YLYL rekt edition
YLYL rekt edition
Other urls found in this thread:
That wood of hurt
wood HAVE* you absolute dipshit
my best friend Plank
*would have
You absolute cretin
dude. do you have autism?
yes. do you?
Heyyy...he was behind of this..
I finger my self and then smel it
wheres the funny
That wood have hurt ahaha
Wood you think that hurt?
He's got wood
He's got a friend in him
I wood have thought so
Wood you?
I wood never had guessed
How did he died?
Stop it
My sides are literally in orbit
Got wood splinters in his brain
this confuses me
I literally made the exact same joke and you say only his joke is underrated?
How much did he suck your cock to make that comment you faggot
It's WOULD you retards.
Wood is the material that comes from trees
Wood is common colloquial and often used in place of would.
>I wood like to buy a hamburger.
I bet everyone understood my intention that I wanted to purchase a hamburger.
I say it all the time and never had problems until I came to this autistic thread.
I thought you wanted to fuck a hamburger
I spell it wud cos ama black
Now try looking up aspergers
Wood you politely fuck off
Good for you Tyrone good for you
Hiw does "i wood like to buy a hamburger" sound like "i wanna fuck a hamburger"?
nerve gas
Jonny had enough of Rolf's shit.
He looks bored
Fencing champion
6.62607004 × 10-34 m2 kg / s
>Kkk dog fucker
Op here guys, not happy with how this thread has turned up and wood plankly appreciate you took this ambivalent drama elsewhere. Very disappointed. Wrap it up boys
Wood you consume some of Andy Sixxs fecal matter?
wood be honored
it's just a spam bot spamming on ylyl threads to scam you
are you an autism?
Steven Colbert is an insufferable faggot.
Lol blacks can't internet
nigger user, why did you use your nigger card like a whore using the woman using the woman card? Be an user and stfu.
Killed the pig with electric shock. Guy holding pig with wire got shocked too. He ded
you see, this shit is why reddit is better than Yea Forums
reddit is shit. I went to that site 2 years ago to check it out for the first time and I got banned and blocked from everything.
far, far too much censorship.
The content wasn't even that good in the first place, and I was like "really? i have to go through all this shit for this crap content?"
Nice wood.