Need to lose weight fast in 2 months, my doctors dontgive me much time, whats the best way, help

need to lose weight fast in 2 months, my doctors dontgive me much time, whats the best way, help

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stop eating you fat cunt

Don't eat.

keto diet

drink water and go outside for a change

No McDonald's no soda, thank me later

Eat fewer calories than your lifestyle requires and drink lots of water. Might want to look into intermediate fasting, e.g. skip breakfast and only eat between 02pm and 08pm.

When you drive to the shops... Walk.
When you pick up a snickers bar... Instead pick up an apple.

Etc etc.
Literally that easy.

Listen to me if you really care you will do this because this is literally the easiest fucking diet out there (its not a diet its a way of eating). Fast for 1 day straight. Then the next day eat your entire dinner+a snack all at the same time (between 2 hour period) making it ~2000 calories. This is called OMAD. Ask yourself, why do humans eat 3 meals a day. You can look into it, good luck

>Much time

How overweight are you? I mean, hell. I've seen men more obese than you that were much older. Do you have other health conditions? Diabetes? What did they mean by "not much time"? Like have you already had a heart attack once?

Meth, not kidding

Nope, your still not dead. Going to keep making these threads for ever? You've being doing it for years now.

You're fine. Go treat yourself to some McDonald's. Super size it too. You deserve it.

Intermittent fasting, keto diet, light to moderate exercise.

Fasting. I had one meal a day for two weeks and ended up losing 15lbs easy. If you keep the carbs low it can be much more.

Go to the gym and stop eating so much fat count

Yeah stop sucking so much blood fat count

Literally this OP check it out honestly.

Ok. You need to control your eating. If you need help doing this, and hear me out, do a little bit of cocaine. Just a little nose hit once a day. Cocaine is more the less the same as prescription diet pills that control hunger. If you feel like you can control your hunger PLEASE DISREGARD.

EXERCISE. Cardio is important but not as important as you might think. Dont kill yourself trying to constantly jog you'll burn yourself out quick. Just walk everyday if you can. Get a step counter and try for at least 6000 steps a day.

Weight train. This will help burn more calories than cardio, even running. You'll end up feeling stronger with more energy down the line. Even if it's just some simple free weights do it.


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>whats the best way,

Keep your mouth shut in the dining table!

Every kcal goes in through there. You'll NEVER get enough excercise to counter a bad, energy-rich diet.

1) Find out calorie contents of foods, veggies are great for anyone wanting to lose weight.

2) Eat as little as you can, but at least 1000 kcal a day.

3) Keep doing this until you are not fat anymore!

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80% Diet
20% Exercise

Find a diet that works out for you and do that.

spambot thread. you can relax advicefags...
