StamperTV and the Jason Chronicles

>reddit discussion
>related twitter posts
>related videos

Stamper let a crazy homeless woman in his house who claims to have people hunting her down. She does chores in exchange and a weird relationship develops between them while red flags raise left and right.

Attached: stampy no.png (425x458, 257K)

Other urls found in this thread:

But is this animated?

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I'm fuckin scared man the last thing I want to hear is Stamper getting shot dead. Apparently the woman drew 2 glocks at one point.

Attached: 2 glocks one stamper.png (613x509, 314K)

Then this is not Yea Forums. While I do find this interesting, it simply doesn't belong here.

When the mods inevitably nuke this thread, try or all of them have up and down sides, but should allow a thread like this. /qa/ is the slowest board and might be the best for something like this, but you will have to deal with a lot of weeb shitposting and you won't gather any new people there. /trash/ and Yea Forums don't care what you post, but they are NSFW boards and are fast. Yea Forums is Yea Forums and you know what you are getting into by posting there.

The man is (or was) a Newgrounds and Youtube animator as well as a voice actor. Yea Forums seems to be the place to discuss this even if it's e-celeb drama.

>Yea Forums seems to be the place to discuss this even if it's e-celeb drama.

While I do agree, the mods often don't see it that way. Just giving you a heads up that the nuke is probably coming.

>this one guy did a voice once that means we can make threads about whatever
Great I'll go make a Frasier thread because most of the cast did a Disney movie once

>The man is (or was) a Newgrounds and Youtube animator
A Frasier thread would be a nice change of pace imo


>>Is he going to make her eat a bowl of eggs before she leaves?

She is going to murder him or fuck him up because he'll start pushing buttons trying get a reaction

Please do

Why is Niles Crane the best character?

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Of all the e-celebs to find, she just had to end up with Stamper.

This is going to end up with cops, involved I just know it.

I wouldn't know I haven't actually had a chance to watch Frasier. I really should grab my friends copy tho, since he has been bothering me to watch it.

>Yea Forums

It's on Netflix

The dude's work is Yea Forums related. But it's mostly flash animation.

I guess if the crazy woman was Rebecca Sugar, there would be less questioning about whether or not it is Yea Forums related.

Apparently he took her phone and got a crackhead lecture when she caught on that he was mocking her

>>Nigga she has a fucking GUN

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In what society does that not begin with cops?

Oh shit you're right. Thx bb.

So , who is Stamper and what kind of work/stories does he do ?

by that logic, dan dildos bowel movements are Yea Forums

BTW for those who don't know, Stamper hasn't really been in the best mental and emotional state for at least a couple of months. He's constantly posting insane and worrisome posts on his twitter. Add the recent pink slip from Newgrounds and the recent events, I can't help but worry.

>dan dildos bowel movements are Yea Forums
If he actually make a tweet about it, then they actually are.

No problem, I've spent the last two weeks watching the entire thing, I'm on the last season now

>I can't help but worry.
For who ?

What saddens me is how Stamper could legitimately be a great voice actor professionally

who fucking cares

No, no they are not. Twitter screenshots from people related to Yea Forums things aren't Yea Forums unless they have news about Yea Forums things, and even then it's better to post an article with links.

He's worked with with animation.

He's one of the first (maybe even founding) members of Newgrounds and I think most of his stuff is still there.
He was also a member of the Sleepycabin crew with OneyNG, Psychicpebbles and Spazkid.
He also voices Hatty from Battleblock Theater and the narrator from Pit people

He got fired from Newgrounds? I thought he'd been living outside of Philadelphia for a few years now anyway.

Stamper broke the number 1 fucking rule
hes going to face repurcusions

Attached: 1327388353857_9668988.png (420x294, 26K)

>. Twitter screenshots from people related to Yea Forums things aren't /co
They are, now.
all I can find regarding him getting fired

But he hasn't stick his dick in her. Yet.

you just know
besides she already jacked him off for pills, the crazy already touched his dick

Yea Forums - e celebs

fuck off

>besides she already jacked him off for pills
What really ?

Yea Forums - E-Celebs and Celibates

This sounds like the plot for the next Terminator. How long before she reveals she’s from the future?

And they weren't even real

>Stamper was a member of staff at Newgrounds
also that pic of Stamper with hair is fucking disturbing

That told me literally nothing and now I have to wash the Reddit off. Oh well, can't wait to see the shitstorm when all of his "friends" and "fans" abandon him after he reveals his CP stash.

You need an excuse to take a shower?

I don't remember where I read this but iirc he got canned because of paperwork. Something about missing documents or laziness not filling the proper paperwork for employment.

>That entire collection of tweets
There is no way this ends well, either she's robbing Stamper or they're both getting embroiled in some terrible shit.
Fuck man, the guy used to be so loveable but you really can't help when someone is this set on destroying their life like this.

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Uh why not call the fucking police? That's literally their job. This is not some movie where you're Ryan Gosling and you need to protect this woman.

The tweets seems to imply he consider she is full of shit and is mostly playing along for the laugh.

>playing along for the laugh
this is how you get stabbed in your sleep

We are talking about the same guy who allegedly gave a hobo a ride in his car and proceeded to inform said hobo not to kill him with the hunting knife he has in the car.

> Yea Forums seems to be the place to discuss this even if it's e-celeb drama.
No, fuck off. I even regret arguing to let live-action capeshit in here.
This isn't comics and it isn't cartoons. Comics. Cartoons. Simple.

Attached: 4 you're gay.jpg (200x250, 17K)

Friendly reminder to report and ignore.

This is neither comics nor cartoons.

Someones personal life is offtopic shit that belongs on Yea Forums.

Friendly reminder to report and ignore.

Attached: 1.png (900x900, 689K)

someone still has to give Yea Forums the heads up.

Been doing the same. It was my Dad's favorite show and as a kid I thought he was nuts for liking it.
It's now my second favorite sitcom.

Yea Forums only having one mod that gives a fuck about the task he volunteered for, doesn't mean generic ragebait screencaps are Yea Forums.

Hopefully. Then you e-celeb circlejerking faggots will have one less excuse to shitpost with offtopic drivel here.

One seems overly concerned over the drawthread

no point in arguing since the people with the power to enforce the rules are either not vigilant enough to spot this thread or choose not to take action.

>someone still has to give Yea Forums the heads up.
No need to, since it's not about comics or cartoons.

It's related to Yea Forums if you think it is, even if it isn't.

>newfag trying too hard to fit in
Anything goes on Yea Forums mods don't give a fuck

You're on Yea Forums you fucking newfag.
>sperging out from your own stupidity

it isn't. now quit shitting up the thread spergo

I'm OP
This thread was moved to Yea Forums from Yea Forums like 10 minutes ago.

Stamper getting stabbed to death would fit in with his career

>Friendly reminder to report and ignore.
>This is neither comics nor cartoons can only post comics and cartoons on Yea Forums? How fucking young are Yea Forumsposters nowadays?