Which dyke do you wreck first and how?
Which dyke do you wreck first and how?
pile drive the fucking fatty, the skinny one will start to think "why her not me i'm prettier.". don't clean my dick and fuck the skinny no ass no tit one.
she's got an ass, just not a lake of spankable lard like her fat friend
whichof skinny bitch's holes gets violates first with fatty's drippings?
She's kind of cute.
dem udders
her mouth. Best thing in the world that look on their face but they don't want to be rude and ask why your dick tastes weird. Did it to an ex of mine a few times.
Cute in that kind of way where you'd love to see that black hair tousled and her face red with humiliation and wet with tears and she's put up for public auction wearing nothing but an iron collar after somehow finding herself sent back in time
after that pic, yes she does have a slight ass.
Big one first, thin one I save for dessert.
is this one of them incel threads I keep hearing about
Do I get a choice of vehicle? I might need a garbage truck if I choose the left one.
With me there wouldn't be any confusing as skinny is forced to lap my cock as it slides in and out of her friends fat steaming cunt, and then gets jammed down skinny's throat while she's still in between her friends quivering hamhocks
well. damn. I was wrong. I'd angry wall fuck her.
Actually no.
You know God's drunk when he puts an ass designed purely for hard spanking and being ravaged by a giant hard cock on a tiny 5 foot pixie dyke
Sending feminists and lesbians back to ancient times to get crushed under the wheel of those societies is just a "me" thing I guess
left one .
Nice tits , pale skin ... probably full and plump pussy
what kind of question is that? just look at all the posts
makes me wish women somehow came with a pussy preview so you could see if either of these bitches have innies or roast beef curtains, clean shaven or wild bushes untamed since puberty, etc
i secretly have a petite fetish. and that ass and body would drive me to a divorce since my wife is a damn mammoth.
plow left in doggy style and never see her face.
grab her tits from behind as well.
cum and leave
she's a breeding cow
how would you keep this petite cuntlet? dress her up? costumes? keep her naked?
eh don't like that school girl shit. If anything some black lace and fishnet. Love them emo/goth women.
True. Women like this should be put on public display with their heads hidden behind a wall (maybe with camera and monitors displaying the looks on their faces for passerbys?) while their naked bodies are left exposed and bent over for public use by anyone.
I'm laughing at the image of her forced into fishnets and a black bodice like Raven from Teen Titans crossed with a Playboy Benny.
can't think of anyone who didn't have a crush and that moody bitch raven
Now is it better if she wants to dress up this way or forced to like the sullen dyke she seems to be in ?
dat armpit hair
Depends, is this someone I've gotten to know personally over a few months maybe a year or so? or is this just bam right now at the moment? Cause to be honest, i'm a piece of shit, i can live with fucking her like a worthless whore and leaving, maybe even on the verge of forced into it. But if i know her i'd prefer her to still believe that i'm a good human being, since its the front i put on daily and she might know the people i'm around as well.
exactly. The prettiest,tightest pussy I ever had was on a chubby girl . So glad I took a chance on fucking her
More the first but I can definitely empathize with the latter
the tightest pussy i've ever had was a tall bitch with 3 kids. might have pics from her shitty phone if anyone wants em.
gib !!!
I am interested .
I could definitely stand to hear more about what the worst you'd do to her in a spontaneous turn her into worthless whore situation..
if its the first then na, she would have to be full board. I'd pull the whole, "oh baby lets get you out of that and just cuddle" spend a few minutes telling her how pretty she was and holding her. When secretly all I wanted was to fucking cum in the worthless cunt. But once again appearances, nothing is secret anymore.
let me see if i can find em, had them hidden on my porta drive so the wife didn't find em lol.
The skinny one is no fun
Brave choice. How would you slam that piggy?
Just look at dem tits
it should be a federal offense if those fat udders haven't ever been actually milked
shes a walking hucow and doesn't even know it
Seriously, what's the appeal? Is it just the massive milkers? Because I actually kinda like her kind homely face.
for me it's the pale skin , boobs and chub (very pleasing to the touch )
also that nice fat round belly hanging low as you breed her from behind
Any ass or foot pics
The girl on the right is genuinely very cute
As much as I like fat-tittied plain looking slampigs, I can't get over her down syndrome face.
Androbot on right seems genuinely cute in some photos and she seems like she has a nice ass and hips
the tightest pussy i've ever had was a 30-40 something married asian muslim milf (maybe PH?)
I felt like a fucking king kong cock man.
She was so tiny and small pussy.
That's also considering i've fucked 18-19 year old korean and japanese girls virgin