Why don't you own a fully automatic SBR /b

Why don't you own a fully automatic SBR /b.

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because i have an average sized dick, and don't have a need to overcompensate.

I don't need the ATF to come to my house and shoot my dogs.

because its illegal

also,by sbr.you mean those shitty nigger draco type guns?

agreed, thas why im fucken all the fine ass 15-16 y/o girls i want and my full auto says fu pigs an parents

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You'll shoot your eye out.

Because I am European and it is extremely unlikely i will ever need it in my life. Also, that quote is beyond retarded. Laws are in place for the sole purpose of taking away the individuals highly subjective notion of what is right or wrong. Society depends on common laws.

Because I live in civilized Europe and not the shitehole of the USA

If I knew where to get one I would

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You just make one.

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Civilized Europe?? Over run with gang raping Muslims, communist, socialist and nasty ass African niggers. A fag infested den of semi male men? I'll stick with America with my SBR's and 2nd Amendment.

Found an ammosexual nazi

Almost feel sorry for you Euro pussies. Once the Muslim hordes get through fucking all your women and sheep, they will come for your defenseless asses.

didnt you guys have two world wars in a generation? and conflict for centuries before that? seems like if anyone should have weapons stashed it should be Euros. also the muslim invasion makes me think you will need them before the Yanks

Jefferson never said that. Look it up dipshit.

>hurr durr 2nd ammendment

yeah,sadly.protecting your 2nd ammendment only matters when the democrats are president,seeing as how donald trump has passed not one,but two gun control bills.all while republicans stick their thumbs up their ass and pretend like nothing happened

Usasians are so funny because they are delusional
Do you not have a school or church for blacks to massacre?

This quotation has not been found in Thomas Jefferson's papers. It has been suggested that it is a paraphrase of Jefferson's statement in the Declaration of Independence, "...whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government...," although such a paraphrase would seem to be taking some radical liberties with the original version. The quotation bears a much closer resemblance to Martin Luther King, Jr.'s comment in his famous letter from Birmingham Jail: "One has not only a legal but a moral responsibility to obey just laws. Conversely, one has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws.