I've been in a WONDERFUL relationship with my girlfriend for about a year now. I love her to death and she loves me back.
Everyone has their fantasies and mine has always been cheating. I've never done it but its was always a fantasy. Lately, that fantasy has been extremely overpowering. It's one thing that gets me off. Idk why, maybe because its taboo and forbidden, I dont know.
Well, I downloaded tinder one night because the idea of just swiping and hypothetically matching with a girl to fuck really gets me off. Problem is I actually matched with someone. We were just bullshitting and long story short, she wants to fuck.
Now, my fantasy is REALLY coming to a head. She wants to meet Wednesday to fuck.
Yea Forums I love my girlfriend and want to marry her but my fantasy desire is seeming to take control of me. I want to cheat because its taboo and forbidden but I dont want to because I love my girl.
Inb4 >if you love your girl you wont cheat I'll die for this girl and fucking some random woman wont change that
Pic of your gf as context? So we know If she is hotter than that tinder girl?
Ethan Sullivan
My girlfriend is very beautiful. Both girls are.
Evan Long
What do I do :/
Juan Johnson
That chick is pretty weird looking dude. I feel like you might be left with a deep sense of regret and self disgust.
Daniel Bennett
seek therapy. don’t do it.
Ryder Ward
Clearly you don't love her enough to respect her boundaries.
Based on what you've said, whether or not you love her won't be the deciding factor, it's whether or not she loves you after you violate her trust. You aren't entitled to her affection, and if you do this, and she leaves you, you'll deserve it.
Kevin Gonzalez
You are definitely right and I do not want to experience that
Hudson Allen
Fuck a whore before cheat with another girl, she could ruin your relationship
Adrian Long
Let me talk from experience about hiding shit. It will tear you apart inside if you have a conscious. I suggest doing you best to not go through with this. If you cannot maintain control on your on, this includes telling your significant other that this is a fantasy of yours and that you think you are losing control.
I would also seriously ask yourself if there feels like there is something missing from your relationship, or was this a fantasy before the relationship?
Michael Moore
Yes pussy do it you won’t regret it
Evan Mitchell
Fap and then immediately think about whether you still think it's a good idea.
Jonathan Hughes
It was a fantasy before my relationship
Parker Murphy
>Inb4 >>if you love your girl you wont cheat you said it user, you don't need us, if you love someone you don't cheat, that's it
Owen Bailey
I just want more nudes of the girl. Probs ur gf's too.
Ryder Cruz
What do you want. Ass, pussy?
Oliver Wilson
Dont do it user, this shit never ends well
Nolan Green
Both, first pussy
Kayden Wright
Talk to your girl, and see if she'll put on a wig and meet you at a shady motel? Some roleplaying might go a long way?
OP. I have been in a relationship for 6 years now and i love my gf more than i could ever love anything. I have nothing to complain about, she is perfect, really.
I cheated on her on several occasions. We got together when we were about 16 and i was a shy guy with little confidence. As soon as i found out how to flirt and that my advances on other girls actually worked, i felt ecstatic.
I've been flirting with other girls on a daily basis, kissed many and fucked a few. But in conclusion, that small fantasy and the short ego boost is not worth feeling the guilt everyday. If my mind were just a bit weaker, I would've already confessed and ruined both our lives.
I've been trying for a few months now to not do anything with other girls. I fail miserably.
Just don't. Appreciate what you have.
Brandon Gomez
doesn't make it any better or justify it. go ask for help. you'll regret it for the rest of your life if you don't
Joseph Perez
Wanting to fuck other women doesn't necessarily have to do with the quality of your relationship. Of course, having relationship problems doesn't help, but you can have a great relationship, including sex life, and still want sex with other women. It's just human nature.