is just U.N. Agenda 21. I mean, literally. The most hilarious part about her and that "GND" is that her handlers have actually convinced her that she's written the Kyoto Compact (signed in 1991) and Agenda 21


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I'm not the guy you're talking to, but it's mildly true.

Do you know what the US annual defense budget is? About $600 billion. The total cost of the GND is estimated to be over $90 trillion. Let that sink in.

total cost =/= annual budget

hey the planet is fucked but look how many guns we got!

Hey we Libtards dream ideas up, and its up to everyone else to implement them. So if you can't / won't do it, them you are obviously the problem.

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Sure. Like you, gore grossly exaggerated the situation to scare people into following him. History has proven him to be an idiot.

Nicee one Elon...

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>but it's mildly true.
Mildly true, as in not really true?

The article isn't even about nuclear being clean but about it being affordable and relatively safe.

It even mentions Chernobyl and dealing with NUCLEAR WASTE


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The "New Deal" part is where that money goes for jobs for Americans to update all the infrastructure and do all the rest of the shit, we're not burning it in a bonfire, there would be a tremendous about of economic activity generated.

Okay, $6 trillion over 10 yrs vs $90 trillion. You can do math, right?


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So delusional. Yikes. The GND would kill GDP

>2 main things

>Both related to FAQ

So essentially you have no ACTUAL qualms with the proposed deal.

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A fine example of democrat "morality"

"ded baby haha so fanny joke, chekmat drumpf"


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Now who's triggered?


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