If you aren't subscribed to PewDiePie you tolerating street shitting

If you aren't subscribed to PewDiePie you tolerating street shitting.

Get your fucking life together

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I've subscribed around 9 times

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Blow your brains out

Personally got into him after the bro age, 9-year-old for life

They don't have anything to blow out no more

if you care about this you're a loser

I thought kids weren't allowed on this site

Fool, us admins are all in composing, we a one with everything, we are truly enlightened.
Side note: If a mod is reading this is a pewdiepie joke, not actually 9

meant 9 year olds

Woah, what country are you from? Russia?

Never saw such broken English before, and
I have seen my share of Frenchmen.


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Poo in loo. Fuck PewDiePie too.

Install Gentoo or you're pajeet

Manchilds are though

Boy pewdiepie you are really fiending for those sub numbers. You're not funny nor entertaining, you are literally some scandinavian faggot that has to whore himself out to get views.

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I don't even bother to watch this cringy motherfucker, but he sure is lucky to have a fiance who's adapted to his bullshit. Why would someone bother if he's against a fucking Indian YouTube channel, just let it be.

The girlfriend showed me him in 2012, i found him an obnoxious whinny cunt, however i hate fucking shitskins, watch everyone unsubscribe once the fight is over...

you're posting on Yea Forums. i got bad news for you...

I haven't seen t-series forcing kids to sub to them and make 12 alt accounts to sub. I wonder why

what if i dont want to subscribe to either of them because youtube sucks a bag of dicks

Sorry, I don't sub to faggots who scream into a mic like a retard. Bro fist your arse.

actually yes

Thought he hated jews

Isn't that the guy who makes faces and yells while playing games