Daily reminder

Daily reminder

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only for a maximum allotment of years user.

One more year till four more glorious years

Time is running out.

and then don't have to deal with his retarded policies ever again.

and then we can bask in the memories of screaming autistic retards and 8 years of the best president ever

Daily reminder that our wannabe dictator in chief fucks flags.

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>bask in the memories
you guys can't even remember what he said last week, and you expect me you will remember this shit show?

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le epic meme

Your mom says your tendies are ready you emotionally stunted retard.

>and you expect me you will remember this shit show?
Watch out guys, the intellectuals have landed

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uh oh, just then a wild libtard appeared
cry more kiddo

OP is still a dipshit.

I'll given the user you replied to that. We'll be hearing about Trump long after he's out of office by retarded fan boys that don't even sense the irony of their own actions.

>Everyone that notices my clear lack of mental capabilities is a libtard.

you know who andrew johnson was?

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expect me to believe*
jethus qwist user, shit happens when you're shitposting

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see now you get it

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No, I get your point but this is a meme president. He'll at least linger on a few years beyond irrelevancy.

Democracy btw

>He'll at least linger on a few years beyond irrelevancy.
well yeah, i mean we still barely hear about Truman, but we hear about FDR, Eisenhower, Carter lightly, then nixon, reagan and HW are becoming less talked about. i mean maybe 20 years, but then he will just be another symbol of when america makes poor choices, eventually to being just forgotten.

One think I'll give the libs, at least they only cry when they're losing. Reps started out dominating all sections of government and were still crying and bitching. DJT is president and can't go a day without whining like a little fucking child about how unfairly he's treated.

trumps a fag, his supporters are cuck suckers

Go back to pol fagaloid

not for long

you're conflating the god emperor with ordering coke instead of Pepsi now, as analogies go that's pretty weak.
I know you can do better

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im comparing a shit level president with other modern era presidents. i know it's hard because he is one of the worst, but you gatta bare with me user.

I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you're trolling. Anyone that thinks Trump is a legit a good person, let alone a god emperor, is fucking delusional and clearly pays more attention to the propaganda around the man over the man himself. If you can even call him a man.

Trump: Beep beep I love trucks.

You just can't handle the truth because you didn't get what you wanted, life's going to be so hard for you if you sperg out everytime that happens

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LOL, whatever you say, sport. Enjoy your meme president while he lasts.

Have you already forgot Dubya? he was literally the worst president ever

not really user. he even at least served in the coast guard.

Yeah he did, never saved anyone though, can't for the life of me think why

Attached: dubya.jpg (468x338, 51K)

Short of being slow and having a hand in 9/11, George Dubs is fantastic compared to Trump. At least George Dubs took advice from those that knew more than him.

probably the same reason cadet bone spurs was dealing with his own personal vietnam, hookers and blow.

>claim to be an expert deal maker
>Can't make a single deal

He must have been busy then, being that the average 5 year old had more brain than he did

>being that the average 5 year old had more brain than he did
are you somehow suggesting that is somehow worse than the 3 year old brain we currently have?

I'd rather have a president with a toddler mentality that's willing to take advice from those that know more than one that thinks they know everything.

yeah he's such a loser
Billionaire - check
Hot wife to bone - check
most powerful person on the planet - check
stay mad

>most powerful person on the planet - check
america gave up that illusionistic title when they let india and pakistan have enough nukes to destroy the world.

lol no, i live in the civilised world

>Not as rich as he claims to be. Would be nowhere without his father's money.
>Only reason his so-so wife stays with him if because the money he does have. Probably cucks him all the time.
>Not even the most powerful person with a 5 mile radius of himself at any given time.

Bait someone else, you sad delusional troll.

You can't be the "most powerful person on the planet" AND suck dictator cock.

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honestly user, just sad, that someone can live so detached from reality user.

Fitting you idiots malfunction into tired ass memes when presented with an argument you can't defend, given the fact that you support a meme president.


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He's 100% some autistic troll that thinks he's actually making anyone mad over his retarded bullshit.

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God of Jack shit. And Jack left the country.

is that around the times you think america was great? the feudal age?

oh yeah, you're not mad at all kid, we can all see that, uh huh

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It's cool I'm glad we finally have a prayer that embraces juche thought


>proves my point for me.

Thanks for the assist but I had it covered.

>He responded so that means he's mad.



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The only thing that's covered is the floor with your endless flood of liberal tears

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oh, i get it, he's pulling a jacob wohl

go back to the pol section whatever teh president policy doesn't change much

lobbies pay n fund both

yeah and you stick to your fur and trap threads fag

what about the people who live in the civilised world who love trump because he humiliates america on a daily basis?
i mean he's the biggest political laughingstock in the history of the world, what's not to love?
this is where you say "ur jealous europoor shithole country" or some other equally precedential retort

Look at that healthy jowel. If only he could squeeze in even more golfing to get healthier

Like how you all cried over our Kenyan president?

Your a europoor, I'm sad for you, no really

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Lol nope. Macky Sall is my president

All?, unlike democucks and libtards in general I have an IQ higher than the number of big toes I have so I accepted that democracy thing you lot hate because you lost and got on with life - like you can't because little butthurt baby didn't get its own way


Shh...It's ok when their "side" does things.

You must be a huge Rick and Morty fan. You have to have a pretty high IQ to get the references and inside jokes

I've got a high IQ. Some people say it's the highest IQ they ever saw. I know all the best words.


The same demographic that called for Obama to show his long form birth certificate and college records and claimed he was a secret Kenyan Muslim are the same people who think Trump is great.

The ones who think late-term abortions are a thing people get casually instead of as a delivery for miscarriages and life threatening issues to the mother.

Given your sample size of what? a few dumbfucks that the clown news network stuck a camera in front of? jesus you're dumber than I first thought

Indicative you live close to a coast

Nice deflection, run out of things that msnpc told you on the news?

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I’m sure there was 8 years of Obama memes that looked the same.. In 18 months we’ll see who’s stepping in next..

Four more glorious years will be stepping in, can't wait to see which turd the demofags put up next to get utterly rekt by the god emperor

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Why would you elect a chemist to lead a country? They aren't related at all lol.

I'm British though?

Fraud Emperor.

>uses a watch to know
Ay-yup, them redhats is the dumbest creatures on earth. Can't meme to save their useless souls.

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Hair Führer!

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Scotland repudiates him. England doesn't.