Transexuals have a mental illness

Transexuals have a mental illness.

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Yes, kiddo. EVERYONE who disagrees with you or isn't like you has a mental illness.

>liberalism is a mental disease
>faggots are mentally diseased
>Transexuals have a mental illness
>socialists are mentally ill
>Calling Trump the moron he is means you have a mental disorder

I mean, seriously Cleetus, I don't expect that much from you to begin with, but can you maybe GET A NEW FUCKING LINE once a decade?

Everything is correct except for your last point.

What's wrong is your flawed logic and misleading and inaccurate meme.

this one is moronic. being bilingual doesn't mean that there are only two languages in the world. all this proves is that you're not really thinking about the issue. you end up looking dumber than them.

Why does everyone drag Trump into things. I am not an American. American politics has nothing to do with the fact that a "chick with a dick" is a fucking degenerate with a mental illness.

Look between your legs. Pussy? Woman. Cock? Man. When you take your dog to the vet does he ask for the dogs pro nouns? No because that is stupid.

Said no one ever. You live in a false reality because you're dumb enough to believe propaganda. You likely failed at alot of things in your life and this is just another in a long line to come.

Here we have the pot calling the kettle black

Nice. Have not failed at anything and I have successfully made you mad so 10/10 would tell the truth again.

The false reality continues.

Jerking off to cartoons as wrecked your brain bud.

I'm sorry you feel that way. You should try Reddit. Better for the mentally ill.


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Nobody thinks that. You have a mental illness. Fuck off back to Legoland, you loopy cunt.

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I hope you die

umad bro?

Reel it in there a lil bit, sport. He needs a psycho rapist, not death. #Yea ForumsBEST

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Wow. Considering it's the republican supporters who are LITERALLY WAVING NAZI FLAGS I'm not sure how that pic makes any sense.

it's u that's mad, gobby. mad in the head.

Attached: this is the second and last gif of its kind aquired from a topic that no longer exists except for in (377x297, 265K)

all i can say is that all of the scientific research done on it agrees with you.

Which means they need help.

Under it's implications, Right would be Nazi Classic and the Left would be Nu Nazi.

Psychology != Science
They lack any empirical evidence of mechanisms. Not to say it isnt possible but it is what it is.

That's 4 LBTQwhatever flags rotated 90 degrees, Moron.

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>faggots are mentally diseased
Male of a species, trying to breed with another male.
>Transexuals have a mental illness
Member of a species trying to appear the wrong sex.
>socialists are mentally ill
Lazy useless fucks wanting to be given the rewards of society for doing nothing.
>Calling Trump the moron he is means you have a mental disorder
I'm no big fan of Zion Don, but they don't call him a moron, they screech at the clouds, at the behest of television.

That's... Not the way it works.

The right is Nazi.

The left is not.

Period, end of story.

In the sense the Euclidean geometry is both relative and irrelevant youre wrong

Rotated to make a fucking swastika, asshole. That's the objection and why it's misleading, idiot.

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The Russian shills are out in force today

Go to bed, Junior.

Right wing retards have a literal obsession with transgenders.
They literally never shut up about them, despite only representing a tiny minority of the population.

Why are you so obsessed OP?
You’re curious about them sexually aren’t you?
Admit it

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I see. Nothing intelligent to say to actually respond?

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Have you considered that taking no interest in persecuting mentally ill people is legitimate position that exists outside of the fallacious polar political paradigm you believe everything exists within? No, you haven't of course.

I don't argue with morons.
Good night, Skippy.

I mean, obviously this is true

This jpg originated in russia

Good for them I say.
It’s nice that they have a hobby

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I'm saying what the meme is implying is the left are a form of Nazis but instead of going after Jews, they go after white males.

I get it's BS. Just explaining it. Also the right aren't Nazis. There are Nazis that support the right but they're not all Nazi's. Some are them are just easily conned idiots that support someone because he plays on their insecurities and fears.

"Haha yes everyone I don't like is mad XD. Oh and how do we push our stupid ass ideas? How about we show the best picture that we can find to support us and the worst picture we can to support them." This goes for all sides of politics, just let people live their fucking lives man, if they wanna cut they're dick off who cares, it's not affecting you in any way

This is masterful

Fuck you, comrade. Putin sucks imported black cock on the daily and you're a sissy ass bitch.

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If the left would stop cramming them down our throats, forcing them into the spotlight, and attempting to change all the rest of society to accommodate their mental illness, maybe we could go back to ignoring these mentally ill individuals.

Yes it does those who speak more than two are multilingual.
adjective [ not gradable ] US
/bɑJˈlJŋ·ɡwəl, -ɡjə·wəl/
able to speak or using two languages:

Kate is bilingual.
a bilingual dictionary

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One person's actions doesn't represent the whole of a group you fucking retard. That's like saying that because David Duke supports Republicans that all Republicans are in the KKK.

Go fuck off in traffic and let the adults talk.

>made in russia. Their only valuable export

>go back to ignoring
Implying there was ever a time when the right weren’t obsessed with them.

Same with gays.
The loudest, most vitriolic homophobes have historically been closeted gays. I’m fact there is research that shows a correlation between homophobia and sexual arousal from looking at homosexual pornography.

The lady-boy doth protest too much methinks.
No need to hate yourself sister, just accept who you are.

Much love

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Why do people get so obsessed with things they see on the internet they dont like?

The left might not be able to meme but god damn it if memeing is the only thing the right know how to do. It's like whenever they are faced with facts they can't rebut the shit all over theirmother's basement and post the same tired ass memes.

It's an illness.


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Go wash your dress, Princess.

You accept the existence of multilingual individuals though.
You’re aren’t going to argue that there are only 2 languages.

You’ve backed yourself into a semantic corner there.

The idea of grouping by family is a social construct. Lots of animals don't group except to mate.
If being gay is genetic then yes that is natural. Though that guy looks like a total faggot.

Gender Dysphoria is a mental disorder. Cutting the dick off is an attempt at treatment when counseling and medication did not work.

A lot of things came out during the election that were hidden or not well known.

But when the KKK endorses Donald , and then when pressed, he refused to denounce their backing, that is tacet endorsement of the KKK, though.

Logic failure NPC. You have bugs in your programming

Oh I see. That makes sense.
Carry on being angry over a thing that has nothing to do with you when you probably have shit to do.

The world's weird user, if it wasn't this it would be something else. Ignore it if you dont like it.

It's at the cleaners. I've only got the one, for fancy times.

but when people refer to being bisexual they are always referring to being attracted to males and females. Bilingual individuals could speak any two languages.

Ok? I don't know what point you're trying to make. It still doesn't mean the whole lot are. I'm not arguing that Trump is racist.

You’re right.
Universal Healthcare SHOULD be available for all. I totally agree with you.

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>Grouping by family is a social construct
>Because most animals don't.
Bruh, this has nothing to with trans or anything but you are u believably wrong.. there are social animals and there are Independant animals...

We are social.. we are driven by instinct to be together and live in communes, and yes even have close families as there's an evolutionary advantage in having two parents around...

Whether you have a nuclear family or an Irish Catholic family is cultural.. but not having a family in general

Thank you for assuming I have better shit to do. Have a pleasant night, user.

This should be Donald Trump with AOC or Pelosi as Mickey.

>The right is Nazi.
>The left is not.
Yet the left is obsessed with predicting exactly when whites will become minorities in their own countries. All while saying they have no right to exist in those countries in the first place. That's some pretty deep seated hate from 'non-Nazis'...

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But the Republicans aren't denouncing their support. They need to speak up and EXPLICITLY condemn their racist attitudes and support. Otherwise they're implicitly accepting it and behind the scenes actively accepting it.

You're welcome I guess.

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We accomplished nothing today, but it's alright. Tomorrow is a new day full of promise.

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There are very good very good reasons why we started grouping. Better protection, being able to pass on knowledge, divvying up tasks for group survival. But to say it is some sort of objective behavior is wrong. We started doing it cause it help survival.
Its not something bad to do, grouping made us what we are. But it is a social construct.

But that doesn't make it any less true.

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If the leader of a group supports a position, and you identify as a member of that group, then it’s not a stretch to say that you, as a supporting member of that group, support that position.

Logic fail again, NPC. Update your programming

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That's a generalization, bisexuality does not NECESSARILY mean attracted to only the "male" or "female" genders. When I say necessary I mean it in the logical sense. As in your statement is fallacious.

>an intalectchewal

Attached: Y'know wud I mean.jpg (404x402, 21K)

he's just not a gun nut

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Now That's What I Call

Trump Turds have literally no constructive way to look at the country. They are all driven by their hatred towards migrants, liberals, gays, blacks and scientists. They want to go back to the 50ies, when everybdy was conforming. They think it was a better time then. To me it was not.

Eat you own shit, Donald.

> ib4 gay nigger: I'm a white Christian, I just prefer personal freedom over phoney conformism


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The right has taken such a position because the left has been openly attacking whites since 2012ish and it's gotten worse every year. Migrants are a weapon against whites, they displace us and if all goes well for the left, they will replace us demographically or completely. The left literally wants to destroy free speech and have in their circles, you conform to what they want or you're ostracized. The left is not fighting Nazis, they are fighting regular conservative or even classic liberal, white people.

>Can you spot what's wrong?
Yeah. The fact you insinuate that the left side are viewed as 'cis scum', when pretty much nobody thinks that way. The fact that you chose a candid festival image of the guy on the right and a photoshoot image of the family, making the comparison non-representative (as I 100% guarantee that, unless the guy is an entertainer, he doesn't look like that in day to day life), and the fact that you compiled all this wrongness and labelled it liberal logic in an express attempt to propagandise like a fucking asshole.

>The left literally wants to destroy free speech.
Nah, you just don't like that we hold you accountable for the shit you spout, such as:
>The left has been openly attacking whites ...
Give me an example. I want to see what you consider an open attack on whites and what constitutes 'the left' n your estimation.

from what i've seen, dems and repubs are basically the same dumb shit sold different ways any more. the two party system needs to be broken if any actual progress is going to be made in america. good luck with that, though. far too much mone- i mean "FREE SPEECH" in the way for that to happen.

You hold me to nothing faggot, I live far from where you have any influence. And you must be a complete ass if you don't see the assault on whiteness that's been going on for years. SJW shit, PC shit, white characters replaced with black, 24/7 interracial couples on the MSM, article after article about 'ending white supremacy' which is cleverly worded, mass immigration into Europe that they don't even bother calling refugees anymore, a constant battle to enforce immigration laws and even here 24/7 there are 15 photoshopped nigger dicks floating down the catalog... How's your hometown doing? How would you feel if you watched it go from 85% white to 10% and watched your family and all the people you have ever known get scattered across the frozen Midwest? This assault has been going on for decades, it went hot in 2012 and it's about to go nuclear if people don't open their eyes.

>You hold me to nothing
If one of my employees lies like you, they get fired. The you was an implied 'you fucking idiots thinking you can say anything without repercussions', because that's not what free speech is about. You are free to say what you like, and other people are free to judge you for it.

>Policies designed to stop you from shitting on others are an attack on whites.
Not unless the fact of being white intrinsically includes being a dick.

>All my opinions are reality.
Also no.

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No actual Liberal thinks this way. Fringe retards do. Why does everything need to be in extremes? Protip: If you leave the queers alone, they'll stop whining.

Great job, you covered the first sentence... And no, no one would get fired for saying what they want around here, that's what free speech actually is. And no one 'shits' on eachother, without a holier than thou jew mindslave leftist, monitoring everything they say. I'm fucking done speaking with you, so no need to respond. Hopefully we'll meet again when the civil war starts and I can turn you into Swiss cheese. Bitch.

Everyone who is alive deserves health care as a right to live! Except babies who are born, then we should kill them, because it's her body, her choice. So put that part of her body in the closet till it stops screaming.
- liberals 2019

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Neck yourself.

Well I mean there is nothing wrong with abortion, a fetus is not a child. Jesusfag.

>Well I mean there is nothing wrong with abortion, a fetus is not a child. Jesusfag.

When, in your mind, does it become a child?
Assuming I agree you. Fine whatever. Can you explain the babies left in closets after they're born? Yknow.... not the fetuses? Or are the words too difficult to comprehend?

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Here's where you just aligned yourself with, you fucking burnt nugget. But thanks for showing, that there'll be just as much tears in 2020 as there were in 2016

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How the actual fuck is this in anyway liberal logic? Denying reality has nothing to do with liberalism degenerate nigger. kys

who the fuck cares about some blob of flesh that "could" be a person, is it abortion everytime u jack in to a sock? Only diffrence is 9 month, faggot.

That's a bronie

Fuck, you're stupid.

yeah, that load of horseshit didn't happen. Cute try though. Please attempt to convince people how aborted fetuses are sold for millions of dollars as ingredients in vaccines by Planned Parenthood next. That one is my favorite.

Degeneration became fashion and now it's cool to be a monster. Invented genres, fucking people in animals disguise, tattoos all over the face...

4 Chan needs a new board called /fgt/ obviously for poo pushing degenerates, this includes traps. Please so Yea Forums can restore a tiny bit of its former glory.

Spike Lee is a racist dumb nigger to begin with. He’s also an enormous asshole.

Exaggerations, false attributions, and straw man attacks are literally all the right has. They can't defend any of the Republicans or Trump's policies or things they say and do, so that leaves "muh cucks", "muh Killery", "muh Obama" and so on.

Pretty fucking pathetic, actually.

Attention, please give me attention...

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Yea Forums will never be Yea Forums again until the subhuman shills from /pol/ are banned and we do an IP range ban on Russia.

Right, because people never change their views as new evidence is presented, right?

Nice fucking try, Ivan. We ALL know who you are now. There's no point in trying to claim that "russia" is fake news anymore.

>liberalism is a mental disease
False. Mental retardation is NOT considered a mental disease according to the DSM. It is a separate diagnosis.

As a bi man, I absolutely despise the LGBT

being a loud obnoxious attention whore dressed in peacock colors isn't exclusive to gay and trans people. have you ever met a chad? oh and btw most families are fucked too. stop cherry picking

I can spot what's wrong: That image is made by an idiot for idiots.

the photoshop looks so fucking fake


Gender dysphoria is known as a type of autism. Honestly believe they're fucking retards.
Also, notice all the npcs auto assuming that OP is right winged?

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None of them are, despite butthurt retarded right wingers claiming they are. That's the point.

they all do.

If gender is a social construct then homosexuals dont actually exist. Since homosexuality is gender based.


Homosexuals relationships are an abomination, but every couple having their own sissy fuckslave wouldn't be the worst thing in the world.

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post sauce, faggot.

I miss when Yea Forums wasn't a debacle debate. Why can't we just poke fun at trannys and call it a day? All these feelings and cares for what?

Yea Forums told Facebook that they meme'd a president into office, and the dumb fucks believed us. Sorry user, but can't take back what's been done.
It also doesn't help that we took in all of those tumblr refugees after their pizza got banned

>I miss when Yea Forums wasn't a debacle debate. Why can't we just poke fun at trannys and call it a day? All these feelings and cares for what?
What happened to fags, trannies, kikes and dykes had to be put under like the rabid animals they are?

according to alex jones and "dont tread on me" cucks maybe

>doesnt acknowledge basic shapes
>yOuR tHe MoRoN

What people don't realise is how many Nationalist blogs were on there that got shitcanned too.

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Greentext was right, you should have stopped there you mentally ill individual

really good job guys, instead of having a meaningful discussion just call eachother idiots that'll show em you're right

>be american
>think liberal, leftist and progressive are the same thing
>humiliate self on mongolian embroidery forum

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The prefix BI says it all, faggot. Kill yourself retard haha

Liberalism is a disease.

i bet someone photoshops this the other way around. conservicucks are unoriginal and do not know how to meme